Second attempt: client channel: don't hold mutexes while calling the ConfigSelector or the LB picker (#32326)

Original attempt was #31973, reverted in #32324 due to test flakiness.

There were two problems causing test flakiness here.

The first problem was that, upon resolver error, we were dispatching an
async callback to re-process each of the queued picks *before* we
updated the channel's connectivity state, which meant that the queued
picks might be re-processed in another thread before the new
connectivity state was set, so tests that expected the state to be
TRANSIENT_FAILURE once RPCs failed might not see the expected state.

The second problem affected the xDS ring hash tests, and it's a bit more
involved to explain.

We have an e2e test that simulates an aggregate cluster failover from a
primary cluster using ring_hash at startup. The primary cluster has two
addresses, both of which are unreachable when the client starts up, so
the client should immediately fail over to the secondary cluster, which
does have reachable endpoints. The test requires that no RPCs are failed
while this failover occurs. The original PR made this test flaky.

The problem here was caused by a combination of two factors:

1. Prior to the original PR, when the picker was updated (which happens
inside the WorkSerializer), we re-processed previously queued picks
synchronously, so it was not possible for another subchannel
connectivity state update (which also happens in the WorkSerializer) to
be processed between the time that we updated the picker and the time
that we re-processed the previously queued picks. The original PR
changed this such that the queued picks are re-processed asynchronously
(outside of the WorkSerializer), so it is now possible for a subchannel
connectivity state update to be processed between when the picker is
updated and when we re-process the previously queued picks.

2. Unlike most LB policies, where the picker does not see updated
subchannel connectivity states until a new picker is created, the
ring_hash picker gets the subchannel connectivity states from the LB
policy via a lock, so it can wind up seeing the new states before it
gets updated. This means that when a subchannel connectivity state
update is processed by the ring_hash policy in the WorkSerializer, it
will immediately be seen by the existing picker, even without a picker

With those two points in mind, the sequence of events in the failing
test were as follows:

1. The pick is attempted in the ring_hash picker for the primary
cluster. This causes the first subchannel to attempt to connect.
2. The subchannel transitions from IDLE to CONNECTING. A new picker is
returned due to the subchannel connectivity state change, and the
channel retries the queued pick. The retried pick is done
asynchronously, but in this case it does not matter: the call will be
3. The connection attempt fails, and the subchannel reports
TRANSIENT_FAILURE. A new picker is again returned, and the channel
retries the queued pick. The retried pick is done asynchronously, but in
this case it does not matter: this causes the picker to trigger a
connection attempt for the second subchannel.
4. The second subchannel transitions from IDLE to CONNECTING. A new
picker is again returned, and the channel retries the queued pick. The
retried pick is done asynchronously, and in this case it *does* matter.
5. The second subchannel now transitions to TRANSIENT_FAILURE. The
ring_hash policy will now report TRANSIENT_FAILURE, but before it can
finish that...
6. ...In another thread, the channel now tries to re-process the queued
pick using the CONNECTING picker from step 4. However, because the
ring_hash policy has already seen the TRANSIENT_FAILURE report from the
second subchannel, that picker will now fail the pick instead of queuing

After discussion with @ejona86 and @dfawley (since this bug actually
exists in Java and Go as well), we agreed that the right solution is to
change the ring_hash picker to contain its own copy of the subchannel
connectivity state information, rather than sharing that information
with the LB policy using synchronization.
Mark D. Roth 2 years ago committed by GitHub
parent 6589340efc
commit 8249fc10a9
No known key found for this signature in database
  1. 1
  2. 6
  3. 583
  4. 85
  5. 17
  6. 272
  7. 14
  8. 24
  9. 14
  10. 3
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  12. 10
  13. 22
  14. 6

@ -2785,6 +2785,7 @@ grpc_cc_library(
external_deps = [

@ -2495,6 +2495,7 @@ grpc_cc_library(
srcs = ["lib/load_balancing/"],
hdrs = ["lib/load_balancing/lb_policy.h"],
external_deps = [
@ -2514,6 +2515,7 @@ grpc_cc_library(
@ -3849,6 +3851,7 @@ grpc_cc_library(
@ -4421,6 +4424,7 @@ grpc_cc_library(
@ -4445,6 +4449,7 @@ grpc_cc_library(
external_deps = [
@ -4631,6 +4636,7 @@ grpc_cc_library(
external_deps = [

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <new>
#include <set>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/status/status.h"
@ -115,19 +115,12 @@ class ClientChannel::CallData {
grpc_call_element* elem, grpc_transport_stream_op_batch* batch);
static void SetPollent(grpc_call_element* elem, grpc_polling_entity* pollent);
// Invoked by channel for queued calls when name resolution is completed.
static void CheckResolution(void* arg, grpc_error_handle error);
// Helper function for applying the service config to a call while
// holding ClientChannel::resolution_mu_.
// Returns true if the service config has been applied to the call, in which
// case the caller must invoke ResolutionDone() or AsyncResolutionDone()
// with the returned error.
bool CheckResolutionLocked(grpc_call_element* elem, grpc_error_handle* error)
void CheckResolution(grpc_call_element* elem, bool was_queued);
// Removes the call from the channel's list of calls queued
// for name resolution.
void RemoveCallFromResolverQueuedCallsLocked(grpc_call_element* elem)
// Schedules a callback to continue processing the call once
// resolution is complete. The callback will not run until after this
// method returns.
void AsyncResolutionDone(grpc_call_element* elem, grpc_error_handle error);
class ResolverQueuedCallCanceller;
@ -166,23 +159,22 @@ class ClientChannel::CallData {
// Resumes all pending batches on lb_call_.
void PendingBatchesResume(grpc_call_element* elem);
// Helper function for CheckResolution(). Returns true if the call
// can continue (i.e., there is a valid resolution result, or there is
// an invalid resolution result but the call is not wait_for_ready).
bool CheckResolutionLocked(
grpc_call_element* elem, grpc_metadata_batch* initial_metadata,
absl::StatusOr<RefCountedPtr<ConfigSelector>>* config_selector)
// Applies service config to the call. Must be invoked once we know
// that the resolver has returned results to the channel.
// If an error is returned, the error indicates the status with which
// the call should be failed.
grpc_error_handle ApplyServiceConfigToCallLocked(
grpc_call_element* elem, grpc_metadata_batch* initial_metadata)
// Invoked when the resolver result is applied to the caller, on both
// success or failure.
static void ResolutionDone(void* arg, grpc_error_handle error);
// Removes the call (if present) from the channel's list of calls queued
// for name resolution.
void MaybeRemoveCallFromResolverQueuedCallsLocked(grpc_call_element* elem)
// Adds the call (if not already present) to the channel's list of
// calls queued for name resolution.
void MaybeAddCallToResolverQueuedCallsLocked(grpc_call_element* elem)
grpc_call_element* elem, grpc_metadata_batch* initial_metadata,
const absl::StatusOr<RefCountedPtr<ConfigSelector>>& config_selector);
// Adds the call to the channel's list of calls queued for name resolution.
void AddCallToResolverQueuedCallsLocked(grpc_call_element* elem)
static void RecvTrailingMetadataReadyForConfigSelectorCommitCallback(
@ -204,15 +196,7 @@ class ClientChannel::CallData {
grpc_polling_entity* pollent_ = nullptr;
grpc_closure resolution_done_closure_;
// Accessed while holding ClientChannel::resolution_mu_.
bool service_config_applied_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(&ClientChannel::resolution_mu_) =
bool queued_pending_resolver_result_
ABSL_GUARDED_BY(&ClientChannel::resolution_mu_) = false;
ClientChannel::ResolverQueuedCall resolver_queued_call_
ResolverQueuedCallCanceller* resolver_call_canceller_
ABSL_GUARDED_BY(&ClientChannel::resolution_mu_) = nullptr;
@ -520,20 +504,18 @@ class ClientChannel::SubchannelWrapper : public SubchannelInterface {
// Subchannel and SubchannelInterface have different interfaces for
// their respective ConnectivityStateWatcherInterface classes.
// The one in Subchannel updates the ConnectedSubchannel along with
// the state, whereas the one in SubchannelInterface does not expose
// the ConnectedSubchannel.
// This wrapper provides a bridge between the two. It implements
// Subchannel::ConnectivityStateWatcherInterface and wraps
// This wrapper provides a bridge between the internal Subchannel API
// and the SubchannelInterface API that we expose to LB policies.
// It implements Subchannel::ConnectivityStateWatcherInterface and wraps
// the instance of SubchannelInterface::ConnectivityStateWatcherInterface
// that was passed in by the LB policy. We pass an instance of this
// class to the underlying Subchannel, and when we get updates from
// the subchannel, we pass those on to the wrapped watcher to return
// the update to the LB policy. This allows us to set the connected
// subchannel before passing the result back to the LB policy.
// the update to the LB policy.
// This class handles things like hopping into the WorkSerializer
// before passing notifications to the LB policy and propagating
// keepalive information betwen subchannels.
class WatcherWrapper : public Subchannel::ConnectivityStateWatcherInterface {
@ -571,16 +553,7 @@ class ClientChannel::SubchannelWrapper : public SubchannelInterface {
grpc_pollset_set* interested_parties() override {
SubchannelInterface::ConnectivityStateWatcherInterface* watcher =
if (watcher_ == nullptr) watcher = replacement_->watcher_.get();
return watcher->interested_parties();
WatcherWrapper* MakeReplacement() {
auto* replacement = new WatcherWrapper(std::move(watcher_), parent_);
replacement_ = replacement;
return replacement;
return watcher_->interested_parties();
@ -638,7 +611,6 @@ class ClientChannel::SubchannelWrapper : public SubchannelInterface {
RefCountedPtr<SubchannelWrapper> parent_;
WatcherWrapper* replacement_ = nullptr;
ClientChannel* chand_;
@ -1099,6 +1071,20 @@ ChannelArgs ClientChannel::MakeSubchannelArgs(
void ClientChannel::ReprocessQueuedResolverCalls() {
for (grpc_call_element* elem : resolver_queued_calls_) {
CallData* calld = static_cast<CallData*>(elem->call_data);
owning_stack_->EventEngine()->Run([elem]() {
ApplicationCallbackExecCtx application_exec_ctx;
ExecCtx exec_ctx;
CallData* calld = static_cast<CallData*>(elem->call_data);
calld->CheckResolution(elem, /*was_queued=*/true);
namespace {
RefCountedPtr<LoadBalancingPolicy::Config> ChooseLbPolicy(
@ -1305,26 +1291,19 @@ void ClientChannel::OnResolverErrorLocked(absl::Status status) {
// result, then we continue to let it set the connectivity state.
// Otherwise, we go into TRANSIENT_FAILURE.
if (lb_policy_ == nullptr) {
// Update connectivity state.
// TODO(roth): We should be updating the connectivity state here but
// not the picker.
GRPC_CHANNEL_TRANSIENT_FAILURE, status, "resolver failure",
MutexLock lock(&resolution_mu_);
// Update resolver transient failure.
resolver_transient_failure_error_ =
MaybeRewriteIllegalStatusCode(status, "resolver");
// Process calls that were queued waiting for the resolver result.
for (ResolverQueuedCall* call = resolver_queued_calls_; call != nullptr;
call = call->next) {
grpc_call_element* elem = call->elem;
CallData* calld = static_cast<CallData*>(elem->call_data);
grpc_error_handle error;
if (calld->CheckResolutionLocked(elem, &error)) {
calld->AsyncResolutionDone(elem, error);
// Update connectivity state.
GRPC_CHANNEL_TRANSIENT_FAILURE, status, "resolver failure",
@ -1378,30 +1357,6 @@ OrphanablePtr<LoadBalancingPolicy> ClientChannel::CreateLbPolicyLocked(
return lb_policy;
void ClientChannel::AddResolverQueuedCall(ResolverQueuedCall* call,
grpc_polling_entity* pollent) {
// Add call to queued calls list.
call->next = resolver_queued_calls_;
resolver_queued_calls_ = call;
// Add call's pollent to channel's interested_parties, so that I/O
// can be done under the call's CQ.
grpc_polling_entity_add_to_pollset_set(pollent, interested_parties_);
void ClientChannel::RemoveResolverQueuedCall(ResolverQueuedCall* to_remove,
grpc_polling_entity* pollent) {
// Remove call's pollent from channel's interested_parties.
grpc_polling_entity_del_from_pollset_set(pollent, interested_parties_);
// Remove from queued calls list.
for (ResolverQueuedCall** call = &resolver_queued_calls_; *call != nullptr;
call = &(*call)->next) {
if (*call == to_remove) {
*call = to_remove->next;
void ClientChannel::UpdateServiceConfigInControlPlaneLocked(
RefCountedPtr<ServiceConfig> service_config,
RefCountedPtr<ConfigSelector> config_selector, std::string lb_policy_name) {
@ -1468,25 +1423,8 @@ void ClientChannel::UpdateServiceConfigInDataPlaneLocked() {
// Process calls that were queued waiting for the resolver result.
for (ResolverQueuedCall* call = resolver_queued_calls_; call != nullptr;
call = call->next) {
// If there are a lot of queued calls here, resuming them all may cause us
// to stay inside C-core for a long period of time. All of that work would
// be done using the same ExecCtx instance and therefore the same cached
// value of "now". The longer it takes to finish all of this work and exit
// from C-core, the more stale the cached value of "now" may become. This
// can cause problems whereby (e.g.) we calculate a timer deadline based
// on the stale value, which results in the timer firing too early. To
// avoid this, we invalidate the cached value for each call we process.
grpc_call_element* elem = call->elem;
CallData* calld = static_cast<CallData*>(elem->call_data);
grpc_error_handle error;
if (calld->CheckResolutionLocked(elem, &error)) {
calld->AsyncResolutionDone(elem, error);
// Re-process queued calls asynchronously.
// Old values will be unreffed after lock is released when they go out
// of scope.
@ -1502,6 +1440,10 @@ void ClientChannel::CreateResolverLocked() {
// Since the validity of the args was checked when the channel was created,
// CreateResolver() must return a non-null result.
GPR_ASSERT(resolver_ != nullptr);
// TODO(roth): We should be updating the connectivity state here but
// not the picker. But we need to make sure that we are initializing
// the picker to a queueing picker somewhere, in case the LB policy
// does not immediately return a new picker.
GRPC_CHANNEL_CONNECTING, absl::Status(), "started resolving",
@ -1562,29 +1504,22 @@ void ClientChannel::UpdateStateAndPickerLocked(
// Grab data plane lock to update the picker.
// Grab the LB lock to update the picker and trigger reprocessing of the
// queued picks.
// Old picker will be unreffed after releasing the lock.
MutexLock lock(&data_plane_mu_);
// Swap out the picker.
// Note: Original value will be destroyed after the lock is released.
MutexLock lock(&lb_mu_);
// Re-process queued picks.
for (LbQueuedCall* call = lb_queued_calls_; call != nullptr;
call = call->next) {
// If there are a lot of queued calls here, resuming them all may cause us
// to stay inside C-core for a long period of time. All of that work would
// be done using the same ExecCtx instance and therefore the same cached
// value of "now". The longer it takes to finish all of this work and exit
// from C-core, the more stale the cached value of "now" may become. This
// can cause problems whereby (e.g.) we calculate a timer deadline based
// on the stale value, which results in the timer firing too early. To
// avoid this, we invalidate the cached value for each call we process.
grpc_error_handle error;
if (call->lb_call->PickSubchannelLocked(&error)) {
// Reprocess queued picks asynchronously.
for (LoadBalancedCall* call : lb_queued_calls_) {
owning_stack_->EventEngine()->Run([call]() {
ApplicationCallbackExecCtx application_exec_ctx;
ExecCtx exec_ctx;
@ -1628,7 +1563,7 @@ grpc_error_handle ClientChannel::DoPingLocked(grpc_transport_op* op) {
LoadBalancingPolicy::PickResult result;
MutexLock lock(&data_plane_mu_);
MutexLock lock(&lb_mu_);
result = picker_->Pick(LoadBalancingPolicy::PickArgs());
return HandlePickResult<grpc_error_handle>(
@ -1712,6 +1647,9 @@ void ClientChannel::StartTransportOpLocked(grpc_transport_op* op) {
GRPC_CHANNEL_SHUTDOWN, absl::Status(), "shutdown from API",
// TODO(roth): If this happens when we're still waiting for a
// resolver result, we need to trigger failures for all calls in
// the resolver queue here.
GRPC_CHANNEL_STACK_UNREF(owning_stack_, "start_transport_op");
@ -1748,30 +1686,6 @@ void ClientChannel::GetChannelInfo(grpc_channel_element* elem,
void ClientChannel::AddLbQueuedCall(LbQueuedCall* call,
grpc_polling_entity* pollent) {
// Add call to queued picks list.
call->next = lb_queued_calls_;
lb_queued_calls_ = call;
// Add call's pollent to channel's interested_parties, so that I/O
// can be done under the call's CQ.
grpc_polling_entity_add_to_pollset_set(pollent, interested_parties_);
void ClientChannel::RemoveLbQueuedCall(LbQueuedCall* to_remove,
grpc_polling_entity* pollent) {
// Remove call's pollent from channel's interested_parties.
grpc_polling_entity_del_from_pollset_set(pollent, interested_parties_);
// Remove from queued picks list.
for (LbQueuedCall** call = &lb_queued_calls_; *call != nullptr;
call = &(*call)->next) {
if (*call == to_remove) {
*call = to_remove->next;
void ClientChannel::TryToConnectLocked() {
if (lb_policy_ != nullptr) {
@ -1938,7 +1852,23 @@ void ClientChannel::CallData::StartTransportStreamOpBatch(
chand, calld);
CheckResolution(elem, absl::OkStatus());
// If we're still in IDLE, we need to start resolving.
if (GPR_UNLIKELY(chand->CheckConnectivityState(false) ==
if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_client_channel_call_trace)) {
gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p: triggering exit idle", chand,
// Bounce into the control plane work serializer to start resolving.
GRPC_CHANNEL_STACK_REF(chand->owning_stack_, "ExitIdle");
[chand]() ABSL_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(*chand->work_serializer_) {
GRPC_CHANNEL_STACK_UNREF(chand->owning_stack_, "ExitIdle");
calld->CheckResolution(elem, /*was_queued=*/false);
} else {
// For all other batches, release the call combiner.
if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_client_channel_call_trace)) {
@ -1964,8 +1894,7 @@ void ClientChannel::CallData::SetPollent(grpc_call_element* elem,
size_t ClientChannel::CallData::GetBatchIndex(
grpc_transport_stream_op_batch* batch) {
// Note: It is important the send_initial_metadata be the first entry
// here, since the code in ApplyServiceConfigToCallLocked() and
// CheckResolutionLocked() assumes it will be.
// here, since the code in CheckResolution() assumes it will be.
if (batch->send_initial_metadata) return 0;
if (batch->send_message) return 1;
if (batch->send_trailing_metadata) return 2;
@ -2109,7 +2038,8 @@ class ClientChannel::CallData::ResolverQueuedCallCanceller {
if (calld->resolver_call_canceller_ == self && !error.ok()) {
// Remove pick from list of queued picks.
// Fail pending batches on the call.
calld->PendingBatchesFail(self->elem_, error,
@ -2123,57 +2053,56 @@ class ClientChannel::CallData::ResolverQueuedCallCanceller {
grpc_closure closure_;
void ClientChannel::CallData::MaybeRemoveCallFromResolverQueuedCallsLocked(
void ClientChannel::CallData::RemoveCallFromResolverQueuedCallsLocked(
grpc_call_element* elem) {
if (!queued_pending_resolver_result_) return;
auto* chand = static_cast<ClientChannel*>(elem->channel_data);
if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_client_channel_call_trace)) {
"chand=%p calld=%p: removing from resolver queued picks list",
chand, this);
chand->RemoveResolverQueuedCall(&resolver_queued_call_, pollent_);
queued_pending_resolver_result_ = false;
// Remove call's pollent from channel's interested_parties.
// Lame the call combiner canceller.
resolver_call_canceller_ = nullptr;
// Add trace annotation
auto* call_tracer =
if (call_tracer != nullptr) {
call_tracer->RecordAnnotation("Delayed name resolution complete.");
// Note: There's no need to actually remove the call from the queue
// here, beacuse that will be done in
// ResolverQueuedCallCanceller::CancelLocked() or
// ClientChannel::ReprocessQueuedResolverCalls().
void ClientChannel::CallData::MaybeAddCallToResolverQueuedCallsLocked(
void ClientChannel::CallData::AddCallToResolverQueuedCallsLocked(
grpc_call_element* elem) {
if (queued_pending_resolver_result_) return;
auto* chand = static_cast<ClientChannel*>(elem->channel_data);
if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_client_channel_call_trace)) {
gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p: adding to resolver queued picks list",
chand, this);
queued_pending_resolver_result_ = true;
resolver_queued_call_.elem = elem;
chand->AddResolverQueuedCall(&resolver_queued_call_, pollent_);
// Add call's pollent to channel's interested_parties, so that I/O
// can be done under the call's CQ.
grpc_polling_entity_add_to_pollset_set(pollent_, chand->interested_parties_);
// Add to queue.
// Register call combiner cancellation callback.
resolver_call_canceller_ = new ResolverQueuedCallCanceller(elem);
grpc_error_handle ClientChannel::CallData::ApplyServiceConfigToCallLocked(
grpc_call_element* elem, grpc_metadata_batch* initial_metadata) {
grpc_call_element* elem, grpc_metadata_batch* initial_metadata,
const absl::StatusOr<RefCountedPtr<ConfigSelector>>& config_selector) {
ClientChannel* chand = static_cast<ClientChannel*>(elem->channel_data);
if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_client_channel_call_trace)) {
gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p: applying service config to call",
chand, this);
ConfigSelector* config_selector = chand->config_selector_.get();
if (config_selector != nullptr) {
if (!config_selector.ok()) return config_selector.status();
// Use the ConfigSelector to determine the config for the call.
auto call_config =
config_selector->GetCallConfig({&path_, initial_metadata, arena()});
(*config_selector)->GetCallConfig({&path_, initial_metadata, arena()});
if (!call_config.ok()) {
return absl_status_to_grpc_error(MaybeRewriteIllegalStatusCode(
call_config.status(), "ConfigSelector"));
return absl_status_to_grpc_error(
MaybeRewriteIllegalStatusCode(call_config.status(), "ConfigSelector"));
// Create a ClientChannelServiceConfigCallData for the call. This stores
// a ref to the ServiceConfig and caches the right set of parsed configs
@ -2204,18 +2133,12 @@ grpc_error_handle ClientChannel::CallData::ApplyServiceConfigToCallLocked(
// If the service config set wait_for_ready and the application
// did not explicitly set it, use the value from the service config.
auto* wait_for_ready =
auto* wait_for_ready = initial_metadata->GetOrCreatePointer(WaitForReady());
if (method_params->wait_for_ready().has_value() &&
!wait_for_ready->explicitly_set) {
wait_for_ready->value = method_params->wait_for_ready().value();
// Set the dynamic filter stack.
dynamic_filters_ = chand->dynamic_filters_;
return absl::OkStatus();
@ -2243,80 +2166,60 @@ void ClientChannel::CallData::
void ClientChannel::CallData::AsyncResolutionDone(grpc_call_element* elem,
grpc_error_handle error) {
// TODO(roth): Does this callback need to hold a ref to the call stack?
GRPC_CLOSURE_INIT(&resolution_done_closure_, ResolutionDone, elem, nullptr);
ExecCtx::Run(DEBUG_LOCATION, &resolution_done_closure_, error);
void ClientChannel::CallData::ResolutionDone(void* arg,
grpc_error_handle error) {
grpc_call_element* elem = static_cast<grpc_call_element*>(arg);
void ClientChannel::CallData::CheckResolution(grpc_call_element* elem,
bool was_queued) {
ClientChannel* chand = static_cast<ClientChannel*>(elem->channel_data);
CallData* calld = static_cast<CallData*>(elem->call_data);
grpc_metadata_batch* initial_metadata =
// Check if we have a resolver result to use.
absl::StatusOr<RefCountedPtr<ConfigSelector>> config_selector;
MutexLock lock(&chand->resolution_mu_);
bool result_ready =
CheckResolutionLocked(elem, initial_metadata, &config_selector);
// If no result is available, queue the call.
if (!result_ready) {
// We have a result. Apply service config to call.
grpc_error_handle error =
ApplyServiceConfigToCallLocked(elem, initial_metadata, config_selector);
// ConfigSelector must be unreffed inside the WorkSerializer.
if (config_selector.ok()) {
[config_selector = std::move(*config_selector)]() mutable {
// Handle errors.
if (!error.ok()) {
if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_client_channel_call_trace)) {
"chand=%p calld=%p: error applying config to call: error=%s",
chand, calld, StatusToString(error).c_str());
chand, this, StatusToString(error).c_str());
calld->PendingBatchesFail(elem, error, YieldCallCombiner);
PendingBatchesFail(elem, error, YieldCallCombiner);
void ClientChannel::CallData::CheckResolution(void* arg,
grpc_error_handle error) {
grpc_call_element* elem = static_cast<grpc_call_element*>(arg);
CallData* calld = static_cast<CallData*>(elem->call_data);
ClientChannel* chand = static_cast<ClientChannel*>(elem->channel_data);
bool resolution_complete;
MutexLock lock(&chand->resolution_mu_);
resolution_complete = calld->CheckResolutionLocked(elem, &error);
// If the call was queued, add trace annotation.
if (was_queued) {
auto* call_tracer =
if (call_tracer != nullptr) {
call_tracer->RecordAnnotation("Delayed name resolution complete.");
if (resolution_complete) {
ResolutionDone(elem, error);
// Create dynamic call.
bool ClientChannel::CallData::CheckResolutionLocked(grpc_call_element* elem,
grpc_error_handle* error) {
bool ClientChannel::CallData::CheckResolutionLocked(
grpc_call_element* elem, grpc_metadata_batch* initial_metadata,
absl::StatusOr<RefCountedPtr<ConfigSelector>>* config_selector) {
ClientChannel* chand = static_cast<ClientChannel*>(elem->channel_data);
// If we're still in IDLE, we need to start resolving.
if (GPR_UNLIKELY(chand->CheckConnectivityState(false) == GRPC_CHANNEL_IDLE)) {
if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_client_channel_call_trace)) {
gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p: triggering exit idle", chand, this);
// Bounce into the control plane work serializer to start resolving,
// in case we are still in IDLE state. Since we are holding on to the
// resolution mutex here, we offload it on the ExecCtx so that we don't
// deadlock with ourselves.
GRPC_CHANNEL_STACK_REF(chand->owning_stack_, "CheckResolutionLocked");
[](void* arg, grpc_error_handle /*error*/) {
auto* chand = static_cast<ClientChannel*>(arg);
ABSL_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(*chand->work_serializer_) {
chand, nullptr),
// Get send_initial_metadata batch and flags.
auto& send_initial_metadata =
grpc_metadata_batch* initial_metadata_batch =
// If we don't yet have a resolver result, we need to queue the call
// until we get one.
if (GPR_UNLIKELY(!chand->received_service_config_data_)) {
@ -2324,31 +2227,26 @@ bool ClientChannel::CallData::CheckResolutionLocked(grpc_call_element* elem,
// first service config, fail any non-wait_for_ready calls.
absl::Status resolver_error = chand->resolver_transient_failure_error_;
if (!resolver_error.ok() &&
!initial_metadata_batch->GetOrCreatePointer(WaitForReady())->value) {
!initial_metadata->GetOrCreatePointer(WaitForReady())->value) {
if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_client_channel_call_trace)) {
gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p: resolution failed, failing call",
chand, this);
*error = absl_status_to_grpc_error(resolver_error);
*config_selector = absl_status_to_grpc_error(resolver_error);
return true;
// Either the resolver has not yet returned a result, or it has
// returned transient failure but the call is wait_for_ready. In
// either case, queue the call.
if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_client_channel_call_trace)) {
gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p: queuing to wait for resolution",
chand, this);
gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p calld=%p: no resolver result yet", chand,
return false;
// Apply service config to call if not yet applied.
if (GPR_LIKELY(!service_config_applied_)) {
service_config_applied_ = true;
*error = ApplyServiceConfigToCallLocked(elem, initial_metadata_batch);
// Result found.
*config_selector = chand->config_selector_;
dynamic_filters_ = chand->dynamic_filters_;
return true;
@ -2591,7 +2489,7 @@ void ClientChannel::LoadBalancedCall::Orphan() {
size_t ClientChannel::LoadBalancedCall::GetBatchIndex(
grpc_transport_stream_op_batch* batch) {
// Note: It is important the send_initial_metadata be the first entry
// here, since the code in PickSubchannelLocked() assumes it will be.
// here, since the code in PickSubchannelImpl() assumes it will be.
if (batch->send_initial_metadata) return 0;
if (batch->send_message) return 1;
if (batch->send_trailing_metadata) return 2;
@ -2817,12 +2715,7 @@ void ClientChannel::LoadBalancedCall::StartTransportStreamOpBatch(
// For batches containing a send_initial_metadata op, acquire the
// channel's data plane mutex to pick a subchannel.
if (GPR_LIKELY(batch->send_initial_metadata)) {
if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_client_channel_lb_call_trace)) {
"chand=%p lb_call=%p: grabbing data plane mutex to perform pick",
chand_, this);
PickSubchannel(this, absl::OkStatus());
} else {
// For all other batches, release the call combiner.
if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_client_channel_lb_call_trace)) {
@ -2998,7 +2891,7 @@ class ClientChannel::LoadBalancedCall::LbQueuedCallCanceller {
auto* lb_call = self->lb_call_.get();
auto* chand = lb_call->chand_;
MutexLock lock(&chand->data_plane_mu_);
MutexLock lock(&chand->lb_mu_);
if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_client_channel_lb_call_trace)) {
"chand=%p lb_call=%p: cancelling queued pick: "
@ -3009,7 +2902,9 @@ class ClientChannel::LoadBalancedCall::LbQueuedCallCanceller {
if (lb_call->lb_call_canceller_ == self && !error.ok()) {
// Remove pick from list of queued picks.
// Remove from queued picks list.
// Fail pending batches on the call.
@ -3023,72 +2918,110 @@ class ClientChannel::LoadBalancedCall::LbQueuedCallCanceller {
grpc_closure closure_;
void ClientChannel::LoadBalancedCall::MaybeRemoveCallFromLbQueuedCallsLocked() {
if (!queued_pending_lb_pick_) return;
void ClientChannel::LoadBalancedCall::RemoveCallFromLbQueuedCallsLocked() {
if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_client_channel_lb_call_trace)) {
gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p lb_call=%p: removing from queued picks list",
chand_, this);
chand_->RemoveLbQueuedCall(&queued_call_, pollent_);
queued_pending_lb_pick_ = false;
// Remove pollset_set linkage.
// Lame the call combiner canceller.
lb_call_canceller_ = nullptr;
// Add trace annotation
if (call_attempt_tracer_ != nullptr) {
call_attempt_tracer_->RecordAnnotation("Delayed LB pick complete.");
// Note: There's no need to actually remove the call from the queue
// here, beacuse that will be done in either
// LbQueuedCallCanceller::CancelLocked() or
// in ClientChannel::UpdateStateAndPickerLocked().
void ClientChannel::LoadBalancedCall::MaybeAddCallToLbQueuedCallsLocked() {
if (queued_pending_lb_pick_) return;
void ClientChannel::LoadBalancedCall::AddCallToLbQueuedCallsLocked() {
if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_client_channel_lb_call_trace)) {
gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p lb_call=%p: adding to queued picks list",
chand_, this);
queued_pending_lb_pick_ = true;
queued_call_.lb_call = this;
chand_->AddLbQueuedCall(&queued_call_, pollent_);
// Add call's pollent to channel's interested_parties, so that I/O
// can be done under the call's CQ.
grpc_polling_entity_add_to_pollset_set(pollent_, chand_->interested_parties_);
// Add to queue.
// Register call combiner cancellation callback.
lb_call_canceller_ = new LbQueuedCallCanceller(Ref());
void ClientChannel::LoadBalancedCall::AsyncPickDone(grpc_error_handle error) {
// TODO(roth): Does this callback need to hold a ref to LoadBalancedCall?
GRPC_CLOSURE_INIT(&pick_closure_, PickDone, this, grpc_schedule_on_exec_ctx);
ExecCtx::Run(DEBUG_LOCATION, &pick_closure_, error);
void ClientChannel::LoadBalancedCall::PickSubchannel(bool was_queued) {
if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_client_channel_lb_call_trace)) {
gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p lb_call=%p: grabbing LB mutex to perform pick",
chand_, this);
void ClientChannel::LoadBalancedCall::PickDone(void* arg,
grpc_error_handle error) {
auto* self = static_cast<LoadBalancedCall*>(arg);
// Grab mutex and take a ref to the picker.
RefCountedPtr<LoadBalancingPolicy::SubchannelPicker> picker;
MutexLock lock(&chand_->lb_mu_);
picker = chand_->picker_;
// We may accumulate multiple pickers here, because if a picker says
// to queue the call, we check again to see if the picker has been
// updated before we queue it.
while (true) {
// Do pick.
if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_client_channel_lb_call_trace)) {
gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p lb_call=%p: performing pick with picker=%p",
chand_, this, picker.get());
grpc_error_handle error;
bool pick_complete = PickSubchannelImpl(picker.get(), &error);
if (!pick_complete) {
MutexLock lock(&chand_->lb_mu_);
// If picker has been swapped out since we grabbed it, try again.
if (chand_->picker_ != picker) {
if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_client_channel_lb_call_trace)) {
"chand=%p lb_call=%p: pick not complete, but picker changed",
chand_, this);
picker = chand_->picker_;
// Otherwise queue the pick to try again later when we get a new picker.
// Pick is complete.
// If it was queued, add a trace annotation.
if (was_queued && call_attempt_tracer_ != nullptr) {
call_attempt_tracer_->RecordAnnotation("Delayed LB pick complete.");
// If the pick failed, fail the call.
if (!error.ok()) {
if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_client_channel_lb_call_trace)) {
"chand=%p lb_call=%p: failed to pick subchannel: error=%s",
self->chand_, self, StatusToString(error).c_str());
self->PendingBatchesFail(error, YieldCallCombiner);
chand_, this, StatusToString(error).c_str());
PendingBatchesFail(error, YieldCallCombiner);
void ClientChannel::LoadBalancedCall::PickSubchannel(void* arg,
grpc_error_handle error) {
auto* self = static_cast<LoadBalancedCall*>(arg);
bool pick_complete;
MutexLock lock(&self->chand_->data_plane_mu_);
pick_complete = self->PickSubchannelLocked(&error);
// Pick succeeded.
if (pick_complete) {
PickDone(self, error);
// Unref pickers in WorkSerializer.
[pickers_to_unref = std::move(pickers_to_unref)]() mutable {
for (auto& picker : pickers_to_unref) {
picker.reset(DEBUG_LOCATION, "PickSubchannel");
bool ClientChannel::LoadBalancedCall::PickSubchannelLocked(
grpc_error_handle* error) {
bool ClientChannel::LoadBalancedCall::PickSubchannelImpl(
LoadBalancingPolicy::SubchannelPicker* picker, grpc_error_handle* error) {
GPR_ASSERT(connected_subchannel_ == nullptr);
GPR_ASSERT(subchannel_call_ == nullptr);
// Grab initial metadata.
@ -3103,12 +3036,11 @@ bool ClientChannel::LoadBalancedCall::PickSubchannelLocked(
pick_args.call_state = &lb_call_state;
Metadata initial_metadata(initial_metadata_batch);
pick_args.initial_metadata = &initial_metadata;
auto result = chand_->picker_->Pick(pick_args);
auto result = picker->Pick(pick_args);
return HandlePickResult<bool>(
// CompletePick
[this](LoadBalancingPolicy::PickResult::Complete* complete_pick)
ABSL_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(&ClientChannel::data_plane_mu_) {
[this](LoadBalancingPolicy::PickResult::Complete* complete_pick) {
if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_client_channel_lb_call_trace)) {
"chand=%p lb_call=%p: LB pick succeeded: subchannel=%p",
@ -3117,8 +3049,8 @@ bool ClientChannel::LoadBalancedCall::PickSubchannelLocked(
GPR_ASSERT(complete_pick->subchannel != nullptr);
// Grab a ref to the connected subchannel while we're still
// holding the data plane mutex.
SubchannelWrapper* subchannel = static_cast<SubchannelWrapper*>(
SubchannelWrapper* subchannel =
connected_subchannel_ = subchannel->connected_subchannel();
// If the subchannel has no connected subchannel (e.g., if the
// subchannel has moved out of state READY but the LB policy hasn't
@ -3131,7 +3063,6 @@ bool ClientChannel::LoadBalancedCall::PickSubchannelLocked(
"has no connected subchannel; queueing pick",
chand_, this);
return false;
lb_subchannel_call_tracker_ =
@ -3139,26 +3070,22 @@ bool ClientChannel::LoadBalancedCall::PickSubchannelLocked(
if (lb_subchannel_call_tracker_ != nullptr) {
return true;
// QueuePick
[this](LoadBalancingPolicy::PickResult::Queue* /*queue_pick*/)
ABSL_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(&ClientChannel::data_plane_mu_) {
[this](LoadBalancingPolicy::PickResult::Queue* /*queue_pick*/) {
if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_client_channel_lb_call_trace)) {
gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p lb_call=%p: LB pick queued", chand_,
return false;
// FailPick
[this, initial_metadata_batch,
&error](LoadBalancingPolicy::PickResult::Fail* fail_pick)
ABSL_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(&ClientChannel::data_plane_mu_) {
&error](LoadBalancingPolicy::PickResult::Fail* fail_pick) {
if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_client_channel_lb_call_trace)) {
gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p lb_call=%p: LB pick failed: %s",
chand_, this, fail_pick->status.ToString().c_str());
gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p lb_call=%p: LB pick failed: %s", chand_,
this, fail_pick->status.ToString().c_str());
// If wait_for_ready is false, then the error indicates the RPC
// attempt's final status.
@ -3166,26 +3093,22 @@ bool ClientChannel::LoadBalancedCall::PickSubchannelLocked(
->value) {
*error = absl_status_to_grpc_error(MaybeRewriteIllegalStatusCode(
std::move(fail_pick->status), "LB pick"));
return true;
// If wait_for_ready is true, then queue to retry when we get a new
// picker.
return false;
// DropPick
[this, &error](LoadBalancingPolicy::PickResult::Drop* drop_pick)
ABSL_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(&ClientChannel::data_plane_mu_) {
[this, &error](LoadBalancingPolicy::PickResult::Drop* drop_pick) {
if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_client_channel_lb_call_trace)) {
gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p lb_call=%p: LB pick dropped: %s",
chand_, this, drop_pick->status.ToString().c_str());
gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "chand=%p lb_call=%p: LB pick dropped: %s", chand_,
this, drop_pick->status.ToString().c_str());
*error = grpc_error_set_int(
std::move(drop_pick->status), "LB drop")),
StatusIntProperty::kLbPolicyDrop, 1);
return true;

@ -24,11 +24,11 @@
#include <atomic>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "absl/base/thread_annotations.h"
#include "absl/container/flat_hash_set.h"
#include "absl/status/status.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "absl/types/optional.h"
@ -222,15 +222,6 @@ class ClientChannel {
std::atomic<bool> done_{false};
struct ResolverQueuedCall {
grpc_call_element* elem;
ResolverQueuedCall* next = nullptr;
struct LbQueuedCall {
LoadBalancedCall* lb_call;
LbQueuedCall* next = nullptr;
ClientChannel(grpc_channel_element_args* args, grpc_error_handle* error);
@ -246,6 +237,9 @@ class ClientChannel {
// Note: All methods with "Locked" suffix must be invoked from within
// work_serializer_.
void ReprocessQueuedResolverCalls()
void OnResolverResultChangedLocked(Resolver::Result result)
void OnResolverErrorLocked(absl::Status status)
@ -284,20 +278,6 @@ class ClientChannel {
void TryToConnectLocked() ABSL_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(*work_serializer_);
// These methods all require holding resolution_mu_.
void AddResolverQueuedCall(ResolverQueuedCall* call,
grpc_polling_entity* pollent)
void RemoveResolverQueuedCall(ResolverQueuedCall* to_remove,
grpc_polling_entity* pollent)
// These methods all require holding data_plane_mu_.
void AddLbQueuedCall(LbQueuedCall* call, grpc_polling_entity* pollent)
void RemoveLbQueuedCall(LbQueuedCall* to_remove, grpc_polling_entity* pollent)
// Fields set at construction and never modified.
@ -316,9 +296,9 @@ class ClientChannel {
// Fields related to name resolution. Guarded by resolution_mu_.
mutable Mutex resolution_mu_;
// Linked list of calls queued waiting for resolver result.
ResolverQueuedCall* resolver_queued_calls_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(resolution_mu_) =
// List of calls queued waiting for resolver result.
absl::flat_hash_set<grpc_call_element*> resolver_queued_calls_
// Data from service config.
absl::Status resolver_transient_failure_error_
@ -330,13 +310,13 @@ class ClientChannel {
// Fields used in the data plane. Guarded by data_plane_mu_.
// Fields related to LB picks. Guarded by lb_mu_.
mutable Mutex data_plane_mu_;
mutable Mutex lb_mu_;
RefCountedPtr<LoadBalancingPolicy::SubchannelPicker> picker_
// Linked list of calls queued waiting for LB pick.
LbQueuedCall* lb_queued_calls_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(data_plane_mu_) = nullptr;
absl::flat_hash_set<LoadBalancedCall*> lb_queued_calls_
// Fields used in the control plane. Guarded by work_serializer.
@ -360,7 +340,7 @@ class ClientChannel {
// The set of SubchannelWrappers that currently exist.
// No need to hold a ref, since the map is updated in the control-plane
// work_serializer when the SubchannelWrappers are created and destroyed.
std::set<SubchannelWrapper*> subchannel_wrappers_
absl::flat_hash_set<SubchannelWrapper*> subchannel_wrappers_
int keepalive_time_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(*work_serializer_) = -1;
grpc_error_handle disconnect_error_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(*work_serializer_);
@ -422,16 +402,11 @@ class ClientChannel::LoadBalancedCall
void StartTransportStreamOpBatch(grpc_transport_stream_op_batch* batch);
// Invoked by channel for queued LB picks when the picker is updated.
static void PickSubchannel(void* arg, grpc_error_handle error);
// Helper function for performing an LB pick while holding the data plane
// mutex. Returns true if the pick is complete, in which case the caller
// must invoke PickDone() or AsyncPickDone() with the returned error.
bool PickSubchannelLocked(grpc_error_handle* error)
// Schedules a callback to process the completed pick. The callback
// will not run until after this method returns.
void AsyncPickDone(grpc_error_handle error);
void PickSubchannel(bool was_queued);
// Called by channel when removing a call from the list of queued calls.
void RemoveCallFromLbQueuedCallsLocked()
RefCountedPtr<SubchannelCall> subchannel_call() const {
return subchannel_call_;
@ -479,14 +454,14 @@ class ClientChannel::LoadBalancedCall
void RecordCallCompletion(absl::Status status);
void CreateSubchannelCall();
// Invoked when a pick is completed, on both success or failure.
static void PickDone(void* arg, grpc_error_handle error);
// Removes the call from the channel's list of queued picks if present.
void MaybeRemoveCallFromLbQueuedCallsLocked()
// Helper function for performing an LB pick with a specified picker.
// Returns true if the pick is complete.
bool PickSubchannelImpl(LoadBalancingPolicy::SubchannelPicker* picker,
grpc_error_handle* error);
// Adds the call to the channel's list of queued picks if not already present.
void MaybeAddCallToLbQueuedCallsLocked()
void AddCallToLbQueuedCallsLocked()
ClientChannel* chand_;
@ -513,15 +488,9 @@ class ClientChannel::LoadBalancedCall
// Set when we fail inside the LB call.
grpc_error_handle failure_error_;
grpc_closure pick_closure_;
// Accessed while holding ClientChannel::data_plane_mu_.
ClientChannel::LbQueuedCall queued_call_
bool queued_pending_lb_pick_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(&ClientChannel::data_plane_mu_) =
// Accessed while holding ClientChannel::lb_mu_.
LbQueuedCallCanceller* lb_call_canceller_
ABSL_GUARDED_BY(&ClientChannel::data_plane_mu_) = nullptr;
ABSL_GUARDED_BY(&ClientChannel::lb_mu_) = nullptr;
RefCountedPtr<ConnectedSubchannel> connected_subchannel_;
const BackendMetricData* backend_metric_data_ = nullptr;

@ -61,6 +61,7 @@
#include <string.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <atomic>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
@ -389,19 +390,15 @@ class GrpcLb : public LoadBalancingPolicy {
// Returns the LB token to use for a drop, or null if the call
// should not be dropped.
// Note: This is called from the picker, so it will be invoked in
// the channel's data plane mutex, NOT the control plane
// work_serializer. It should not be accessed by any other part of the LB
// policy.
// Note: This is called from the picker, NOT from inside the control
// plane work_serializer.
const char* ShouldDrop();
std::vector<GrpcLbServer> serverlist_;
// Guarded by the channel's data plane mutex, NOT the control
// plane work_serializer. It should not be accessed by anything but the
// picker via the ShouldDrop() method.
size_t drop_index_ = 0;
// Accessed from the picker, so needs synchronization.
std::atomic<size_t> drop_index_{0};
class Picker : public SubchannelPicker {
@ -717,8 +714,8 @@ bool GrpcLb::Serverlist::ContainsAllDropEntries() const {
const char* GrpcLb::Serverlist::ShouldDrop() {
if (serverlist_.empty()) return nullptr;
GrpcLbServer& server = serverlist_[drop_index_];
drop_index_ = (drop_index_ + 1) % serverlist_.size();
size_t index = drop_index_.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
GrpcLbServer& server = serverlist_[index % serverlist_.size()];
return server.drop ? server.load_balance_token : nullptr;

@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <atomic>
#include <cmath>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
@ -30,7 +29,6 @@
#include <vector>
#include "absl/base/attributes.h"
#include "absl/base/thread_annotations.h"
#include "absl/container/inlined_vector.h"
#include "absl/status/status.h"
#include "absl/status/statusor.h"
@ -39,11 +37,10 @@
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "absl/types/optional.h"
#include <grpc/grpc.h>
#include "xxhash.h"
#include <grpc/grpc.h>
#include <grpc/impl/connectivity_state.h>
#include <grpc/support/log.h>
@ -55,8 +52,8 @@
#include "src/core/lib/debug/trace.h"
#include "src/core/lib/gprpp/debug_location.h"
#include "src/core/lib/gprpp/orphanable.h"
#include "src/core/lib/gprpp/ref_counted.h"
#include "src/core/lib/gprpp/ref_counted_ptr.h"
#include "src/core/lib/gprpp/sync.h"
#include "src/core/lib/gprpp/unique_type_name.h"
#include "src/core/lib/gprpp/work_serializer.h"
#include "src/core/lib/iomgr/closure.h"
@ -143,8 +140,6 @@ class RingHash : public LoadBalancingPolicy {
void ResetBackoffLocked() override;
~RingHash() override;
// Forward declaration.
class RingHashSubchannelList;
@ -165,13 +160,11 @@ class RingHash : public LoadBalancingPolicy {
const ServerAddress& address() const { return address_; }
grpc_connectivity_state GetConnectivityState() const {
return connectivity_state_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
grpc_connectivity_state logical_connectivity_state() const {
return logical_connectivity_state_;
absl::Status GetConnectivityStatus() const {
MutexLock lock(&mu_);
return connectivity_status_;
const absl::Status& logical_connectivity_status() const {
return logical_connectivity_status_;
@ -188,20 +181,28 @@ class RingHash : public LoadBalancingPolicy {
// subchannel in some cases; for example, once this is set to
// TRANSIENT_FAILURE, we do not change it again until we get READY,
// so we skip any interim stops in CONNECTING.
// Uses an atomic so that it can be accessed outside of the WorkSerializer.
std::atomic<grpc_connectivity_state> connectivity_state_{GRPC_CHANNEL_IDLE};
mutable Mutex mu_;
absl::Status connectivity_status_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(&mu_);
grpc_connectivity_state logical_connectivity_state_ = GRPC_CHANNEL_IDLE;
absl::Status logical_connectivity_status_;
// A list of subchannels and the ring containing those subchannels.
class RingHashSubchannelList
: public SubchannelList<RingHashSubchannelList, RingHashSubchannelData> {
class Ring : public RefCounted<Ring> {
struct RingEntry {
uint64_t hash;
RingHashSubchannelData* subchannel;
size_t subchannel_index;
Ring(RingHashLbConfig* config, RingHashSubchannelList* subchannel_list,
const ChannelArgs& args);
const std::vector<RingEntry>& ring() const { return ring_; }
std::vector<RingEntry> ring_;
RingHashSubchannelList(RingHash* policy, ServerAddressList addresses,
@ -212,7 +213,7 @@ class RingHash : public LoadBalancingPolicy {
p->Unref(DEBUG_LOCATION, "subchannel_list");
const std::vector<RingEntry>& ring() const { return ring_; }
RefCountedPtr<Ring> ring() { return ring_; }
// Updates the counters of subchannels in each state when a
// subchannel transitions from old_state to new_state.
@ -236,7 +237,7 @@ class RingHash : public LoadBalancingPolicy {
size_t num_connecting_ = 0;
size_t num_transient_failure_ = 0;
std::vector<RingEntry> ring_;
RefCountedPtr<Ring> ring_;
// The index of the subchannel currently doing an internally
// triggered connection attempt, if any.
@ -251,24 +252,31 @@ class RingHash : public LoadBalancingPolicy {
class Picker : public SubchannelPicker {
explicit Picker(RefCountedPtr<RingHashSubchannelList> subchannel_list)
: subchannel_list_(std::move(subchannel_list)) {}
~Picker() override {
// Hop into WorkSerializer to unref the subchannel list, since that may
// trigger the unreffing of the underlying subchannels.
Picker(RefCountedPtr<RingHash> ring_hash_lb,
RingHashSubchannelList* subchannel_list)
: ring_hash_lb_(std::move(ring_hash_lb)),
ring_(subchannel_list->ring()) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < subchannel_list->num_subchannels(); ++i) {
RingHashSubchannelData* subchannel_data =
PickResult Pick(PickArgs args) override;
// An interface for running a callback in the control plane WorkSerializer.
class WorkSerializerRunner : public Orphanable {
// A fire-and-forget class that schedules subchannel connection attempts
// on the control plane WorkSerializer.
class SubchannelConnectionAttempter : public Orphanable {
explicit WorkSerializerRunner(
RefCountedPtr<RingHashSubchannelList> subchannel_list)
: subchannel_list_(std::move(subchannel_list)) {
explicit SubchannelConnectionAttempter(
RefCountedPtr<RingHash> ring_hash_lb)
: ring_hash_lb_(std::move(ring_hash_lb)) {
GRPC_CLOSURE_INIT(&closure_, RunInExecCtx, this, nullptr);
@ -278,56 +286,43 @@ class RingHash : public LoadBalancingPolicy {
ExecCtx::Run(DEBUG_LOCATION, &closure_, absl::OkStatus());
// Will be invoked inside of the WorkSerializer.
virtual void Run() {}
RingHash* ring_hash_lb() const {
return static_cast<RingHash*>(subchannel_list_->policy());
void AddSubchannel(RefCountedPtr<SubchannelInterface> subchannel) {
static void RunInExecCtx(void* arg, grpc_error_handle /*error*/) {
auto* self = static_cast<WorkSerializerRunner*>(arg);
auto* self = static_cast<SubchannelConnectionAttempter*>(arg);
[self]() {
if (!self->ring_hash_lb_->shutdown_) {
for (auto& subchannel : self->subchannels_) {
delete self;
RefCountedPtr<RingHashSubchannelList> subchannel_list_;
RefCountedPtr<RingHash> ring_hash_lb_;
grpc_closure closure_;
std::vector<RefCountedPtr<SubchannelInterface>> subchannels_;
// A fire-and-forget class that schedules subchannel connection attempts
// on the control plane WorkSerializer.
class SubchannelConnectionAttempter : public WorkSerializerRunner {
explicit SubchannelConnectionAttempter(
RefCountedPtr<RingHashSubchannelList> subchannel_list)
: WorkSerializerRunner(std::move(subchannel_list)) {}
void AddSubchannel(RefCountedPtr<SubchannelInterface> subchannel) {
void Run() override {
if (!ring_hash_lb()->shutdown_) {
for (auto& subchannel : subchannels_) {
std::vector<RefCountedPtr<SubchannelInterface>> subchannels_;
struct SubchannelInfo {
RefCountedPtr<SubchannelInterface> subchannel;
grpc_connectivity_state state;
absl::Status status;
RefCountedPtr<RingHashSubchannelList> subchannel_list_;
RefCountedPtr<RingHash> ring_hash_lb_;
RefCountedPtr<RingHashSubchannelList::Ring> ring_;
std::vector<SubchannelInfo> subchannels_;
~RingHash() override;
void ShutdownLocked() override;
// Current config from resolver.
@ -353,7 +348,7 @@ RingHash::PickResult RingHash::Picker::Pick(PickArgs args) {
return PickResult::Fail(
absl::InternalError("ring hash value is not a number"));
const auto& ring = subchannel_list_->ring();
const auto& ring = ring_->ring();
// Ported from
// (ketama_get_server) NOTE: The algorithm depends on using signed integers
// for lowp, highp, and first_index. Do not change them!
@ -386,27 +381,25 @@ RingHash::PickResult RingHash::Picker::Pick(PickArgs args) {
[&](RefCountedPtr<SubchannelInterface> subchannel) {
if (subchannel_connection_attempter == nullptr) {
subchannel_connection_attempter =
DEBUG_LOCATION, "SubchannelConnectionAttempter"));
switch (ring[first_index].subchannel->GetConnectivityState()) {
SubchannelInfo& first_subchannel =
switch (first_subchannel.state) {
return PickResult::Complete(
return PickResult::Complete(first_subchannel.subchannel);
return PickResult::Queue();
// Loop through remaining subchannels to find one in READY.
// On the way, we make sure the right set of connection attempts
// will happen.
@ -414,19 +407,17 @@ RingHash::PickResult RingHash::Picker::Pick(PickArgs args) {
bool found_first_non_failed = false;
for (size_t i = 1; i < ring.size(); ++i) {
const auto& entry = ring[(first_index + i) % ring.size()];
if (entry.subchannel == ring[first_index].subchannel) {
if (entry.subchannel_index == ring[first_index].subchannel_index) {
grpc_connectivity_state connectivity_state =
if (connectivity_state == GRPC_CHANNEL_READY) {
return PickResult::Complete(entry.subchannel->subchannel()->Ref());
SubchannelInfo& subchannel_info = subchannels_[entry.subchannel_index];
if (subchannel_info.state == GRPC_CHANNEL_READY) {
return PickResult::Complete(subchannel_info.subchannel);
if (!found_second_subchannel) {
switch (connectivity_state) {
switch (subchannel_info.state) {
return PickResult::Queue();
@ -436,13 +427,11 @@ RingHash::PickResult RingHash::Picker::Pick(PickArgs args) {
found_second_subchannel = true;
if (!found_first_non_failed) {
if (connectivity_state == GRPC_CHANNEL_TRANSIENT_FAILURE) {
if (subchannel_info.state == GRPC_CHANNEL_TRANSIENT_FAILURE) {
} else {
if (connectivity_state == GRPC_CHANNEL_IDLE) {
if (subchannel_info.state == GRPC_CHANNEL_IDLE) {
found_first_non_failed = true;
@ -450,27 +439,16 @@ RingHash::PickResult RingHash::Picker::Pick(PickArgs args) {
return PickResult::Fail(absl::UnavailableError(absl::StrCat(
"ring hash cannot find a connected subchannel; first failure: ",
// RingHash::RingHashSubchannelList
// RingHash::RingHashSubchannelList::Ring
RingHash* policy, ServerAddressList addresses, const ChannelArgs& args)
: SubchannelList(policy,
? "RingHashSubchannelList"
: nullptr),
std::move(addresses), policy->channel_control_helper(),
num_idle_(num_subchannels()) {
// Need to maintain a ref to the LB policy as long as we maintain
// any references to subchannels, since the subchannels'
// pollset_sets will include the LB policy's pollset_set.
policy->Ref(DEBUG_LOCATION, "subchannel_list").release();
// Construct the ring.
RingHashLbConfig* config, RingHashSubchannelList* subchannel_list,
const ChannelArgs& args) {
// Store the weights while finding the sum.
struct AddressWeight {
std::string address;
@ -481,9 +459,9 @@ RingHash::RingHashSubchannelList::RingHashSubchannelList(
std::vector<AddressWeight> address_weights;
size_t sum = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_subchannels(); ++i) {
RingHashSubchannelData* sd = subchannel(i);
for (size_t i = 0; i < subchannel_list->num_subchannels(); ++i) {
RingHashSubchannelData* sd = subchannel_list->subchannel(i);
const ServerAddressWeightAttribute* weight_attribute = static_cast<
const ServerAddressWeightAttribute*>(sd->address().GetAttribute(
@ -517,10 +495,8 @@ RingHash::RingHashSubchannelList::RingHashSubchannelList(
// to fit.
const size_t ring_size_cap = args.GetInt(GRPC_ARG_RING_HASH_LB_RING_SIZE_CAP)
const size_t min_ring_size =
std::min(policy->config_->min_ring_size(), ring_size_cap);
const size_t max_ring_size =
std::min(policy->config_->max_ring_size(), ring_size_cap);
const size_t min_ring_size = std::min(config->min_ring_size(), ring_size_cap);
const size_t max_ring_size = std::min(config->max_ring_size(), ring_size_cap);
const double scale = std::min(
std::ceil(min_normalized_weight * min_ring_size) / min_normalized_weight,
@ -537,7 +513,7 @@ RingHash::RingHashSubchannelList::RingHashSubchannelList(
double target_hashes = 0.0;
uint64_t min_hashes_per_host = ring_size;
uint64_t max_hashes_per_host = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_subchannels(); ++i) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < subchannel_list->num_subchannels(); ++i) {
const std::string& address_string = address_weights[i].address;
hash_key_buffer.assign(address_string.begin(), address_string.end());
@ -550,7 +526,7 @@ RingHash::RingHashSubchannelList::RingHashSubchannelList(
absl::string_view hash_key(,
const uint64_t hash = XXH64(, hash_key.size(), 0);
ring_.push_back({hash, subchannel(i)});
ring_.push_back({hash, i});
hash_key_buffer.erase(offset_start, hash_key_buffer.end());
@ -561,14 +537,34 @@ RingHash::RingHashSubchannelList::RingHashSubchannelList(
std::max(static_cast<uint64_t>(i), max_hashes_per_host);
std::sort(ring_.begin(), ring_.end(),
[](const RingHashSubchannelList::RingEntry& lhs,
const RingHashSubchannelList::RingEntry& rhs) -> bool {
[](const RingEntry& lhs, const RingEntry& rhs) -> bool {
return lhs.hash < rhs.hash;
// RingHash::RingHashSubchannelList
RingHash* policy, ServerAddressList addresses, const ChannelArgs& args)
: SubchannelList(policy,
? "RingHashSubchannelList"
: nullptr),
std::move(addresses), policy->channel_control_helper(),
num_idle_(num_subchannels()) {
// Need to maintain a ref to the LB policy as long as we maintain
// any references to subchannels, since the subchannels'
// pollset_sets will include the LB policy's pollset_set.
policy->Ref(DEBUG_LOCATION, "subchannel_list").release();
// Construct the ring.
ring_ = MakeRefCounted<Ring>(policy->config_.get(), this, args);
if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_lb_ring_hash_trace)) {
"[RH %p] created subchannel list %p with %" PRIuPTR " ring entries",
policy, this, ring_.size());
policy, this, ring_->ring().size());
@ -660,7 +656,7 @@ void RingHash::RingHashSubchannelList::UpdateRingHashConnectivityStateLocked(
// Note that we use our own picker regardless of connectivity state.
state, status,
MakeRefCounted<Picker>(Ref(DEBUG_LOCATION, "RingHashPicker")));
MakeRefCounted<Picker>(p->Ref(DEBUG_LOCATION, "RingHashPicker"), this));
// While the ring_hash policy is reporting TRANSIENT_FAILURE, it will
// not be getting any pick requests from the priority policy.
// However, because the ring_hash policy does not attempt to
@ -707,7 +703,6 @@ void RingHash::RingHashSubchannelData::ProcessConnectivityChangeLocked(
absl::optional<grpc_connectivity_state> old_state,
grpc_connectivity_state new_state) {
RingHash* p = static_cast<RingHash*>(subchannel_list()->policy());
grpc_connectivity_state last_connectivity_state = GetConnectivityState();
if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_lb_ring_hash_trace)) {
@ -715,7 +710,7 @@ void RingHash::RingHashSubchannelData::ProcessConnectivityChangeLocked(
"(index %" PRIuPTR " of %" PRIuPTR "): prev_state=%s new_state=%s",
p, subchannel(), subchannel_list(), Index(),
GPR_ASSERT(subchannel() != nullptr);
@ -735,34 +730,23 @@ void RingHash::RingHashSubchannelData::ProcessConnectivityChangeLocked(
const bool connection_attempt_complete = new_state != GRPC_CHANNEL_CONNECTING;
// Decide what state to report for the purposes of aggregation and
// picker behavior.
// If the last recorded state was TRANSIENT_FAILURE, ignore the update
// unless the new state is READY.
bool update_status = true;
absl::Status status = connectivity_status();
if (last_connectivity_state == GRPC_CHANNEL_TRANSIENT_FAILURE &&
new_state != GRPC_CHANNEL_READY &&
MutexLock lock(&mu_);
status = connectivity_status_;
update_status = false;
// If the last recorded state was TRANSIENT_FAILURE, ignore the change
// unless the new state is READY (or TF again, in which case we need
// to update the status).
if (logical_connectivity_state_ != GRPC_CHANNEL_TRANSIENT_FAILURE ||
new_state == GRPC_CHANNEL_READY ||
// Update state counters used for aggregation.
// Update status seen by picker if needed.
if (update_status) {
MutexLock lock(&mu_);
connectivity_status_ = connectivity_status();
// Update logical state.
logical_connectivity_state_ = new_state;
logical_connectivity_status_ = connectivity_status();
// Update last seen state, also used by picker., std::memory_order_relaxed);
// Update the RH policy's connectivity state, creating new picker and new
// ring.
Index(), connection_attempt_complete, status);
Index(), connection_attempt_complete, logical_connectivity_status_);

@ -365,7 +365,6 @@ class RlsLb : public LoadBalancingPolicy {
class Picker : public LoadBalancingPolicy::SubchannelPicker {
explicit Picker(RefCountedPtr<RlsLb> lb_policy);
~Picker() override;
PickResult Pick(PickArgs args) override;
@ -1008,19 +1007,6 @@ RlsLb::Picker::Picker(RefCountedPtr<RlsLb> lb_policy)
RlsLb::Picker::~Picker() {
// It's not safe to unref the default child policy in the picker,
// since that needs to be done in the WorkSerializer.
if (default_child_policy_ != nullptr) {
auto* default_child_policy = default_child_policy_.release();
[default_child_policy]() {
default_child_policy->Unref(DEBUG_LOCATION, "Picker");
LoadBalancingPolicy::PickResult RlsLb::Picker::Pick(PickArgs args) {
// Construct key for request.
RequestKey key = {BuildKeyMap(config_->key_builder_map(), args.path,

@ -18,13 +18,16 @@
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <atomic>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/random/random.h"
#include "absl/status/status.h"
#include "absl/status/statusor.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
@ -174,7 +177,7 @@ class RoundRobin : public LoadBalancingPolicy {
// Using pointer value only, no ref held -- do not dereference!
RoundRobin* parent_;
size_t last_picked_index_;
std::atomic<size_t> last_picked_index_;
std::vector<RefCountedPtr<SubchannelInterface>> subchannels_;
@ -189,6 +192,8 @@ class RoundRobin : public LoadBalancingPolicy {
RefCountedPtr<RoundRobinSubchannelList> latest_pending_subchannel_list_;
bool shutdown_ = false;
absl::BitGen bit_gen_;
@ -207,27 +212,26 @@ RoundRobin::Picker::Picker(RoundRobin* parent,
// For discussion on why we generate a random starting index for
// the picker, see
// TODO(roth): rand(3) is not thread-safe. This should be replaced with
// something better as part of
last_picked_index_ = rand() % subchannels_.size();
size_t index =
absl::Uniform<size_t>(parent->bit_gen_, 0, subchannels_.size());, std::memory_order_relaxed);
if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_lb_round_robin_trace)) {
"[RR %p picker %p] created picker from subchannel_list=%p "
"with %" PRIuPTR " READY subchannels; last_picked_index_=%" PRIuPTR,
parent_, this, subchannel_list, subchannels_.size(),
parent_, this, subchannel_list, subchannels_.size(), index);
RoundRobin::PickResult RoundRobin::Picker::Pick(PickArgs /*args*/) {
last_picked_index_ = (last_picked_index_ + 1) % subchannels_.size();
size_t index = last_picked_index_.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed) %
if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_lb_round_robin_trace)) {
"[RR %p picker %p] returning index %" PRIuPTR ", subchannel=%p",
parent_, this, last_picked_index_,
parent_, this, index, subchannels_[index].get());
return PickResult::Complete(subchannels_[last_picked_index_]);
return PickResult::Complete(subchannels_[index]);

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/base/thread_annotations.h"
#include "absl/random/random.h"
#include "absl/status/status.h"
#include "absl/status/statusor.h"
@ -46,6 +47,7 @@
#include "src/core/lib/gprpp/debug_location.h"
#include "src/core/lib/gprpp/orphanable.h"
#include "src/core/lib/gprpp/ref_counted_ptr.h"
#include "src/core/lib/gprpp/sync.h"
#include "src/core/lib/gprpp/time.h"
#include "src/core/lib/gprpp/validation_errors.h"
#include "src/core/lib/gprpp/work_serializer.h"
@ -138,7 +140,11 @@ class WeightedTargetLb : public LoadBalancingPolicy {
PickerList pickers_;
absl::BitGen bit_gen_;
// TODO(roth): Consider using a separate thread-local BitGen for each CPU
// to avoid the need for this mutex.
Mutex mu_;
absl::BitGen bit_gen_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(&mu_);
// Each WeightedChild holds a ref to its parent WeightedTargetLb.
@ -247,8 +253,10 @@ class WeightedTargetLb : public LoadBalancingPolicy {
WeightedTargetLb::PickResult WeightedTargetLb::WeightedPicker::Pick(
PickArgs args) {
// Generate a random number in [0, total weight).
const uint64_t key =
absl::Uniform<uint64_t>(bit_gen_, 0, pickers_.back().first);
const uint64_t key = [&]() {
MutexLock lock(&mu_);
return absl::Uniform<uint64_t>(bit_gen_, 0, pickers_.back().first);
// Find the index in pickers_ corresponding to key.
size_t mid = 0;
size_t start_index = 0;

@ -1351,8 +1351,9 @@ RetryFilter::CallData::CallAttempt::BatchData::~BatchData() {
CallAttempt* call_attempt = std::exchange(call_attempt_, nullptr);
GRPC_CALL_STACK_UNREF(call_attempt->calld_->owning_call_, "Retry BatchData");
grpc_call_stack* owning_call = call_attempt->calld_->owning_call_;
call_attempt->Unref(DEBUG_LOCATION, "~BatchData");
GRPC_CALL_STACK_UNREF(owning_call, "Retry BatchData");
void RetryFilter::CallData::CallAttempt::BatchData::

@ -93,11 +93,14 @@ std::string XdsEndpointResource::Priority::ToString() const {
bool XdsEndpointResource::DropConfig::ShouldDrop(
const std::string** category_name) const {
const std::string** category_name) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < drop_category_list_.size(); ++i) {
const auto& drop_category = drop_category_list_[i];
// Generate a random number in [0, 1000000).
const uint32_t random = static_cast<uint32_t>(rand()) % 1000000;
const uint32_t random = [&]() {
MutexLock lock(&mu_);
return absl::Uniform<uint32_t>(bit_gen_, 0, 1000000);
if (random < drop_category.parts_per_million) {
*category_name = &;
return true;

@ -28,6 +28,8 @@
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/base/thread_annotations.h"
#include "absl/random/random.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "envoy/config/endpoint/v3/endpoint.upbdefs.h"
#include "upb/def.h"
@ -38,6 +40,7 @@
#include "src/core/ext/xds/xds_resource_type_impl.h"
#include "src/core/lib/gprpp/ref_counted.h"
#include "src/core/lib/gprpp/ref_counted_ptr.h"
#include "src/core/lib/gprpp/sync.h"
#include "src/core/lib/resolver/server_address.h"
namespace grpc_core {
@ -90,7 +93,7 @@ struct XdsEndpointResource : public XdsResourceType::ResourceData {
// The only method invoked from outside the WorkSerializer (used in
// the data plane).
bool ShouldDrop(const std::string** category_name) const;
bool ShouldDrop(const std::string** category_name);
const DropCategoryList& drop_category_list() const {
return drop_category_list_;
@ -108,6 +111,11 @@ struct XdsEndpointResource : public XdsResourceType::ResourceData {
DropCategoryList drop_category_list_;
bool drop_all_ = false;
// TODO(roth): Consider using a separate thread-local BitGen for each CPU
// to avoid the need for this mutex.
Mutex mu_;
absl::BitGen bit_gen_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(&mu_);
PriorityList priorities;

@ -69,19 +69,15 @@ LoadBalancingPolicy::SubchannelPicker::SubchannelPicker()
LoadBalancingPolicy::PickResult LoadBalancingPolicy::QueuePicker::Pick(
PickArgs /*args*/) {
// We invoke the parent's ExitIdleLocked() via a closure instead
// of doing it directly here, for two reasons:
// 1. ExitIdleLocked() may cause the policy's state to change and
// a new picker to be delivered to the channel. If that new
// picker is delivered before ExitIdleLocked() returns, then by
// the time this function returns, the pick will already have
// been processed, and we'll be trying to re-process the same
// pick again, leading to a crash.
// 2. We are currently running in the data plane mutex, but we
// need to bounce into the control plane work_serializer to call
// ExitIdleLocked().
if (!exit_idle_called_ && parent_ != nullptr) {
exit_idle_called_ = true;
auto* parent = parent_->Ref().release(); // ref held by lambda.
// of doing it directly here because ExitIdleLocked() may cause the
// policy's state to change and a new picker to be delivered to the
// channel. If that new picker is delivered before ExitIdleLocked()
// returns, then by the time this function returns, the pick will already
// have been processed, and we'll be trying to re-process the same pick
// again, leading to a crash.
MutexLock lock(&mu_);
if (parent_ != nullptr) {
auto* parent = parent_.release(); // ref held by lambda.
[](void* arg, grpc_error_handle /*error*/) {

@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/base/thread_annotations.h"
#include "absl/status/status.h"
#include "absl/status/statusor.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
@ -44,6 +45,7 @@
#include "src/core/lib/gprpp/orphanable.h"
#include "src/core/lib/gprpp/ref_counted.h"
#include "src/core/lib/gprpp/ref_counted_ptr.h"
#include "src/core/lib/gprpp/sync.h"
#include "src/core/lib/gprpp/work_serializer.h"
#include "src/core/lib/iomgr/iomgr_fwd.h"
#include "src/core/lib/load_balancing/subchannel_interface.h"
@ -392,8 +394,8 @@ class LoadBalancingPolicy : public InternallyRefCounted<LoadBalancingPolicy> {
PickResult Pick(PickArgs args) override;
RefCountedPtr<LoadBalancingPolicy> parent_;
bool exit_idle_called_ = false;
Mutex mu_;
RefCountedPtr<LoadBalancingPolicy> parent_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(&mu_);
// A picker that returns PickResult::Fail for all picks.
