diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index d7ecba75669..3a2f3c85551 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -3,8 +3,7 @@
## TODO: move this to the tutorial sub-folder
Welcome to the developer documentation for gRPC, a language-neutral,
-platform-neutral remote procedure call (RPC) system developed at Google that
-helps you build connected systems.
+platform-neutral remote procedure call (RPC) system developed at Google.
This document introduces you to gRPC with a quick overview and a simple
Hello World example. More documentation is coming soon!
@@ -13,6 +12,7 @@ Hello World example. More documentation is coming soon!
## TODO: basic conceptual intro (anything more in-depth will go in gRPC Concepts doc)
## Hello gRPC!
Now that you know a bit more about gRPC, the easiest way to see how it
@@ -38,11 +38,12 @@ don't worry if you're not a Go or
Java developer - complete tutorials and reference documentation for all gRPC
languages are coming soon.
### Setup
The rest of this page explains how to set up your local machine to work with
the example code.
-If you just want to read the example, you can go straight to the next step.
+If you just want to read the example, you can go straight to the [next step](#servicedef).
#### Install Git
@@ -54,19 +55,19 @@ commands that you will need to use are:
- git checkout ... : check out a particular branch or a tagged version of
the code to hack on
-#### Download grpc-helloworld
+#### Get the source code
-Clone the grpc-helloword repository located at GitHub by running the
+The example code for this and our other examples lives in the `grpc-common` GitHub repository. Clone this repository to your local machine by running the
following command:
-git clone https://github.com/google/grpc-helloworld.git
+git clone https://github.com/google/grpc-common.git
-Change your current directory to grpc-helloworld
+Change your current directory to grpc-common/java
-cd grpc-helloworld
+cd grpc-common/java
#### Install Java 8
@@ -104,6 +105,7 @@ to experiment
with generating the code yourself, download and install protoc from its
[Git repo](https://github.com/google/protobuf)
### Defining a service
The first step in creating our example is to define a *service*: an RPC
@@ -116,7 +118,7 @@ familiar with protocol buffers, you can find out more in the [Protocol Buffers
Developer Guide](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/overview).
Here's our example service definition, defined using protocol buffers IDL in
-[helloworld.proto](src/main/proto/helloworld.proto). The `Greeting` service
+[helloworld.proto](java/src/main/proto/helloworld.proto) _should we link to the version in the Java subdirectory or the one in the common protos directory?_. The `Greeting` service
has one method, `hello`, that lets the server receive a single `HelloRequest`
message from the remote client containing the user's name, then send back
a greeting in a `HelloReply`.
@@ -124,6 +126,8 @@ a greeting in a `HelloReply`.
syntax = "proto3";
+option java_package = "ex.grpc";
package helloworld;
// The request message containing the user's name.
@@ -146,6 +150,7 @@ service Greeting {
### Generating gRPC code
Once we've defined our service, we use the protocol buffer compiler
@@ -185,15 +190,103 @@ $ protoc -I . helloworld.proto
-This generates the following Java classes
+This generates the following classes, which contain all the generated code we need to create our example:
+- [`Helloworld.java`](java/src/main/java/ex/grpc/Helloworld.java), which has all the protocol buffer code to populate, serialize, and retrieve our `HelloRequest` and `HelloReply` message types
+- [`GreetingsGrpc.java`](java/src/main/java/ex/grpc/GreetingsGrpc.java), which contains (along with some other useful code):
+ - an interface for `Greetings` servers to implement
+ public static interface Greetings {
+ public void hello(ex.grpc.Helloworld.HelloRequest request,
+ com.google.net.stubby.stub.StreamObserver responseObserver);
+ }
+ - _stub_ classes that clients can use to talk to a `Greetings` server.
+public static class GreetingsStub extends
+ com.google.net.stubby.stub.AbstractStub
+ implements Greetings {
+ ...
+ }
+_Does gRPC output multiple Java classes per proto by default?_
### Writing a server
-Now let's write some code! First we'll create the `Greetings` server.
+Now let's write some code! First we'll create a server application to implement our service. Note that we're not going to go into a lot of detail about how to create a server in this section More detailed information will be in the tutorial for your chosen language (coming soon).
+Our server application has two classes:
+- a simple service implementation [GreetingsImpl.java](java/src/main/java/ex/grpc/GreetingsImpl.java).
+- a server that hosts the service implementation and allows access over the network: [GreetingsServer.java](src/main/java/ex/grpc/GreetingsServer.java).
+## Service implementation
+implements the behaviour we require of our GreetingService. There are a
+number of important features of gRPC being used here:
+ public void hello(Helloworld.HelloRequest req,
+ StreamObserver responseObserver) {
+ Helloworld.HelloReply reply = Helloworld.HelloReply.newBuilder().setMessage(
+ "Hello " + req.getName()).build();
+ responseObserver.onValue(reply);
+ responseObserver.onCompleted();
+ }
+- it provides a class `GreetingsImpl` that implements a generated interface `GreetingsGrpc.Greetings`
+- `GreetingsGrpc.Greetings` declares the method `hello` that was declared in the proto [IDL](src/main/proto/helloworld.proto)
+- `hello's` signature is typesafe:
+ hello(Helloworld.HelloRequest req, StreamObserver responseObserver)
+- `hello` takes two parameters:
+ `Helloworld.HelloRequest`: the request
+ `StreamObserver`: a response observer, an interface to be called with the response value
+- to complete the call
+ - the return value is constructed
+ - the responseObserver.onValue() is called with the response
+ - responseObserver.onCompleted() is called to indicate that no more work will done on the RPC.
-Note that we're not going to go into a lot of detail about how to create a server in this section More detailed information will be in the tutorial for your chosen language (coming soon).
+## Server implementation
+[GreetingsServer.java](src/main/java/ex/grpc/GreetingsServer.java) shows the
+other main feature required to provde the gRPC service; how to allow a service
+implementation to be accessed from the network.
+ private void start() throws Exception {
+ server = NettyServerBuilder.forPort(port)
+ .addService(GreetingsGrpc.bindService(new GreetingsImpl()))
+ .build();
+ server.startAsync();
+ server.awaitRunning(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
+ }
+- it provides a class `GreetingsServer` that holds a `ServerImpl` that will run the server
+- in the `start` method, `GreetingServer` binds the `GreetingsService` implementation to a port and begins running it
+- there is also a `stop` method that takes care of shutting down the service and cleaning up when the program exits
+## Build it
+This is the same as before: our client and server are part of the same maven
+package so the same command builds both.
+$ mvn package
### Writing a client
Client-side gRPC is pretty simple. In this step, we'll use the generated code to write a simple client that can access the `Greetings` server we created in the previous section. You can see the complete client code in [GreetingsClient.java](src/main/java/ex/grpc/GreetingsClient.java).
@@ -267,10 +360,6 @@ It can be built as follows.
$ mvn package
-It can also be run, but doing so now would end up a with a failure as there is
-no server available yet. The [next step](Step_3.md), describes how to
-implement, build and run a server that supports the service description.
#### Notes
- The client uses a blocking stub. This means that the RPC call waits for the
@@ -280,7 +369,23 @@ implement, build and run a server that supports the service description.
server, where the response is returned asynchronously. Usage of these stubs
is a more advanced topic and will be described in later steps.
+### Try it out!
+We've added simple shell scripts to simplifying running the examples. Now
+that they are built, you can run the server with:
+$ ./run_greetings_server.sh
+and in another terminal window confirm that it receives a message.
+$ ./run_greetings_client.sh
-We haven't looked at implementing a server yet, but