Merge pull request #22869 from Falco20019/grpc-fix-collisions

Avoid collisions in cs files generated by Grpc.Tools
Jan Tattermusch 5 years ago committed by GitHub
commit 88cd5b0881
No known key found for this signature in database
  1. 10
  2. 28
  3. 64
  4. 140
  5. 2
  6. 18
  7. 7

@ -84,5 +84,15 @@ namespace Grpc.Tools.Tests
Assert.AreEqual(1, poss.Length);
Assert.That(poss[0], Is.EqualTo("out/Foo.cs") | Is.EqualTo("out\\Foo.cs"));
public void OutputDirPatched()
var item = Utils.MakeItem("sub/foo.proto", "OutputDir", "out");
var output = _generator.PatchOutputDirectory(item);
var poss = _generator.GetPossibleOutputs(output);
Assert.AreEqual(1, poss.Length);
Assert.That(poss[0], Is.EqualTo("out/sub/Foo.cs") | Is.EqualTo("out\\sub\\Foo.cs"));

@ -67,6 +67,34 @@ namespace Grpc.Tools.Tests
Assert.AreNotEqual(unsame1, unsame2);
public void GetOutputDirWithHash_IsSane()
DepFileUtil.GetOutputDirWithHash("out", "foo.proto"));
DepFileUtil.GetOutputDirWithHash("", "foo.proto"));
public void GetOutputDirWithHash_HashesDir()
string PickHash(string fname) => DepFileUtil.GetOutputDirWithHash("", fname);
string same1 = PickHash("dir1/dir2/foo.proto");
string same2 = PickHash("dir1/dir2/");
string same3 = PickHash("dir1/dir2/proto");
string same4 = PickHash("dir1/dir2/.proto");
string unsame1 = PickHash("dir2/foo.proto");
string unsame2 = PickHash("/dir2/foo.proto");
Assert.AreEqual(same1, same2);
Assert.AreEqual(same1, same3);
Assert.AreEqual(same1, same4);
Assert.AreNotEqual(same1, unsame1);
Assert.AreNotEqual(unsame1, unsame2);
// Full file reading tests

@ -148,31 +148,63 @@ namespace Grpc.Tools
/// "out/deadbeef12345678_file.protodep"
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// See <see cref="GetDirectoryHash"/> for notes on directory hash.
/// </remarks>
public static string GetDepFilenameForProto(string protoDepDir, string proto)
string dirhash = GetDirectoryHash(proto);
string filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(proto);
return Path.Combine(protoDepDir, $"{dirhash}_{filename}.protodep");
/// <summary>
/// Construct relative output directory with directory hash
/// </summary>
/// <param name="outputDir">Relative path to the output directory, e. g. "out"</param>
/// <param name="proto">Relative path to the proto item, e. g. "foo/file.proto"</param>
/// <returns>
/// Full relative path to the directory, e. g. "out/deadbeef12345678"
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// See <see cref="GetDirectoryHash"/> for notes on directory hash.
/// </remarks>
public static string GetOutputDirWithHash(string outputDir, string proto)
string dirhash = GetDirectoryHash(proto);
return Path.Combine(outputDir, dirhash);
/// <summary>
/// Construct the directory hash from a relative file name
/// </summary>
/// <param name="proto">Relative path to the proto item, e. g. "foo/file.proto"</param>
/// <returns>
/// Directory hash based on the file name, e. g. "deadbeef12345678"
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// Since a project may contain proto files with the same filename but in different
/// directories, a unique filename for the dependency file is constructed based on the
/// proto file name both name and directory. The directory path can be arbitrary,
/// for example, it can be outside of the project, or an absolute path including
/// a drive letter, or a UNC network path. A name constructed from such a path by,
/// for example, replacing disallowed name characters with an underscore, may well
/// be over filesystem's allowed path length, since it will be located under the
/// project and solution directories, which are also some level deep from the root.
/// directories, a unique directory for the generated files is constructed based on the
/// proto file names directory. The directory path can be arbitrary, for example,
/// it can be outside of the project, or an absolute path including a drive letter,
/// or a UNC network path. A name constructed from such a path by, for example,
/// replacing disallowed name characters with an underscore, may well be over
/// filesystem's allowed path length, since it will be located under the project
/// and solution directories, which are also some level deep from the root.
/// Instead of creating long and unwieldy names for these proto sources, we cache
/// the full path of the name without the filename, and append the filename to it,
/// as in e. g. "foo/file.proto" will yield the name "deadbeef12345678_file", where
/// "deadbeef12345678" is a presumed hash value of the string "foo/". This allows
/// the file names be short, unique (up to a hash collision), and still allowing
/// the user to guess their provenance.
/// the full path of the name without the filename, as in e. g. "foo/file.proto"
/// will yield the name "deadbeef12345678", where that is a presumed hash value
/// of the string "foo". This allows the path to be short, unique (up to a hash
/// collision), and still allowing the user to guess their provenance.
/// </remarks>
public static string GetDepFilenameForProto(string protoDepDir, string proto)
private static string GetDirectoryHash(string proto)
string dirname = Path.GetDirectoryName(proto);
if (Platform.IsFsCaseInsensitive)
dirname = dirname.ToLowerInvariant();
string dirhash = HashString64Hex(dirname);
string filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(proto);
return Path.Combine(protoDepDir, $"{dirhash}_{filename}.protodep");
return HashString64Hex(dirname);
// Get a 64-bit hash for a directory string. We treat it as if it were

@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
@ -55,7 +54,62 @@ namespace Grpc.Tools
&& !gsm.EqualNoCase("false");
public abstract string[] GetPossibleOutputs(ITaskItem proto);
// Update OutputDir and GrpcOutputDir for the item and all subsequent
// targets using this item. This should only be done if the real
// output directories for protoc should be modified.
public virtual ITaskItem PatchOutputDirectory(ITaskItem protoItem)
// Nothing to do
return protoItem;
public abstract string[] GetPossibleOutputs(ITaskItem protoItem);
// Calculate part of proto path relative to root. Protoc is very picky
// about them matching exactly, so can be we. Expect root be exact prefix
// to proto, minus some slash normalization.
protected static string GetRelativeDir(string root, string proto, TaskLoggingHelper log)
string protoDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(proto);
string rootDir = EndWithSlash(Path.GetDirectoryName(EndWithSlash(root)));
if (rootDir == s_dotSlash)
// Special case, otherwise we can return "./" instead of "" below!
return protoDir;
if (Platform.IsFsCaseInsensitive)
protoDir = protoDir.ToLowerInvariant();
rootDir = rootDir.ToLowerInvariant();
protoDir = EndWithSlash(protoDir);
if (!protoDir.StartsWith(rootDir))
log.LogWarning("Protobuf item '{0}' has the ProtoRoot metadata '{1}' " +
"which is not prefix to its path. Cannot compute relative path.",
proto, root);
return "";
return protoDir.Substring(rootDir.Length);
// './' or '.\', normalized per system.
protected static string s_dotSlash = "." + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
protected static string EndWithSlash(string str)
if (str == "")
return s_dotSlash;
if (str[str.Length - 1] != '\\' && str[str.Length - 1] != '/')
return str + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
return str;
// C# generator services.
@ -63,23 +117,42 @@ namespace Grpc.Tools
public CSharpGeneratorServices(TaskLoggingHelper log) : base(log) { }
public override ITaskItem PatchOutputDirectory(ITaskItem protoItem)
var outputItem = new TaskItem(protoItem);
string root = outputItem.GetMetadata(Metadata.ProtoRoot);
string proto = outputItem.ItemSpec;
string relative = GetRelativeDir(root, proto, Log);
string outdir = outputItem.GetMetadata(Metadata.OutputDir);
string pathStem = Path.Combine(outdir, relative);
outputItem.SetMetadata(Metadata.OutputDir, pathStem);
// Override outdir if GrpcOutputDir present, default to proto output.
string grpcdir = outputItem.GetMetadata(Metadata.GrpcOutputDir);
if (grpcdir != "")
pathStem = Path.Combine(grpcdir, relative);
outputItem.SetMetadata(Metadata.GrpcOutputDir, pathStem);
return outputItem;
public override string[] GetPossibleOutputs(ITaskItem protoItem)
bool doGrpc = GrpcOutputPossible(protoItem);
var outputs = new string[doGrpc ? 2 : 1];
string basename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(protoItem.ItemSpec);
string proto = protoItem.ItemSpec;
string basename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(proto);
string outdir = protoItem.GetMetadata(Metadata.OutputDir);
string filename = LowerUnderscoreToUpperCamelProtocWay(basename);
outputs[0] = Path.Combine(outdir, filename) + ".cs";
if (doGrpc)
// Override outdir if kGrpcOutputDir present, default to proto output.
string grpcdir = protoItem.GetMetadata(Metadata.GrpcOutputDir);
filename = LowerUnderscoreToUpperCamelGrpcWay(basename);
outputs[1] = Path.Combine(
grpcdir != "" ? grpcdir : outdir, filename) + "Grpc.cs";
outputs[1] = Path.Combine(grpcdir, filename) + "Grpc.cs";
return outputs;
@ -142,7 +215,7 @@ namespace Grpc.Tools
string proto = protoItem.ItemSpec;
string filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(proto);
// E. g., ("foo/", "foo/bar/x.proto") => "bar"
string relative = GetRelativeDir(root, proto);
string relative = GetRelativeDir(root, proto, Log);
var outputs = new string[doGrpc ? 4 : 2];
string outdir = protoItem.GetMetadata(Metadata.OutputDir);
@ -151,7 +224,7 @@ namespace Grpc.Tools
outputs[1] = fileStem + ".pb.h";
if (doGrpc)
// Override outdir if kGrpcOutputDir present, default to proto output.
// Override outdir if GrpcOutputDir present, default to proto output.
outdir = protoItem.GetMetadata(Metadata.GrpcOutputDir);
if (outdir != "")
@ -162,52 +235,5 @@ namespace Grpc.Tools
return outputs;
// Calculate part of proto path relative to root. Protoc is very picky
// about them matching exactly, so can be we. Expect root be exact prefix
// to proto, minus some slash normalization.
string GetRelativeDir(string root, string proto)
string protoDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(proto);
string rootDir = EndWithSlash(Path.GetDirectoryName(EndWithSlash(root)));
if (rootDir == s_dotSlash)
// Special case, otherwise we can return "./" instead of "" below!
return protoDir;
if (Platform.IsFsCaseInsensitive)
protoDir = protoDir.ToLowerInvariant();
rootDir = rootDir.ToLowerInvariant();
protoDir = EndWithSlash(protoDir);
if (!protoDir.StartsWith(rootDir))
Log.LogWarning("Protobuf item '{0}' has the ProtoRoot metadata '{1}' " +
"which is not prefix to its path. Cannot compute relative path.",
proto, root);
return "";
return protoDir.Substring(rootDir.Length);
// './' or '.\', normalized per system.
static string s_dotSlash = "." + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
static string EndWithSlash(string str)
if (str == "")
return s_dotSlash;
else if (str[str.Length - 1] != '\\' && str[str.Length - 1] != '/')
return str + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
return str;

@ -422,7 +422,9 @@ namespace Grpc.Tools
if (ProtoPath != null)
foreach (string path in ProtoPath)
cmd.AddSwitchMaybe("proto_path", TrimEndSlash(path));
cmd.AddSwitchMaybe("dependency_out", DependencyOut);
cmd.AddSwitchMaybe("error_format", "msvs");

@ -40,6 +40,14 @@ namespace Grpc.Tools
public ITaskItem[] Protobuf { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// All Proto files in the project. A patched copy of all items from
/// Protobuf that might contain updated OutputDir and GrpcOutputDir
/// attributes.
/// </summary>
public ITaskItem[] PatchedProtobuf { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Output items per each potential output. We do not look at existing
/// cached dependency even if they exist, since file may be refactored,
@ -68,16 +76,22 @@ namespace Grpc.Tools
// Get language-specific possible output. The generator expects certain
// metadata be set on the proto item.
var possible = new List<ITaskItem>();
var patched = new List<ITaskItem>();
foreach (var proto in Protobuf)
var outputs = generator.GetPossibleOutputs(proto);
var patchedProto = generator.PatchOutputDirectory(proto);
var outputs = generator.GetPossibleOutputs(patchedProto);
foreach (string output in outputs)
var ti = new TaskItem(output);
ti.SetMetadata(Metadata.Source, proto.ItemSpec);
ti.SetMetadata(Metadata.Source, patchedProto.ItemSpec);
PatchedProtobuf = patched.ToArray();
PossibleOutputs = possible.ToArray();
return !Log.HasLoggedErrors;

@ -135,6 +135,7 @@
<!-- Out-of-project files will have respective ProtoRoot='%(RelativeDir)'. -->
<Protobuf_Rooted Include="@(_Protobuf_NoRootElsewhere)">
<ProtoRoot Condition=" '$(Protobuf_ProtoRoot)' != '' ">$(Protobuf_ProtoRoot)</ProtoRoot>
@ -167,7 +168,13 @@
<Output TaskParameter="PossibleOutputs" ItemName="Protobuf_ExpectedOutputs" />
<Output TaskParameter="PatchedProtobuf" ItemName="_PatchedProtobuf" />
<!-- Replace Protobuf_Compile with PatchedProtobuf. -->
<Protobuf_Compile Remove="@(_PatchedProtobuf)"/>
<Protobuf_Compile Include ="@(_PatchedProtobuf)"/>
<!-- Read any dependency files from previous compiles. -->
<ProtoReadDependencies Condition=" '$(Protobuf_DepFilesPath)' != '' and '$(DisableProtobufDesignTimeBuild)' != 'true' "
