@ -1,7 +1,11 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 |
import json |
import collections |
import hashlib |
import itertools |
import json |
import math |
import tabulate |
import time |
SELF_TIME = object() |
@ -13,98 +17,187 @@ TIME_TO_STACK_END = object() |
class LineItem(object): |
def __init__(self, line, indent): |
self.tag = line['tag'] |
self.indent = indent |
self.time_stamp = line['t'] |
self.important = line['type'] == '!' |
self.times = {} |
def __init__(self, line, indent): |
self.tag = line['tag'] |
self.indent = indent |
self.start_time = line['t'] |
self.end_time = None |
self.important = line['imp'] |
self.times = {} |
class ScopeBuilder(object): |
def __init__(self, call_stack_builder, line): |
self.call_stack_builder = call_stack_builder |
self.indent = len(call_stack_builder.stk) |
self.top_line = LineItem(line, self.indent) |
call_stack_builder.lines.append(self.top_line) |
self.first_child_pos = len(call_stack_builder.lines) |
def __init__(self, call_stack_builder, line): |
self.call_stack_builder = call_stack_builder |
self.indent = len(call_stack_builder.stk) |
self.top_line = LineItem(line, self.indent) |
call_stack_builder.lines.append(self.top_line) |
self.first_child_pos = len(call_stack_builder.lines) |
def mark(self, line): |
pass |
def mark(self, line): |
line_item = LineItem(line, self.indent + 1) |
line_item.end_time = line_item.start_time |
self.call_stack_builder.lines.append(line_item) |
def finish(self, line): |
assert line['tag'] == self.top_line.tag |
final_time_stamp = line['t'] |
assert SELF_TIME not in self.top_line.times |
self.top_line.tims[SELF_TIME] = final_time_stamp - self.top_line.time_stamp |
for line in self.call_stack_builder.lines[self.first_child_pos:]: |
if TIME_FROM_SCOPE_START not in line.times: |
line[TIME_FROM_SCOPE_START] = line.time_stamp - self.top_line.time_stamp |
line[TIME_TO_SCOPE_END] = final_time_stamp - line.time_stamp |
def finish(self, line): |
assert line['tag'] == self.top_line.tag |
final_time_stamp = line['t'] |
assert self.top_line.end_time is None |
self.top_line.end_time = final_time_stamp |
assert SELF_TIME not in self.top_line.times |
self.top_line.times[SELF_TIME] = final_time_stamp - self.top_line.start_time |
for line in self.call_stack_builder.lines[self.first_child_pos:]: |
if TIME_FROM_SCOPE_START not in line.times: |
line.times[TIME_FROM_SCOPE_START] = line.start_time - self.top_line.start_time |
line.times[TIME_TO_SCOPE_END] = final_time_stamp - line.end_time |
class CallStackBuilder(object): |
def __init__(self): |
self.stk = [] |
self.signature = '' |
self.lines = [] |
def add(self, line): |
line_type = line['type'] |
self.signature = '%s%s%s' % (self.signature, line_type, line['tag']) |
if line_type == '{': |
self.stk.append(ScopeBuilder(self, line)) |
return False |
elif line_type == '}': |
self.stk.pop().finish(line) |
return not self.stk |
elif line_type == '.' or line_type == '!': |
self.stk[-1].mark(line, True) |
return False |
else: |
raise Exception('Unknown line type: \'%s\'' % line_type) |
def __init__(self): |
self.stk = [] |
self.signature = hashlib.md5() |
self.lines = [] |
def finish(self): |
start_time = self.lines[0].start_time |
end_time = self.lines[0].end_time |
self.signature = self.signature.hexdigest() |
for line in self.lines: |
line.times[TIME_FROM_STACK_START] = line.start_time - start_time |
line.times[TIME_TO_STACK_END] = end_time - line.end_time |
def add(self, line): |
line_type = line['type'] |
self.signature.update(line_type) |
self.signature.update(line['tag']) |
if line_type == '{': |
self.stk.append(ScopeBuilder(self, line)) |
return False |
elif line_type == '}': |
self.stk.pop().finish(line) |
if not self.stk: |
self.finish() |
return True |
return False |
elif line_type == '.' or line_type == '!': |
self.stk[-1].mark(line) |
return False |
else: |
raise Exception('Unknown line type: \'%s\'' % line_type) |
class CallStack(object): |
def __init__(self, initial_call_stack_builder): |
self.count = 1 |
self.signature = initial_call_stack_builder.signature |
self.lines = initial_call_stack_builder.lines |
for line in lines: |
for key, val in line.times.items(): |
line.times[key] = [val] |
def add(self, call_stack_builder): |
assert self.signature == call_stack_builder.signature |
self.count += 1 |
assert len(self.lines) == len(call_stack_builder.lines) |
for lsum, line in itertools.izip(self.lines, call_stack_builder.lines): |
assert lsum.tag == line.tag |
assert lsum.times.keys() == line.times.keys() |
for k, lst in lsum.times.iterkeys(): |
lst.append(line.times[k]) |
class CallStack(object): |
def __init__(self, initial_call_stack_builder): |
self.count = 1 |
self.signature = initial_call_stack_builder.signature |
self.lines = initial_call_stack_builder.lines |
for line in self.lines: |
for key, val in line.times.items(): |
line.times[key] = [val] |
def add(self, call_stack_builder): |
assert self.signature == call_stack_builder.signature |
self.count += 1 |
assert len(self.lines) == len(call_stack_builder.lines) |
for lsum, line in itertools.izip(self.lines, call_stack_builder.lines): |
assert lsum.tag == line.tag |
assert lsum.times.keys() == line.times.keys() |
for k, lst in lsum.times.iteritems(): |
lst.append(line.times[k]) |
def finish(self): |
for line in self.lines: |
for lst in line.times.itervalues(): |
lst.sort() |
builder = collections.defaultdict(CallStackBuilder) |
call_stacks = collections.defaultdict(CallStack) |
print 'Loading...' |
lines = 0 |
start = time.time() |
with open('latency_trace.txt') as f: |
for line in f: |
lines += 1 |
inf = json.loads(line) |
thd = inf['thd'] |
cs = builder[thd] |
if cs.add(inf): |
if cs.signature in call_stacks: |
call_stacks[cs.signature].add(cs) |
else: |
call_stacks[cs.signature] = CallStack(cs) |
del builder[thd] |
if cs.signature in call_stacks: |
call_stacks[cs.signature].add(cs) |
else: |
call_stacks[cs.signature] = CallStack(cs) |
del builder[thd] |
time_taken = time.time() - start |
print 'Read %d lines in %f seconds (%f lines/sec)' % (lines, time_taken, lines / time_taken) |
print 'Analyzing...' |
call_stacks = sorted(call_stacks.values(), key=lambda cs: cs.count, reverse=True) |
for cs in call_stacks: |
cs.finish() |
print 'Writing report...' |
def percentile(N, percent, key=lambda x:x): |
""" |
Find the percentile of a list of values. |
@parameter N - is a list of values. Note N MUST BE already sorted. |
@parameter percent - a float value from 0.0 to 1.0. |
@parameter key - optional key function to compute value from each element of N. |
@return - the percentile of the values |
""" |
if not N: |
return None |
k = (len(N)-1) * percent |
f = math.floor(k) |
c = math.ceil(k) |
if f == c: |
return key(N[int(k)]) |
d0 = key(N[int(f)]) * (c-k) |
d1 = key(N[int(c)]) * (k-f) |
return d0+d1 |
def tidy_tag(tag): |
if tag[0:10] == 'GRPC_PTAG_': |
return tag[10:] |
return tag |
def time_string(values): |
num_values = len(values) |
return '%.1f/%.1f/%.1f' % ( |
1e6 * percentile(values, 0.5), |
1e6 * percentile(values, 0.9), |
1e6 * percentile(values, 0.99)) |
def time_format(idx): |
def ent(line, idx=idx): |
if idx in line.times: |
return time_string(line.times[idx]) |
return '' |
return ent |
FORMAT = [ |
('TAG', lambda line: '..'*line.indent + tidy_tag(line.tag)), |
('SELF', time_format(SELF_TIME)), |
('TO_STACK_END', time_format(TIME_TO_STACK_END)), |
('SELF', time_format(SELF_TIME)), |
('TO_SCOPE_END', time_format(TIME_TO_SCOPE_END)), |
] |
for cs in call_stacks: |
print cs.signature |
print cs.count |
print cs.count |
header, _ = zip(*FORMAT) |
table = [] |
for line in cs.lines: |
fields = [] |
for _, fn in FORMAT: |
fields.append(fn(line)) |
table.append(fields) |
print tabulate.tabulate(table, header, tablefmt="simple") |