@ -18,12 +18,25 @@ register_toolchains(
" //third_party/toolchains/bazel_0.26.0_rbe_windows:cc-toolchain-x64_windows " ,
load ( " @bazel_toolchains//rules/exec_properties:exec_properties.bzl " , " create_exec_properties_dict " , " custom_exec_properties " )
load ( " @bazel_toolchains//rules/exec_properties:exec_properties.bzl " , " create_exec_properties_dict " , " custom_exec_properties " , " merge_dicts " )
custom_exec_properties (
name = " grpc_custom_exec_properties " ,
constants = {
" LARGE_MACHINE " : create_exec_properties_dict ( gce_machine_type = " n1-standard-8 " ) ,
" LARGE_MACHINE " : merge_dicts (
create_exec_properties_dict ( ) ,
# TODO(jtattermusch): specifying 'labels = {"abc": "xyz"}' in create_exec_properties_dict
# is not possible without https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-toolchains/pull/748
# and currently the toolchain we're using is too old for that. To be able to select worker
# pools through labels, we use a workaround and populate the corresponding label values
# manually (see create_exec_properties_dict logic for how labels get transformed)
# Remove this workaround once we transition to a new-enough bazel toolchain.
# The next line corresponds to 'labels = {"os": "ubuntu", "machine_size": "large"}'
" label:os " : " ubuntu " ,
" label:machine_size " : " large " ,
} ,
) ,
} ,
@ -32,18 +45,23 @@ load("@bazel_toolchains//rules:rbe_repo.bzl", "rbe_autoconfig")
# Create toolchain configuration for remote execution.
rbe_autoconfig (
name = " rbe_default " ,
exec_properties = create_exec_properties_dict (
docker_add_capabilities = " SYS_PTRACE " ,
docker_privileged = True ,
# n1-highmem-2 is the default (small machine) machine type. Targets
# that want to use other machines (such as LARGE_MACHINE) will override
# this value.
gce_machine_type = " n1-highmem-2 " ,
# WARNING: the os_family constraint has only been introduced recently
# and older release branches select workers solely based on gce_machine_type.
# Worker pools needs to be configured with care to avoid accidentally running
# linux jobs on windows pool and vice versa (which would lead to a test breakage)
os_family = " Linux " ,
exec_properties = merge_dicts (
create_exec_properties_dict (
docker_add_capabilities = " SYS_PTRACE " ,
docker_privileged = True ,
os_family = " Linux " ,
) ,
# TODO(jtattermusch): specifying 'labels = {"abc": "xyz"}' in create_exec_properties_dict
# is not possible without https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-toolchains/pull/748
# and currently the toolchain we're using is too old for that. To be able to select worker
# pools through labels, we use a workaround and populate the corresponding label values
# manually (see create_exec_properties_dict logic for how labels get transformed)
# Remove this workaround once we transition to a new-enough bazel toolchain.
# The next line corresponds to 'labels = {"os": "ubuntu", "machine_size": "small"}'
" label:os " : " ubuntu " ,
" label:machine_size " : " small " ,
} ,
) ,
# use exec_properties instead of deprecated remote_execution_properties
use_legacy_platform_definition = False ,