@ -65,6 +65,8 @@ |
deps.append("${_gRPC_ZLIB_LIBRARIES}") |
for d in target_dict.get('deps', []): |
deps.append(d) |
if target_dict.build == 'test' and target_dict.language == 'c++': |
deps.append("${_gRPC_GFLAGS_LIBRARIES}") |
return deps |
%> |
@ -77,6 +79,9 @@ |
set(PACKAGE_BUGREPORT "https://github.com/grpc/grpc/issues/") |
project(<%text>${PACKAGE_NAME}</%text> C CXX) |
# Options |
option(gRPC_BUILD_TESTS "Build tests" OFF) |
if (NOT MSVC) |
set(gRPC_INSTALL ON CACHE BOOL "Generate installation target") |
else() |
@ -92,6 +97,9 @@ |
set(gRPC_PROTOBUF_PROVIDER "module" CACHE STRING "Provider of protobuf library") |
set_property(CACHE gRPC_PROTOBUF_PROVIDER PROPERTY STRINGS "module" "package") |
set(gRPC_GFLAGS_PROVIDER "module" CACHE STRING "Provider of gflags library") |
set_property(CACHE gRPC_GFLAGS_PROVIDER PROPERTY STRINGS "module" "package") |
set(gRPC_USE_PROTO_LITE OFF CACHE BOOL "Use the protobuf-lite library") |
if (MSVC) |
@ -196,6 +204,26 @@ |
set(_gRPC_FIND_SSL "if(NOT OpenSSL_FOUND)\n find_package(OpenSSL)\nendif()") |
endif() |
if("<%text>${gRPC_GFLAGS_PROVIDER}</%text>" STREQUAL "module") |
set(GFLAGS_ROOT_DIR <%text>${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}</%text>/third_party/gflags) |
endif() |
if(EXISTS "<%text>${GFLAGS_ROOT_DIR}</%text>/CMakeLists.txt") |
add_subdirectory(<%text>${GFLAGS_ROOT_DIR}</%text> third_party/gflags) |
if(TARGET gflags_static) |
set(_gRPC_GFLAGS_LIBRARIES gflags_static) |
endif() |
else() |
message(WARNING "gRPC_GFLAGS_PROVIDER is \"module\" but GFLAGS_ROOT_DIR is wrong") |
endif() |
elseif("<%text>${gRPC_GFLAGS_PROVIDER}</%text>" STREQUAL "package") |
find_package(gflags) |
if(TARGET gflags::gflags) |
set(_gRPC_GFLAGS_LIBRARIES gflags::gflags) |
endif() |
set(_gRPC_FIND_GFLAGS "if(NOT gflags_FOUND)\n find_package(gflags)\nendif()") |
endif() |
if(NOT MSVC) |
set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "<%text>${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}</%text> -std=c11") |
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "<%text>${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}</%text> -std=c++11") |
@ -260,17 +288,31 @@ |
endfunction() |
% for lib in libs: |
% if lib.build in ["all", "protoc", "tool"] and lib.language in ['c', 'c++']: |
% if lib.build in ["all", "protoc", "tool", "test", "private"] and lib.language in ['c', 'c++']: |
% if not lib.get('build_system', []) or 'cmake' in lib.get('build_system', []): |
% if lib.build in ["test", "private"]: |
${cc_library(lib)} |
endif (gRPC_BUILD_TESTS) |
% else: |
${cc_library(lib)} |
${cc_install(lib)} |
% endif |
% endif |
% endif |
% endfor |
% for tgt in targets: |
% if tgt.build in ["all", "protoc", "tool"] and tgt.language in ['c', 'c++']: |
% if tgt.build in ["all", "protoc", "tool", "test", "private"] and tgt.language in ['c', 'c++']: |
% if tgt.build in ["test", "private"]: |
${cc_binary(tgt)} |
endif (gRPC_BUILD_TESTS) |
% else: |
${cc_binary(tgt)} |
${cc_install(tgt)} |
% endif |
% endif |
% endfor |
<%def name="cc_library(lib)"> |
@ -302,6 +344,11 @@ |
PRIVATE <%text>${PROTOBUF_ROOT_DIR}</%text>/src |
PRIVATE <%text>${ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR}</%text> |
PRIVATE <%text>${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}</%text>/third_party/zlib |
PRIVATE <%text>${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}</%text>/third_party/gflags/include |
% if lib.build in ['test', 'private'] and lib.language == 'c++': |
PRIVATE third_party/googletest/include |
PRIVATE third_party/googletest |
% endif |
% if any(proto_re.match(src) for src in lib.src): |
PRIVATE <%text>${_gRPC_PROTO_GENS_DIR}</%text> |
% endif |
@ -335,6 +382,9 @@ |
% for src in tgt.src: |
${src} |
% endfor |
% if tgt.build == 'test' and tgt.language == 'c++': |
third_party/googletest/src/gtest-all.cc |
% endif |
) |
target_include_directories(${tgt.name} |
@ -344,6 +394,11 @@ |
PRIVATE <%text>${PROTOBUF_ROOT_DIR}</%text>/src |
PRIVATE <%text>${ZLIB_ROOT_DIR}</%text> |
PRIVATE <%text>${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}</%text>/third_party/zlib |
PRIVATE <%text>${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}</%text>/third_party/gflags/include |
% if tgt.build in ['test', 'private'] and tgt.language == 'c++': |
PRIVATE third_party/googletest/include |
PRIVATE third_party/googletest |
% endif |
) |
% if len(get_deps(tgt)) > 0: |