diff --git a/test/cpp/util/grpc_tool.cc b/test/cpp/util/grpc_tool.cc
index bb6f8780202..7bf1a595e57 100644
--- a/test/cpp/util/grpc_tool.cc
+++ b/test/cpp/util/grpc_tool.cc
@@ -58,6 +58,11 @@ DEFINE_string(protofiles, "", "Name of the proto file.");
 DEFINE_bool(binary_input, false, "Input in binary format");
 DEFINE_bool(binary_output, false, "Output in binary format");
 DEFINE_string(infile, "", "Input file (default is stdin)");
+DEFINE_bool(batch, false,
+            "Input contains multiple requests. Please do not use this to send "
+            "more than a few RPCs. gRPC CLI has very different performance "
+            "characteristics compared with normal RPC calls which make it "
+            "unsuitable for loadtesting or significant production traffic.");
 namespace {
@@ -460,12 +465,17 @@ bool GrpcTool::CallMethod(int argc, const char** argv,
     return false;
+  if (argc == 3) {
+    request_text = argv[2];
+  }
   if (parser->IsStreaming(method_name, true /* is_request */)) {
     std::istream* input_stream;
     std::ifstream input_file;
-    if (argc == 3) {
-      request_text = argv[2];
+    if (FLAGS_batch) {
+      fprintf(stderr, "Batch mode for streaming RPC is not supported.\n");
+      return false;
     std::multimap<grpc::string, grpc::string> client_metadata;
@@ -549,8 +559,115 @@ bool GrpcTool::CallMethod(int argc, const char** argv,
   } else {  // parser->IsStreaming(method_name, true /* is_request */)
+    if (FLAGS_batch) {
+      if (parser->IsStreaming(method_name, false /* is_request */)) {
+        fprintf(stderr, "Batch mode for streaming RPC is not supported.\n");
+        return false;
+      }
+      std::istream* input_stream;
+      std::ifstream input_file;
+      if (FLAGS_infile.empty()) {
+        if (isatty(STDIN_FILENO)) {
+          print_mode = true;
+          fprintf(stderr, "reading request messages from stdin...\n");
+        }
+        input_stream = &std::cin;
+      } else {
+        input_file.open(FLAGS_infile, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
+        input_stream = &input_file;
+      }
+      std::multimap<grpc::string, grpc::string> client_metadata;
+      ParseMetadataFlag(&client_metadata);
+      if (print_mode) {
+        PrintMetadata(client_metadata, "Sending client initial metadata:");
+      }
+      std::stringstream request_ss;
+      grpc::string line;
+      while (!request_text.empty() ||
+             (!input_stream->eof() && getline(*input_stream, line))) {
+        if (!request_text.empty()) {
+          if (FLAGS_binary_input) {
+            serialized_request_proto = request_text;
+            request_text.clear();
+          } else {
+            serialized_request_proto = parser->GetSerializedProtoFromMethod(
+                method_name, request_text, true /* is_request */);
+            request_text.clear();
+            if (parser->HasError()) {
+              if (print_mode) {
+                fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse request.\n");
+              }
+              continue;
+            }
+          }
+          grpc::string serialized_response_proto;
+          std::multimap<grpc::string_ref, grpc::string_ref>
+              server_initial_metadata, server_trailing_metadata;
+          CliCall call(channel, formatted_method_name, client_metadata);
+          call.Write(serialized_request_proto);
+          call.WritesDone();
+          if (!call.Read(&serialized_response_proto,
+                         &server_initial_metadata)) {
+            fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read response.\n");
+          }
+          Status status = call.Finish(&server_trailing_metadata);
+          if (status.ok()) {
+            if (print_mode) {
+              fprintf(stderr, "Rpc succeeded with OK status.\n");
+              PrintMetadata(server_initial_metadata,
+                            "Received initial metadata from server:");
+              PrintMetadata(server_trailing_metadata,
+                            "Received trailing metadata from server:");
+            }
+            if (FLAGS_binary_output) {
+              if (!callback(serialized_response_proto)) {
+                break;
+              }
+            } else {
+              grpc::string response_text = parser->GetTextFormatFromMethod(
+                  method_name, serialized_response_proto,
+                  false /* is_request */);
+              if (parser->HasError() && print_mode) {
+                fprintf(stderr, "Failed to parse response.\n");
+              } else {
+                if (!callback(response_text)) {
+                  break;
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          } else {
+            if (print_mode) {
+              fprintf(stderr,
+                      "Rpc failed with status code %d, error message: %s\n",
+                      status.error_code(), status.error_message().c_str());
+            }
+          }
+        } else {
+          if (line.length() == 0) {
+            request_text = request_ss.str();
+            request_ss.str(grpc::string());
+            request_ss.clear();
+          } else {
+            request_ss << line << ' ';
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      if (input_file.is_open()) {
+        input_file.close();
+      }
+      return true;
+    }
     if (argc == 3) {
-      request_text = argv[2];
       if (!FLAGS_infile.empty()) {
         fprintf(stderr, "warning: request given in argv, ignoring --infile\n");
@@ -571,9 +688,7 @@ bool GrpcTool::CallMethod(int argc, const char** argv,
     if (FLAGS_binary_input) {
       serialized_request_proto = request_text;
-      // formatted_method_name = method_name;
     } else {
-      // formatted_method_name = parser->GetFormattedMethodName(method_name);
       serialized_request_proto = parser->GetSerializedProtoFromMethod(
           method_name, request_text, true /* is_request */);
       if (parser->HasError()) {
diff --git a/test/cpp/util/grpc_tool_test.cc b/test/cpp/util/grpc_tool_test.cc
index dd00581f2b8..d0b3d7b81ba 100644
--- a/test/cpp/util/grpc_tool_test.cc
+++ b/test/cpp/util/grpc_tool_test.cc
@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ namespace testing {
 namespace {
@@ -399,6 +400,60 @@ TEST_F(GrpcToolTest, CallCommand) {
+TEST_F(GrpcToolTest, CallCommandBatch) {
+  // Test input "grpc_cli call Echo"
+  std::stringstream output_stream;
+  const grpc::string server_address = SetUpServer();
+  const char* argv[] = {"grpc_cli", "call", server_address.c_str(), "Echo",
+                        "message: 'Hello0'"};
+  // Mock std::cin input "message: 'Hello1'\n\n message: 'Hello2'\n\n"
+  std::streambuf* orig = std::cin.rdbuf();
+  std::istringstream ss("message: 'Hello1'\n\n message: 'Hello2'\n\n");
+  std::cin.rdbuf(ss.rdbuf());
+  FLAGS_batch = true;
+  EXPECT_TRUE(0 == GrpcToolMainLib(ArraySize(argv), argv, TestCliCredentials(),
+                                   std::bind(PrintStream, &output_stream,
+                                             std::placeholders::_1)));
+  FLAGS_batch = false;
+  // Expected output: "message: "Hello0"\nmessage: "Hello1"\nmessage:
+  // "Hello2"\n"
+  EXPECT_TRUE(NULL != strstr(output_stream.str().c_str(),
+                             "message: \"Hello0\"\nmessage: "
+                             "\"Hello1\"\nmessage: \"Hello2\"\n"));
+  std::cin.rdbuf(orig);
+  ShutdownServer();
+TEST_F(GrpcToolTest, CallCommandBatchWithBadRequest) {
+  // Test input "grpc_cli call Echo"
+  std::stringstream output_stream;
+  const grpc::string server_address = SetUpServer();
+  const char* argv[] = {"grpc_cli", "call", server_address.c_str(), "Echo",
+                        "message: 'Hello0'"};
+  // Mock std::cin input "message: 1\n\n message: 'Hello2'\n\n"
+  std::streambuf* orig = std::cin.rdbuf();
+  std::istringstream ss("message: 1\n\n message: 'Hello2'\n\n");
+  std::cin.rdbuf(ss.rdbuf());
+  FLAGS_batch = true;
+  EXPECT_TRUE(0 == GrpcToolMainLib(ArraySize(argv), argv, TestCliCredentials(),
+                                   std::bind(PrintStream, &output_stream,
+                                             std::placeholders::_1)));
+  FLAGS_batch = false;
+  // Expected output: "message: "Hello0"\nmessage: "Hello2"\n"
+  EXPECT_TRUE(NULL != strstr(output_stream.str().c_str(),
+                             "message: \"Hello0\"\nmessage: \"Hello2\"\n"));
+  std::cin.rdbuf(orig);
+  ShutdownServer();
 TEST_F(GrpcToolTest, CallCommandRequestStream) {
   // Test input: grpc_cli call localhost:<port> RequestStream "message:
   // 'Hello0'"