@ -34,10 +34,8 @@
# include "absl/strings/strip.h"
# include "absl/types/optional.h"
# include "absl/types/variant.h"
# include "google/protobuf/struct.upb.h"
# include "opentelemetry/sdk/resource/semantic_conventions.h"
# include "upb/base/string_view.h"
# include "upb/mem/arena.hpp"
# include <grpc/slice.h>
@ -91,7 +89,24 @@ constexpr absl::string_view kPeerCanonicalServiceAttribute =
constexpr absl : : string_view kGkeType = " gcp_kubernetes_engine " ;
constexpr absl : : string_view kGceType = " gcp_compute_engine " ;
enum class GcpResourceType : std : : uint8_t { kGke , kGce , kUnknown } ;
// A helper method that decodes the remote metadata \a slice as a protobuf
// Struct allocated on \a arena.
google_protobuf_Struct * DecodeMetadata ( grpc_core : : Slice slice ,
upb_Arena * arena ) {
// Treat an empty slice as an invalid metadata value.
if ( slice . empty ( ) ) {
return nullptr ;
// Decode the slice.
std : : string decoded_metadata ;
bool metadata_decoded =
absl : : Base64Unescape ( slice . as_string_view ( ) , & decoded_metadata ) ;
if ( metadata_decoded ) {
return google_protobuf_Struct_parse ( decoded_metadata . c_str ( ) ,
decoded_metadata . size ( ) , arena ) ;
return nullptr ;
// A minimal class for helping with the information we need from the xDS
// bootstrap file for GSM Observability reasons.
@ -145,13 +160,14 @@ std::string GetXdsBootstrapContents() {
return " " ;
GcpResourceType StringToGcpResourceType ( absl : : string_view type ) {
MeshLabelsIterable : : GcpResourceType StringToGcpResourceType (
absl : : string_view type ) {
if ( type = = kGkeType ) {
return GcpResourceType : : kGke ;
return MeshLabelsIterable : : GcpResourceType : : kGke ;
} else if ( type = = kGceType ) {
return GcpResourceType : : kGce ;
return MeshLabelsIterable : : GcpResourceType : : kGce ;
return GcpResourceType : : kUnknown ;
return MeshLabelsIterable : : GcpResourceType : : kUnknown ;
upb_StringView AbslStrToUpbStr ( absl : : string_view str ) {
@ -203,147 +219,96 @@ absl::string_view GetStringValueFromUpbStruct(google_protobuf_Struct* struct_pb,
return " unknown " ;
class MeshLabelsIterable : public LabelsIterable {
public :
explicit MeshLabelsIterable (
const std : : vector < std : : pair < absl : : string_view , std : : string > > &
local_labels ,
grpc_core : : Slice remote_metadata )
: local_labels_ ( local_labels ) , metadata_ ( std : : move ( remote_metadata ) ) { }
absl : : optional < std : : pair < absl : : string_view , absl : : string_view > > Next ( )
override {
auto & struct_pb = GetDecodedMetadata ( ) ;
size_t local_labels_size = local_labels_ . size ( ) ;
if ( pos_ < local_labels_size ) {
return local_labels_ [ pos_ + + ] ;
const size_t fixed_attribute_end =
local_labels_size + kFixedAttributes . size ( ) ;
if ( pos_ < fixed_attribute_end ) {
return NextFromAttributeList ( struct_pb , kFixedAttributes ,
local_labels_size ) ;
return NextFromAttributeList ( struct_pb , GetAttributesForType ( remote_type_ ) ,
fixed_attribute_end ) ;
size_t Size ( ) const override {
return local_labels_ . size ( ) + kFixedAttributes . size ( ) +
GetAttributesForType ( remote_type_ ) . size ( ) ;
struct RemoteAttribute {
absl : : string_view otel_attribute ;
absl : : string_view metadata_attribute ;
} ;
void ResetIteratorPosition ( ) override { pos_ = 0 ; }
constexpr std : : array < RemoteAttribute , 2 > kFixedAttributes = {
RemoteAttribute { kPeerTypeAttribute , kMetadataExchangeTypeKey } ,
RemoteAttribute { kPeerCanonicalServiceAttribute ,
kMetadataExchangeCanonicalServiceKey } ,
} ;
// Returns true if the peer sent a non-empty base64 encoded
// "x-envoy-peer-metadata" metadata.
bool GotRemoteLabels ( ) const {
return GetDecodedMetadata ( ) . struct_pb ! = nullptr ;
constexpr std : : array < RemoteAttribute , 5 > kGkeAttributeList = {
RemoteAttribute { kPeerWorkloadNameAttribute ,
kMetadataExchangeWorkloadNameKey } ,
RemoteAttribute { kPeerNamespaceNameAttribute ,
kMetadataExchangeNamespaceNameKey } ,
RemoteAttribute { kPeerClusterNameAttribute , kMetadataExchangeClusterNameKey } ,
RemoteAttribute { kPeerLocationAttribute , kMetadataExchangeLocationKey } ,
RemoteAttribute { kPeerProjectIdAttribute , kMetadataExchangeProjectIdKey } ,
} ;
private :
struct RemoteAttribute {
absl : : string_view otel_attribute ;
absl : : string_view metadata_attribute ;
} ;
constexpr std : : array < RemoteAttribute , 3 > kGceAttributeList = {
RemoteAttribute { kPeerWorkloadNameAttribute ,
kMetadataExchangeWorkloadNameKey } ,
RemoteAttribute { kPeerLocationAttribute , kMetadataExchangeLocationKey } ,
RemoteAttribute { kPeerProjectIdAttribute , kMetadataExchangeProjectIdKey } ,
} ;
struct StructPb {
upb : : Arena arena ;
google_protobuf_Struct * struct_pb = nullptr ;
} ;
absl : : Span < const RemoteAttribute > GetAttributesForType (
MeshLabelsIterable : : GcpResourceType remote_type ) {
switch ( remote_type ) {
case MeshLabelsIterable : : GcpResourceType : : kGke :
return kGkeAttributeList ;
case MeshLabelsIterable : : GcpResourceType : : kGce :
return kGceAttributeList ;
default :
return { } ;
static constexpr std : : array < RemoteAttribute , 2 > kFixedAttributes = {
RemoteAttribute { kPeerTypeAttribute , kMetadataExchangeTypeKey } ,
RemoteAttribute { kPeerCanonicalServiceAttribute ,
kMetadataExchangeCanonicalServiceKey } ,
} ;
absl : : optional < std : : pair < absl : : string_view , absl : : string_view > >
NextFromAttributeList ( absl : : Span < const RemoteAttribute > attributes ,
size_t start_index , size_t curr ,
google_protobuf_Struct * decoded_metadata ,
upb_Arena * arena ) {
GPR_DEBUG_ASSERT ( curr > = start_index ) ;
const size_t index = curr - start_index ;
if ( index > = attributes . size ( ) ) return absl : : nullopt ;
const auto & attribute = attributes [ index ] ;
return std : : make_pair (
attribute . otel_attribute ,
GetStringValueFromUpbStruct ( decoded_metadata ,
attribute . metadata_attribute , arena ) ) ;
static constexpr std : : array < RemoteAttribute , 5 > kGkeAttributeList = {
RemoteAttribute { kPeerWorkloadNameAttribute ,
kMetadataExchangeWorkloadNameKey } ,
RemoteAttribute { kPeerNamespaceNameAttribute ,
kMetadataExchangeNamespaceNameKey } ,
RemoteAttribute { kPeerClusterNameAttribute ,
kMetadataExchangeClusterNameKey } ,
RemoteAttribute { kPeerLocationAttribute , kMetadataExchangeLocationKey } ,
RemoteAttribute { kPeerProjectIdAttribute , kMetadataExchangeProjectIdKey } ,
} ;
static constexpr std : : array < RemoteAttribute , 3 > kGceAttributeList = {
RemoteAttribute { kPeerWorkloadNameAttribute ,
kMetadataExchangeWorkloadNameKey } ,
RemoteAttribute { kPeerLocationAttribute , kMetadataExchangeLocationKey } ,
RemoteAttribute { kPeerProjectIdAttribute , kMetadataExchangeProjectIdKey } ,
} ;
} // namespace
static absl : : Span < const RemoteAttribute > GetAttributesForType (
GcpResourceType remote_type ) {
switch ( remote_type ) {
case GcpResourceType : : kGke :
return kGkeAttributeList ;
case GcpResourceType : : kGce :
return kGceAttributeList ;
default :
return { } ;
// MeshLabelsIterable
absl : : optional < std : : pair < absl : : string_view , absl : : string_view > >
NextFromAttributeList ( const StructPb & struct_pb ,
absl : : Span < const RemoteAttribute > attributes ,
size_t start_index ) {
GPR_DEBUG_ASSERT ( pos_ > = start_index ) ;
const size_t index = pos_ - start_index ;
if ( index > = attributes . size ( ) ) return absl : : nullopt ;
+ + pos_ ;
const auto & attribute = attributes [ index ] ;
return std : : make_pair ( attribute . otel_attribute ,
GetStringValueFromUpbStruct (
struct_pb . struct_pb , attribute . metadata_attribute ,
struct_pb . arena . ptr ( ) ) ) ;
MeshLabelsIterable : : MeshLabelsIterable (
const std : : vector < std : : pair < absl : : string_view , std : : string > > & local_labels ,
grpc_core : : Slice remote_metadata )
: struct_pb_ ( DecodeMetadata ( std : : move ( remote_metadata ) , arena_ . ptr ( ) ) ) ,
local_labels_ ( local_labels ) ,
remote_type_ ( StringToGcpResourceType ( GetStringValueFromUpbStruct (
struct_pb_ , kMetadataExchangeTypeKey , arena_ . ptr ( ) ) ) ) { }
absl : : optional < std : : pair < absl : : string_view , absl : : string_view > >
MeshLabelsIterable : : Next ( ) {
size_t local_labels_size = local_labels_ . size ( ) ;
if ( pos_ < local_labels_size ) {
return local_labels_ [ pos_ + + ] ;
StructPb & GetDecodedMetadata ( ) const {
auto * slice = absl : : get_if < grpc_core : : Slice > ( & metadata_ ) ;
if ( slice = = nullptr ) {
return absl : : get < StructPb > ( metadata_ ) ;
// Treat an empty slice as an invalid metadata value.
if ( slice - > empty ( ) ) {
metadata_ = StructPb { } ;
auto & struct_pb = absl : : get < StructPb > ( metadata_ ) ;
return struct_pb ;
std : : string decoded_metadata ;
bool metadata_decoded =
absl : : Base64Unescape ( slice - > as_string_view ( ) , & decoded_metadata ) ;
metadata_ = StructPb { } ;
auto & struct_pb = absl : : get < StructPb > ( metadata_ ) ;
if ( metadata_decoded ) {
struct_pb . struct_pb = google_protobuf_Struct_parse (
decoded_metadata . c_str ( ) , decoded_metadata . size ( ) ,
struct_pb . arena . ptr ( ) ) ;
remote_type_ = StringToGcpResourceType ( GetStringValueFromUpbStruct (
struct_pb . struct_pb , kMetadataExchangeTypeKey ,
struct_pb . arena . ptr ( ) ) ) ;
return struct_pb ;
const size_t fixed_attribute_end =
local_labels_size + kFixedAttributes . size ( ) ;
if ( pos_ < fixed_attribute_end ) {
return NextFromAttributeList ( kFixedAttributes , local_labels_size , pos_ + + ,
struct_pb_ , arena_ . ptr ( ) ) ;
return NextFromAttributeList ( GetAttributesForType ( remote_type_ ) ,
fixed_attribute_end , pos_ + + , struct_pb_ ,
arena_ . ptr ( ) ) ;
const std : : vector < std : : pair < absl : : string_view , std : : string > > & local_labels_ ;
// Holds either the metadata slice or the decoded proto struct.
mutable absl : : variant < grpc_core : : Slice , StructPb > metadata_ ;
mutable GcpResourceType remote_type_ = GcpResourceType : : kUnknown ;
uint32_t pos_ = 0 ;
} ;
constexpr std : : array < MeshLabelsIterable : : RemoteAttribute , 2 >
MeshLabelsIterable : : kFixedAttributes ;
constexpr std : : array < MeshLabelsIterable : : RemoteAttribute , 5 >
MeshLabelsIterable : : kGkeAttributeList ;
constexpr std : : array < MeshLabelsIterable : : RemoteAttribute , 3 >
MeshLabelsIterable : : kGceAttributeList ;
} // namespace
size_t MeshLabelsIterable : : Size ( ) const {
return local_labels_ . size ( ) + kFixedAttributes . size ( ) +
GetAttributesForType ( remote_type_ ) . size ( ) ;
// Returns the mesh ID by reading and parsing the bootstrap file. Returns
// "unknown" if for some reason, mesh ID could not be figured out.
@ -370,6 +335,10 @@ std::string GetMeshId() {
return std : : string ( mesh_id ) ;
// ServiceMeshLabelsInjector
ServiceMeshLabelsInjector : : ServiceMeshLabelsInjector (
const opentelemetry : : sdk : : common : : AttributeMap & map ) {
upb : : Arena arena ;