removed multiple allocs, refactored b64 encoder

Added new api to b64.h for directly encoding to memory.
Using slice_sub instead of string operations for separating
path from query.
Makarand Dharmapurikar 8 years ago
parent 366c9c5aaa
commit b239da9ab3
  1. 58
  2. 33
  3. 25
  4. 11

@ -296,28 +296,44 @@ static grpc_error *hc_mutate_op(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx,
* MDELEM by appending base64 encoded query to the path */
static const int k_url_safe = 1;
static const int k_multi_line = 0;
static char *k_query_separator = "?";
char *strs_to_concatenate[3];
strs_to_concatenate[0] = grpc_dump_slice(
strs_to_concatenate[1] = k_query_separator;
strs_to_concatenate[2] = grpc_base64_encode(
(const void *)calld->payload_bytes, op->send_message->length,
k_url_safe, k_multi_line);
size_t concatenated_len;
char *path_with_query = gpr_strjoin((const char **)strs_to_concatenate,
3, &concatenated_len);
gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "Path with query: %s\n", path_with_query);
/* substitute previous path with the new path */
static const char *k_query_separator = "?";
grpc_slice path_slice =
/* sum up individual component's lengths and allocate enough memory to
* hold combined path+query */
size_t estimated_len = GRPC_SLICE_LENGTH(path_slice);
estimated_len += strlen(k_query_separator);
estimated_len += grpc_base64_estimate_encoded_size(
op->send_message->length, k_url_safe, k_multi_line);
estimated_len += 1; /* for the trailing 0 */
grpc_slice path_with_query_slice = grpc_slice_malloc(estimated_len);
/* memcopy individual pieces into this slice */
char *write_ptr = (char *)GRPC_SLICE_START_PTR(path_with_query_slice);
char *original_path = (char *)GRPC_SLICE_START_PTR(path_slice);
memcpy(write_ptr, original_path, GRPC_SLICE_LENGTH(path_slice));
write_ptr += (int)GRPC_SLICE_LENGTH(path_slice);
memcpy(write_ptr, k_query_separator, strlen(k_query_separator));
write_ptr += strlen(k_query_separator);
grpc_base64_encode_core(write_ptr, calld->payload_bytes,
op->send_message->length, k_url_safe,
/* remove trailing unused memory and add trailing 0 to terminate string
char *t = (char *)GRPC_SLICE_START_PTR(path_with_query_slice);
size_t path_length = strlen(t) + 1;
*(t + path_length) = 0;
path_with_query_slice =
grpc_slice_sub(path_with_query_slice, 0, path_length);
/* substitute previous path with the new path+query */
grpc_mdelem mdelem_path_and_query = grpc_mdelem_from_slices(
exec_ctx, GRPC_MDSTR_PATH,
grpc_slice_from_copied_buffer((const char *)path_with_query,
exec_ctx, GRPC_MDSTR_PATH, path_with_query_slice);
grpc_metadata_batch *b = op->send_initial_metadata;
error = grpc_metadata_batch_substitute(exec_ctx, b, b->idx.named.path,

@ -200,31 +200,34 @@ static grpc_error *server_filter_incoming_metadata(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx,
} else if (*calld->recv_cacheable_request == true) {
/* We have a cacheable request made with GET verb. The path contains the
* query parameter which is base64 encoded request payload. */
char *path =
grpc_dump_slice(GRPC_MDVALUE(b->idx.named.path->md), GPR_DUMP_ASCII);
static const char *QUERY_SEPARATOR = "?";
char **query_parts;
size_t num_query_parts;
gpr_string_split(path, QUERY_SEPARATOR, &query_parts, &num_query_parts);
GPR_ASSERT(num_query_parts == 2);
static const char *k_query_separator = "?";
grpc_slice path_slice = GRPC_MDVALUE(b->idx.named.path->md);
char *path_ptr = (char *)GRPC_SLICE_START_PTR(path_slice);
size_t path_length = GRPC_SLICE_LENGTH(path_slice);
/* offset of the character '?' */
size_t offset = 0;
for (offset = 0; *path_ptr != k_query_separator[0] && offset < path_length;
path_ptr++, offset++)
grpc_slice query_slice =
grpc_slice_sub(path_slice, offset + 1, path_length);
/* substitute path metadata with just the path (not query) */
grpc_mdelem mdelem_path_without_query = grpc_mdelem_from_slices(
exec_ctx, GRPC_MDSTR_PATH,
grpc_slice_from_copied_buffer((const char *)query_parts[0],
exec_ctx, GRPC_MDSTR_PATH, grpc_slice_sub(path_slice, 0, offset));
grpc_metadata_batch_substitute(exec_ctx, b, b->idx.named.path,
/* decode query into payload and add it to the slice buffer to be returned
* */
/* decode payload from query and add to the slice buffer to be returned */
static const int k_url_safe = 1;
grpc_base64_decode(exec_ctx, (const char *)query_parts[1], k_url_safe));
(const char *)GRPC_SLICE_START_PTR(query_slice),
&calld->read_slice_buffer, 0);
calld->seen_path_with_query = true;

@ -71,15 +71,31 @@ static const char base64_url_safe_chars[] =
char *grpc_base64_encode(const void *vdata, size_t data_size, int url_safe,
int multiline) {
const unsigned char *data = vdata;
const char *base64_chars =
url_safe ? base64_url_safe_chars : base64_url_unsafe_chars;
size_t result_projected_size =
grpc_base64_estimate_encoded_size(data_size, url_safe, multiline);
char *result = gpr_malloc(result_projected_size);
grpc_base64_encode_core(result, vdata, data_size, url_safe, multiline);
return result;
size_t grpc_base64_estimate_encoded_size(size_t data_size, int url_safe,
int multiline) {
size_t result_projected_size =
4 * ((data_size + 3) / 3) +
2 * (multiline ? (data_size / (3 * GRPC_BASE64_MULTILINE_NUM_BLOCKS))
: 0) +
char *result = gpr_malloc(result_projected_size);
return result_projected_size;
void grpc_base64_encode_core(char *result, const void *vdata, size_t data_size,
int url_safe, int multiline) {
const unsigned char *data = vdata;
const char *base64_chars =
url_safe ? base64_url_safe_chars : base64_url_unsafe_chars;
size_t result_projected_size =
grpc_base64_estimate_encoded_size(data_size, url_safe, multiline);
char *current = result;
size_t num_blocks = 0;
size_t i = 0;
@ -119,7 +135,6 @@ char *grpc_base64_encode(const void *vdata, size_t data_size, int url_safe,
GPR_ASSERT(current >= result);
GPR_ASSERT((uintptr_t)(current - result) < result_projected_size);
result[current - result] = '\0';
return result;
grpc_slice grpc_base64_decode(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, const char *b64,

@ -41,6 +41,17 @@
char *grpc_base64_encode(const void *data, size_t data_size, int url_safe,
int multiline);
/* estimate the upper bound on size of base64 encoded data. The actual size
* is guaranteed to be less than or equal to the size returned here. */
size_t grpc_base64_estimate_encoded_size(size_t data_size, int url_safe,
int multiline);
/* Encodes data using base64 and write it to memory pointed to by result. It is
* the caller's responsiblity to allocate enough memory in |result| to fit the
* encoded data. */
void grpc_base64_encode_core(char *result, const void *vdata, size_t data_size,
int url_safe, int multiline);
/* Decodes data according to the base64 specification. Returns an empty
slice in case of failure. */
grpc_slice grpc_base64_decode(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, const char *b64,
