@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ |
#include <stddef.h> |
#include <array> |
#include "absl/status/status.h" |
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h" |
#include "gtest/gtest.h" |
@ -40,25 +42,107 @@ class PickFirstTest : public LoadBalancingPolicyTest { |
OrphanablePtr<LoadBalancingPolicy> lb_policy_; |
}; |
TEST_F(PickFirstTest, Basic) { |
constexpr absl::string_view kAddressUri = "ipv4:"; |
// Send an update containing one address.
absl::Status status = |
ApplyUpdate(BuildUpdate({kAddressUri}), lb_policy_.get()); |
TEST_F(PickFirstTest, FirstAddressWorks) { |
// Send an update containing two addresses.
constexpr std::array<absl::string_view, 2> kAddresses = { |
"ipv4:", "ipv4:"}; |
absl::Status status = ApplyUpdate(BuildUpdate(kAddresses), lb_policy_.get()); |
EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status; |
// LB policy should have created a subchannel for both addresses with
auto* subchannel = FindSubchannel( |
kAddresses[0], ChannelArgs().Set(GRPC_ARG_INHIBIT_HEALTH_CHECKING, true)); |
ASSERT_NE(subchannel, nullptr); |
auto* subchannel2 = FindSubchannel( |
kAddresses[1], ChannelArgs().Set(GRPC_ARG_INHIBIT_HEALTH_CHECKING, true)); |
ASSERT_NE(subchannel2, nullptr); |
// When the LB policy receives the first subchannel's initial connectivity
// state notification (IDLE), it will request a connection.
EXPECT_TRUE(subchannel->ConnectionRequested()); |
// This causes the subchannel to start to connect, so it reports CONNECTING.
subchannel->SetConnectivityState(GRPC_CHANNEL_CONNECTING); |
// LB policy should have reported CONNECTING state.
ExpectConnectingUpdate(); |
// The second subchannel should not be connecting.
EXPECT_FALSE(subchannel2->ConnectionRequested()); |
// When the first subchannel becomes connected, it reports READY.
subchannel->SetConnectivityState(GRPC_CHANNEL_READY); |
// The LB policy will report CONNECTING some number of times (doesn't
// matter how many) and then report READY.
auto picker = WaitForConnected(); |
ASSERT_NE(picker, nullptr); |
// Picker should return the same subchannel repeatedly.
for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { |
EXPECT_EQ(ExpectPickComplete(picker.get()), kAddresses[0]); |
} |
} |
TEST_F(PickFirstTest, FirstAddressFails) { |
// Send an update containing two addresses.
constexpr std::array<absl::string_view, 2> kAddresses = { |
"ipv4:", "ipv4:"}; |
absl::Status status = ApplyUpdate(BuildUpdate(kAddresses), lb_policy_.get()); |
EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status; |
// LB policy should have created a subchannel for both addresses with
auto* subchannel = FindSubchannel( |
kAddresses[0], ChannelArgs().Set(GRPC_ARG_INHIBIT_HEALTH_CHECKING, true)); |
ASSERT_NE(subchannel, nullptr); |
auto* subchannel2 = FindSubchannel( |
kAddresses[1], ChannelArgs().Set(GRPC_ARG_INHIBIT_HEALTH_CHECKING, true)); |
ASSERT_NE(subchannel2, nullptr); |
// When the LB policy receives the first subchannel's initial connectivity
// state notification (IDLE), it will request a connection.
EXPECT_TRUE(subchannel->ConnectionRequested()); |
// This causes the subchannel to start to connect, so it reports CONNECTING.
subchannel->SetConnectivityState(GRPC_CHANNEL_CONNECTING); |
// LB policy should have reported CONNECTING state.
ExpectConnectingUpdate(); |
// The second subchannel should not be connecting.
EXPECT_FALSE(subchannel2->ConnectionRequested()); |
// The first subchannel's connection attempt fails.
subchannel->SetConnectivityState(GRPC_CHANNEL_TRANSIENT_FAILURE, |
absl::UnavailableError("failed to connect")); |
// The LB policy will start a connection attempt on the second subchannel.
EXPECT_TRUE(subchannel2->ConnectionRequested()); |
// This causes the subchannel to start to connect, so it reports CONNECTING.
subchannel2->SetConnectivityState(GRPC_CHANNEL_CONNECTING); |
// The connection attempt succeeds.
subchannel2->SetConnectivityState(GRPC_CHANNEL_READY); |
// The LB policy will report CONNECTING some number of times (doesn't
// matter how many) and then report READY.
auto picker = WaitForConnected(); |
ASSERT_NE(picker, nullptr); |
// Picker should return the same subchannel repeatedly.
for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { |
EXPECT_EQ(ExpectPickComplete(picker.get()), kAddresses[1]); |
} |
} |
TEST_F(PickFirstTest, GoesIdleWhenConnectionFailsThenCanReconnect) { |
// Send an update containing two addresses.
constexpr std::array<absl::string_view, 2> kAddresses = { |
"ipv4:", "ipv4:"}; |
absl::Status status = ApplyUpdate(BuildUpdate(kAddresses), lb_policy_.get()); |
EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status; |
// LB policy should have created a subchannel for the address with the
// LB policy should have created a subchannel for both addresses with
auto* subchannel = FindSubchannel( |
kAddressUri, ChannelArgs().Set(GRPC_ARG_INHIBIT_HEALTH_CHECKING, true)); |
kAddresses[0], ChannelArgs().Set(GRPC_ARG_INHIBIT_HEALTH_CHECKING, true)); |
ASSERT_NE(subchannel, nullptr); |
// When the LB policy receives the subchannel's initial connectivity
auto* subchannel2 = FindSubchannel( |
kAddresses[1], ChannelArgs().Set(GRPC_ARG_INHIBIT_HEALTH_CHECKING, true)); |
ASSERT_NE(subchannel2, nullptr); |
// When the LB policy receives the first subchannel's initial connectivity
// state notification (IDLE), it will request a connection.
EXPECT_TRUE(subchannel->ConnectionRequested()); |
// This causes the subchannel to start to connect, so it reports CONNECTING.
subchannel->SetConnectivityState(GRPC_CHANNEL_CONNECTING); |
// LB policy should have reported CONNECTING state.
ExpectConnectingUpdate(); |
// When the subchannel becomes connected, it reports READY.
// The second subchannel should not be connecting.
EXPECT_FALSE(subchannel2->ConnectionRequested()); |
// When the first subchannel becomes connected, it reports READY.
subchannel->SetConnectivityState(GRPC_CHANNEL_READY); |
// The LB policy will report CONNECTING some number of times (doesn't
// matter how many) and then report READY.
@ -66,7 +150,30 @@ TEST_F(PickFirstTest, Basic) { |
ASSERT_NE(picker, nullptr); |
// Picker should return the same subchannel repeatedly.
for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { |
EXPECT_EQ(ExpectPickComplete(picker.get()), kAddressUri); |
EXPECT_EQ(ExpectPickComplete(picker.get()), kAddresses[0]); |
} |
// Connection fails.
subchannel->SetConnectivityState(GRPC_CHANNEL_IDLE); |
// We should see a re-resolution request.
ExpectReresolutionRequest(); |
// LB policy reports IDLE with a queueing picker.
ExpectStateAndQueuingPicker(GRPC_CHANNEL_IDLE); |
// By checking the picker, we told the LB policy to trigger a new
// connection attempt, so it should start over with the first
// subchannel.
EXPECT_TRUE(subchannel->ConnectionRequested()); |
// The subchannel starts connecting.
subchannel->SetConnectivityState(GRPC_CHANNEL_CONNECTING); |
// LB policy should have reported CONNECTING state.
ExpectConnectingUpdate(); |
// Subchannel succeeds in connecting.
subchannel->SetConnectivityState(GRPC_CHANNEL_READY); |
// LB policy reports READY.
picker = WaitForConnected(); |
ASSERT_NE(picker, nullptr); |
// Picker should return the same subchannel repeatedly.
for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { |
EXPECT_EQ(ExpectPickComplete(picker.get()), kAddresses[0]); |
} |
} |