@ -65,6 +65,11 @@ grpc_json* GetJsonChild(grpc_json* parent, const char* key) { |
void ValidateJsonArraySize(grpc_json* json, const char* key, |
size_t expected_size) { |
grpc_json* arr = GetJsonChild(json, key); |
// the events array should not be present if there are no events.
if (expected_size == 0) { |
EXPECT_EQ(arr, nullptr); |
return; |
} |
ASSERT_NE(arr, nullptr); |
size_t count = 0; |
@ -94,29 +99,31 @@ void AddSimpleTrace(ChannelTrace* tracer) { |
} |
// checks for the existence of all the required members of the tracer.
void ValidateChannelTrace(ChannelTrace* tracer, |
size_t expected_num_event_logged, size_t max_nodes) { |
if (!max_nodes) return; |
void ValidateChannelTraceCustom(ChannelTrace* tracer, size_t num_events_logged, |
size_t num_events_expected) { |
grpc_json* json = tracer->RenderJson(); |
EXPECT_NE(json, nullptr); |
char* json_str = grpc_json_dump_to_string(json, 0); |
grpc_json_destroy(json); |
grpc::testing::ValidateChannelTraceProtoJsonTranslation(json_str); |
grpc_json* parsed_json = grpc_json_parse_string(json_str); |
ValidateChannelTraceData(parsed_json, expected_num_event_logged, |
GPR_MIN(expected_num_event_logged, max_nodes)); |
ValidateChannelTraceData(parsed_json, num_events_logged, num_events_expected); |
grpc_json_destroy(parsed_json); |
gpr_free(json_str); |
} |
void ValidateChannelTrace(ChannelTrace* tracer, size_t num_events_logged) { |
ValidateChannelTraceCustom(tracer, num_events_logged, num_events_logged); |
} |
class ChannelFixture { |
public: |
ChannelFixture(int max_trace_nodes) { |
ChannelFixture(int max_tracer_event_memory) { |
grpc_arg client_a; |
client_a.type = GRPC_ARG_INTEGER; |
client_a.key = |
client_a.value.integer = max_trace_nodes; |
client_a.value.integer = max_tracer_event_memory; |
grpc_channel_args client_args = {1, &client_a}; |
channel_ = |
grpc_insecure_channel_create("fake_target", &client_args, nullptr); |
@ -132,67 +139,67 @@ class ChannelFixture { |
} // anonymous namespace
class ChannelTracerTest : public ::testing::TestWithParam<size_t> {}; |
const int kEventListMemoryLimit = 1024 * 1024; |
// Tests basic ChannelTrace functionality like construction, adding trace, and
// lookups by uuid.
TEST_P(ChannelTracerTest, BasicTest) { |
TEST(ChannelTracerTest, BasicTest) { |
grpc_core::ExecCtx exec_ctx; |
ChannelTrace tracer(GetParam()); |
ChannelTrace tracer(kEventListMemoryLimit); |
AddSimpleTrace(&tracer); |
AddSimpleTrace(&tracer); |
tracer.AddTraceEvent(ChannelTrace::Severity::Info, |
grpc_slice_from_static_string("trace three")); |
tracer.AddTraceEvent(ChannelTrace::Severity::Error, |
grpc_slice_from_static_string("trace four error")); |
ValidateChannelTrace(&tracer, 4, GetParam()); |
ValidateChannelTrace(&tracer, 4); |
AddSimpleTrace(&tracer); |
AddSimpleTrace(&tracer); |
ValidateChannelTrace(&tracer, 6, GetParam()); |
ValidateChannelTrace(&tracer, 6); |
AddSimpleTrace(&tracer); |
AddSimpleTrace(&tracer); |
AddSimpleTrace(&tracer); |
AddSimpleTrace(&tracer); |
ValidateChannelTrace(&tracer, 10, GetParam()); |
ValidateChannelTrace(&tracer, 10); |
} |
// Tests more complex functionality, like a parent channel tracking
// subchannles. This exercises the ref/unref patterns since the parent tracer
// and this function will both hold refs to the subchannel.
TEST_P(ChannelTracerTest, ComplexTest) { |
TEST(ChannelTracerTest, ComplexTest) { |
grpc_core::ExecCtx exec_ctx; |
ChannelTrace tracer(GetParam()); |
ChannelTrace tracer(kEventListMemoryLimit); |
AddSimpleTrace(&tracer); |
AddSimpleTrace(&tracer); |
ChannelFixture channel1(GetParam()); |
RefCountedPtr<ChannelNode> sc1 = |
MakeRefCounted<ChannelNode>(channel1.channel(), GetParam(), true); |
ChannelFixture channel1(kEventListMemoryLimit); |
RefCountedPtr<ChannelNode> sc1 = MakeRefCounted<ChannelNode>( |
channel1.channel(), kEventListMemoryLimit, true); |
ChannelNodePeer sc1_peer(sc1.get()); |
tracer.AddTraceEventWithReference( |
ChannelTrace::Severity::Info, |
grpc_slice_from_static_string("subchannel one created"), sc1); |
ValidateChannelTrace(&tracer, 3, GetParam()); |
ValidateChannelTrace(&tracer, 3); |
AddSimpleTrace(sc1_peer.trace()); |
AddSimpleTrace(sc1_peer.trace()); |
AddSimpleTrace(sc1_peer.trace()); |
ValidateChannelTrace(sc1_peer.trace(), 3, GetParam()); |
ValidateChannelTrace(sc1_peer.trace(), 3); |
AddSimpleTrace(sc1_peer.trace()); |
AddSimpleTrace(sc1_peer.trace()); |
AddSimpleTrace(sc1_peer.trace()); |
ValidateChannelTrace(sc1_peer.trace(), 6, GetParam()); |
ValidateChannelTrace(sc1_peer.trace(), 6); |
AddSimpleTrace(&tracer); |
AddSimpleTrace(&tracer); |
ValidateChannelTrace(&tracer, 5, GetParam()); |
ChannelFixture channel2(GetParam()); |
RefCountedPtr<ChannelNode> sc2 = |
MakeRefCounted<ChannelNode>(channel2.channel(), GetParam(), true); |
ValidateChannelTrace(&tracer, 5); |
ChannelFixture channel2(kEventListMemoryLimit); |
RefCountedPtr<ChannelNode> sc2 = MakeRefCounted<ChannelNode>( |
channel2.channel(), kEventListMemoryLimit, true); |
tracer.AddTraceEventWithReference( |
ChannelTrace::Severity::Info, |
grpc_slice_from_static_string("LB channel two created"), sc2); |
tracer.AddTraceEventWithReference( |
ChannelTrace::Severity::Warning, |
grpc_slice_from_static_string("subchannel one inactive"), sc1); |
ValidateChannelTrace(&tracer, 7, GetParam()); |
ValidateChannelTrace(&tracer, 7); |
AddSimpleTrace(&tracer); |
AddSimpleTrace(&tracer); |
AddSimpleTrace(&tracer); |
@ -206,38 +213,38 @@ TEST_P(ChannelTracerTest, ComplexTest) { |
// Test a case in which the parent channel has subchannels and the subchannels
// have connections. Ensures that everything lives as long as it should then
// gets deleted.
TEST_P(ChannelTracerTest, TestNesting) { |
TEST(ChannelTracerTest, TestNesting) { |
grpc_core::ExecCtx exec_ctx; |
ChannelTrace tracer(GetParam()); |
ChannelTrace tracer(kEventListMemoryLimit); |
AddSimpleTrace(&tracer); |
AddSimpleTrace(&tracer); |
ValidateChannelTrace(&tracer, 2, GetParam()); |
ChannelFixture channel1(GetParam()); |
RefCountedPtr<ChannelNode> sc1 = |
MakeRefCounted<ChannelNode>(channel1.channel(), GetParam(), true); |
ValidateChannelTrace(&tracer, 2); |
ChannelFixture channel1(kEventListMemoryLimit); |
RefCountedPtr<ChannelNode> sc1 = MakeRefCounted<ChannelNode>( |
channel1.channel(), kEventListMemoryLimit, true); |
ChannelNodePeer sc1_peer(sc1.get()); |
tracer.AddTraceEventWithReference( |
ChannelTrace::Severity::Info, |
grpc_slice_from_static_string("subchannel one created"), sc1); |
ValidateChannelTrace(&tracer, 3, GetParam()); |
ValidateChannelTrace(&tracer, 3); |
AddSimpleTrace(sc1_peer.trace()); |
ChannelFixture channel2(GetParam()); |
RefCountedPtr<ChannelNode> conn1 = |
MakeRefCounted<ChannelNode>(channel2.channel(), GetParam(), true); |
ChannelFixture channel2(kEventListMemoryLimit); |
RefCountedPtr<ChannelNode> conn1 = MakeRefCounted<ChannelNode>( |
channel2.channel(), kEventListMemoryLimit, true); |
ChannelNodePeer conn1_peer(conn1.get()); |
// nesting one level deeper.
sc1_peer.trace()->AddTraceEventWithReference( |
ChannelTrace::Severity::Info, |
grpc_slice_from_static_string("connection one created"), conn1); |
ValidateChannelTrace(&tracer, 3, GetParam()); |
ValidateChannelTrace(&tracer, 3); |
AddSimpleTrace(conn1_peer.trace()); |
AddSimpleTrace(&tracer); |
AddSimpleTrace(&tracer); |
ValidateChannelTrace(&tracer, 5, GetParam()); |
ValidateChannelTrace(conn1_peer.trace(), 1, GetParam()); |
ChannelFixture channel3(GetParam()); |
RefCountedPtr<ChannelNode> sc2 = |
MakeRefCounted<ChannelNode>(channel3.channel(), GetParam(), true); |
ValidateChannelTrace(&tracer, 5); |
ValidateChannelTrace(conn1_peer.trace(), 1); |
ChannelFixture channel3(kEventListMemoryLimit); |
RefCountedPtr<ChannelNode> sc2 = MakeRefCounted<ChannelNode>( |
channel3.channel(), kEventListMemoryLimit, true); |
tracer.AddTraceEventWithReference( |
ChannelTrace::Severity::Info, |
grpc_slice_from_static_string("subchannel two created"), sc2); |
@ -247,14 +254,93 @@ TEST_P(ChannelTracerTest, TestNesting) { |
ChannelTrace::Severity::Warning, |
grpc_slice_from_static_string("subchannel one inactive"), sc1); |
AddSimpleTrace(&tracer); |
ValidateChannelTrace(&tracer, 8, GetParam()); |
ValidateChannelTrace(&tracer, 8); |
sc1.reset(); |
sc2.reset(); |
conn1.reset(); |
} |
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(ChannelTracerTestSweep, ChannelTracerTest, |
::testing::Values(0, 1, 2, 6, 10, 15)); |
TEST(ChannelTracerTest, TestSmallMemoryLimit) { |
grpc_core::ExecCtx exec_ctx; |
// doesn't make sense, but serves a testing purpose for the channel tracing
// bookkeeping. All tracing events added should will get immediately garbage
// collected.
const int kSmallMemoryLimit = 1; |
ChannelTrace tracer(kSmallMemoryLimit); |
AddSimpleTrace(&tracer); |
AddSimpleTrace(&tracer); |
tracer.AddTraceEvent(ChannelTrace::Severity::Info, |
grpc_slice_from_static_string("trace three")); |
tracer.AddTraceEvent(ChannelTrace::Severity::Error, |
grpc_slice_from_static_string("trace four error")); |
ValidateChannelTraceCustom(&tracer, 4, 0); |
AddSimpleTrace(&tracer); |
AddSimpleTrace(&tracer); |
ValidateChannelTraceCustom(&tracer, 6, 0); |
AddSimpleTrace(&tracer); |
AddSimpleTrace(&tracer); |
AddSimpleTrace(&tracer); |
AddSimpleTrace(&tracer); |
ValidateChannelTraceCustom(&tracer, 10, 0); |
} |
TEST(ChannelTracerTest, TestEviction) { |
grpc_core::ExecCtx exec_ctx; |
// This depends on sizeof(ChannelTrace). If that struct has been updated,
// this will too.
const int kTraceEventSize = 80; |
const int kNumEvents = 5; |
ChannelTrace tracer(kTraceEventSize * kNumEvents); |
for (int i = 1; i <= kNumEvents; ++i) { |
AddSimpleTrace(&tracer); |
ValidateChannelTrace(&tracer, i); |
} |
// at this point the list is full, and each subsequent enntry will cause an
// eviction.
for (int i = 1; i <= kNumEvents; ++i) { |
AddSimpleTrace(&tracer); |
ValidateChannelTraceCustom(&tracer, kNumEvents + i, kNumEvents); |
} |
} |
TEST(ChannelTracerTest, TestMultipleEviction) { |
grpc_core::ExecCtx exec_ctx; |
// This depends on sizeof(ChannelTrace). If that struct has been updated,
// this will too.
const int kTraceEventSize = 80; |
const int kNumEvents = 5; |
ChannelTrace tracer(kTraceEventSize * kNumEvents); |
for (int i = 1; i <= kNumEvents; ++i) { |
AddSimpleTrace(&tracer); |
ValidateChannelTrace(&tracer, i); |
} |
// at this point the list is full, and each subsequent enntry will cause an
// eviction. We will now add in a trace event that has a copied string. This
// uses more memory, so it will cause a double eviciction
tracer.AddTraceEvent( |
ChannelTrace::Severity::Info, |
grpc_slice_from_copied_string( |
"long enough string to trigger a multiple eviction")); |
ValidateChannelTraceCustom(&tracer, kNumEvents + 1, kNumEvents - 1); |
} |
TEST(ChannelTracerTest, TestTotalEviction) { |
grpc_core::ExecCtx exec_ctx; |
// This depends on sizeof(ChannelTrace). If that struct has been updated,
// this will too.
const int kTraceEventSize = 80; |
const int kNumEvents = 5; |
ChannelTrace tracer(kTraceEventSize * kNumEvents); |
for (int i = 1; i <= kNumEvents; ++i) { |
AddSimpleTrace(&tracer); |
ValidateChannelTrace(&tracer, i); |
} |
// at this point the list is full. Now we add such a big slice that
// everything gets evicted.
grpc_slice huge_slice = grpc_slice_malloc(kTraceEventSize * (kNumEvents + 1)); |
tracer.AddTraceEvent(ChannelTrace::Severity::Info, huge_slice); |
ValidateChannelTraceCustom(&tracer, kNumEvents + 1, 0); |
} |
} // namespace testing
} // namespace channelz