@ -29,10 +29,25 @@
namespace grpc_core {
// Top level interface for parsing a sequence of header, continuation frames.
class HPackParser {
public :
enum class Boundary { None , EndOfHeaders , EndOfStream } ;
enum class Priority { None , Included } ;
// What kind of stream boundary is provided by this frame?
enum class Boundary : uint8_t {
// More continuations are expected
None ,
// This marks the end of headers, so data frames should follow
EndOfHeaders ,
// This marks the end of headers *and* the end of the stream
} ;
// What kind of priority is represented in the next frame
enum class Priority : uint8_t {
// No priority field
None ,
// Yes there's a priority field
} ;
// User specified structure called for each received header.
using Sink = std : : function < grpc_error_handle ( grpc_mdelem ) > ;
@ -40,189 +55,53 @@ class HPackParser {
HPackParser ( ) ;
~ HPackParser ( ) ;
// Non-copyable/movable
HPackParser ( const HPackParser & ) = delete ;
HPackParser & operator = ( const HPackParser & ) = delete ;
// Begin parsing a new frame
// Sink receives each parsed header,
void BeginFrame ( Sink sink , Boundary boundary , Priority priority ) ;
// Change the header sink mid parse
void ResetSink ( Sink sink ) { sink_ = std : : move ( sink ) ; }
grpc_error_handle Parse ( const grpc_slice & slice ) ;
// Parse one slice worth of data
grpc_error_handle Parse ( const grpc_slice & slice , bool is_last ) ;
// Reset state ready for the next BeginFrame
void FinishFrame ( ) ;
grpc_chttp2_hptbl * hpack_table ( ) { return & table_ ; }
// Retrieve the associated hpack table (for tests, debugging)
HPackTable * hpack_table ( ) { return & table_ ; }
// Is the current frame a boundary of some sort
bool is_boundary ( ) const { return boundary_ ! = Boundary : : None ; }
// Is the current frame the end of a stream
bool is_eof ( ) const { return boundary_ = = Boundary : : EndOfStream ; }
bool is_in_begin_state ( ) const { return state_ = = & HPackParser : : parse_begin ; }
private :
enum class BinaryState {
kNotBinary ,
kBinaryBegin ,
kBase64Byte0 ,
kBase64Byte1 ,
kBase64Byte2 ,
kBase64Byte3 ,
} ;
struct String {
bool copied_ ;
struct {
grpc_slice referenced ;
struct {
char * str ;
uint32_t length ;
uint32_t capacity ;
} copied ;
} data_ ;
UnmanagedMemorySlice TakeExtern ( ) ;
ManagedMemorySlice TakeIntern ( ) ;
void AppendBytes ( const uint8_t * data , size_t length ) ;
} ;
using State = grpc_error_handle ( HPackParser : : * ) ( const uint8_t * beg ,
const uint8_t * end ) ;
// Forward declarations for parsing states.
// These are keeping their old (C-style) names until a future refactor where
// they will be eliminated.
grpc_error_handle parse_next ( const uint8_t * cur , const uint8_t * end ) ;
grpc_error_handle parse_begin ( const uint8_t * cur , const uint8_t * end ) ;
grpc_error_handle parse_error ( const uint8_t * cur , const uint8_t * end ,
grpc_error_handle error ) ;
grpc_error_handle still_parse_error ( const uint8_t * cur , const uint8_t * end ) ;
grpc_error_handle parse_illegal_op ( const uint8_t * cur , const uint8_t * end ) ;
grpc_error_handle parse_string_prefix ( const uint8_t * cur , const uint8_t * end ) ;
grpc_error_handle parse_key_string ( const uint8_t * cur , const uint8_t * end ) ;
grpc_error_handle parse_value_string ( const uint8_t * cur , const uint8_t * end ,
bool is_binary ) ;
grpc_error_handle parse_value_string_with_indexed_key ( const uint8_t * cur ,
const uint8_t * end ) ;
grpc_error_handle parse_value_string_with_literal_key ( const uint8_t * cur ,
const uint8_t * end ) ;
grpc_error_handle parse_stream_weight ( const uint8_t * cur , const uint8_t * end ) ;
grpc_error_handle parse_value0 ( const uint8_t * cur , const uint8_t * end ) ;
grpc_error_handle parse_value1 ( const uint8_t * cur , const uint8_t * end ) ;
grpc_error_handle parse_value2 ( const uint8_t * cur , const uint8_t * end ) ;
grpc_error_handle parse_value3 ( const uint8_t * cur , const uint8_t * end ) ;
grpc_error_handle parse_value4 ( const uint8_t * cur , const uint8_t * end ) ;
grpc_error_handle parse_value5up ( const uint8_t * cur , const uint8_t * end ) ;
grpc_error_handle parse_stream_dep0 ( const uint8_t * cur , const uint8_t * end ) ;
grpc_error_handle parse_stream_dep1 ( const uint8_t * cur , const uint8_t * end ) ;
grpc_error_handle parse_stream_dep2 ( const uint8_t * cur , const uint8_t * end ) ;
grpc_error_handle parse_stream_dep3 ( const uint8_t * cur , const uint8_t * end ) ;
grpc_error_handle parse_indexed_field ( const uint8_t * cur , const uint8_t * end ) ;
grpc_error_handle parse_indexed_field_x ( const uint8_t * cur ,
const uint8_t * end ) ;
grpc_error_handle parse_lithdr_incidx ( const uint8_t * cur , const uint8_t * end ) ;
grpc_error_handle parse_lithdr_incidx_x ( const uint8_t * cur ,
const uint8_t * end ) ;
grpc_error_handle parse_lithdr_incidx_v ( const uint8_t * cur ,
const uint8_t * end ) ;
grpc_error_handle parse_lithdr_notidx ( const uint8_t * cur , const uint8_t * end ) ;
grpc_error_handle parse_lithdr_notidx_x ( const uint8_t * cur ,
const uint8_t * end ) ;
grpc_error_handle parse_lithdr_notidx_v ( const uint8_t * cur ,
const uint8_t * end ) ;
grpc_error_handle parse_lithdr_nvridx ( const uint8_t * cur , const uint8_t * end ) ;
grpc_error_handle parse_lithdr_nvridx_x ( const uint8_t * cur ,
const uint8_t * end ) ;
grpc_error_handle parse_lithdr_nvridx_v ( const uint8_t * cur ,
const uint8_t * end ) ;
grpc_error_handle parse_max_tbl_size ( const uint8_t * cur , const uint8_t * end ) ;
grpc_error_handle parse_max_tbl_size_x ( const uint8_t * cur ,
const uint8_t * end ) ;
grpc_error_handle parse_string ( const uint8_t * cur , const uint8_t * end ) ;
grpc_error_handle begin_parse_string ( const uint8_t * cur , const uint8_t * end ,
BinaryState binary , String * str ) ;
grpc_error_handle finish_indexed_field ( const uint8_t * cur ,
const uint8_t * end ) ;
grpc_error_handle finish_lithdr_incidx ( const uint8_t * cur ,
const uint8_t * end ) ;
grpc_error_handle finish_lithdr_incidx_v ( const uint8_t * cur ,
const uint8_t * end ) ;
grpc_error_handle finish_lithdr_notidx ( const uint8_t * cur ,
const uint8_t * end ) ;
grpc_error_handle finish_lithdr_notidx_v ( const uint8_t * cur ,
const uint8_t * end ) ;
grpc_error_handle finish_lithdr_nvridx ( const uint8_t * cur ,
const uint8_t * end ) ;
grpc_error_handle finish_lithdr_nvridx_v ( const uint8_t * cur ,
const uint8_t * end ) ;
grpc_error_handle finish_max_tbl_size ( const uint8_t * cur , const uint8_t * end ) ;
grpc_error_handle finish_str ( const uint8_t * cur , const uint8_t * end ) ;
enum class TableAction {
kAddToTable ,
kOmitFromTable ,
} ;
GPR_ATTRIBUTE_NOINLINE grpc_error_handle InvalidHPackIndexError ( ) ;
GPR_ATTRIBUTE_NOINLINE void LogHeader ( grpc_mdelem md ) ;
grpc_error_handle AddHeaderToTable ( grpc_mdelem md ) ;
template < TableAction table_action >
grpc_error_handle FinishHeader ( grpc_mdelem md ) ;
grpc_mdelem GetPrecomputedMDForIndex ( ) ;
void SetPrecomputedMDIndex ( grpc_mdelem md ) ;
bool IsBinaryLiteralHeader ( ) ;
grpc_error_handle IsBinaryIndexedHeader ( bool * is ) ;
// Helper classes: see implementation
class Parser ;
class Input ;
class String ;
grpc_error_handle AppendString ( const uint8_t * cur , const uint8_t * end ) ;
grpc_error_handle AppendHuffNibble ( uint8_t nibble ) ;
grpc_error_handle AppendHuffBytes ( const uint8_t * cur , const uint8_t * end ) ;
grpc_error_handle AppendStrBytes ( const uint8_t * cur , const uint8_t * end ) ;
grpc_error_handle ParseInput ( Input input , bool is_last ) ;
bool ParseInputInner ( Input * input ) ;
// Callback per header received
Sink sink_ ;
grpc_error_handle last_error_ ;
// current parse state - or a function that implements it
State state_ ;
// future states dependent on the opening op code
const State * next_state_ ;
// what to do after skipping prioritization data
State after_prioritization_ ;
// the refcount of the slice that we're currently parsing
grpc_slice_refcount * current_slice_refcount_ ;
// the value we're currently parsing
union {
uint32_t * value ;
String * str ;
} parsing_ ;
// string parameters for each chunk
String key_ ;
String value_ ;
// parsed index
uint32_t index_ ;
// When we parse a value string, we determine the metadata element for a
// specific index, which we need again when we're finishing up with that
// header. To avoid calculating the metadata element for that index a second
// time at that stage, we cache (and invalidate) the element here.
grpc_mdelem md_for_index_ ;
# ifndef NDEBUG
int64_t precomputed_md_index_ ;
# endif
// length of source bytes for the currently parsing string
uint32_t strlen_ ;
// number of source bytes read for the currently parsing string
uint32_t strgot_ ;
// huffman decoding state
int16_t huff_state_ ;
// is the string being decoded binary?
BinaryState binary_ ;
// is the current string huffman encoded?
bool huff_ ;
// is a dynamic table update allowed?
uint8_t dynamic_table_updates_allowed_ ;
// set by higher layers, used by grpc_chttp2_header_parser_parse to signal
// it should append a metadata boundary at the end of frame
// Bytes that could not be parsed last parsing round
std : : vector < uint8_t > unparsed_bytes_ ;
// Buffer kind of boundary
// TODO(ctiller): see if we can move this argument to Parse, and avoid
// buffering.
Boundary boundary_ ;
uint32_t base64_buffer_ ;
// Buffer priority
// TODO(ctiller): see if we can move this argument to Parse, and avoid
// buffering.
Priority priority_ ;
uint8_t dynamic_table_updates_allowed_ ;
// hpack table
grpc_chttp2_hptbl table_ ;
HPackTable table_ ;
} ;
} // namespace grpc_core