@ -4,74 +4,117 @@ gRPC C# |
A C# implementation of gRPC. |
A C# implementation of gRPC. |
Status |
Status |
----------------- |
------ |
**This gRPC C# implementation is work-in-progress and is not expected to work yet.** |
Ready for early adopters. |
- The implementation is a wrapper around gRPC C core library |
Usage: Windows |
- Code only runs under mono currently, building gRPC C core library under Windows |
-------------- |
is in progress. |
- It is very possible that some parts of the code will be heavily refactored or |
completely rewritten. |
- Prerequisites: .NET Framework 4.5+, Visual Studio 2013 with NuGet extension installed (VS2015 should work). |
- Open Visual Studio and start a new project/solution. |
------------------------------- |
- Open Grpc.sln using Visual Studio 2013. NuGet dependencies will be restored |
- Add NuGet package `Grpc` as a dependency (Project options -> Manage NuGet Packages). |
upon build. |
That will also pull all the transitive dependencies (including the native libraries that |
gRPC C# is internally using). |
- TODO: link to Helloworld example |
Usage: Linux (Mono) |
------------------------------------ |
-------------- |
- Compile and install the gRPC C# extension library (that will be used via |
- Prerequisites: Mono framework, MonoDevelop 5.9 with NuGet add-in installed. |
P/Invoke from C#). |
- Install gRPC C Core using instructions in https://github.com/grpc/homebrew-grpc |
- TODO: explain using LD_LIBRARY_PATH or installation to /usr/local |
- Open MonoDevelop and start a new project/solution. |
- Add NuGet package `Grpc` as a dependency (Project -> Add NuGet packages). |
- TODO: link to Helloworld example |
Building: Windows |
----------------- |
You only need to go through these steps if you are planning to develop gRPC C#. |
If you are a user of gRPC C#, go to Usage section above. |
- Prerequisites for development: NET Framework 4.5+, Visual Studio 2013 (with NuGet and NUnit extensions installed). |
- The grpc_csharp_ext native library needs to be built so you can build the Grpc C# solution. You can |
either build the native solution in `vsprojects/grpc.sln` from Visual Studio manually, or you can use |
a convenience batch script that builds everything for you. |
``` |
``` |
make grpc_csharp_ext |
buildall.bat |
sudo make install_grpc_csharp_ext |
``` |
``` |
- Prerequisites for development: Mono framework, MonoDevelop (IDE) |
- Open Grpc.sln using Visual Studio 2013. NuGet dependencies will be restored |
upon build (you need to have NuGet add-in installed). |
Building: Linux & Mono |
---------------------- |
You only need to go through these steps if you are planning to develop gRPC C#. |
If you are a user of gRPC C#, go to Usage section above. |
- Prerequisites for development: Mono framework, MonoDevelop 5.9 with NuGet and Nunit add-ins installed. |
``` |
``` |
sudo apt-get install mono-devel |
sudo apt-get install mono-devel |
sudo apt-get install monodevelop monodevelop-nunit |
sudo apt-get install nunit nunit-console |
sudo apt-get install nunit nunit-console |
``` |
``` |
- NuGet is used to manage project's dependencies. Prior opening Grpc.sln, |
You can use older versions of MonoDevelop, but then you might need to restore |
download dependencies using NuGet restore command: |
NuGet dependencies manually (by `nuget restore`), because older versions of MonoDevelop |
don't support NuGet add-in. |
- Compile and install the gRPC C# extension library (that will be used via |
P/Invoke from C#). |
``` |
``` |
# Import needed certicates into Mono certificate store: |
make grpc_csharp_ext |
mozroots --import --sync |
sudo make install_grpc_csharp_ext |
# Download NuGet.exe http://nuget.codeplex.com/releases/ |
# Restore the nuget packages with Grpc C# dependencies |
mono ~/Downloads/NuGet.exe restore Grpc.sln |
``` |
``` |
- Use MonoDevelop to open the solution Grpc.sln (you can also run unit tests |
- Use MonoDevelop to open the solution Grpc.sln |
from there). |
- Build the solution & run all the tests from test view. |
Tests |
----- |
- After building the solution with MonoDevelop, you can use |
gRPC C# is using NUnit as the testing framework. |
nunit-console to run the unit tests (currently only running one by |
one will make them pass. |
Under Visual Studio, make sure NUnit test adapter is installed (under "Extensions and Updates"). |
Then you should be able to run all the tests using Test Explorer. |
Under Monodevelop, make sure you installed "NUnit support" in Add-in manager. |
Then you should be able to run all the test from the Test View. |
After building the solution, you can also run the tests from command line |
using nunit-console tool. |
``` |
``` |
# from Grpc.Core.Test/bin/Debug directory |
nunit-console Grpc.Core.Tests.dll |
nunit-console Grpc.Core.Tests.dll |
``` |
``` |
Contents |
-------- |
-------- |
- ext: |
- ext: |
The extension library that wraps C API to be more digestible by C#. |
The extension library that wraps C API to be more digestible by C#. |
- Grpc.Auth: |
gRPC OAuth2 support. |
- Grpc.Core: |
- Grpc.Core: |
The main gRPC C# library. |
The main gRPC C# library. |
- Grpc.Examples: |
- Grpc.Examples: |
API examples for math.proto |
API examples for math.proto |
- Grpc.Examples.MathClient: |
- Grpc.Examples.MathClient: |
An example client that sends some requests to math server. |
An example client that sends some requests to math server. |
- Grpc.Examples.MathServer: |
An example client that sends some requests to math server. |
- Grpc.IntegrationTesting: |
- Grpc.IntegrationTesting: |
Client for cross-language gRPC implementation testing (interop testing). |
Cross-language gRPC implementation testing (interop testing). |