Clean up ownership of the connection loss handler

Jorge Canizales 9 years ago
parent 07a2a70bca
commit 8b414f184d
  1. 2
  2. 22

@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
@property(nonatomic, strong, null_resettable) dispatch_queue_t queue;
* Calls handler the next time the connectivity to this instance's host is lost. If this instance is
* Calls handler every time the connectivity to this instance's host is lost. If this instance is
* released before that happens, the handler won't be called.
* Only one handler is active at a time, so if this method is called again before the previous
* handler has been called, it might never be called at all (or yes, if it has already been queued).

@ -106,13 +106,16 @@
#pragma mark Connectivity Monitor
// Assumes the third argument is a block that accepts SCNetworkReachabilityFlags, and passes the
// Assumes the third argument is a block that accepts a GRPCReachabilityFlags object, and passes the
// received ones to it.
static void PassFlagsToContextInfoBlock(SCNetworkReachabilityRef target,
SCNetworkReachabilityFlags flags,
void *info) {
#pragma unused (target)
((__bridge void (^)(SCNetworkReachabilityFlags))info)(flags);
// This can be called many times with the same info. The info is retained by SCNetworkReachability
// while this function is being executed.
void (^handler)(GRPCReachabilityFlags *) = (__bridge void (^)(GRPCReachabilityFlags *))info;
handler([[GRPCReachabilityFlags alloc] initWithFlags:flags]);
@implementation GRPCConnectivityMonitor {
@ -147,29 +150,30 @@ static void PassFlagsToContextInfoBlock(SCNetworkReachabilityRef target,
- (void)handleLossWithHandler:(void (^)())handler {
__weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self;
[self startListeningWithHandler:^(GRPCReachabilityFlags *flags) {
if (!flags.isHostReachable) {
[weakSelf stopListening];
- (void)startListeningWithHandler:(void (^)(GRPCReachabilityFlags *))handler {
// Copy to ensure the handler block is in the heap (and so can't be deallocated when this method
// returns).
void (^copiedHandler)(GRPCReachabilityFlags *) = [handler copy];
SCNetworkReachabilityContext context = {
.version = 0,
.info = (__bridge_retained void *)^(SCNetworkReachabilityFlags flags){
// Pass the flags as as Objective-C wrapper.
handler([[GRPCReachabilityFlags alloc] initWithFlags:flags]);
.release = CFRelease
.info = (__bridge void *)copiedHandler,
.retain = CFRetain,
.release = CFRelease,
// The following will retain, and release it when the callback is set to NULL.
SCNetworkReachabilitySetCallback(_reachabilityRef, PassFlagsToContextInfoBlock, &context);
SCNetworkReachabilitySetDispatchQueue(_reachabilityRef, _queue);
- (void)stopListening {
// This releases the block on
SCNetworkReachabilitySetCallback(_reachabilityRef, NULL, NULL);
SCNetworkReachabilitySetDispatchQueue(_reachabilityRef, NULL);
