@ -17,10 +17,7 @@
* /
#import < UIKit / UIKit . h >
#import < GRPCClient / GRPCCall + Tests . h >
#import < RouteGuide / RouteGuide . pbrpc . h >
#import < RxLibrary / GRXWriter + Immediate . h >
#import < RxLibrary / GRXWriter + Transformations . h >
static NSString * const kHostAddress = @ "localhost : 50051 ";
@ -65,7 +62,7 @@ static NSString * const kHostAddress = @"localhost:50051";
* Run the getFeature demo . Calls getFeature with a point known to have a feature and a point known
* not to have a feature .
* /
@ interface GetFeatureViewController : UIViewController
@ interface GetFeatureViewController : UIViewController < GRPCProtoResponseHandler >
@ property ( weak , nonatomic ) IBOutlet UILabel * outputLabel ;
@ -75,39 +72,56 @@ static NSString * const kHostAddress = @"localhost:50051";
RTGRouteGuide * _service ;
- ( void ) execRequest {
void ( ^handler ) ( RTGFeature * response , NSError * error ) = ^( RTGFeature * response , NSError * error ) {
/ / TODO ( makdharma ) : Remove boilerplate by consolidating into one log function .
if ( response . name . length ) {
NSString * str = [ NSString stringWithFormat : @ "%@\nFound feature called %@ at %@.", self.outputLabel.text, response.location, response.name];
self . outputLabel . text = str ;
NSLog ( @ "Found feature called %@ at %@.", response.name, response.location);
} else if ( response ) {
NSString * str = [ NSString stringWithFormat : @ "%@\nFound no features at %@", self.outputLabel.text,response.location];
self . outputLabel . text = str ;
NSLog ( @ "Found no features at %@", response.location);
} else {
NSString * str = [ NSString stringWithFormat : @ "%@\nRPC error: %@", self.outputLabel.text, error];
self . outputLabel . text = str ;
NSLog ( @ "RPC error : %@", error);
} ;
- ( dispatch_queue_t ) dispatchQueue {
return dispatch_get_main_queue ( ) ;
- ( void ) didReceiveProtoMessage : ( GPBMessage * ) message {
RTGFeature * response = ( RTGFeature * ) message ;
/ / TODO ( makdharma ) : Remove boilerplate by consolidating into one log function .
if ( response . name . length != 0 ) {
NSString * str = [ NSString stringWithFormat : @ "%@\nFound feature called %@ at %@.", self.outputLabel.text, response.location, response.name];
self . outputLabel . text = str ;
NSLog ( @ "Found feature called %@ at %@.", response.name, response.location);
} else if ( response ) {
NSString * str = [ NSString stringWithFormat : @ "%@\nFound no features at %@", self.outputLabel.text,response.location];
self . outputLabel . text = str ;
NSLog ( @ "Found no features at %@", response.location);
- ( void ) didCloseWithTrailingMetadata : ( NSDictionary * ) trailingMetadata error : ( NSError * ) error {
if ( error ) {
NSString * str = [ NSString stringWithFormat : @ "%@\nRPC error: %@", self.outputLabel.text, error];
self . outputLabel . text = str ;
NSLog ( @ "RPC error : %@", error);
- ( void ) execRequest {
RTGPoint * point = [ RTGPoint message ] ;
point . latitude = 409146138 ;
point . longitude = - 746188906 ;
[ _service getFeatureWithRequest : point handler : handler ] ;
[ _service getFeatureWithRequest : [ RTGPoint message ] handler : handler ] ;
GRPCUnaryProtoCall * call = [ _service getFeatureWithMessage : point
responseHandler : self
callOptions : nil ] ;
[ call start ] ;
call = [ _service getFeatureWithMessage : [ RTGPoint message ]
responseHandler : self
callOptions : nil ] ;
[ call start ] ;
- ( void ) viewDidLoad {
[ super viewDidLoad ] ;
/ / This only needs to be done once per host , before creating service objects for that host .
[ GRPCCall useInsecureConnectionsForHost : kHostAddress ] ;
GRPCMutableCallOptions * options = [ [ GRPCMutableCallOptions alloc ] init ] ;
options . transportType = GRPCTransportTypeInsecure ;
_service = [ [ RTGRouteGuide alloc ] initWithHost : kHostAddress ] ;
_service = [ [ RTGRouteGuide alloc ] initWithHost : kHostAddress callOptions : options ] ;
- ( void ) viewDidAppear : ( BOOL ) animated {
@ -126,7 +140,7 @@ static NSString * const kHostAddress = @"localhost:50051";
* Run the listFeatures demo . Calls listFeatures with a rectangle containing all of the features in
* the pre - generated database . Prints each response as it comes in .
* /
@ interface ListFeaturesViewController : UIViewController
@ interface ListFeaturesViewController : UIViewController < GRPCProtoResponseHandler >
@ property ( weak , nonatomic ) IBOutlet UILabel * outputLabel ;
@ -136,6 +150,10 @@ static NSString * const kHostAddress = @"localhost:50051";
RTGRouteGuide * _service ;
- ( dispatch_queue_t ) dispatchQueue {
return dispatch_get_main_queue ( ) ;
- ( void ) execRequest {
RTGRectangle * rectangle = [ RTGRectangle message ] ;
rectangle . lo . latitude = 405E6 ;
@ -144,24 +162,36 @@ static NSString * const kHostAddress = @"localhost:50051";
rectangle . hi . longitude = - 745E6 ;
NSLog ( @ "Looking for features between %@ and %@", rectangle.lo, rectangle.hi);
[ _service listFeaturesWithRequest : rectangle
eventHandler : ^( BOOL done , RTGFeature * response , NSError * error ) {
if ( response ) {
NSString * str = [ NSString stringWithFormat : @ "%@\nFound feature at %@ called %@.", self.outputLabel.text, response.location, response.name];
self . outputLabel . text = str ;
NSLog ( @ "Found feature at %@ called %@.", response.location, response.name);
} else if ( error ) {
NSString * str = [ NSString stringWithFormat : @ "%@\nRPC error: %@", self.outputLabel.text, error];
self . outputLabel . text = str ;
NSLog ( @ "RPC error : %@", error);
} ] ;
GRPCUnaryProtoCall * call = [ _service listFeaturesWithMessage : rectangle
responseHandler : self
callOptions : nil ] ;
[ call start ] ;
- ( void ) didReceiveProtoMessage : ( GPBMessage * ) message {
RTGFeature * response = ( RTGFeature * ) message ;
if ( response ) {
NSString * str = [ NSString stringWithFormat : @ "%@\nFound feature at %@ called %@.", self.outputLabel.text, response.location, response.name];
self . outputLabel . text = str ;
NSLog ( @ "Found feature at %@ called %@.", response.location, response.name);
- ( void ) didCloseWithTrailingMetadata : ( NSDictionary * ) trailingMetadata error : ( NSError * ) error {
if ( error ) {
NSString * str = [ NSString stringWithFormat : @ "%@\nRPC error: %@", self.outputLabel.text, error];
self . outputLabel . text = str ;
NSLog ( @ "RPC error : %@", error);
- ( void ) viewDidLoad {
[ super viewDidLoad ] ;
_service = [ [ RTGRouteGuide alloc ] initWithHost : kHostAddress ] ;
GRPCMutableCallOptions * options = [ [ GRPCMutableCallOptions alloc ] init ] ;
options . transportType = GRPCTransportTypeInsecure ;
_service = [ [ RTGRouteGuide alloc ] initWithHost : kHostAddress callOptions : options ] ;
- ( void ) viewDidAppear : ( BOOL ) animated {
@ -173,7 +203,6 @@ static NSString * const kHostAddress = @"localhost:50051";
@ end
#pragma mark Demo : Record Route
/ * *
@ -181,7 +210,7 @@ static NSString * const kHostAddress = @"localhost:50051";
* database with a variable delay in between . Prints the statistics when they are sent from the
* server .
* /
@ interface RecordRouteViewController : UIViewController
@ interface RecordRouteViewController : UIViewController < GRPCProtoResponseHandler >
@ property ( weak , nonatomic ) IBOutlet UILabel * outputLabel ;
@ -191,47 +220,71 @@ static NSString * const kHostAddress = @"localhost:50051";
RTGRouteGuide * _service ;
- ( dispatch_queue_t ) dispatchQueue {
return dispatch_get_main_queue ( ) ;
- ( void ) execRequest {
NSString * dataBasePath = [ NSBundle . mainBundle pathForResource : @ "route_guide_db "
ofType : @ "json "] ;
NSData * dataBaseContent = [ NSData dataWithContentsOfFile : dataBasePath ] ;
NSArray * features = [ NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData : dataBaseContent options : 0 error : NULL ] ;
NSError * error ;
NSArray * features = [ NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData : dataBaseContent options : 0 error : & error ] ;
if ( error ) {
NSLog ( @ "Error reading database . ") ;
NSString * str = @ "Error reading database . ";
self . outputLabel . text = str ;
return ;
GRXWriter * locations = [ [ GRXWriter writerWithContainer : features ] map : ^id ( id feature ) {
GRPCStreamingProtoCall * call = [ _service recordRouteWithResponseHandler : self
callOptions : nil ] ;
[ call start ] ;
for ( id feature in features ) {
RTGPoint * location = [ RTGPoint message ] ;
location . longitude = [ ( ( NSNumber * ) feature [ @ "location "] [ @ "longitude "] ) intValue ] ;
location . latitude = [ ( ( NSNumber * ) feature [ @ "location "] [ @ "latitude "] ) intValue ] ;
NSString * str = [ NSString stringWithFormat : @ "%@\nVisiting point %@", self.outputLabel.text, location];
self . outputLabel . text = str ;
NSLog ( @ "Visiting point %@", location);
return location ;
} ] ;
[ _service recordRouteWithRequestsWriter : locations
handler : ^( RTGRouteSummary * response , NSError * error ) {
if ( response ) {
NSString * str = [ NSString stringWithFormat :
@ "%@\nFinished trip with %i points\nPassed %i features\n"
"Travelled %i meters\nIt took %i seconds",
self . outputLabel . text , response . pointCount , response . featureCount ,
response . distance , response . elapsedTime ] ;
self . outputLabel . text = str ;
NSLog ( @ "Finished trip with %i points", response.pointCount);
NSLog ( @ "Passed %i features", response.featureCount);
NSLog ( @ "Travelled %i meters", response.distance);
NSLog ( @ "It took %i seconds", response.elapsedTime);
} else {
NSString * str = [ NSString stringWithFormat : @ "%@\nRPC error: %@", self.outputLabel.text, error];
self . outputLabel . text = str ;
NSLog ( @ "RPC error : %@", error);
} ] ;
[ call writeMessage : location ] ;
[ call finish ] ;
- ( void ) didReceiveProtoMessage : ( GPBMessage * ) message {
RTGRouteSummary * response = ( RTGRouteSummary * ) message ;
if ( response ) {
NSString * str = [ NSString stringWithFormat :
@ "%@\nFinished trip with %i points\nPassed %i features\n"
"Travelled %i meters\nIt took %i seconds",
self . outputLabel . text , response . pointCount , response . featureCount ,
response . distance , response . elapsedTime ] ;
self . outputLabel . text = str ;
NSLog ( @ "Finished trip with %i points", response.pointCount);
NSLog ( @ "Passed %i features", response.featureCount);
NSLog ( @ "Travelled %i meters", response.distance);
NSLog ( @ "It took %i seconds", response.elapsedTime);
- ( void ) didCloseWithTrailingMetadata : ( NSDictionary * ) trailingMetadata error : ( NSError * ) error {
if ( error ) {
NSString * str = [ NSString stringWithFormat : @ "%@\nRPC error: %@", self.outputLabel.text, error];
self . outputLabel . text = str ;
NSLog ( @ "RPC error : %@", error);
- ( void ) viewDidLoad {
[ super viewDidLoad ] ;
_service = [ [ RTGRouteGuide alloc ] initWithHost : kHostAddress ] ;
GRPCMutableCallOptions * options = [ [ GRPCMutableCallOptions alloc ] init ] ;
options . transportType = GRPCTransportTypeInsecure ;
_service = [ [ RTGRouteGuide alloc ] initWithHost : kHostAddress callOptions : options ] ;
- ( void ) viewDidAppear : ( BOOL ) animated {
@ -250,7 +303,7 @@ static NSString * const kHostAddress = @"localhost:50051";
* Run the routeChat demo . Send some chat messages , and print any chat messages that are sent from
* the server .
* /
@ interface RouteChatViewController : UIViewController
@ interface RouteChatViewController : UIViewController < GRPCProtoResponseHandler >
@ property ( weak , nonatomic ) IBOutlet UILabel * outputLabel ;
@ -260,38 +313,52 @@ static NSString * const kHostAddress = @"localhost:50051";
RTGRouteGuide * _service ;
- ( dispatch_queue_t ) dispatchQueue {
return dispatch_get_main_queue ( ) ;
- ( void ) execRequest {
NSArray * notes = @ [ [ RTGRouteNote noteWithMessage : @ "First message " latitude : 0 longitude : 0 ] ,
[ RTGRouteNote noteWithMessage : @ "Second message " latitude : 0 longitude : 1 ] ,
[ RTGRouteNote noteWithMessage : @ "Third message " latitude : 1 longitude : 0 ] ,
[ RTGRouteNote noteWithMessage : @ "Fourth message " latitude : 0 longitude : 0 ] ] ;
GRXWriter * notesWriter = [ [ GRXWriter writerWithContainer : notes ] map : ^id ( RTGRouteNote * note ) {
NSLog ( @ "Sending message %@ at %@", note.message, note.location);
return note ;
} ] ;
[ _service routeChatWithRequestsWriter : notesWriter
eventHandler : ^( BOOL done , RTGRouteNote * note , NSError * error ) {
if ( note ) {
NSString * str = [ NSString stringWithFormat : @ "%@\nGot message %@ at %@",
self . outputLabel . text , note . message , note . location ] ;
self . outputLabel . text = str ;
NSLog ( @ "Got message %@ at %@", note.message, note.location);
} else if ( error ) {
NSString * str = [ NSString stringWithFormat : @ "%@\nRPC error: %@", self.outputLabel.text, error];
self . outputLabel . text = str ;
NSLog ( @ "RPC error : %@", error);
if ( done ) {
NSLog ( @ "Chat ended . ") ;
} ] ;
GRPCStreamingProtoCall * call = [ _service routeChatWithResponseHandler : self
callOptions : nil ] ;
[ call start ] ;
for ( RTGRouteNote * note in notes ) {
[ call writeMessage : note ] ;
[ call finish ] ;
- ( void ) didReceiveProtoMessage : ( GPBMessage * ) message {
RTGRouteNote * note = ( RTGRouteNote * ) message ;
if ( note ) {
NSString * str = [ NSString stringWithFormat : @ "%@\nGot message %@ at %@",
self . outputLabel . text , note . message , note . location ] ;
self . outputLabel . text = str ;
NSLog ( @ "Got message %@ at %@", note.message, note.location);
- ( void ) didCloseWithTrailingMetadata : ( NSDictionary * ) trailingMetadata error : ( NSError * ) error {
if ( !error ) {
NSLog ( @ "Chat ended . ") ;
} else {
NSString * str = [ NSString stringWithFormat : @ "%@\nRPC error: %@", self.outputLabel.text, error];
self . outputLabel . text = str ;
NSLog ( @ "RPC error : %@", error);
- ( void ) viewDidLoad {
[ super viewDidLoad ] ;
_service = [ [ RTGRouteGuide alloc ] initWithHost : kHostAddress ] ;
GRPCMutableCallOptions * options = [ [ GRPCMutableCallOptions alloc ] init ] ;
options . transportType = GRPCTransportTypeInsecure ;
_service = [ [ RTGRouteGuide alloc ] initWithHost : kHostAddress callOptions : options ] ;
- ( void ) viewDidAppear : ( BOOL ) animated {