@ -475,6 +475,7 @@ class _InterceptedStreamRequestMixin:
_write_to_iterator_async_gen : Optional [ AsyncIterable [ RequestType ] ]
_write_to_iterator_queue : Optional [ asyncio . Queue ]
_status_code_task : Optional [ asyncio . Task ]
@ -488,6 +489,7 @@ class _InterceptedStreamRequestMixin:
self . _write_to_iterator_queue = asyncio . Queue ( maxsize = 1 )
self . _write_to_iterator_async_gen = self . _proxy_writes_as_request_iterator (
self . _status_code_task = None
request_iterator = self . _write_to_iterator_async_gen
else :
self . _write_to_iterator_queue = None
@ -503,6 +505,19 @@ class _InterceptedStreamRequestMixin:
yield value
async def _write_to_iterator_queue_interruptible ( self , request : RequestType ,
call : InterceptedCall ) :
# Write the specified 'request' to the request iterator queue using the
# specified 'call' to allow for interruption of the write in the case
# of abrupt termination of the call.
if self . _status_code_task is None :
self . _status_code_task = self . _loop . create_task ( call . code ( ) )
await asyncio . wait (
( self . _loop . create_task ( self . _write_to_iterator_queue . put ( request ) ) ,
self . _status_code_task ) ,
return_when = asyncio . FIRST_COMPLETED )
async def write ( self , request : RequestType ) - > None :
# If no queue was created it means that requests
# should be expected through an iterators provided
@ -520,12 +535,7 @@ class _InterceptedStreamRequestMixin:
elif call . _done_writing_flag :
raise asyncio . InvalidStateError ( _RPC_HALF_CLOSED_DETAILS )
# Write might never end up since the call could abrubtly finish,
# we give up on the first awaitable object that finishes.
_ , _ = await asyncio . wait (
( self . _loop . create_task ( self . _write_to_iterator_queue . put ( request ) ) ,
self . _loop . create_task ( call . code ( ) ) ) ,
return_when = asyncio . FIRST_COMPLETED )
await self . _write_to_iterator_queue_interruptible ( request , call )
if call . done ( ) :
raise asyncio . InvalidStateError ( _RPC_ALREADY_FINISHED_DETAILS )
@ -546,12 +556,8 @@ class _InterceptedStreamRequestMixin:
except asyncio . CancelledError :
raise asyncio . InvalidStateError ( _RPC_ALREADY_FINISHED_DETAILS )
# Write might never end up since the call could abrubtly finish,
# we give up on the first awaitable object that finishes.
_ , _ = await asyncio . wait ( ( self . _write_to_iterator_queue . put (
_InterceptedStreamRequestMixin . _FINISH_ITERATOR_SENTINEL ) ,
call . code ( ) ) ,
return_when = asyncio . FIRST_COMPLETED )
await self . _write_to_iterator_queue_interruptible (
_InterceptedStreamRequestMixin . _FINISH_ITERATOR_SENTINEL , call )
class InterceptedUnaryUnaryCall ( _InterceptedUnaryResponseMixin , InterceptedCall ,