@ -23,29 +23,8 @@ We want to be able to answer the following queries: |
Specifically, what are the names of the methods, are those methods unary or |
streaming, and what are the types of the argument and result? |
``` |
#TODO(dklempner): link to an actual .proto later. |
package grpc.reflection.v1alpha; |
message ListApisRequest { |
} |
message ListApisResponse { |
repeated google.protobuf.Api apis = 1; |
} |
message GetMethodRequest { |
string method = 1; |
} |
message GetMethodResponse { |
google.protobuf.Method method = 1; |
} |
service ServerReflection { |
rpc ListApis (ListApisRequest) returns (ListApisResponse); |
rpc GetMethod (GetMethodRequest) returns (GetMethodResponse); |
} |
``` |
The first proposed version of the protocol is here: |
https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/src/proto/grpc/reflection/v1alpha/reflection.proto |
Note that a server is under no obligation to return a complete list of all |
methods it supports. For example, a reverse proxy may support server reflection |