@ -96,10 +96,10 @@ To load a `.proto` file, simply `require` the gRPC library, then use its `load()
var grpc = require('grpc');
var protoDescriptor = grpc.load(__dirname + '/route_guide.proto');
// The protoDescriptor object has the full package hierarchy
var example = protoDescriptor.examples;
var example = protoDescriptor.routeguide;
Once you've done this, the stub constructor is in the `examples` namespace (`protoDescriptor.examples.RouteGuide`) and the service descriptor (which is used to create a server) is a property of the stub (`protoDescriptor.examples.RouteGuide.service`);
Once you've done this, the stub constructor is in the `routeguide` namespace (`protoDescriptor.routeguide.RouteGuide`) and the service descriptor (which is used to create a server) is a property of the stub (`protoDescriptor.routeguide.RouteGuide.service`);
## Creating the server
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ You can find our example `RouteGuide` server in [route_guide_server.js](route_gu
As you can see, our server has a `Server` constructor generated from the `RouteGuide.service` descriptor object
var Server = grpc.buildServer([examples.RouteGuide.service]);
var Server = grpc.buildServer([routeguide.RouteGuide.service]);
In this case we're implementing the *asynchronous* version of `RouteGuide`, which provides our default gRPC server behaviour.
@ -219,18 +219,18 @@ Once we've implemented all our methods, we also need to start up a gRPC server s
As you can see, we build and start our server with the following steps:
@ -251,7 +251,8 @@ In this section, we'll look at creating a Node.js client for our `RouteGuide` se
To call service methods, we first need to create a *stub*. To do this, we just need to call the RouteGuide stub constructor, specifying the server address and port.
new example.RouteGuide('localhost:50051');
var client = new routeguide.RouteGuide('localhost:50051',