@ -67,153 +67,152 @@ DEFINE_double(error_tolerance, 0.01, |
"range is narrower than the error_tolerance computed range, we " |
"stop the search."); |
namespace grpc { |
namespace testing { |
static std::unique_ptr<ScenarioResult> RunAndReport(const Scenario& scenario, |
bool* success) { |
std::cerr << "RUNNING SCENARIO: " << scenario.name() << "\n"; |
auto result = |
RunScenario(scenario.client_config(), scenario.num_clients(), |
scenario.server_config(), scenario.num_servers(), |
scenario.warmup_seconds(), scenario.benchmark_seconds(), |
scenario.spawn_local_worker_count()); |
// Amend the result with scenario config. Eventually we should adjust
// RunScenario contract so we don't need to touch the result here.
result->mutable_scenario()->CopyFrom(scenario); |
GetReporter()->ReportQPS(*result); |
GetReporter()->ReportQPSPerCore(*result); |
GetReporter()->ReportLatency(*result); |
GetReporter()->ReportTimes(*result); |
GetReporter()->ReportCpuUsage(*result); |
for (int i = 0; *success && i < result->client_success_size(); i++) { |
*success = result->client_success(i); |
} |
for (int i = 0; *success && i < result->server_success_size(); i++) { |
*success = result->server_success(i); |
} |
return result; |
namespace grpc { |
namespace testing { |
static std::unique_ptr<ScenarioResult> RunAndReport(const Scenario& scenario, |
bool* success) { |
std::cerr << "RUNNING SCENARIO: " << scenario.name() << "\n"; |
auto result = |
RunScenario(scenario.client_config(), scenario.num_clients(), |
scenario.server_config(), scenario.num_servers(), |
scenario.warmup_seconds(), scenario.benchmark_seconds(), |
scenario.spawn_local_worker_count()); |
// Amend the result with scenario config. Eventually we should adjust
// RunScenario contract so we don't need to touch the result here.
result->mutable_scenario()->CopyFrom(scenario); |
GetReporter()->ReportQPS(*result); |
GetReporter()->ReportQPSPerCore(*result); |
GetReporter()->ReportLatency(*result); |
GetReporter()->ReportTimes(*result); |
GetReporter()->ReportCpuUsage(*result); |
for (int i = 0; *success && i < result->client_success_size(); i++) { |
*success = result->client_success(i); |
} |
static double GetCpuLoad(Scenario* scenario, double offered_load, |
bool* success) { |
scenario->mutable_client_config() |
->mutable_load_params() |
->mutable_poisson() |
->set_offered_load(offered_load); |
auto result = RunAndReport(*scenario, success); |
return result->summary().server_cpu_usage(); |
for (int i = 0; *success && i < result->server_success_size(); i++) { |
*success = result->server_success(i); |
} |
static double BinarySearch(Scenario* scenario, double targeted_cpu_load, |
double low, double high, bool* success) { |
while (low <= high * (1 - FLAGS_error_tolerance)) { |
double mid = low + (high - low) / 2; |
double current_cpu_load = GetCpuLoad(scenario, mid, success); |
gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "Binary Search: current_offered_load %.0f", mid); |
if (!*success) { |
gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Client/Server Failure"); |
break; |
} |
if (targeted_cpu_load <= current_cpu_load) { |
high = mid - FLAGS_stride; |
} else { |
low = mid + FLAGS_stride; |
} |
} |
return result; |
} |
return low; |
} |
static double GetCpuLoad(Scenario* scenario, double offered_load, |
bool* success) { |
scenario->mutable_client_config() |
->mutable_load_params() |
->mutable_poisson() |
->set_offered_load(offered_load); |
auto result = RunAndReport(*scenario, success); |
return result->summary().server_cpu_usage(); |
} |
static double SearchOfferedLoad(double initial_offered_load, |
double targeted_cpu_load, Scenario* scenario, |
bool* success) { |
std::cerr << "RUNNING SCENARIO: " << scenario->name() << "\n"; |
double current_offered_load = initial_offered_load; |
double current_cpu_load = |
GetCpuLoad(scenario, current_offered_load, success); |
if (current_cpu_load > targeted_cpu_load) { |
gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Initial offered load too high"); |
return -1; |
static double BinarySearch(Scenario* scenario, double targeted_cpu_load, |
double low, double high, bool* success) { |
while (low <= high * (1 - FLAGS_error_tolerance)) { |
double mid = low + (high - low) / 2; |
double current_cpu_load = GetCpuLoad(scenario, mid, success); |
gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "Binary Search: current_offered_load %.0f", mid); |
if (!*success) { |
gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Client/Server Failure"); |
break; |
} |
while (*success && (current_cpu_load < targeted_cpu_load)) { |
current_offered_load *= 2; |
current_cpu_load = GetCpuLoad(scenario, current_offered_load, success); |
gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "Binary Search: current_offered_load %.0f", |
current_offered_load); |
if (targeted_cpu_load <= current_cpu_load) { |
high = mid - FLAGS_stride; |
} else { |
low = mid + FLAGS_stride; |
} |
} |
double targeted_offered_load = |
BinarySearch(scenario, targeted_cpu_load, current_offered_load / 2, |
current_offered_load, success); |
return low; |
} |
return targeted_offered_load; |
static double SearchOfferedLoad(double initial_offered_load, |
double targeted_cpu_load, Scenario* scenario, |
bool* success) { |
std::cerr << "RUNNING SCENARIO: " << scenario->name() << "\n"; |
double current_offered_load = initial_offered_load; |
double current_cpu_load = GetCpuLoad(scenario, current_offered_load, success); |
if (current_cpu_load > targeted_cpu_load) { |
gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Initial offered load too high"); |
return -1; |
} |
static bool QpsDriver() { |
grpc::string json; |
bool scfile = (FLAGS_scenarios_file != ""); |
bool scjson = (FLAGS_scenarios_json != ""); |
if ((!scfile && !scjson && !FLAGS_quit) || |
(scfile && (scjson || FLAGS_quit)) || (scjson && FLAGS_quit)) { |
gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, |
"Exactly one of --scenarios_file, --scenarios_json, " |
"or --quit must be set"); |
abort(); |
} |
while (*success && (current_cpu_load < targeted_cpu_load)) { |
current_offered_load *= 2; |
current_cpu_load = GetCpuLoad(scenario, current_offered_load, success); |
gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "Binary Search: current_offered_load %.0f", |
current_offered_load); |
} |
if (scfile) { |
// Read the json data from disk
FILE* json_file = fopen(FLAGS_scenarios_file.c_str(), "r"); |
GPR_ASSERT(json_file != NULL); |
fseek(json_file, 0, SEEK_END); |
long len = ftell(json_file); |
char* data = new char[len]; |
fseek(json_file, 0, SEEK_SET); |
GPR_ASSERT(len == (long)fread(data, 1, len, json_file)); |
fclose(json_file); |
json = grpc::string(data, data + len); |
delete[] data; |
} else if (scjson) { |
json = FLAGS_scenarios_json.c_str(); |
} else if (FLAGS_quit) { |
return RunQuit(); |
} |
double targeted_offered_load = |
BinarySearch(scenario, targeted_cpu_load, current_offered_load / 2, |
current_offered_load, success); |
// Parse into an array of scenarios
Scenarios scenarios; |
ParseJson(json.c_str(), "grpc.testing.Scenarios", &scenarios); |
bool success = true; |
return targeted_offered_load; |
} |
// Make sure that there is at least some valid scenario here
GPR_ASSERT(scenarios.scenarios_size() > 0); |
static bool QpsDriver() { |
grpc::string json; |
bool scfile = (FLAGS_scenarios_file != ""); |
bool scjson = (FLAGS_scenarios_json != ""); |
if ((!scfile && !scjson && !FLAGS_quit) || |
(scfile && (scjson || FLAGS_quit)) || (scjson && FLAGS_quit)) { |
gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, |
"Exactly one of --scenarios_file, --scenarios_json, " |
"or --quit must be set"); |
abort(); |
} |
for (int i = 0; i < scenarios.scenarios_size(); i++) { |
if (FLAGS_search_param == "") { |
const Scenario& scenario = scenarios.scenarios(i); |
RunAndReport(scenario, &success); |
if (scfile) { |
// Read the json data from disk
FILE* json_file = fopen(FLAGS_scenarios_file.c_str(), "r"); |
GPR_ASSERT(json_file != NULL); |
fseek(json_file, 0, SEEK_END); |
long len = ftell(json_file); |
char* data = new char[len]; |
fseek(json_file, 0, SEEK_SET); |
GPR_ASSERT(len == (long)fread(data, 1, len, json_file)); |
fclose(json_file); |
json = grpc::string(data, data + len); |
delete[] data; |
} else if (scjson) { |
json = FLAGS_scenarios_json.c_str(); |
} else if (FLAGS_quit) { |
return RunQuit(); |
} |
// Parse into an array of scenarios
Scenarios scenarios; |
ParseJson(json.c_str(), "grpc.testing.Scenarios", &scenarios); |
bool success = true; |
// Make sure that there is at least some valid scenario here
GPR_ASSERT(scenarios.scenarios_size() > 0); |
for (int i = 0; i < scenarios.scenarios_size(); i++) { |
if (FLAGS_search_param == "") { |
const Scenario& scenario = scenarios.scenarios(i); |
RunAndReport(scenario, &success); |
} else { |
if (FLAGS_search_param == "offered_load") { |
Scenario* scenario = scenarios.mutable_scenarios(i); |
double targeted_offered_load = |
SearchOfferedLoad(FLAGS_initial_search_value, |
FLAGS_targeted_cpu_load, scenario, &success); |
gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "targeted_offered_load %f", targeted_offered_load); |
} else { |
if (FLAGS_search_param == "offered_load") { |
Scenario* scenario = scenarios.mutable_scenarios(i); |
double targeted_offered_load = |
SearchOfferedLoad(FLAGS_initial_search_value, |
FLAGS_targeted_cpu_load, scenario, &success); |
gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "targeted_offered_load %f", targeted_offered_load); |
} else { |
gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Unimplemented search param"); |
} |
gpr_log(GPR_ERROR, "Unimplemented search param"); |
} |
} |
return success; |
} |
return success; |
} |
} // namespace testing
} // namespace testing
} // namespace grpc
int main(int argc, char** argv) { |