@ -139,86 +139,15 @@ class BaseCallData : public Activity, private Wakeable { |
grpc_polling_entity* pollent_ = nullptr; |
}; |
// Specific call data per channel filter.
// Note that we further specialize for clients and servers since their
// implementations are very different.
template <class ChannelFilter, FilterEndpoint endpoint> |
class CallData; |
// Client implementation of call data.
template <class ChannelFilter> |
class CallData<ChannelFilter, FilterEndpoint::kClient> : public BaseCallData { |
class ClientCallData : public BaseCallData { |
public: |
CallData(grpc_call_element* elem, const grpc_call_element_args* args) |
: BaseCallData(elem, args) { |
GRPC_CLOSURE_INIT(&recv_trailing_metadata_ready_, |
RecvTrailingMetadataReadyCallback, this, |
grpc_schedule_on_exec_ctx); |
} |
~CallData() override { |
GPR_ASSERT(!is_polling_); |
GRPC_ERROR_UNREF(cancelled_error_); |
} |
ClientCallData(grpc_call_element* elem, const grpc_call_element_args* args); |
~ClientCallData() override; |
// Activity implementation.
void ForceImmediateRepoll() final { |
GPR_ASSERT(is_polling_); |
repoll_ = true; |
} |
void ForceImmediateRepoll() final; |
// Handle one grpc_transport_stream_op_batch
void StartBatch(grpc_transport_stream_op_batch* batch) { |
// Fake out the activity based context.
ScopedContext context(this); |
// If this is a cancel stream, cancel anything we have pending and propagate
// the cancellation.
if (batch->cancel_stream) { |
GPR_ASSERT(!batch->send_initial_metadata && |
!batch->send_trailing_metadata && !batch->send_message && |
!batch->recv_initial_metadata && !batch->recv_message && |
!batch->recv_trailing_metadata); |
Cancel(batch->payload->cancel_stream.cancel_error); |
grpc_call_next_op(elem(), batch); |
return; |
} |
// send_initial_metadata: seeing this triggers the start of the promise part
// of this filter.
if (batch->send_initial_metadata) { |
// If we're already cancelled, just terminate the batch.
if (send_initial_state_ == SendInitialState::kCancelled) { |
grpc_transport_stream_op_batch_finish_with_failure( |
batch, GRPC_ERROR_REF(cancelled_error_), call_combiner()); |
return; |
} |
// Otherwise, we should not have seen a send_initial_metadata op yet.
GPR_ASSERT(send_initial_state_ == SendInitialState::kInitial); |
// Mark ourselves as queued.
send_initial_state_ = SendInitialState::kQueued; |
if (batch->recv_trailing_metadata) { |
// If there's a recv_trailing_metadata op, we queue that too.
GPR_ASSERT(recv_trailing_state_ == RecvTrailingState::kInitial); |
recv_trailing_state_ = RecvTrailingState::kQueued; |
} |
// This is the queuing!
send_initial_metadata_batch_ = batch; |
// And kick start the promise.
StartPromise(); |
return; |
} |
// recv_trailing_metadata *without* send_initial_metadata: hook it so we can
// respond to it, and push it down.
if (batch->recv_trailing_metadata) { |
GPR_ASSERT(recv_trailing_state_ == RecvTrailingState::kInitial); |
recv_trailing_state_ = RecvTrailingState::kForwarded; |
HookRecvTrailingMetadata(batch); |
} |
grpc_call_next_op(elem(), batch); |
} |
void StartBatch(grpc_transport_stream_op_batch* batch); |
private: |
// At what stage is our handling of send initial metadata?
@ -254,302 +183,34 @@ class CallData<ChannelFilter, FilterEndpoint::kClient> : public BaseCallData { |
}; |
// Handle cancellation.
void Cancel(grpc_error_handle error) { |
// Track the latest reason for cancellation.
GRPC_ERROR_UNREF(cancelled_error_); |
cancelled_error_ = GRPC_ERROR_REF(error); |
// Stop running the promise.
promise_ = ArenaPromise<TrailingMetadata>(); |
// If we have an op queued, fail that op.
// Record what we've done.
if (send_initial_state_ == SendInitialState::kQueued) { |
send_initial_state_ = SendInitialState::kCancelled; |
if (recv_trailing_state_ == RecvTrailingState::kQueued) { |
recv_trailing_state_ = RecvTrailingState::kCancelled; |
} |
struct FailBatch : public grpc_closure { |
grpc_transport_stream_op_batch* batch; |
CallCombiner* call_combiner; |
}; |
auto fail = [](void* p, grpc_error_handle error) { |
auto* f = static_cast<FailBatch*>(p); |
grpc_transport_stream_op_batch_finish_with_failure( |
f->batch, GRPC_ERROR_REF(error), f->call_combiner); |
delete f; |
}; |
auto* b = new FailBatch(); |
GRPC_CLOSURE_INIT(b, fail, b, nullptr); |
b->batch = absl::exchange(send_initial_metadata_batch_, nullptr); |
b->call_combiner = call_combiner(); |
GRPC_CALL_COMBINER_START(call_combiner(), b, |
GRPC_ERROR_REF(cancelled_error_), |
"cancel pending batch"); |
} else { |
send_initial_state_ = SendInitialState::kCancelled; |
} |
} |
void Cancel(grpc_error_handle error); |
// Begin running the promise - which will ultimately take some initial
// metadata and return some trailing metadata.
void StartPromise() { |
GPR_ASSERT(send_initial_state_ == SendInitialState::kQueued); |
ChannelFilter* filter = static_cast<ChannelFilter*>(elem()->channel_data); |
// Construct the promise.
{ |
ScopedActivity activity(this); |
promise_ = filter->MakeCallPromise( |
WrapMetadata(send_initial_metadata_batch_->payload |
->send_initial_metadata.send_initial_metadata), |
[this](ClientInitialMetadata initial_metadata) { |
return MakeNextPromise(std::move(initial_metadata)); |
}); |
} |
// Poll once.
WakeInsideCombiner(); |
} |
void StartPromise(); |
// Interject our callback into the op batch for recv trailing metadata ready.
// Stash a pointer to the trailing metadata that will be filled in, so we can
// manipulate it later.
void HookRecvTrailingMetadata(grpc_transport_stream_op_batch* batch) { |
recv_trailing_metadata_ = |
batch->payload->recv_trailing_metadata.recv_trailing_metadata; |
original_recv_trailing_metadata_ready_ = |
batch->payload->recv_trailing_metadata.recv_trailing_metadata_ready; |
batch->payload->recv_trailing_metadata.recv_trailing_metadata_ready = |
&recv_trailing_metadata_ready_; |
} |
void HookRecvTrailingMetadata(grpc_transport_stream_op_batch* batch); |
// Construct a promise that will "call" the next filter.
// Effectively:
// - put the modified initial metadata into the batch to be sent down.
// - return a wrapper around PollTrailingMetadata as the promise.
ArenaPromise<TrailingMetadata> MakeNextPromise( |
ClientInitialMetadata initial_metadata) { |
GPR_ASSERT(send_initial_state_ == SendInitialState::kQueued); |
send_initial_metadata_batch_->payload->send_initial_metadata |
.send_initial_metadata = UnwrapMetadata(std::move(initial_metadata)); |
return ArenaPromise<TrailingMetadata>( |
[this]() { return PollTrailingMetadata(); }); |
} |
ClientInitialMetadata initial_metadata); |
// Wrapper to make it look like we're calling the next filter as a promise.
// First poll: send the send_initial_metadata op down the stack.
// All polls: await receiving the trailing metadata, then return it to the
// application.
Poll<TrailingMetadata> PollTrailingMetadata() { |
if (send_initial_state_ == SendInitialState::kQueued) { |
// First poll: pass the send_initial_metadata op down the stack.
GPR_ASSERT(send_initial_metadata_batch_ != nullptr); |
send_initial_state_ = SendInitialState::kForwarded; |
if (recv_trailing_state_ == RecvTrailingState::kQueued) { |
// (and the recv_trailing_metadata op if it's part of the queuing)
HookRecvTrailingMetadata(send_initial_metadata_batch_); |
recv_trailing_state_ = RecvTrailingState::kForwarded; |
} |
forward_send_initial_metadata_ = true; |
} |
switch (recv_trailing_state_) { |
case RecvTrailingState::kInitial: |
case RecvTrailingState::kQueued: |
case RecvTrailingState::kForwarded: |
// No trailing metadata yet: we are pending.
// We return that and expect the promise to be repolled later (if it's
// not cancelled).
return Pending{}; |
case RecvTrailingState::kComplete: |
// We've received trailing metadata: pass it to the promise and allow it
// to adjust it.
return WrapMetadata(recv_trailing_metadata_); |
case RecvTrailingState::kCancelled: { |
// We've been cancelled: synthesize some trailing metadata and pass it
// to the calling promise for adjustment.
recv_trailing_metadata_->Clear(); |
SetStatusFromError(recv_trailing_metadata_, cancelled_error_); |
return WrapMetadata(recv_trailing_metadata_); |
} |
case RecvTrailingState::kResponded: |
// We've already responded to the caller: we can't do anything and we
// should never reach here.
abort(); |
} |
GPR_UNREACHABLE_CODE(return Pending{}); |
} |
Poll<TrailingMetadata> PollTrailingMetadata(); |
static void RecvTrailingMetadataReadyCallback(void* arg, |
grpc_error_handle error) { |
static_cast<CallData*>(arg)->RecvTrailingMetadataReady(error); |
} |
void RecvTrailingMetadataReady(grpc_error_handle error) { |
// If there was an error, we'll put that into the trailing metadata and
// proceed as if there was not.
if (error != GRPC_ERROR_NONE) { |
SetStatusFromError(recv_trailing_metadata_, error); |
} |
// Record that we've got the callback.
GPR_ASSERT(recv_trailing_state_ == RecvTrailingState::kForwarded); |
recv_trailing_state_ = RecvTrailingState::kComplete; |
// Repoll the promise.
ScopedContext context(this); |
WakeInsideCombiner(); |
} |
grpc_error_handle error); |
void RecvTrailingMetadataReady(grpc_error_handle error); |
// Given an error, fill in TrailingMetadata to represent that error.
void SetStatusFromError(grpc_metadata_batch* metadata, |
grpc_error_handle error) { |
grpc_status_code status_code = GRPC_STATUS_UNKNOWN; |
std::string status_details; |
grpc_error_get_status(error, deadline(), &status_code, &status_details, |
nullptr, nullptr); |
metadata->Set(GrpcStatusMetadata(), status_code); |
metadata->Set(GrpcMessageMetadata(), |
Slice::FromCopiedString(status_details)); |
metadata->GetOrCreatePointer(GrpcStatusContext()) |
->emplace_back(grpc_error_std_string(error)); |
} |
grpc_error_handle error); |
// Wakeup and poll the promise if appropriate.
void WakeInsideCombiner() { |
GPR_ASSERT(!is_polling_); |
grpc_closure* call_closure = nullptr; |
is_polling_ = true; |
grpc_error_handle cancel_send_initial_metadata_error = GRPC_ERROR_NONE; |
grpc_transport_stream_op_batch* forward_batch = nullptr; |
switch (send_initial_state_) { |
case SendInitialState::kQueued: |
case SendInitialState::kForwarded: { |
// Poll the promise once since we're waiting for it.
Poll<TrailingMetadata> poll; |
{ |
ScopedActivity activity(this); |
poll = promise_(); |
} |
if (auto* r = absl::get_if<TrailingMetadata>(&poll)) { |
promise_ = ArenaPromise<TrailingMetadata>(); |
auto* md = UnwrapMetadata(std::move(*r)); |
bool destroy_md = true; |
switch (recv_trailing_state_) { |
case RecvTrailingState::kComplete: |
if (recv_trailing_metadata_ != md) { |
*recv_trailing_metadata_ = std::move(*md); |
} else { |
destroy_md = false; |
} |
recv_trailing_state_ = RecvTrailingState::kResponded; |
call_closure = absl::exchange( |
original_recv_trailing_metadata_ready_, nullptr); |
break; |
case RecvTrailingState::kQueued: |
case RecvTrailingState::kForwarded: { |
GPR_ASSERT(*md->get_pointer(GrpcStatusMetadata()) != |
grpc_error_handle error = grpc_error_set_int( |
"early return from promise based filter"), |
*md->get_pointer(GrpcStatusMetadata())); |
if (auto* message = md->get_pointer(GrpcMessageMetadata())) { |
error = grpc_error_set_str(error, GRPC_ERROR_STR_GRPC_MESSAGE, |
message->as_string_view()); |
} |
if (recv_trailing_state_ == RecvTrailingState::kQueued) { |
GPR_ASSERT(send_initial_state_ == SendInitialState::kQueued); |
send_initial_state_ = SendInitialState::kCancelled; |
cancel_send_initial_metadata_error = error; |
} else { |
call_combiner()->Cancel(GRPC_ERROR_REF(error)); |
forward_batch = |
grpc_make_transport_stream_op(GRPC_CLOSURE_CREATE( |
[](void*, grpc_error_handle) {}, nullptr, nullptr)); |
forward_batch->cancel_stream = true; |
forward_batch->payload->cancel_stream.cancel_error = error; |
} |
recv_trailing_state_ = RecvTrailingState::kCancelled; |
} break; |
case RecvTrailingState::kInitial: |
abort(); // unimplemented
case RecvTrailingState::kResponded: |
case RecvTrailingState::kCancelled: |
abort(); // unreachable
} |
if (destroy_md) { |
md->~grpc_metadata_batch(); |
} |
} |
} break; |
case SendInitialState::kInitial: |
case SendInitialState::kCancelled: |
// If we get a response without sending anything, we just propagate
// that up. (note: that situation isn't possible once we finish the
// promise transition).
if (recv_trailing_state_ == RecvTrailingState::kComplete) { |
recv_trailing_state_ = RecvTrailingState::kResponded; |
call_closure = |
absl::exchange(original_recv_trailing_metadata_ready_, nullptr); |
} |
break; |
} |
GRPC_CALL_STACK_REF(call_stack(), "finish_poll"); |
is_polling_ = false; |
bool in_combiner = true; |
bool repoll = absl::exchange(repoll_, false); |
if (forward_batch != nullptr) { |
GPR_ASSERT(in_combiner); |
in_combiner = false; |
forward_send_initial_metadata_ = false; |
grpc_call_next_op(elem(), forward_batch); |
} |
if (cancel_send_initial_metadata_error != GRPC_ERROR_NONE) { |
GPR_ASSERT(in_combiner); |
forward_send_initial_metadata_ = false; |
in_combiner = false; |
grpc_transport_stream_op_batch_finish_with_failure( |
absl::exchange(send_initial_metadata_batch_, nullptr), |
cancel_send_initial_metadata_error, call_combiner()); |
} |
if (absl::exchange(forward_send_initial_metadata_, false)) { |
GPR_ASSERT(in_combiner); |
in_combiner = false; |
grpc_call_next_op(elem(), |
absl::exchange(send_initial_metadata_batch_, nullptr)); |
} |
if (call_closure != nullptr) { |
GPR_ASSERT(in_combiner); |
in_combiner = false; |
Closure::Run(DEBUG_LOCATION, call_closure, GRPC_ERROR_NONE); |
} |
if (repoll) { |
if (in_combiner) { |
WakeInsideCombiner(); |
} else { |
struct NextPoll : public grpc_closure { |
grpc_call_stack* call_stack; |
CallData* call_data; |
}; |
auto run = [](void* p, grpc_error_handle) { |
auto* next_poll = static_cast<NextPoll*>(p); |
next_poll->call_data->WakeInsideCombiner(); |
GRPC_CALL_STACK_UNREF(next_poll->call_stack, "re-poll"); |
delete next_poll; |
}; |
auto* p = new NextPoll; |
GRPC_CALL_STACK_REF(call_stack(), "re-poll"); |
GRPC_CLOSURE_INIT(p, run, p, nullptr); |
"re-poll"); |
} |
} else if (in_combiner) { |
GRPC_CALL_COMBINER_STOP(call_combiner(), "poll paused"); |
} |
GRPC_CALL_STACK_UNREF(call_stack(), "finish_poll"); |
} |
void OnWakeup() override { |
ScopedContext context(this); |
WakeInsideCombiner(); |
} |
void WakeInsideCombiner(); |
void OnWakeup() override; |
// Contained promise
ArenaPromise<TrailingMetadata> promise_; |
@ -575,84 +236,15 @@ class CallData<ChannelFilter, FilterEndpoint::kClient> : public BaseCallData { |
bool forward_send_initial_metadata_ = false; |
}; |
// Server implementation of call data.
template <class ChannelFilter> |
class CallData<ChannelFilter, FilterEndpoint::kServer> : public BaseCallData { |
class ServerCallData : public BaseCallData { |
public: |
CallData(grpc_call_element* elem, const grpc_call_element_args* args) |
: BaseCallData(elem, args) { |
GRPC_CLOSURE_INIT(&recv_initial_metadata_ready_, |
RecvInitialMetadataReadyCallback, this, |
grpc_schedule_on_exec_ctx); |
} |
~CallData() override { |
GPR_ASSERT(!is_polling_); |
GRPC_ERROR_UNREF(cancelled_error_); |
} |
ServerCallData(grpc_call_element* elem, const grpc_call_element_args* args); |
~ServerCallData() override; |
// Activity implementation.
void ForceImmediateRepoll() final { abort(); } // Not implemented.
void ForceImmediateRepoll() final; |
// Handle one grpc_transport_stream_op_batch
void StartBatch(grpc_transport_stream_op_batch* batch) { |
// Fake out the activity based context.
ScopedContext context(this); |
// If this is a cancel stream, cancel anything we have pending and
// propagate the cancellation.
if (batch->cancel_stream) { |
GPR_ASSERT(!batch->send_initial_metadata && |
!batch->send_trailing_metadata && !batch->send_message && |
!batch->recv_initial_metadata && !batch->recv_message && |
!batch->recv_trailing_metadata); |
Cancel(batch->payload->cancel_stream.cancel_error); |
grpc_call_next_op(elem(), batch); |
return; |
} |
// recv_initial_metadata: we hook the response of this so we can start the
// promise at an appropriate time.
if (batch->recv_initial_metadata) { |
GPR_ASSERT(!batch->send_initial_metadata && |
!batch->send_trailing_metadata && !batch->send_message && |
!batch->recv_message && !batch->recv_trailing_metadata); |
// Otherwise, we should not have seen a send_initial_metadata op yet.
GPR_ASSERT(recv_initial_state_ == RecvInitialState::kInitial); |
// Hook the callback so we know when to start the promise.
recv_initial_metadata_ = |
batch->payload->recv_initial_metadata.recv_initial_metadata; |
original_recv_initial_metadata_ready_ = |
batch->payload->recv_initial_metadata.recv_initial_metadata_ready; |
batch->payload->recv_initial_metadata.recv_initial_metadata_ready = |
&recv_initial_metadata_ready_; |
recv_initial_state_ = RecvInitialState::kForwarded; |
} |
// send_trailing_metadata
if (batch->send_trailing_metadata) { |
switch (send_trailing_state_) { |
case SendTrailingState::kInitial: |
send_trailing_metadata_batch_ = batch; |
send_trailing_state_ = SendTrailingState::kQueued; |
WakeInsideCombiner([this](grpc_error_handle error) { |
GPR_ASSERT(send_trailing_state_ == SendTrailingState::kQueued); |
Cancel(error); |
}); |
break; |
case SendTrailingState::kQueued: |
case SendTrailingState::kForwarded: |
abort(); // unreachable
break; |
case SendTrailingState::kCancelled: |
abort(); // unimplemented
break; |
} |
return; |
} |
grpc_call_next_op(elem(), batch); |
} |
void StartBatch(grpc_transport_stream_op_batch* batch); |
private: |
// At what stage is our handling of recv initial metadata?
@ -682,170 +274,23 @@ class CallData<ChannelFilter, FilterEndpoint::kServer> : public BaseCallData { |
}; |
// Handle cancellation.
void Cancel(grpc_error_handle error) { |
// Track the latest reason for cancellation.
GRPC_ERROR_UNREF(cancelled_error_); |
cancelled_error_ = GRPC_ERROR_REF(error); |
// Stop running the promise.
promise_ = ArenaPromise<TrailingMetadata>(); |
if (send_trailing_state_ == SendTrailingState::kQueued) { |
send_trailing_state_ = SendTrailingState::kCancelled; |
struct FailBatch : public grpc_closure { |
grpc_transport_stream_op_batch* batch; |
CallCombiner* call_combiner; |
}; |
auto fail = [](void* p, grpc_error_handle error) { |
auto* f = static_cast<FailBatch*>(p); |
grpc_transport_stream_op_batch_finish_with_failure( |
f->batch, GRPC_ERROR_REF(error), f->call_combiner); |
delete f; |
}; |
auto* b = new FailBatch(); |
GRPC_CLOSURE_INIT(b, fail, b, nullptr); |
b->batch = absl::exchange(send_trailing_metadata_batch_, nullptr); |
b->call_combiner = call_combiner(); |
GRPC_CALL_COMBINER_START(call_combiner(), b, |
GRPC_ERROR_REF(cancelled_error_), |
"cancel pending batch"); |
} else { |
send_trailing_state_ = SendTrailingState::kCancelled; |
} |
} |
void Cancel(grpc_error_handle error); |
// Construct a promise that will "call" the next filter.
// Effectively:
// - put the modified initial metadata into the batch being sent up.
// - return a wrapper around PollTrailingMetadata as the promise.
ArenaPromise<TrailingMetadata> MakeNextPromise( |
ClientInitialMetadata initial_metadata) { |
GPR_ASSERT(recv_initial_state_ == RecvInitialState::kComplete); |
GPR_ASSERT(UnwrapMetadata(std::move(initial_metadata)) == |
recv_initial_metadata_); |
forward_recv_initial_metadata_callback_ = true; |
return ArenaPromise<TrailingMetadata>( |
[this]() { return PollTrailingMetadata(); }); |
} |
ClientInitialMetadata initial_metadata); |
// Wrapper to make it look like we're calling the next filter as a promise.
// All polls: await sending the trailing metadata, then foward it down the
// stack.
Poll<TrailingMetadata> PollTrailingMetadata() { |
switch (send_trailing_state_) { |
case SendTrailingState::kInitial: |
return Pending{}; |
case SendTrailingState::kQueued: |
return WrapMetadata( |
send_trailing_metadata_batch_->payload->send_trailing_metadata |
.send_trailing_metadata); |
case SendTrailingState::kForwarded: |
abort(); // unreachable
case SendTrailingState::kCancelled: |
// We could translate cancelled_error to metadata and return it... BUT
// we're not gonna be running much longer and the results going to be
// ignored.
return Pending{}; |
} |
GPR_UNREACHABLE_CODE(return Pending{}); |
} |
Poll<TrailingMetadata> PollTrailingMetadata(); |
static void RecvInitialMetadataReadyCallback(void* arg, |
grpc_error_handle error) { |
static_cast<CallData*>(arg)->RecvInitialMetadataReady(error); |
} |
void RecvInitialMetadataReady(grpc_error_handle error) { |
GPR_ASSERT(recv_initial_state_ == RecvInitialState::kForwarded); |
// If there was an error we just propagate that through
if (error != GRPC_ERROR_NONE) { |
recv_initial_state_ = RecvInitialState::kResponded; |
Closure::Run(DEBUG_LOCATION, original_recv_initial_metadata_ready_, |
GRPC_ERROR_REF(error)); |
return; |
} |
// Record that we've got the callback.
recv_initial_state_ = RecvInitialState::kComplete; |
// Start the promise.
ScopedContext context(this); |
// Construct the promise.
ChannelFilter* filter = static_cast<ChannelFilter*>(elem()->channel_data); |
promise_ = filter->MakeCallPromise( |
WrapMetadata(recv_initial_metadata_), |
[this](ClientInitialMetadata initial_metadata) { |
return MakeNextPromise(std::move(initial_metadata)); |
}); |
// Poll once.
bool own_error = false; |
WakeInsideCombiner([&error, &own_error](grpc_error_handle new_error) { |
error = GRPC_ERROR_REF(new_error); |
own_error = true; |
}); |
Closure::Run(DEBUG_LOCATION, original_recv_initial_metadata_ready_, |
GRPC_ERROR_REF(error)); |
if (own_error) GRPC_ERROR_UNREF(error); |
} |
grpc_error_handle error); |
void RecvInitialMetadataReady(grpc_error_handle error); |
// Wakeup and poll the promise if appropriate.
void WakeInsideCombiner(absl::FunctionRef<void(grpc_error_handle)> cancel) { |
GPR_ASSERT(!is_polling_); |
bool forward_send_trailing_metadata = false; |
is_polling_ = true; |
if (recv_initial_state_ == RecvInitialState::kComplete) { |
Poll<TrailingMetadata> poll; |
{ |
ScopedActivity activity(this); |
poll = promise_(); |
} |
if (auto* r = absl::get_if<TrailingMetadata>(&poll)) { |
auto* md = UnwrapMetadata(std::move(*r)); |
bool destroy_md = true; |
switch (send_trailing_state_) { |
case SendTrailingState::kQueued: { |
if (send_trailing_metadata_batch_->payload->send_trailing_metadata |
.send_trailing_metadata != md) { |
*send_trailing_metadata_batch_->payload->send_trailing_metadata |
.send_trailing_metadata = std::move(*md); |
} else { |
destroy_md = false; |
} |
forward_send_trailing_metadata = true; |
} break; |
case SendTrailingState::kForwarded: |
abort(); // unreachable
break; |
case SendTrailingState::kInitial: { |
GPR_ASSERT(*md->get_pointer(GrpcStatusMetadata()) != |
grpc_error_handle error = grpc_error_set_int( |
"early return from promise based filter"), |
*md->get_pointer(GrpcStatusMetadata())); |
if (auto* message = md->get_pointer(GrpcMessageMetadata())) { |
error = grpc_error_set_str(error, GRPC_ERROR_STR_GRPC_MESSAGE, |
message->as_string_view()); |
} |
cancel(error); |
} break; |
case SendTrailingState::kCancelled: |
// Nothing to do.
break; |
} |
if (destroy_md) { |
md->~grpc_metadata_batch(); |
} |
} |
} |
is_polling_ = false; |
if (forward_send_trailing_metadata) { |
grpc_call_next_op(elem(), |
absl::exchange(send_trailing_metadata_batch_, nullptr)); |
} |
} |
void OnWakeup() override { abort(); } // not implemented
void WakeInsideCombiner(absl::FunctionRef<void(grpc_error_handle)> cancel); |
void OnWakeup() override; |
// Contained promise
ArenaPromise<TrailingMetadata> promise_; |
@ -870,6 +315,26 @@ class CallData<ChannelFilter, FilterEndpoint::kServer> : public BaseCallData { |
bool forward_recv_initial_metadata_callback_ = false; |
}; |
// Specific call data per channel filter.
// Note that we further specialize for clients and servers since their
// implementations are very different.
template <class ChannelFilter, FilterEndpoint endpoint> |
class CallData; |
// Client implementation of call data.
template <class ChannelFilter> |
class CallData<ChannelFilter, FilterEndpoint::kClient> : public ClientCallData { |
public: |
using ClientCallData::ClientCallData; |
}; |
// Server implementation of call data.
template <class ChannelFilter> |
class CallData<ChannelFilter, FilterEndpoint::kServer> : public ServerCallData { |
public: |
using ServerCallData::ServerCallData; |
}; |
} // namespace promise_filter_detail
// F implements ChannelFilter and :