@ -37,13 +37,19 @@ class Observable {
// Update the value to something new. Awakes any waiters.
void Set ( T value ) { state_ - > Set ( std : : move ( value ) ) ; }
// Returns a promise that resolves to a T when the value becomes != current.
auto Next ( T current ) { return ObserverIfChanged ( state_ , std : : move ( current ) ) ; }
// Returns a promise that resolves to a T when is_acceptable returns true for
// that value.
// is_acceptable is any invocable that takes a `const T&` and returns a bool.
template < typename F >
auto NextWhen ( F is_acceptable ) {
return ObserverWhen < F > ( state_ , std : : move ( is_acceptable ) ) ;
// Same as Next(), except it resolves only once is_acceptable returns
// true for the new value.
auto NextWhen ( absl : : AnyInvocable < bool ( const T & ) > is_acceptable ) {
return ObserverWhen ( state_ , std : : move ( is_acceptable ) ) ;
// Returns a promise that resolves to a T when the value becomes != current.
auto Next ( T current ) {
return NextWhen ( [ current = std : : move ( current ) ] ( const T & value ) {
return value ! = current ;
} ) ;
private :
@ -145,27 +151,12 @@ class Observable {
bool saw_pending_ = false ;
} ;
// An observer that resolves to a T when the value becomes != current.
class ObserverIfChanged : public Observer {
public :
ObserverIfChanged ( RefCountedPtr < State > state , T current )
: Observer ( std : : move ( state ) ) , current_ ( std : : move ( current ) ) { }
ObserverIfChanged ( ObserverIfChanged & & other ) noexcept
: Observer ( std : : move ( other ) ) , current_ ( std : : move ( other . current_ ) ) { }
bool ShouldReturn ( const T & current ) override { return current_ ! = current ; }
private :
T current_ ;
} ;
// A promise that resolves to a T when is_acceptable returns true for
// the current value.
template < typename F >
class ObserverWhen : public Observer {
public :
ObserverWhen ( RefCountedPtr < State > state ,
absl : : AnyInvocable < bool ( const T & ) > is_acceptable )
ObserverWhen ( RefCountedPtr < State > state , F is_acceptable )
: Observer ( std : : move ( state ) ) ,
is_acceptable_ ( std : : move ( is_acceptable ) ) { }
@ -178,7 +169,7 @@ class Observable {
private :
absl : : AnyInvocable < bool ( const T & ) > is_acceptable_ ;
F is_acceptable_ ;
} ;
RefCountedPtr < State > state_ ;