@ -44,25 +44,43 @@ from src.proto.grpc.testing import empty_pb2
from src . proto . grpc . testing import messages_pb2
from src . proto . grpc . testing import test_pb2
_INITIAL_METADATA_KEY = " x-grpc-test-echo-initial "
_TRAILING_METADATA_KEY = " x-grpc-test-echo-trailing-bin "
def _maybe_echo_metadata ( servicer_context ) :
""" Copies metadata from request to response if it is present. """
invocation_metadata = dict ( servicer_context . invocation_metadata ( ) )
if _INITIAL_METADATA_KEY in invocation_metadata :
initial_metadatum = (
servicer_context . send_initial_metadata ( ( initial_metadatum , ) )
if _TRAILING_METADATA_KEY in invocation_metadata :
trailing_metadatum = (
servicer_context . set_trailing_metadata ( ( trailing_metadatum , ) )
def _maybe_echo_status_and_message ( request , servicer_context ) :
""" Sets the response context code and details if the request asks for them """
if request . HasField ( ' response_status ' ) :
servicer_context . set_code ( request . response_status . code )
servicer_context . set_details ( request . response_status . message )
class TestService ( test_pb2 . TestServiceServicer ) :
def EmptyCall ( self , request , context ) :
_maybe_echo_metadata ( context )
return empty_pb2 . Empty ( )
def UnaryCall ( self , request , context ) :
if request . HasField ( ' response_status ' ) :
context . set_code ( request . response_status . code )
context . set_details ( request . response_status . message )
_maybe_echo_metadata ( context )
_maybe_echo_status_and_message ( request , context )
return messages_pb2 . SimpleResponse (
payload = messages_pb2 . Payload (
type = messages_pb2 . COMPRESSABLE ,
body = b ' \x00 ' * request . response_size ) )
def StreamingOutputCall ( self , request , context ) :
if request . HasField ( ' response_status ' ) :
context . set_code ( request . response_status . code )
context . set_details ( request . response_status . message )
_maybe_echo_status_and_message ( request , context )
for response_parameters in request . response_parameters :
yield messages_pb2 . StreamingOutputCallResponse (
payload = messages_pb2 . Payload (
@ -78,10 +96,9 @@ class TestService(test_pb2.TestServiceServicer):
aggregated_payload_size = aggregate_size )
def FullDuplexCall ( self , request_iterator , context ) :
_maybe_echo_metadata ( context )
for request in request_iterator :
if request . HasField ( ' response_status ' ) :
context . set_code ( request . response_status . code )
context . set_details ( request . response_status . message )
_maybe_echo_status_and_message ( request , context )
for response_parameters in request . response_parameters :
yield messages_pb2 . StreamingOutputCallResponse (
payload = messages_pb2 . Payload (
@ -94,22 +111,45 @@ class TestService(test_pb2.TestServiceServicer):
return self . FullDuplexCall ( request_iterator , context )
def _expect_status_code ( call , expected_code ) :
if call . code ( ) != expected_code :
raise ValueError (
' expected code %s , got %s ' % ( expected_code , call . code ( ) ) )
def _expect_status_details ( call , expected_details ) :
if call . details ( ) != expected_details :
raise ValueError (
' expected message %s , got %s ' % ( expected_details , call . details ( ) ) )
def _validate_status_code_and_details ( call , expected_code , expected_details ) :
_expect_status_code ( call , expected_code )
_expect_status_details ( call , expected_details )
def _validate_payload_type_and_length ( response , expected_type , expected_length ) :
if response . payload . type is not expected_type :
raise ValueError (
' expected payload type %s , got %s ' %
( expected_type , type ( response . payload . type ) ) )
elif len ( response . payload . body ) != expected_length :
raise ValueError (
' expected payload body size %d , got %d ' %
( expected_length , len ( response . payload . body ) ) )
def _large_unary_common_behavior (
stub , fill_username , fill_oauth_scope , call_credentials ) :
size = 314159
request = messages_pb2 . SimpleRequest (
response_type = messages_pb2 . COMPRESSABLE , response_size = 314159 ,
response_type = messages_pb2 . COMPRESSABLE , response_size = size ,
payload = messages_pb2 . Payload ( body = b ' \x00 ' * 271828 ) ,
fill_username = fill_username , fill_oauth_scope = fill_oauth_scope )
response_future = stub . UnaryCall . future (
request , credentials = call_credentials )
response = response_future . result ( )
if response . payload . type is not messages_pb2 . COMPRESSABLE :
raise ValueError (
' response payload type is " %s " ! ' % type ( response . payload . type ) )
elif len ( response . payload . body ) != 314159 :
raise ValueError (
' response body of incorrect size %d ! ' % len ( response . payload . body ) )
else :
_validate_payload_type_and_length ( response , messages_pb2 . COMPRESSABLE , size )
return response
@ -152,12 +192,9 @@ def _server_streaming(stub):
response_iterator = stub . StreamingOutputCall ( request )
for index , response in enumerate ( response_iterator ) :
if response . payload . type != messages_pb2 . COMPRESSABLE :
raise ValueError (
' response body of invalid type %s ! ' % response . payload . type )
elif len ( response . payload . body ) != sizes [ index ] :
raise ValueError (
' response body of invalid size %d ! ' % len ( response . payload . body ) )
_validate_payload_type_and_length (
response , messages_pb2 . COMPRESSABLE , sizes [ index ] )
def _cancel_after_begin ( stub ) :
sizes = ( 27182 , 8 , 1828 , 45904 , )
@ -224,12 +261,8 @@ def _ping_pong(stub):
payload = messages_pb2 . Payload ( body = b ' \x00 ' * payload_size ) )
pipe . add ( request )
response = next ( response_iterator )
if response . payload . type != messages_pb2 . COMPRESSABLE :
raise ValueError (
' response body of invalid type %s ! ' % response . payload . type )
if len ( response . payload . body ) != response_size :
raise ValueError (
' response body of invalid size %d ! ' % len ( response . payload . body ) )
_validate_payload_type_and_length (
response , messages_pb2 . COMPRESSABLE , response_size )
def _cancel_after_first_response ( stub ) :
@ -291,36 +324,84 @@ def _empty_stream(stub):
def _status_code_and_message ( stub ) :
message = ' test status message '
details = ' test status message '
code = 2
status = grpc . StatusCode . UNKNOWN # code = 2
# Test with a UnaryCall
request = messages_pb2 . SimpleRequest (
response_type = messages_pb2 . COMPRESSABLE ,
response_size = 1 ,
payload = messages_pb2 . Payload ( body = b ' \x00 ' ) ,
response_status = messages_pb2 . EchoStatus ( code = code , message = message )
response_status = messages_pb2 . EchoStatus ( code = code , message = details )
response_future = stub . UnaryCall . future ( request )
if response_future . code ( ) != status :
raise ValueError (
' expected code %s , got %s ' % ( status , response_future . code ( ) ) )
elif response_future . details ( ) != message :
raise ValueError (
' expected message %s , got %s ' % ( message , response_future . details ( ) ) )
_validate_status_code_and_details ( response_future , status , details )
# Test with a FullDuplexCall
with _Pipe ( ) as pipe :
response_iterator = stub . FullDuplexCall ( pipe )
request = messages_pb2 . StreamingOutputCallRequest (
response_type = messages_pb2 . COMPRESSABLE ,
response_parameters = (
messages_pb2 . ResponseParameters ( size = 1 ) , ) ,
response_status = messages_pb2 . EchoStatus ( code = code , message = message ) )
response_iterator = stub . StreamingOutputCall ( request )
if response_future . code ( ) != status :
payload = messages_pb2 . Payload ( body = b ' \x00 ' ) ,
response_status = messages_pb2 . EchoStatus ( code = code , message = details ) )
pipe . add ( request ) # sends the initial request.
# Dropping out of with block closes the pipe
_validate_status_code_and_details ( response_iterator , status , details )
def _unimplemented_method ( test_service_stub ) :
response_future = (
test_service_stub . UnimplementedCall . future ( empty_pb2 . Empty ( ) ) )
_expect_status_code ( response_future , grpc . StatusCode . UNIMPLEMENTED )
def _unimplemented_service ( unimplemented_service_stub ) :
response_future = (
unimplemented_service_stub . UnimplementedCall . future ( empty_pb2 . Empty ( ) ) )
_expect_status_code ( response_future , grpc . StatusCode . UNIMPLEMENTED )
def _custom_metadata ( stub ) :
initial_metadata_value = " test_initial_metadata_value "
trailing_metadata_value = " \x0a \x0b \x0a \x0b \x0a \x0b "
metadata = (
( _INITIAL_METADATA_KEY , initial_metadata_value ) ,
( _TRAILING_METADATA_KEY , trailing_metadata_value ) )
def _validate_metadata ( response ) :
initial_metadata = dict ( response . initial_metadata ( ) )
if initial_metadata [ _INITIAL_METADATA_KEY ] != initial_metadata_value :
raise ValueError (
' expected code %s , got %s ' % ( status , response_iterator . code ( ) ) )
elif response_future . details ( ) != message :
' expected initial metadata %s , got %s ' % (
initial_metadata_value , initial_metadata [ _INITIAL_METADATA_KEY ] ) )
trailing_metadata = dict ( response . trailing_metadata ( ) )
if trailing_metadata [ _TRAILING_METADATA_KEY ] != trailing_metadata_value :
raise ValueError (
' expected message %s , got %s ' % ( message , response_iterator . details ( ) ) )
' expected trailing metadata %s , got %s ' % (
trailing_metadata_value , initial_metadata [ _TRAILING_METADATA_KEY ] ) )
# Testing with UnaryCall
request = messages_pb2 . SimpleRequest (
response_type = messages_pb2 . COMPRESSABLE ,
response_size = 1 ,
payload = messages_pb2 . Payload ( body = b ' \x00 ' ) )
response_future = stub . UnaryCall . future ( request , metadata = metadata )
_validate_metadata ( response_future )
# Testing with FullDuplexCall
with _Pipe ( ) as pipe :
response_iterator = stub . FullDuplexCall ( pipe , metadata = metadata )
request = messages_pb2 . StreamingOutputCallRequest (
response_type = messages_pb2 . COMPRESSABLE ,
response_parameters = (
messages_pb2 . ResponseParameters ( size = 1 ) , ) )
pipe . add ( request ) # Sends the request
next ( response_iterator ) # Causes server to send trailing metadata
# Dropping out of the with block closes the pipe
_validate_metadata ( response_iterator )
def _compute_engine_creds ( stub , args ) :
response = _large_unary_common_behavior ( stub , True , True , None )
@ -381,6 +462,9 @@ class TestCase(enum.Enum):
CANCEL_AFTER_FIRST_RESPONSE = ' cancel_after_first_response '
EMPTY_STREAM = ' empty_stream '
STATUS_CODE_AND_MESSAGE = ' status_code_and_message '
UNIMPLEMENTED_METHOD = ' unimplemented_method '
UNIMPLEMENTED_SERVICE = ' unimplemented_service '
CUSTOM_METADATA = " custom_metadata "
COMPUTE_ENGINE_CREDS = ' compute_engine_creds '
OAUTH2_AUTH_TOKEN = ' oauth2_auth_token '
JWT_TOKEN_CREDS = ' jwt_token_creds '
@ -408,6 +492,12 @@ class TestCase(enum.Enum):
_empty_stream ( stub )
elif self is TestCase . STATUS_CODE_AND_MESSAGE :
_status_code_and_message ( stub )
elif self is TestCase . UNIMPLEMENTED_METHOD :
_unimplemented_method ( stub )
elif self is TestCase . UNIMPLEMENTED_SERVICE :
_unimplemented_service ( stub )
elif self is TestCase . CUSTOM_METADATA :
_custom_metadata ( stub )
elif self is TestCase . COMPUTE_ENGINE_CREDS :
_compute_engine_creds ( stub , args )
elif self is TestCase . OAUTH2_AUTH_TOKEN :