@ -46,10 +46,11 @@ |
# io.js always reports versions >0 and always exports ALPN symbols. |
# Therefore, Node's major version will be truthy if and only if it |
# supports ALPN. The output of "node -v" is v[major].[minor].[patch], |
# like "v4.1.1" in a recent version. We use grep to extract just the |
# major version. "4", would be the output for the example. |
# like "v4.1.1" in a recent version. We use cut to split by period and |
# take the first field (resulting in "v[major]"), then use cut again |
# to take all but the first character, removing the "v". |
'defines': [ |
'TSI_OPENSSL_ALPN_SUPPORT=<!(node -v | grep -oP "(?<=v)(\d+)(?=\.\d+\.\d+)")' |
'TSI_OPENSSL_ALPN_SUPPORT=<!(node --version | cut -d. -f1 | cut -c2-)' |
], |
'include_dirs': [ |
'.', |