@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ We have continuous nightly test setup to test gRPC backward compatibility betwee |
- Build new client docker image(s). For example, for C and wrapper languages release `v1.9.9`, do |
- `tools/interop_matrix/create_matrix_images.py --git_checkout --release=v1.9.9 --upload_images --language cxx csharp python ruby php` |
- Verify that the new docker image was built successfully and uploaded to GCR. For example, |
- `gcloud beta container images list --repository gcr.io/grpc-testing` shows image repos. |
- `gcloud beta container images list-tags gcr.io/grpc-testing/grpc_interop_java_oracle8` should show an image entry with tag `v1.9.9`. |
- `gcloud container images list --repository gcr.io/grpc-testing` lists available images. |
- `gcloud container images list-tags gcr.io/grpc-testing/grpc_interop_java_oracle8` should show an image entry with tag `v1.9.9`. |
- Verify the just-created docker client image would pass backward compatibility test (it should). For example, |
- `gcloud docker -- pull gcr.io/grpc-testing/grpc_interop_java_oracle8:v1.9.9` followed by |
- `docker_image=gcr.io/grpc-testing/grpc_interop_java_oracle8:v1.9.9 tools/interop_matrix/testcases/java__master` |