[transport] Move transport interface to C++ (#34618)
Co-authored-by: ctiller <ctiller@users.noreply.github.com>pull/34715/head^2
62 changed files with 620 additions and 1590 deletions
@ -1,102 +0,0 @@ |
// Copyright 2015 gRPC authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <grpc/support/port_platform.h> |
#include <stddef.h> |
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h" |
#include "src/core/lib/iomgr/closure.h" |
#include "src/core/lib/iomgr/endpoint.h" |
#include "src/core/lib/iomgr/iomgr_fwd.h" |
#include "src/core/lib/promise/arena_promise.h" |
#include "src/core/lib/resource_quota/arena.h" |
#include "src/core/lib/transport/transport.h" |
#include "src/core/lib/transport/transport_fwd.h" |
typedef struct grpc_transport_vtable { |
// Memory required for a single stream element - this is allocated by upper
// layers and initialized by the transport
size_t sizeof_stream; // = sizeof(transport stream)
// HACK: inproc does not handle stream op batch callbacks correctly (receive
// ops are required to complete prior to on_complete triggering).
// This flag is used to disable coalescing of batches in connected_channel for
// that specific transport.
// TODO(ctiller): This ought not be necessary once we have promises complete.
bool hacky_disable_stream_op_batch_coalescing_in_connected_channel; |
// name of this transport implementation
const char* name; |
// implementation of grpc_transport_init_stream
int (*init_stream)(grpc_transport* self, grpc_stream* stream, |
grpc_stream_refcount* refcount, const void* server_data, |
grpc_core::Arena* arena); |
// Create a promise to execute one client call.
// If this is non-null, it may be used in preference to
// perform_stream_op.
// If this is used in preference to perform_stream_op, the
// following can be omitted also:
// - calling init_stream, destroy_stream, set_pollset, set_pollset_set
// - allocation of memory for call data (sizeof_stream may be ignored)
// There is an on-going migration to move all filters to providing this, and
// then to drop perform_stream_op.
grpc_core::ArenaPromise<grpc_core::ServerMetadataHandle> (*make_call_promise)( |
grpc_transport* self, grpc_core::CallArgs call_args); |
// implementation of grpc_transport_set_pollset
void (*set_pollset)(grpc_transport* self, grpc_stream* stream, |
grpc_pollset* pollset); |
// implementation of grpc_transport_set_pollset
void (*set_pollset_set)(grpc_transport* self, grpc_stream* stream, |
grpc_pollset_set* pollset_set); |
// implementation of grpc_transport_perform_stream_op
void (*perform_stream_op)(grpc_transport* self, grpc_stream* stream, |
grpc_transport_stream_op_batch* op); |
// implementation of grpc_transport_perform_op
void (*perform_op)(grpc_transport* self, grpc_transport_op* op); |
// implementation of grpc_transport_destroy_stream
void (*destroy_stream)(grpc_transport* self, grpc_stream* stream, |
grpc_closure* then_schedule_closure); |
// implementation of grpc_transport_destroy
void (*destroy)(grpc_transport* self); |
// implementation of grpc_transport_get_endpoint
grpc_endpoint* (*get_endpoint)(grpc_transport* self); |
} grpc_transport_vtable; |
// an instance of a grpc transport
struct grpc_transport { |
struct RawPointerChannelArgTag {}; |
static absl::string_view ChannelArgName() { return GRPC_ARG_TRANSPORT; } |
// pointer to a vtable defining operations on this transport
const grpc_transport_vtable* vtable; |
}; |
@ -1,834 +0,0 @@ |
// Copyright 2017 gRPC authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// This benchmark exists to ensure that the benchmark integration is
// working
#include <string.h> |
#include <sstream> |
#include <benchmark/benchmark.h> |
#include <grpc/grpc.h> |
#include <grpc/grpc_security.h> |
#include <grpc/support/alloc.h> |
#include <grpc/support/string_util.h> |
#include <grpcpp/channel.h> |
#include <grpcpp/support/channel_arguments.h> |
#include "src/core/ext/filters/client_channel/client_channel.h" |
#include "src/core/ext/filters/deadline/deadline_filter.h" |
#include "src/core/ext/filters/http/client/http_client_filter.h" |
#include "src/core/ext/filters/http/message_compress/compression_filter.h" |
#include "src/core/ext/filters/http/server/http_server_filter.h" |
#include "src/core/ext/filters/message_size/message_size_filter.h" |
#include "src/core/lib/channel/channel_args.h" |
#include "src/core/lib/channel/channel_stack.h" |
#include "src/core/lib/channel/channel_stack_builder_impl.h" |
#include "src/core/lib/channel/connected_channel.h" |
#include "src/core/lib/config/core_configuration.h" |
#include "src/core/lib/iomgr/call_combiner.h" |
#include "src/core/lib/resource_quota/resource_quota.h" |
#include "src/core/lib/surface/channel.h" |
#include "src/core/lib/transport/transport_impl.h" |
#include "src/cpp/client/create_channel_internal.h" |
#include "src/proto/grpc/testing/echo.grpc.pb.h" |
#include "test/core/util/test_config.h" |
#include "test/cpp/microbenchmarks/helpers.h" |
#include "test/cpp/util/test_config.h" |
void BM_Zalloc(benchmark::State& state) { |
// speed of light for call creation is zalloc, so benchmark a few interesting
// sizes
size_t sz = state.range(0); |
for (auto _ : state) { |
gpr_free(gpr_zalloc(sz)); |
} |
} |
->Arg(64) |
->Arg(128) |
->Arg(256) |
->Arg(512) |
->Arg(1024) |
->Arg(1536) |
->Arg(2048) |
->Arg(3072) |
->Arg(4096) |
->Arg(5120) |
->Arg(6144) |
->Arg(7168); |
// Benchmarks creating full stacks
class BaseChannelFixture { |
public: |
explicit BaseChannelFixture(grpc_channel* channel) : channel_(channel) {} |
~BaseChannelFixture() { grpc_channel_destroy(channel_); } |
grpc_channel* channel() const { return channel_; } |
private: |
grpc_channel* const channel_; |
}; |
static grpc_channel* CreateChannel() { |
grpc_channel_credentials* creds = grpc_insecure_credentials_create(); |
grpc_channel* channel = grpc_channel_create("localhost:1234", creds, nullptr); |
grpc_channel_credentials_release(creds); |
return channel; |
} |
class InsecureChannel : public BaseChannelFixture { |
public: |
InsecureChannel() : BaseChannelFixture(CreateChannel()) {} |
}; |
class LameChannel : public BaseChannelFixture { |
public: |
LameChannel() |
: BaseChannelFixture(grpc_lame_client_channel_create( |
"localhost:1234", GRPC_STATUS_UNAUTHENTICATED, "blah")) {} |
}; |
template <class Fixture> |
static void BM_CallCreateDestroy(benchmark::State& state) { |
Fixture fixture; |
grpc_completion_queue* cq = grpc_completion_queue_create_for_next(nullptr); |
gpr_timespec deadline = gpr_inf_future(GPR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC); |
void* method_hdl = grpc_channel_register_call(fixture.channel(), "/foo/bar", |
nullptr, nullptr); |
for (auto _ : state) { |
grpc_call_unref(grpc_channel_create_registered_call( |
fixture.channel(), nullptr, GRPC_PROPAGATE_DEFAULTS, cq, method_hdl, |
deadline, nullptr)); |
} |
grpc_completion_queue_destroy(cq); |
} |
BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_CallCreateDestroy, InsecureChannel); |
BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_CallCreateDestroy, LameChannel); |
// Benchmarks isolating individual filters
static void* tag(int i) { |
return reinterpret_cast<void*>(static_cast<intptr_t>(i)); |
} |
static void BM_LameChannelCallCreateCpp(benchmark::State& state) { |
auto stub = |
grpc::testing::EchoTestService::NewStub(grpc::CreateChannelInternal( |
"", |
grpc_lame_client_channel_create("localhost:1234", |
std::vector<std::unique_ptr< |
grpc::experimental::ClientInterceptorFactoryInterface>>())); |
grpc::CompletionQueue cq; |
grpc::testing::EchoRequest send_request; |
grpc::testing::EchoResponse recv_response; |
grpc::Status recv_status; |
for (auto _ : state) { |
grpc::ClientContext cli_ctx; |
auto reader = stub->AsyncEcho(&cli_ctx, send_request, &cq); |
reader->Finish(&recv_response, &recv_status, tag(0)); |
void* t; |
bool ok; |
GPR_ASSERT(cq.Next(&t, &ok)); |
} |
} |
BENCHMARK(BM_LameChannelCallCreateCpp); |
static void do_nothing(void* /*ignored*/) {} |
static void BM_LameChannelCallCreateCore(benchmark::State& state) { |
grpc_channel* channel; |
grpc_completion_queue* cq; |
grpc_metadata_array initial_metadata_recv; |
grpc_metadata_array trailing_metadata_recv; |
grpc_byte_buffer* response_payload_recv = nullptr; |
grpc_status_code status; |
grpc_slice details; |
grpc::testing::EchoRequest send_request; |
grpc_slice send_request_slice = |
grpc_slice_new(&send_request, sizeof(send_request), do_nothing); |
channel = grpc_lame_client_channel_create( |
"localhost:1234", GRPC_STATUS_UNAUTHENTICATED, "blah"); |
cq = grpc_completion_queue_create_for_next(nullptr); |
void* rc = grpc_channel_register_call( |
channel, "/grpc.testing.EchoTestService/Echo", nullptr, nullptr); |
for (auto _ : state) { |
grpc_call* call = grpc_channel_create_registered_call( |
channel, nullptr, GRPC_PROPAGATE_DEFAULTS, cq, rc, |
gpr_inf_future(GPR_CLOCK_REALTIME), nullptr); |
grpc_metadata_array_init(&initial_metadata_recv); |
grpc_metadata_array_init(&trailing_metadata_recv); |
grpc_byte_buffer* request_payload_send = |
grpc_raw_byte_buffer_create(&send_request_slice, 1); |
// Fill in call ops
grpc_op ops[6]; |
memset(ops, 0, sizeof(ops)); |
grpc_op* op = ops; |
op->data.send_initial_metadata.count = 0; |
op++; |
op->data.send_message.send_message = request_payload_send; |
op++; |
op++; |
op->data.recv_initial_metadata.recv_initial_metadata = |
&initial_metadata_recv; |
op++; |
op->data.recv_message.recv_message = &response_payload_recv; |
op++; |
op->data.recv_status_on_client.trailing_metadata = &trailing_metadata_recv; |
op->data.recv_status_on_client.status = &status; |
op->data.recv_status_on_client.status_details = &details; |
op++; |
GPR_ASSERT(GRPC_CALL_OK == grpc_call_start_batch(call, ops, |
(size_t)(op - ops), |
(void*)1, nullptr)); |
grpc_event ev = grpc_completion_queue_next( |
cq, gpr_inf_future(GPR_CLOCK_REALTIME), nullptr); |
GPR_ASSERT(ev.success != 0); |
grpc_call_unref(call); |
grpc_byte_buffer_destroy(request_payload_send); |
grpc_byte_buffer_destroy(response_payload_recv); |
grpc_metadata_array_destroy(&initial_metadata_recv); |
grpc_metadata_array_destroy(&trailing_metadata_recv); |
} |
grpc_channel_destroy(channel); |
grpc_completion_queue_destroy(cq); |
grpc_slice_unref(send_request_slice); |
} |
BENCHMARK(BM_LameChannelCallCreateCore); |
static void BM_LameChannelCallCreateCoreSeparateBatch(benchmark::State& state) { |
grpc_channel* channel; |
grpc_completion_queue* cq; |
grpc_metadata_array initial_metadata_recv; |
grpc_metadata_array trailing_metadata_recv; |
grpc_byte_buffer* response_payload_recv = nullptr; |
grpc_status_code status; |
grpc_slice details; |
grpc::testing::EchoRequest send_request; |
grpc_slice send_request_slice = |
grpc_slice_new(&send_request, sizeof(send_request), do_nothing); |
channel = grpc_lame_client_channel_create( |
"localhost:1234", GRPC_STATUS_UNAUTHENTICATED, "blah"); |
cq = grpc_completion_queue_create_for_next(nullptr); |
void* rc = grpc_channel_register_call( |
channel, "/grpc.testing.EchoTestService/Echo", nullptr, nullptr); |
for (auto _ : state) { |
grpc_call* call = grpc_channel_create_registered_call( |
channel, nullptr, GRPC_PROPAGATE_DEFAULTS, cq, rc, |
gpr_inf_future(GPR_CLOCK_REALTIME), nullptr); |
grpc_metadata_array_init(&initial_metadata_recv); |
grpc_metadata_array_init(&trailing_metadata_recv); |
grpc_byte_buffer* request_payload_send = |
grpc_raw_byte_buffer_create(&send_request_slice, 1); |
// Fill in call ops
grpc_op ops[3]; |
memset(ops, 0, sizeof(ops)); |
grpc_op* op = ops; |
op->data.send_initial_metadata.count = 0; |
op++; |
op->data.send_message.send_message = request_payload_send; |
op++; |
op++; |
GPR_ASSERT(GRPC_CALL_OK == grpc_call_start_batch(call, ops, |
(size_t)(op - ops), |
(void*)nullptr, nullptr)); |
memset(ops, 0, sizeof(ops)); |
op = ops; |
op->data.recv_initial_metadata.recv_initial_metadata = |
&initial_metadata_recv; |
op++; |
op->data.recv_message.recv_message = &response_payload_recv; |
op++; |
op->data.recv_status_on_client.trailing_metadata = &trailing_metadata_recv; |
op->data.recv_status_on_client.status = &status; |
op->data.recv_status_on_client.status_details = &details; |
op++; |
GPR_ASSERT(GRPC_CALL_OK == grpc_call_start_batch(call, ops, |
(size_t)(op - ops), |
(void*)1, nullptr)); |
grpc_event ev = grpc_completion_queue_next( |
cq, gpr_inf_future(GPR_CLOCK_REALTIME), nullptr); |
GPR_ASSERT(ev.success == 0); |
ev = grpc_completion_queue_next(cq, gpr_inf_future(GPR_CLOCK_REALTIME), |
nullptr); |
GPR_ASSERT(ev.success != 0); |
grpc_call_unref(call); |
grpc_byte_buffer_destroy(request_payload_send); |
grpc_byte_buffer_destroy(response_payload_recv); |
grpc_metadata_array_destroy(&initial_metadata_recv); |
grpc_metadata_array_destroy(&trailing_metadata_recv); |
} |
grpc_channel_destroy(channel); |
grpc_completion_queue_destroy(cq); |
grpc_slice_unref(send_request_slice); |
} |
BENCHMARK(BM_LameChannelCallCreateCoreSeparateBatch); |
static void FilterDestroy(void* arg, grpc_error_handle /*error*/) { |
gpr_free(arg); |
} |
static void DoNothing(void* /*arg*/, grpc_error_handle /*error*/) {} |
class FakeClientChannelFactory : public grpc_core::ClientChannelFactory { |
public: |
grpc_core::RefCountedPtr<grpc_core::Subchannel> CreateSubchannel( |
const grpc_resolved_address& /*address*/, |
const grpc_core::ChannelArgs& /*args*/) override { |
return nullptr; |
} |
}; |
enum FixtureFlags : uint32_t { |
}; |
template <const grpc_channel_filter* kFilter, uint32_t kFlags> |
struct Fixture { |
const grpc_channel_filter* filter = kFilter; |
const uint32_t flags = kFlags; |
}; |
namespace phony_filter { |
static void StartTransportStreamOp(grpc_call_element* /*elem*/, |
grpc_transport_stream_op_batch* /*op*/) {} |
static void StartTransportOp(grpc_channel_element* /*elem*/, |
grpc_transport_op* /*op*/) {} |
static grpc_error_handle InitCallElem(grpc_call_element* /*elem*/, |
const grpc_call_element_args* /*args*/) { |
return absl::OkStatus(); |
} |
static void SetPollsetOrPollsetSet(grpc_call_element* /*elem*/, |
grpc_polling_entity* /*pollent*/) {} |
static void DestroyCallElem(grpc_call_element* /*elem*/, |
const grpc_call_final_info* /*final_info*/, |
grpc_closure* /*then_sched_closure*/) {} |
grpc_error_handle InitChannelElem(grpc_channel_element* /*elem*/, |
grpc_channel_element_args* /*args*/) { |
return absl::OkStatus(); |
} |
void DestroyChannelElem(grpc_channel_element* /*elem*/) {} |
void GetChannelInfo(grpc_channel_element* /*elem*/, |
const grpc_channel_info* /*channel_info*/) {} |
static const grpc_channel_filter phony_filter = { |
StartTransportStreamOp, nullptr, |
StartTransportOp, 0, |
InitCallElem, SetPollsetOrPollsetSet, |
DestroyCallElem, 0, |
InitChannelElem, grpc_channel_stack_no_post_init, |
DestroyChannelElem, GetChannelInfo, |
"phony_filter"}; |
} // namespace phony_filter
namespace phony_transport { |
// Memory required for a single stream element - this is allocated by upper
// layers and initialized by the transport
size_t sizeof_stream; // = sizeof(transport stream)
// name of this transport implementation
const char* name; |
// implementation of grpc_transport_init_stream
int InitStream(grpc_transport* /*self*/, grpc_stream* /*stream*/, |
grpc_stream_refcount* /*refcount*/, const void* /*server_data*/, |
grpc_core::Arena* /*arena*/) { |
return 0; |
} |
// implementation of grpc_transport_set_pollset
void SetPollset(grpc_transport* /*self*/, grpc_stream* /*stream*/, |
grpc_pollset* /*pollset*/) {} |
// implementation of grpc_transport_set_pollset
void SetPollsetSet(grpc_transport* /*self*/, grpc_stream* /*stream*/, |
grpc_pollset_set* /*pollset_set*/) {} |
// implementation of grpc_transport_perform_stream_op
void PerformStreamOp(grpc_transport* /*self*/, grpc_stream* /*stream*/, |
grpc_transport_stream_op_batch* op) { |
grpc_core::ExecCtx::Run(DEBUG_LOCATION, op->on_complete, absl::OkStatus()); |
} |
// implementation of grpc_transport_perform_op
void PerformOp(grpc_transport* /*self*/, grpc_transport_op* /*op*/) {} |
// implementation of grpc_transport_destroy_stream
void DestroyStream(grpc_transport* /*self*/, grpc_stream* /*stream*/, |
grpc_closure* /*then_sched_closure*/) {} |
// implementation of grpc_transport_destroy
void Destroy(grpc_transport* /*self*/) {} |
// implementation of grpc_transport_get_endpoint
grpc_endpoint* GetEndpoint(grpc_transport* /*self*/) { return nullptr; } |
static const grpc_transport_vtable phony_transport_vtable = { |
0, false, "phony_http2", InitStream, |
nullptr, SetPollset, SetPollsetSet, PerformStreamOp, |
PerformOp, DestroyStream, Destroy, GetEndpoint}; |
static grpc_transport phony_transport = {&phony_transport_vtable}; |
grpc_arg Arg() { |
static const grpc_arg_pointer_vtable vtable = { |
// copy
[](void* p) { return p; }, |
// destroy
[](void*) {}, |
// cmp
[](void* a, void* b) { return grpc_core::QsortCompare(a, b); }, |
}; |
return grpc_channel_arg_pointer_create(const_cast<char*>(GRPC_ARG_TRANSPORT), |
&phony_transport, &vtable); |
} |
} // namespace phony_transport
class NoOp { |
public: |
class Op { |
public: |
Op(NoOp* /*p*/, grpc_call_stack* /*s*/, grpc_core::Arena*) {} |
void Finish() {} |
}; |
}; |
class SendEmptyMetadata { |
public: |
SendEmptyMetadata() : op_payload_(nullptr) { |
op_ = {}; |
op_.on_complete = GRPC_CLOSURE_INIT(&closure_, DoNothing, nullptr, |
grpc_schedule_on_exec_ctx); |
op_.send_initial_metadata = true; |
op_.payload = &op_payload_; |
} |
class Op { |
public: |
Op(SendEmptyMetadata* p, grpc_call_stack* /*s*/, grpc_core::Arena* arena) |
: batch_(arena) { |
p->op_payload_.send_initial_metadata.send_initial_metadata = &batch_; |
} |
void Finish() {} |
private: |
grpc_metadata_batch batch_; |
}; |
private: |
const gpr_timespec deadline_ = gpr_inf_future(GPR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC); |
const gpr_timespec start_time_ = gpr_now(GPR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC); |
const grpc_slice method_ = grpc_slice_from_static_string("/foo/bar"); |
grpc_transport_stream_op_batch op_; |
grpc_transport_stream_op_batch_payload op_payload_; |
grpc_closure closure_; |
}; |
// Test a filter in isolation. Fixture specifies the filter under test (use the
// Fixture<> template to specify this), and TestOp defines some unit of work to
// perform on said filter.
template <class Fixture, class TestOp> |
static void BM_IsolatedFilter(benchmark::State& state) { |
Fixture fixture; |
std::ostringstream label; |
FakeClientChannelFactory fake_client_channel_factory; |
grpc_core::ChannelArgs channel_args = |
grpc_core::CoreConfiguration::Get() |
.channel_args_preconditioning() |
.PreconditionChannelArgs(nullptr) |
.SetObject(&fake_client_channel_factory) |
.Set(GRPC_ARG_SERVER_URI, "localhost"); |
if (fixture.flags & REQUIRES_TRANSPORT) { |
channel_args = channel_args.Set(phony_transport::Arg()); |
} |
std::vector<const grpc_channel_filter*> filters; |
if (fixture.filter != nullptr) { |
filters.push_back(fixture.filter); |
} |
if (fixture.flags & CHECKS_NOT_LAST) { |
filters.push_back(&phony_filter::phony_filter); |
label << " #has_phony_filter"; |
} |
grpc_core::ExecCtx exec_ctx; |
size_t channel_size = grpc_channel_stack_size( |
filters.empty() ? nullptr : &filters[0], filters.size()); |
grpc_channel_stack* channel_stack = |
static_cast<grpc_channel_stack*>(gpr_zalloc(channel_size)); |
"channel_stack_init", |
grpc_channel_stack_init(1, FilterDestroy, channel_stack, |
filters.empty() ? nullptr : &filters[0], |
filters.size(), channel_args, "CHANNEL", |
channel_stack))); |
grpc_core::ExecCtx::Get()->Flush(); |
grpc_call_stack* call_stack = |
static_cast<grpc_call_stack*>(gpr_zalloc(channel_stack->call_stack_size)); |
grpc_core::Timestamp deadline = grpc_core::Timestamp::InfFuture(); |
gpr_cycle_counter start_time = gpr_get_cycle_counter(); |
grpc_slice method = grpc_slice_from_static_string("/foo/bar"); |
grpc_call_final_info final_info; |
TestOp test_op_data; |
const int kArenaSize = 32 * 1024 * 1024; |
grpc_call_context_element context[GRPC_CONTEXT_COUNT] = {}; |
grpc_core::MemoryAllocator memory_allocator = |
grpc_core::MemoryAllocator(grpc_core::ResourceQuota::Default() |
->memory_quota() |
->CreateMemoryAllocator("test")); |
grpc_call_element_args call_args{ |
call_stack, |
nullptr, |
context, |
method, |
start_time, |
deadline, |
grpc_core::Arena::Create(kArenaSize, &memory_allocator), |
nullptr}; |
while (state.KeepRunning()) { |
(void)grpc_call_stack_init(channel_stack, 1, DoNothing, nullptr, |
&call_args); |
typename TestOp::Op op(&test_op_data, call_stack, call_args.arena); |
grpc_call_stack_destroy(call_stack, &final_info, nullptr); |
op.Finish(); |
grpc_core::ExecCtx::Get()->Flush(); |
// recreate arena every 64k iterations to avoid oom
if (0 == (state.iterations() & 0xffff)) { |
call_args.arena->Destroy(); |
call_args.arena = grpc_core::Arena::Create(kArenaSize, &memory_allocator); |
} |
} |
call_args.arena->Destroy(); |
grpc_channel_stack_destroy(channel_stack); |
grpc_core::ExecCtx::Get()->Flush(); |
gpr_free(channel_stack); |
gpr_free(call_stack); |
state.SetLabel(label.str()); |
} |
typedef Fixture<nullptr, 0> NoFilter; |
BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_IsolatedFilter, NoFilter, NoOp); |
typedef Fixture<&phony_filter::phony_filter, 0> PhonyFilter; |
BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_IsolatedFilter, PhonyFilter, NoOp); |
BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_IsolatedFilter, PhonyFilter, SendEmptyMetadata); |
typedef Fixture<&grpc_core::ClientChannel::kFilterVtableWithoutPromises, 0> |
ClientChannelFilter; |
BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_IsolatedFilter, ClientChannelFilter, NoOp); |
typedef Fixture<&grpc_core::ClientCompressionFilter::kFilter, CHECKS_NOT_LAST> |
ClientCompressFilter; |
BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_IsolatedFilter, ClientCompressFilter, NoOp); |
BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_IsolatedFilter, ClientCompressFilter, SendEmptyMetadata); |
typedef Fixture<&grpc_client_deadline_filter, CHECKS_NOT_LAST> |
ClientDeadlineFilter; |
BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_IsolatedFilter, ClientDeadlineFilter, NoOp); |
BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_IsolatedFilter, ClientDeadlineFilter, SendEmptyMetadata); |
typedef Fixture<&grpc_server_deadline_filter, CHECKS_NOT_LAST> |
ServerDeadlineFilter; |
BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_IsolatedFilter, ServerDeadlineFilter, NoOp); |
BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_IsolatedFilter, ServerDeadlineFilter, SendEmptyMetadata); |
typedef Fixture<&grpc_core::HttpClientFilter::kFilter, |
HttpClientFilter; |
BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_IsolatedFilter, HttpClientFilter, NoOp); |
BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_IsolatedFilter, HttpClientFilter, SendEmptyMetadata); |
typedef Fixture<&grpc_core::HttpServerFilter::kFilter, CHECKS_NOT_LAST> |
HttpServerFilter; |
BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_IsolatedFilter, HttpServerFilter, NoOp); |
BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_IsolatedFilter, HttpServerFilter, SendEmptyMetadata); |
typedef Fixture<&grpc_core::ServerCompressionFilter::kFilter, CHECKS_NOT_LAST> |
ServerCompressFilter; |
BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_IsolatedFilter, ServerCompressFilter, NoOp); |
BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_IsolatedFilter, ServerCompressFilter, SendEmptyMetadata); |
// This cmake target is disabled for now because it depends on OpenCensus, which
// is Bazel-only.
// typedef Fixture<&grpc_server_load_reporting_filter, CHECKS_NOT_LAST>
// LoadReportingFilter;
// BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_IsolatedFilter, LoadReportingFilter, NoOp);
// BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE(BM_IsolatedFilter, LoadReportingFilter,
// SendEmptyMetadata);
// Benchmarks isolating grpc_call
namespace isolated_call_filter { |
typedef struct { |
grpc_core::CallCombiner* call_combiner; |
} call_data; |
static void StartTransportStreamOp(grpc_call_element* elem, |
grpc_transport_stream_op_batch* op) { |
call_data* calld = static_cast<call_data*>(elem->call_data); |
// Construct list of closures to return.
grpc_core::CallCombinerClosureList closures; |
if (op->recv_initial_metadata) { |
closures.Add(op->payload->recv_initial_metadata.recv_initial_metadata_ready, |
absl::OkStatus(), "recv_initial_metadata"); |
} |
if (op->recv_message) { |
closures.Add(op->payload->recv_message.recv_message_ready, absl::OkStatus(), |
"recv_message"); |
} |
if (op->recv_trailing_metadata) { |
closures.Add( |
op->payload->recv_trailing_metadata.recv_trailing_metadata_ready, |
absl::OkStatus(), "recv_trailing_metadata"); |
} |
if (op->on_complete != nullptr) { |
closures.Add(op->on_complete, absl::OkStatus(), "on_complete"); |
} |
// Execute closures.
closures.RunClosures(calld->call_combiner); |
} |
static void StartTransportOp(grpc_channel_element* /*elem*/, |
grpc_transport_op* op) { |
if (!op->disconnect_with_error.ok()) { |
} |
grpc_core::ExecCtx::Run(DEBUG_LOCATION, op->on_consumed, absl::OkStatus()); |
} |
static grpc_error_handle InitCallElem(grpc_call_element* elem, |
const grpc_call_element_args* args) { |
call_data* calld = static_cast<call_data*>(elem->call_data); |
calld->call_combiner = args->call_combiner; |
return absl::OkStatus(); |
} |
static void SetPollsetOrPollsetSet(grpc_call_element* /*elem*/, |
grpc_polling_entity* /*pollent*/) {} |
static void DestroyCallElem(grpc_call_element* /*elem*/, |
const grpc_call_final_info* /*final_info*/, |
grpc_closure* then_sched_closure) { |
grpc_core::ExecCtx::Run(DEBUG_LOCATION, then_sched_closure, absl::OkStatus()); |
} |
grpc_error_handle InitChannelElem(grpc_channel_element* /*elem*/, |
grpc_channel_element_args* /*args*/) { |
return absl::OkStatus(); |
} |
void DestroyChannelElem(grpc_channel_element* /*elem*/) {} |
void GetChannelInfo(grpc_channel_element* /*elem*/, |
const grpc_channel_info* /*channel_info*/) {} |
static const grpc_channel_filter isolated_call_filter = { |
StartTransportStreamOp, nullptr, |
StartTransportOp, sizeof(call_data), |
InitCallElem, SetPollsetOrPollsetSet, |
DestroyCallElem, 0, |
InitChannelElem, grpc_channel_stack_no_post_init, |
DestroyChannelElem, GetChannelInfo, |
"isolated_call_filter"}; |
} // namespace isolated_call_filter
class IsolatedCallFixture { |
public: |
IsolatedCallFixture() { |
// We are calling grpc_channel_stack_builder_create() instead of
// grpc_channel_create() here, which means we're not getting the
// grpc_init() called by grpc_channel_create(), but we are getting
// the grpc_shutdown() run by grpc_channel_destroy(). So we need to
// call grpc_init() manually here to balance things out.
grpc_init(); |
grpc_core::ChannelStackBuilderImpl builder( |
grpc_core::CoreConfiguration::Get() |
.channel_args_preconditioning() |
.PreconditionChannelArgs(nullptr)); |
builder.SetTarget("phony_target"); |
builder.AppendFilter(&isolated_call_filter::isolated_call_filter); |
{ |
grpc_core::ExecCtx exec_ctx; |
channel_ = |
grpc_core::Channel::CreateWithBuilder(&builder)->release()->c_ptr(); |
} |
cq_ = grpc_completion_queue_create_for_next(nullptr); |
} |
void Finish(benchmark::State&) { |
grpc_completion_queue_destroy(cq_); |
grpc_channel_destroy(channel_); |
} |
grpc_channel* channel() const { return channel_; } |
grpc_completion_queue* cq() const { return cq_; } |
private: |
grpc_completion_queue* cq_; |
grpc_channel* channel_; |
}; |
static void BM_IsolatedCall_NoOp(benchmark::State& state) { |
IsolatedCallFixture fixture; |
gpr_timespec deadline = gpr_inf_future(GPR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC); |
void* method_hdl = grpc_channel_register_call(fixture.channel(), "/foo/bar", |
nullptr, nullptr); |
for (auto _ : state) { |
grpc_call_unref(grpc_channel_create_registered_call( |
fixture.channel(), nullptr, GRPC_PROPAGATE_DEFAULTS, fixture.cq(), |
method_hdl, deadline, nullptr)); |
} |
fixture.Finish(state); |
} |
BENCHMARK(BM_IsolatedCall_NoOp); |
static void BM_IsolatedCall_Unary(benchmark::State& state) { |
IsolatedCallFixture fixture; |
gpr_timespec deadline = gpr_inf_future(GPR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC); |
void* method_hdl = grpc_channel_register_call(fixture.channel(), "/foo/bar", |
nullptr, nullptr); |
grpc_slice slice = grpc_slice_from_static_string("hello world"); |
grpc_byte_buffer* send_message = grpc_raw_byte_buffer_create(&slice, 1); |
grpc_byte_buffer* recv_message = nullptr; |
grpc_status_code status_code; |
grpc_slice status_details = grpc_empty_slice(); |
grpc_metadata_array recv_initial_metadata; |
grpc_metadata_array_init(&recv_initial_metadata); |
grpc_metadata_array recv_trailing_metadata; |
grpc_metadata_array_init(&recv_trailing_metadata); |
grpc_op ops[6]; |
memset(ops, 0, sizeof(ops)); |
ops[1].op = GRPC_OP_SEND_MESSAGE; |
ops[1].data.send_message.send_message = send_message; |
ops[3].data.recv_initial_metadata.recv_initial_metadata = |
&recv_initial_metadata; |
ops[4].op = GRPC_OP_RECV_MESSAGE; |
ops[4].data.recv_message.recv_message = &recv_message; |
ops[5].data.recv_status_on_client.status = &status_code; |
ops[5].data.recv_status_on_client.status_details = &status_details; |
ops[5].data.recv_status_on_client.trailing_metadata = &recv_trailing_metadata; |
for (auto _ : state) { |
grpc_call* call = grpc_channel_create_registered_call( |
fixture.channel(), nullptr, GRPC_PROPAGATE_DEFAULTS, fixture.cq(), |
method_hdl, deadline, nullptr); |
grpc_call_start_batch(call, ops, 6, tag(1), nullptr); |
grpc_completion_queue_next(fixture.cq(), |
gpr_inf_future(GPR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC), nullptr); |
grpc_call_unref(call); |
} |
fixture.Finish(state); |
grpc_metadata_array_destroy(&recv_initial_metadata); |
grpc_metadata_array_destroy(&recv_trailing_metadata); |
grpc_byte_buffer_destroy(send_message); |
} |
BENCHMARK(BM_IsolatedCall_Unary); |
static void BM_IsolatedCall_StreamingSend(benchmark::State& state) { |
IsolatedCallFixture fixture; |
gpr_timespec deadline = gpr_inf_future(GPR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC); |
void* method_hdl = grpc_channel_register_call(fixture.channel(), "/foo/bar", |
nullptr, nullptr); |
grpc_slice slice = grpc_slice_from_static_string("hello world"); |
grpc_byte_buffer* send_message = grpc_raw_byte_buffer_create(&slice, 1); |
grpc_metadata_array recv_initial_metadata; |
grpc_metadata_array_init(&recv_initial_metadata); |
grpc_metadata_array recv_trailing_metadata; |
grpc_metadata_array_init(&recv_trailing_metadata); |
grpc_op ops[2]; |
memset(ops, 0, sizeof(ops)); |
ops[1].data.recv_initial_metadata.recv_initial_metadata = |
&recv_initial_metadata; |
grpc_call* call = grpc_channel_create_registered_call( |
fixture.channel(), nullptr, GRPC_PROPAGATE_DEFAULTS, fixture.cq(), |
method_hdl, deadline, nullptr); |
grpc_call_start_batch(call, ops, 2, tag(1), nullptr); |
grpc_completion_queue_next(fixture.cq(), gpr_inf_future(GPR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC), |
nullptr); |
memset(ops, 0, sizeof(ops)); |
ops[0].op = GRPC_OP_SEND_MESSAGE; |
ops[0].data.send_message.send_message = send_message; |
for (auto _ : state) { |
grpc_call_start_batch(call, ops, 1, tag(2), nullptr); |
grpc_completion_queue_next(fixture.cq(), |
gpr_inf_future(GPR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC), nullptr); |
} |
grpc_call_unref(call); |
fixture.Finish(state); |
grpc_metadata_array_destroy(&recv_initial_metadata); |
grpc_metadata_array_destroy(&recv_trailing_metadata); |
grpc_byte_buffer_destroy(send_message); |
} |
BENCHMARK(BM_IsolatedCall_StreamingSend); |
// Some distros have RunSpecifiedBenchmarks under the benchmark namespace,
// and others do not. This allows us to support both modes.
namespace benchmark { |
void RunTheBenchmarksNamespaced() { RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(); } |
} // namespace benchmark
int main(int argc, char** argv) { |
grpc::testing::TestEnvironment env(&argc, argv); |
LibraryInitializer libInit; |
::benchmark::Initialize(&argc, argv); |
grpc::testing::InitTest(&argc, &argv, false); |
benchmark::RunTheBenchmarksNamespaced(); |
return 0; |
} |
Reference in new issue