[promises] Remove TryConcurrently - it was the wrong idea (#32298)
7 changed files with 0 additions and 795 deletions
@ -1,370 +0,0 @@ |
// Copyright 2022 gRPC authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <grpc/support/port_platform.h> |
#include <stddef.h> |
#include <cstdint> |
#include <string> |
#include <type_traits> |
#include <utility> |
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h" |
#include "absl/types/variant.h" |
#include <grpc/support/log.h> |
#include "src/core/lib/debug/trace.h" |
#include "src/core/lib/gprpp/construct_destruct.h" |
#include "src/core/lib/promise/activity.h" |
#include "src/core/lib/promise/detail/promise_like.h" |
#include "src/core/lib/promise/detail/status.h" |
#include "src/core/lib/promise/poll.h" |
#include "src/core/lib/promise/trace.h" |
namespace grpc_core { |
namespace promise_detail { |
template <typename Promise> |
struct Necessary { |
PromiseLike<Promise> promise; |
static constexpr bool must_complete() { return true; } |
}; |
template <typename Promise> |
struct Helper { |
PromiseLike<Promise> promise; |
static constexpr bool must_complete() { return false; } |
}; |
// A set of promises that can be polled concurrently.
// Fuses them when completed (that is, destroys the promise and records it
// completed).
// Relies on an external bit field to handle the recording: this saves a bunch
// of space, but means the implementation of this type is weird: it's really
// super tied to TryConcurrently and no attempt should be made to use this
// independently.
template <typename... Ts> |
class FusedSet; |
template <typename T, typename... Ts> |
class FusedSet<T, Ts...> : public FusedSet<Ts...> { |
public: |
explicit FusedSet(T&& x, Ts&&... xs) |
: FusedSet<Ts...>(std::forward<T>(xs)...) { |
Construct(&wrapper_, std::forward<T>(x)); |
} |
explicit FusedSet(T&& x, FusedSet<Ts...>&& xs) |
: FusedSet<Ts...>(std::forward<FusedSet<Ts...>>(xs)) { |
Construct(&wrapper_, std::forward<T>(x)); |
} |
// Empty destructor: consumers must call Destroy() to ensure cleanup occurs
~FusedSet() {} |
FusedSet(const FusedSet&) = delete; |
FusedSet& operator=(const FusedSet&) = delete; |
// Assumes all 'done_bits' for other are 0 and will be set to 1
FusedSet(FusedSet&& other) noexcept : FusedSet<Ts...>(std::move(other)) { |
Construct(&wrapper_, std::move(other.wrapper_)); |
Destruct(&other.wrapper_); |
} |
static constexpr size_t Size() { return 1 + sizeof...(Ts); } |
static constexpr uint8_t NecessaryBits() { |
return (T::must_complete() ? 1 : 0) | |
(FusedSet<Ts...>::NecessaryBits() << 1); |
} |
template <int kDoneBit> |
void Destroy(uint8_t done_bits) { |
if ((done_bits & (1 << kDoneBit)) == 0) { |
Destruct(&wrapper_); |
} |
FusedSet<Ts...>::template Destroy<kDoneBit + 1>(done_bits); |
} |
template <typename Result, int kDoneBit> |
Poll<Result> Run(uint8_t& done_bits) { |
if ((done_bits & (1 << kDoneBit)) == 0) { |
auto p = wrapper_.promise(); |
if (auto* status = absl::get_if<kPollReadyIdx>(&p)) { |
done_bits |= (1 << kDoneBit); |
Destruct(&wrapper_); |
if (!IsStatusOk(*status)) { |
return StatusCast<Result>(std::move(*status)); |
} |
} |
} |
return FusedSet<Ts...>::template Run<Result, kDoneBit + 1>(done_bits); |
} |
template <typename P> |
FusedSet<P, T, Ts...> With(P x) { |
return FusedSet<P, T, Ts...>(std::move(x), std::move(*this)); |
} |
private: |
union { |
T wrapper_; |
}; |
}; |
template <> |
class FusedSet<> { |
public: |
static constexpr size_t Size() { return 0; } |
static constexpr uint8_t NecessaryBits() { return 0; } |
template <typename Result, int kDoneBit> |
Poll<Result> Run(uint8_t) { |
return Pending{}; |
} |
template <int kDoneBit> |
void Destroy(uint8_t) {} |
template <typename P> |
FusedSet<P> With(P x) { |
return FusedSet<P>(std::move(x)); |
} |
}; |
template <typename Main, typename PreMain, typename PostMain> |
class TryConcurrently { |
public: |
TryConcurrently(Main main, PreMain pre_main, PostMain post_main) |
: done_bits_(0), |
pre_main_(std::move(pre_main)), |
post_main_(std::move(post_main)) { |
Construct(&main_, std::move(main)); |
} |
TryConcurrently(const TryConcurrently&) = delete; |
TryConcurrently& operator=(const TryConcurrently&) = delete; |
TryConcurrently(TryConcurrently&& other) noexcept |
: done_bits_(0), |
pre_main_(std::move(other.pre_main_)), |
post_main_(std::move(other.post_main_)) { |
GPR_DEBUG_ASSERT(other.done_bits_ == 0); |
other.done_bits_ = HelperBits(); |
Construct(&main_, std::move(other.main_)); |
} |
TryConcurrently& operator=(TryConcurrently&& other) noexcept { |
GPR_DEBUG_ASSERT(other.done_bits_ == 0); |
done_bits_ = 0; |
other.done_bits_ = HelperBits(); |
pre_main_ = std::move(other.pre_main_); |
post_main_ = std::move(other.post_main_); |
Construct(&main_, std::move(other.main_)); |
return *this; |
} |
~TryConcurrently() { |
if (done_bits_ & 1) { |
Destruct(&result_); |
} else { |
Destruct(&main_); |
} |
pre_main_.template Destroy<1>(done_bits_); |
post_main_.template Destroy<1 + PreMain::Size()>(done_bits_); |
} |
using Result = |
typename PollTraits<decltype(std::declval<PromiseLike<Main>>()())>::Type; |
Poll<Result> operator()() { |
if (grpc_trace_promise_primitives.enabled()) { |
gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "%sBEGIN POLL: done_bits=%x necessary_bits=%x", |
DebugTag().c_str(), done_bits_, NecessaryBits()); |
} |
auto r = pre_main_.template Run<Result, 1>(done_bits_); |
if (auto* status = absl::get_if<Result>(&r)) { |
GPR_DEBUG_ASSERT(!IsStatusOk(*status)); |
if (grpc_trace_promise_primitives.enabled()) { |
gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, |
"%sFAIL POLL PRE-MAIN: done_bits=%x necessary_bits=%x", |
DebugTag().c_str(), done_bits_, NecessaryBits()); |
} |
return std::move(*status); |
} |
if ((done_bits_ & 1) == 0) { |
auto p = main_(); |
if (auto* status = absl::get_if<kPollReadyIdx>(&p)) { |
done_bits_ |= 1; |
Destruct(&main_); |
Construct(&result_, std::move(*status)); |
} |
} |
r = post_main_.template Run<Result, 1 + PreMain::Size()>(done_bits_); |
if (auto* status = absl::get_if<Result>(&r)) { |
GPR_DEBUG_ASSERT(!IsStatusOk(*status)); |
if (grpc_trace_promise_primitives.enabled()) { |
gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, |
"%sFAIL POLL POST-MAIN: done_bits=%x necessary_bits=%x", |
DebugTag().c_str(), done_bits_, NecessaryBits()); |
} |
return std::move(*status); |
} |
if (grpc_trace_promise_primitives.enabled()) { |
gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "%sEND POLL: done_bits=%x necessary_bits=%x", |
DebugTag().c_str(), done_bits_, NecessaryBits()); |
} |
if ((done_bits_ & NecessaryBits()) == NecessaryBits()) { |
return std::move(result_); |
} |
return Pending{}; |
} |
template <typename P> |
auto NecessaryPush(P p); |
template <typename P> |
auto NecessaryPull(P p); |
template <typename P> |
auto Push(P p); |
template <typename P> |
auto Pull(P p); |
private: |
// Bitmask for done_bits_ specifying which promises must be completed prior to
// returning ok.
constexpr uint8_t NecessaryBits() { |
return 1 | (PreMain::NecessaryBits() << 1) | |
(PostMain::NecessaryBits() << (1 + PreMain::Size())); |
} |
// Bitmask for done_bits_ specifying what all of the promises being complete
// would look like.
constexpr uint8_t AllBits() { |
return (1 << (1 + PreMain::Size() + PostMain::Size())) - 1; |
} |
// Bitmask of done_bits_ specifying which bits correspond to helper promises -
// that is all promises that are not the main one.
constexpr uint8_t HelperBits() { return AllBits() ^ 1; } |
std::string DebugTag() { |
return absl::StrCat(Activity::current()->DebugTag(), " TRY_CONCURRENTLY[0x", |
reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(this), "]: "); |
} |
// done_bits signifies which operations have completed.
// Bit 0 is set if main_ has completed.
// The next higher bits correspond one per pre-main promise.
// The next higher bits correspond one per post-main promise.
// So, going from most significant bit to least significant:
// +--------------+-------------+--------+
// |post_main bits|pre_main bits|main bit|
// +--------------+-------------+--------+
uint8_t done_bits_; |
PreMain pre_main_; |
union { |
PromiseLike<Main> main_; |
Result result_; |
}; |
PostMain post_main_; |
}; |
template <typename Main, typename PreMain, typename PostMain> |
auto MakeTryConcurrently(Main&& main, PreMain&& pre_main, |
PostMain&& post_main) { |
return TryConcurrently<Main, PreMain, PostMain>( |
std::forward<Main>(main), std::forward<PreMain>(pre_main), |
std::forward<PostMain>(post_main)); |
} |
template <typename Main, typename PreMain, typename PostMain> |
template <typename P> |
auto TryConcurrently<Main, PreMain, PostMain>::NecessaryPush(P p) { |
GPR_DEBUG_ASSERT(done_bits_ == 0); |
done_bits_ = HelperBits(); |
return MakeTryConcurrently(std::move(main_), |
pre_main_.With(Necessary<P>{std::move(p)}), |
std::move(post_main_)); |
} |
template <typename Main, typename PreMain, typename PostMain> |
template <typename P> |
auto TryConcurrently<Main, PreMain, PostMain>::NecessaryPull(P p) { |
GPR_DEBUG_ASSERT(done_bits_ == 0); |
done_bits_ = HelperBits(); |
return MakeTryConcurrently(std::move(main_), std::move(pre_main_), |
post_main_.With(Necessary<P>{std::move(p)})); |
} |
template <typename Main, typename PreMain, typename PostMain> |
template <typename P> |
auto TryConcurrently<Main, PreMain, PostMain>::Push(P p) { |
GPR_DEBUG_ASSERT(done_bits_ == 0); |
done_bits_ = HelperBits(); |
return MakeTryConcurrently(std::move(main_), |
pre_main_.With(Helper<P>{std::move(p)}), |
std::move(post_main_)); |
} |
template <typename Main, typename PreMain, typename PostMain> |
template <typename P> |
auto TryConcurrently<Main, PreMain, PostMain>::Pull(P p) { |
GPR_DEBUG_ASSERT(done_bits_ == 0); |
done_bits_ = HelperBits(); |
return MakeTryConcurrently(std::move(main_), std::move(pre_main_), |
post_main_.With(Helper<P>{std::move(p)})); |
} |
} // namespace promise_detail
// TryConcurrently runs a set of promises concurrently.
// There is a structure to the promises:
// - A 'main' promise dominates the others - it must complete before the
// overall promise successfully completes. Its result is chosen in the event
// of successful completion.
// - A set of (optional) push and pull promises to aid main. Push promises are
// polled before main, pull promises are polled after. In this way we can
// avoid overall wakeup churn - sending a message will tend to push things
// down the promise tree as its polled, so that send should be in a push
// promise - then as the main promise is polled and it calls into things
// lower in the stack they'll already see things there (this reasoning holds
// for receiving things and the pull promises too!).
// - Each push and pull promise is either necessary or optional.
// Necessary promises must complete successfully before the overall promise
// completes. Optional promises will just be cancelled once the main promise
// completes and any necessary helpers.
// - If any of the promises fail, the overall promise fails immediately.
// API:
// This function, TryConcurrently, is used to create a TryConcurrently promise.
// It takes a single argument, being the main promise. That promise also has
// a set of methods for attaching push and pull promises. The act of attachment
// returns a new TryConcurrently promise with previous contained promises moved
// out.
// The methods exposed:
// - Push, NecessaryPush: attach a push promise (with the first variant being
// optional, the second necessary).
// - Pull, NecessaryPull: attach a pull promise, with variants as above.
// Example:
// TryConcurrently(call_next_filter(std::move(call_args)))
// .Push(send_messages_promise)
// .Pull(recv_messages_promise)
template <typename Main> |
auto TryConcurrently(Main main) { |
return promise_detail::MakeTryConcurrently(std::move(main), |
promise_detail::FusedSet<>(), |
promise_detail::FusedSet<>()); |
} |
} // namespace grpc_core
@ -1,194 +0,0 @@ |
// Copyright 2022 gRPC authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/core/lib/promise/try_concurrently.h" |
#include <algorithm> |
#include <iosfwd> |
#include <memory> |
#include <string> |
#include <vector> |
#include "absl/status/status.h" |
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h" |
#include "gtest/gtest.h" |
namespace grpc_core { |
class PromiseFactory { |
public: |
// Create a promise that resolves to Ok but has a memory allocation (to verify
// destruction)
// tag should have static lifetime (i.e. pass a string literal here).
auto OkPromise(absl::string_view tag) { |
return [this, tag, |
p = std::make_unique<absl::Status>(absl::OkStatus())]() mutable { |
order_.push_back(tag); |
return std::move(*p); |
}; |
} |
// Create a promise that never resolves and carries a memory allocation
// tag should have static lifetime (i.e. pass a string literal here).
auto NeverPromise(absl::string_view tag) { |
return |
[this, tag, p = std::make_unique<Pending>()]() -> Poll<absl::Status> { |
order_.push_back(tag); |
return *p; |
}; |
} |
// Create a promise that fails and carries a memory allocation
// tag should have static lifetime (i.e. pass a string literal here).
auto FailPromise(absl::string_view tag) { |
return [this, p = std::make_unique<absl::Status>(absl::UnknownError(tag)), |
tag]() mutable { |
order_.push_back(tag); |
return std::move(*p); |
}; |
} |
// Finish one round and return a vector of strings representing which promises
// were polled and in which order.
std::vector<absl::string_view> Finish() { return std::exchange(order_, {}); } |
private: |
std::vector<absl::string_view> order_; |
}; |
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Poll<absl::Status>& p) { |
return out << PollToString( |
p, [](const absl::Status& s) { return s.ToString(); }); |
} |
TEST(TryConcurrentlyTest, Immediate) { |
PromiseFactory pf; |
auto a = TryConcurrently(pf.OkPromise("1")); |
EXPECT_EQ(a(), Poll<absl::Status>(absl::OkStatus())); |
EXPECT_EQ(pf.Finish(), std::vector<absl::string_view>({"1"})); |
auto b = TryConcurrently(pf.OkPromise("1")).NecessaryPush(pf.OkPromise("2")); |
EXPECT_EQ(b(), Poll<absl::Status>(absl::OkStatus())); |
EXPECT_EQ(pf.Finish(), std::vector<absl::string_view>({"2", "1"})); |
auto c = TryConcurrently(pf.OkPromise("1")).NecessaryPull(pf.OkPromise("2")); |
EXPECT_EQ(c(), Poll<absl::Status>(absl::OkStatus())); |
EXPECT_EQ(pf.Finish(), std::vector<absl::string_view>({"1", "2"})); |
auto d = TryConcurrently(pf.OkPromise("1")) |
.NecessaryPull(pf.OkPromise("2")) |
.NecessaryPush(pf.OkPromise("3")); |
EXPECT_EQ(d(), Poll<absl::Status>(absl::OkStatus())); |
EXPECT_EQ(pf.Finish(), std::vector<absl::string_view>({"3", "1", "2"})); |
auto e = TryConcurrently(pf.OkPromise("1")).Push(pf.NeverPromise("2")); |
EXPECT_EQ(e(), Poll<absl::Status>(absl::OkStatus())); |
EXPECT_EQ(pf.Finish(), std::vector<absl::string_view>({"2", "1"})); |
auto f = TryConcurrently(pf.OkPromise("1")).Pull(pf.NeverPromise("2")); |
EXPECT_EQ(f(), Poll<absl::Status>(absl::OkStatus())); |
EXPECT_EQ(pf.Finish(), std::vector<absl::string_view>({"1", "2"})); |
} |
TEST(TryConcurrentlyTest, Paused) { |
PromiseFactory pf; |
auto a = TryConcurrently(pf.NeverPromise("1")); |
EXPECT_EQ(a(), Poll<absl::Status>(Pending{})); |
EXPECT_EQ(pf.Finish(), std::vector<absl::string_view>({"1"})); |
auto b = |
TryConcurrently(pf.OkPromise("1")).NecessaryPush(pf.NeverPromise("2")); |
EXPECT_EQ(b(), Poll<absl::Status>(Pending{})); |
EXPECT_EQ(pf.Finish(), std::vector<absl::string_view>({"2", "1"})); |
auto c = |
TryConcurrently(pf.OkPromise("1")).NecessaryPull(pf.NeverPromise("2")); |
EXPECT_EQ(c(), Poll<absl::Status>(Pending{})); |
EXPECT_EQ(pf.Finish(), std::vector<absl::string_view>({"1", "2"})); |
} |
TEST(TryConcurrentlyTest, OneFailed) { |
PromiseFactory pf; |
auto a = TryConcurrently(pf.FailPromise("bah")); |
EXPECT_EQ(a(), Poll<absl::Status>(absl::UnknownError("bah"))); |
EXPECT_EQ(pf.Finish(), std::vector<absl::string_view>({"bah"})); |
auto b = TryConcurrently(pf.NeverPromise("1")) |
.NecessaryPush(pf.FailPromise("humbug")); |
EXPECT_EQ(b(), Poll<absl::Status>(absl::UnknownError("humbug"))); |
EXPECT_EQ(pf.Finish(), std::vector<absl::string_view>({"humbug"})); |
auto c = TryConcurrently(pf.NeverPromise("1")) |
.NecessaryPull(pf.FailPromise("wha")); |
EXPECT_EQ(c(), Poll<absl::Status>(absl::UnknownError("wha"))); |
EXPECT_EQ(pf.Finish(), std::vector<absl::string_view>({"1", "wha"})); |
} |
TEST(TryConcurrently, MuchPush) { |
PromiseFactory pf; |
auto p = TryConcurrently(pf.OkPromise("1")) |
.NecessaryPush(pf.OkPromise("2")) |
.NecessaryPush(pf.OkPromise("3")) |
.NecessaryPush(pf.OkPromise("4")) |
.NecessaryPush(pf.OkPromise("5")) |
.NecessaryPush(pf.OkPromise("6")) |
.NecessaryPush(pf.OkPromise("7")) |
.NecessaryPush(pf.OkPromise("8")); |
EXPECT_EQ(p(), Poll<absl::Status>(absl::OkStatus())); |
EXPECT_EQ(pf.Finish(), std::vector<absl::string_view>( |
{"8", "7", "6", "5", "4", "3", "2", "1"})); |
} |
TEST(TryConcurrently, SoPull) { |
PromiseFactory pf; |
auto p = TryConcurrently(pf.OkPromise("1")) |
.NecessaryPull(pf.OkPromise("2")) |
.NecessaryPull(pf.OkPromise("3")) |
.NecessaryPull(pf.OkPromise("4")) |
.NecessaryPull(pf.OkPromise("5")) |
.NecessaryPull(pf.OkPromise("6")) |
.NecessaryPull(pf.OkPromise("7")) |
.NecessaryPull(pf.OkPromise("8")); |
EXPECT_EQ(p(), Poll<absl::Status>(absl::OkStatus())); |
EXPECT_EQ(pf.Finish(), std::vector<absl::string_view>( |
{"1", "8", "7", "6", "5", "4", "3", "2"})); |
} |
// A pointer to an int designed to cause a double free if it's double destructed
// (to flush out bugs)
class ProblematicPointer { |
public: |
ProblematicPointer() : p_(new int(0)) {} |
~ProblematicPointer() { delete p_; } |
ProblematicPointer(const ProblematicPointer&) = delete; |
ProblematicPointer& operator=(const ProblematicPointer&) = delete; |
// NOLINTNEXTLINE: we want to allocate during move
ProblematicPointer(ProblematicPointer&& other) : p_(new int(*other.p_ + 1)) {} |
ProblematicPointer& operator=(ProblematicPointer&& other) = delete; |
private: |
int* p_; |
}; |
TEST(TryConcurrentlyTest, MoveItMoveIt) { |
auto a = |
TryConcurrently([x = ProblematicPointer()]() { return absl::OkStatus(); }) |
.NecessaryPull( |
[x = ProblematicPointer()]() { return absl::OkStatus(); }) |
.NecessaryPush( |
[x = ProblematicPointer()]() { return absl::OkStatus(); }) |
.Push([x = ProblematicPointer()]() { return absl::OkStatus(); }) |
.Pull([x = ProblematicPointer()]() { return absl::OkStatus(); }); |
auto b = std::move(a); |
auto c = std::move(b); |
c(); |
} |
} // namespace grpc_core
int main(int argc, char** argv) { |
::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); |
return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); |
} |
Reference in new issue