@ -28,52 +28,43 @@ |
#include <grpc/support/sync.h> |
#include "src/core/lib/debug/stats.h" |
#include "src/core/lib/gpr/spinlock.h" |
#include "src/core/lib/gpr/tls.h" |
#include "src/core/lib/gpr/useful.h" |
#include "src/core/lib/gprpp/thd.h" |
#include "src/core/lib/gprpp/memory.h" |
#include "src/core/lib/iomgr/exec_ctx.h" |
#define MAX_DEPTH 2 |
typedef struct { |
gpr_mu mu; |
gpr_cv cv; |
grpc_closure_list elems; |
size_t depth; |
bool shutdown; |
bool queued_long_job; |
grpc_core::Thread thd; |
} thread_state; |
static thread_state* g_thread_state; |
static size_t g_max_threads; |
static gpr_atm g_cur_threads; |
static gpr_spinlock g_adding_thread_lock = GPR_SPINLOCK_STATIC_INITIALIZER; |
#define EXECUTOR_TRACE(format, ...) \ |
if (executor_trace.enabled()) { \
gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "EXECUTOR " format, __VA_ARGS__); \
} |
grpc_core::TraceFlag executor_trace(false, "executor"); |
GPR_TLS_DECL(g_this_thread_state); |
grpc_core::TraceFlag executor_trace(false, "executor"); |
GrpcExecutor::GrpcExecutor(const char* executor_name) : name_(executor_name) { |
adding_thread_lock_ = GPR_SPINLOCK_STATIC_INITIALIZER; |
gpr_atm_no_barrier_store(&num_threads_, 0); |
max_threads_ = GPR_MAX(1, 2 * gpr_cpu_num_cores()); |
} |
static void executor_thread(void* arg); |
void GrpcExecutor::Init() { SetThreading(true); } |
static size_t run_closures(grpc_closure_list list) { |
size_t GrpcExecutor::RunClosures(grpc_closure_list list) { |
size_t n = 0; |
grpc_closure* c = list.head; |
while (c != nullptr) { |
grpc_closure* next = c->next_data.next; |
grpc_error* error = c->error_data.error; |
if (executor_trace.enabled()) { |
#ifndef NDEBUG |
gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "EXECUTOR: run %p [created by %s:%d]", c, |
c->file_created, c->line_created); |
#else |
gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "EXECUTOR: run %p", c); |
#endif |
} |
#ifndef NDEBUG |
EXECUTOR_TRACE("run %p [created by %s:%d]", c, c->file_created, |
c->line_created); |
c->scheduled = false; |
#else |
EXECUTOR_TRACE("run %p", c); |
#endif |
c->cb(c->cb_arg, error); |
@ -85,217 +76,282 @@ static size_t run_closures(grpc_closure_list list) { |
return n; |
} |
bool grpc_executor_is_threaded() { |
return gpr_atm_no_barrier_load(&g_cur_threads) > 0; |
bool GrpcExecutor::IsThreaded() const { |
return gpr_atm_no_barrier_load(&num_threads_) > 0; |
} |
void grpc_executor_set_threading(bool threading) { |
gpr_atm cur_threads = gpr_atm_no_barrier_load(&g_cur_threads); |
void GrpcExecutor::SetThreading(bool threading) { |
gpr_atm curr_num_threads = gpr_atm_no_barrier_load(&num_threads_); |
if (threading) { |
if (cur_threads > 0) return; |
g_max_threads = GPR_MAX(1, 2 * gpr_cpu_num_cores()); |
gpr_atm_no_barrier_store(&g_cur_threads, 1); |
if (curr_num_threads > 0) return; |
GPR_ASSERT(num_threads_ == 0); |
gpr_atm_no_barrier_store(&num_threads_, 1); |
gpr_tls_init(&g_this_thread_state); |
g_thread_state = static_cast<thread_state*>( |
gpr_zalloc(sizeof(thread_state) * g_max_threads)); |
for (size_t i = 0; i < g_max_threads; i++) { |
gpr_mu_init(&g_thread_state[i].mu); |
gpr_cv_init(&g_thread_state[i].cv); |
g_thread_state[i].thd = grpc_core::Thread(); |
g_thread_state[i].elems = GRPC_CLOSURE_LIST_INIT; |
thd_state_ = static_cast<ThreadState*>( |
gpr_zalloc(sizeof(ThreadState) * max_threads_)); |
for (size_t i = 0; i < max_threads_; i++) { |
gpr_mu_init(&thd_state_[i].mu); |
gpr_cv_init(&thd_state_[i].cv); |
thd_state_[i].id = i; |
thd_state_[i].thd = grpc_core::Thread(); |
thd_state_[i].elems = GRPC_CLOSURE_LIST_INIT; |
} |
g_thread_state[0].thd = |
grpc_core::Thread("grpc_executor", executor_thread, &g_thread_state[0]); |
g_thread_state[0].thd.Start(); |
} else { |
if (cur_threads == 0) return; |
for (size_t i = 0; i < g_max_threads; i++) { |
gpr_mu_lock(&g_thread_state[i].mu); |
g_thread_state[i].shutdown = true; |
gpr_cv_signal(&g_thread_state[i].cv); |
gpr_mu_unlock(&g_thread_state[i].mu); |
thd_state_[0].thd = |
grpc_core::Thread(name_, &GrpcExecutor::ThreadMain, &thd_state_[0]); |
thd_state_[0].thd.Start(); |
} else { // !threading
if (curr_num_threads == 0) return; |
for (size_t i = 0; i < max_threads_; i++) { |
gpr_mu_lock(&thd_state_[i].mu); |
thd_state_[i].shutdown = true; |
gpr_cv_signal(&thd_state_[i].cv); |
gpr_mu_unlock(&thd_state_[i].mu); |
} |
/* ensure no thread is adding a new thread... once this is past, then
no thread will try to add a new one either (since shutdown is true) */ |
gpr_spinlock_lock(&g_adding_thread_lock); |
gpr_spinlock_unlock(&g_adding_thread_lock); |
for (gpr_atm i = 0; i < g_cur_threads; i++) { |
g_thread_state[i].thd.Join(); |
/* Ensure no thread is adding a new thread. Once this is past, then no
* thread will try to add a new one either (since shutdown is true) */ |
gpr_spinlock_lock(&adding_thread_lock_); |
gpr_spinlock_unlock(&adding_thread_lock_); |
curr_num_threads = gpr_atm_no_barrier_load(&num_threads_); |
for (gpr_atm i = 0; i < curr_num_threads; i++) { |
thd_state_[i].thd.Join(); |
EXECUTOR_TRACE(" Thread %" PRIdPTR " of %" PRIdPTR " joined", i, |
curr_num_threads); |
} |
gpr_atm_no_barrier_store(&g_cur_threads, 0); |
for (size_t i = 0; i < g_max_threads; i++) { |
gpr_mu_destroy(&g_thread_state[i].mu); |
gpr_cv_destroy(&g_thread_state[i].cv); |
run_closures(g_thread_state[i].elems); |
gpr_atm_no_barrier_store(&num_threads_, 0); |
for (size_t i = 0; i < max_threads_; i++) { |
gpr_mu_destroy(&thd_state_[i].mu); |
gpr_cv_destroy(&thd_state_[i].cv); |
RunClosures(thd_state_[i].elems); |
} |
gpr_free(g_thread_state); |
gpr_free(thd_state_); |
gpr_tls_destroy(&g_this_thread_state); |
} |
} |
void grpc_executor_init() { |
gpr_atm_no_barrier_store(&g_cur_threads, 0); |
grpc_executor_set_threading(true); |
} |
void GrpcExecutor::Shutdown() { SetThreading(false); } |
void grpc_executor_shutdown() { grpc_executor_set_threading(false); } |
static void executor_thread(void* arg) { |
thread_state* ts = static_cast<thread_state*>(arg); |
gpr_tls_set(&g_this_thread_state, (intptr_t)ts); |
void GrpcExecutor::ThreadMain(void* arg) { |
ThreadState* ts = static_cast<ThreadState*>(arg); |
gpr_tls_set(&g_this_thread_state, reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(ts)); |
grpc_core::ExecCtx exec_ctx(GRPC_EXEC_CTX_FLAG_IS_INTERNAL_THREAD); |
size_t subtract_depth = 0; |
for (;;) { |
if (executor_trace.enabled()) { |
gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "EXECUTOR[%d]: step (sub_depth=%" PRIdPTR ")", |
static_cast<int>(ts - g_thread_state), subtract_depth); |
} |
EXECUTOR_TRACE("[%" PRIdPTR "]: step (sub_depth=%" PRIdPTR ")", ts->id, |
subtract_depth); |
gpr_mu_lock(&ts->mu); |
ts->depth -= subtract_depth; |
// Wait for closures to be enqueued or for the executor to be shutdown
while (grpc_closure_list_empty(ts->elems) && !ts->shutdown) { |
ts->queued_long_job = false; |
gpr_cv_wait(&ts->cv, &ts->mu, gpr_inf_future(GPR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC)); |
} |
if (ts->shutdown) { |
if (executor_trace.enabled()) { |
gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "EXECUTOR[%d]: shutdown", |
static_cast<int>(ts - g_thread_state)); |
} |
EXECUTOR_TRACE("[%" PRIdPTR "]: shutdown", ts->id); |
gpr_mu_unlock(&ts->mu); |
break; |
} |
grpc_closure_list exec = ts->elems; |
grpc_closure_list closures = ts->elems; |
gpr_mu_unlock(&ts->mu); |
if (executor_trace.enabled()) { |
gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "EXECUTOR[%d]: execute", |
static_cast<int>(ts - g_thread_state)); |
} |
EXECUTOR_TRACE("[%" PRIdPTR "]: execute", ts->id); |
grpc_core::ExecCtx::Get()->InvalidateNow(); |
subtract_depth = run_closures(exec); |
subtract_depth = RunClosures(closures); |
} |
} |
static void executor_push(grpc_closure* closure, grpc_error* error, |
bool is_short) { |
void GrpcExecutor::Enqueue(grpc_closure* closure, grpc_error* error, |
bool is_short) { |
bool retry_push; |
if (is_short) { |
} else { |
} |
do { |
retry_push = false; |
size_t cur_thread_count = |
static_cast<size_t>(gpr_atm_no_barrier_load(&g_cur_threads)); |
static_cast<size_t>(gpr_atm_no_barrier_load(&num_threads_)); |
// If the number of threads is zero(i.e either the executor is not threaded
// or already shutdown), then queue the closure on the exec context itself
if (cur_thread_count == 0) { |
if (executor_trace.enabled()) { |
#ifndef NDEBUG |
gpr_log(GPR_DEBUG, "EXECUTOR: schedule %p (created %s:%d) inline", |
closure, closure->file_created, closure->line_created); |
EXECUTOR_TRACE("schedule %p (created %s:%d) inline", closure, |
closure->file_created, closure->line_created); |
#else |
gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "EXECUTOR: schedule %p inline", closure); |
EXECUTOR_TRACE("schedule %p inline", closure); |
#endif |
} |
grpc_closure_list_append(grpc_core::ExecCtx::Get()->closure_list(), |
closure, error); |
return; |
} |
thread_state* ts = (thread_state*)gpr_tls_get(&g_this_thread_state); |
ThreadState* ts = (ThreadState*)gpr_tls_get(&g_this_thread_state); |
if (ts == nullptr) { |
ts = &g_thread_state[GPR_HASH_POINTER(grpc_core::ExecCtx::Get(), |
cur_thread_count)]; |
ts = &thd_state_[GPR_HASH_POINTER(grpc_core::ExecCtx::Get(), |
cur_thread_count)]; |
} else { |
} |
thread_state* orig_ts = ts; |
bool try_new_thread; |
ThreadState* orig_ts = ts; |
bool try_new_thread = false; |
for (;;) { |
if (executor_trace.enabled()) { |
#ifndef NDEBUG |
gpr_log( |
"EXECUTOR: try to schedule %p (%s) (created %s:%d) to thread %d", |
closure, is_short ? "short" : "long", closure->file_created, |
closure->line_created, static_cast<int>(ts - g_thread_state)); |
"try to schedule %p (%s) (created %s:%d) to thread " |
"%" PRIdPTR, |
closure, is_short ? "short" : "long", closure->file_created, |
closure->line_created, ts->id); |
#else |
gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "EXECUTOR: try to schedule %p (%s) to thread %d", |
closure, is_short ? "short" : "long", |
(int)(ts - g_thread_state)); |
EXECUTOR_TRACE("try to schedule %p (%s) to thread %" PRIdPTR, closure, |
is_short ? "short" : "long", ts->id); |
#endif |
} |
gpr_mu_lock(&ts->mu); |
if (ts->queued_long_job) { |
// if there's a long job queued, we never queue anything else to this
// queue (since long jobs can take 'infinite' time and we need to
// guarantee no starvation)
// ... spin through queues and try again
// guarantee no starvation). Spin through queues and try again
gpr_mu_unlock(&ts->mu); |
size_t idx = static_cast<size_t>(ts - g_thread_state); |
ts = &g_thread_state[(idx + 1) % cur_thread_count]; |
size_t idx = ts->id; |
ts = &thd_state_[(idx + 1) % cur_thread_count]; |
if (ts == orig_ts) { |
// We cycled through all the threads. Retry enqueue again (by creating
// a new thread)
retry_push = true; |
// TODO (sreek): What if the executor is shutdown OR if
// cur_thread_count is already equal to max_threads ? (currently - as
// of July 2018, we do not run in to this issue because there is only
// one instance of long job in gRPC. This has to be fixed soon)
try_new_thread = true; |
break; |
} |
continue; |
} |
// == Found the thread state (i.e thread) to enqueue this closure! ==
// Also, if this thread has been waiting for closures, wake it up.
// - If grpc_closure_list_empty() is true and the Executor is not
// shutdown, it means that the thread must be waiting in ThreadMain()
// - Note that gpr_cv_signal() won't immediately wakeup the thread. That
// happens after we release the mutex &ts->mu a few lines below
if (grpc_closure_list_empty(ts->elems) && !ts->shutdown) { |
gpr_cv_signal(&ts->cv); |
} |
grpc_closure_list_append(&ts->elems, closure, error); |
// If we already queued more than MAX_DEPTH number of closures on this
// thread, use this as a hint to create more threads
ts->depth++; |
try_new_thread = ts->depth > MAX_DEPTH && |
cur_thread_count < g_max_threads && !ts->shutdown; |
if (!is_short) ts->queued_long_job = true; |
cur_thread_count < max_threads_ && !ts->shutdown; |
ts->queued_long_job = !is_short; |
gpr_mu_unlock(&ts->mu); |
break; |
} |
if (try_new_thread && gpr_spinlock_trylock(&g_adding_thread_lock)) { |
if (try_new_thread && gpr_spinlock_trylock(&adding_thread_lock_)) { |
cur_thread_count = |
static_cast<size_t>(gpr_atm_no_barrier_load(&g_cur_threads)); |
if (cur_thread_count < g_max_threads) { |
gpr_atm_no_barrier_store(&g_cur_threads, cur_thread_count + 1); |
g_thread_state[cur_thread_count].thd = |
grpc_core::Thread("grpc_executor", executor_thread, |
&g_thread_state[cur_thread_count]); |
g_thread_state[cur_thread_count].thd.Start(); |
static_cast<size_t>(gpr_atm_no_barrier_load(&num_threads_)); |
if (cur_thread_count < max_threads_) { |
// Increment num_threads (Safe to do a no_barrier_store instead of a
// cas because we always increment num_threads under the
// 'adding_thread_lock')
gpr_atm_no_barrier_store(&num_threads_, cur_thread_count + 1); |
thd_state_[cur_thread_count].thd = grpc_core::Thread( |
name_, &GrpcExecutor::ThreadMain, &thd_state_[cur_thread_count]); |
thd_state_[cur_thread_count].thd.Start(); |
} |
gpr_spinlock_unlock(&g_adding_thread_lock); |
gpr_spinlock_unlock(&adding_thread_lock_); |
} |
if (retry_push) { |
} |
} while (retry_push); |
} |
static void executor_push_short(grpc_closure* closure, grpc_error* error) { |
executor_push(closure, error, true); |
static GrpcExecutor* global_executor; |
void enqueue_long(grpc_closure* closure, grpc_error* error) { |
global_executor->Enqueue(closure, error, false /* is_short */); |
} |
void enqueue_short(grpc_closure* closure, grpc_error* error) { |
global_executor->Enqueue(closure, error, true /* is_short */); |
} |
// Short-Job executor scheduler
static const grpc_closure_scheduler_vtable global_executor_vtable_short = { |
enqueue_short, enqueue_short, "executor-short"}; |
static grpc_closure_scheduler global_scheduler_short = { |
&global_executor_vtable_short}; |
// Long-job executor scheduler
static const grpc_closure_scheduler_vtable global_executor_vtable_long = { |
enqueue_long, enqueue_long, "executor-long"}; |
static grpc_closure_scheduler global_scheduler_long = { |
&global_executor_vtable_long}; |
// grpc_executor_init() and grpc_executor_shutdown() functions are called in the
// the grpc_init() and grpc_shutdown() code paths which are protected by a
// global mutex. So it is okay to assume that these functions are thread-safe
void grpc_executor_init() { |
if (global_executor != nullptr) { |
// grpc_executor_init() already called once (and grpc_executor_shutdown()
// wasn't called)
return; |
} |
global_executor = grpc_core::New<GrpcExecutor>("global-executor"); |
global_executor->Init(); |
} |
static void executor_push_long(grpc_closure* closure, grpc_error* error) { |
executor_push(closure, error, false); |
void grpc_executor_shutdown() { |
// Shutdown already called
if (global_executor == nullptr) { |
return; |
} |
global_executor->Shutdown(); |
grpc_core::Delete<GrpcExecutor>(global_executor); |
global_executor = nullptr; |
} |
static const grpc_closure_scheduler_vtable executor_vtable_short = { |
executor_push_short, executor_push_short, "executor"}; |
static grpc_closure_scheduler executor_scheduler_short = { |
&executor_vtable_short}; |
bool grpc_executor_is_threaded() { return global_executor->IsThreaded(); } |
static const grpc_closure_scheduler_vtable executor_vtable_long = { |
executor_push_long, executor_push_long, "executor"}; |
static grpc_closure_scheduler executor_scheduler_long = {&executor_vtable_long}; |
void grpc_executor_set_threading(bool enable) { |
global_executor->SetThreading(enable); |
} |
grpc_closure_scheduler* grpc_executor_scheduler( |
grpc_executor_job_length length) { |
return length == GRPC_EXECUTOR_SHORT ? &executor_scheduler_short |
: &executor_scheduler_long; |
grpc_closure_scheduler* grpc_executor_scheduler(GrpcExecutorJobType job_type) { |
return job_type == GRPC_EXECUTOR_SHORT ? &global_scheduler_short |
: &global_scheduler_long; |
} |