@ -46,12 +46,17 @@ class RingHashTest : public XdsEnd2endTest { |
logical_dns_cluster_resolver_response_generator_ = |
grpc_core::MakeRefCounted<grpc_core::FakeResolverResponseGenerator>(); |
InitClient(); |
ChannelArguments args; |
args.SetPointerWithVtable( |
SetUpChannel(); |
} |
void SetUpChannel(ChannelArguments* args = nullptr) { |
ChannelArguments local_args; |
if (args == nullptr) args = &local_args; |
args->SetPointerWithVtable( |
logical_dns_cluster_resolver_response_generator_.get(), |
&grpc_core::FakeResolverResponseGenerator::kChannelArgPointerVtable); |
ResetStub(/*failover_timeout_ms=*/0, &args); |
ResetStub(/*failover_timeout_ms=*/0, args); |
} |
grpc_core::ServerAddressList CreateAddressListFromPortList( |
@ -214,6 +219,106 @@ TEST_P(RingHashTest, |
CheckRpcSendOk(DEBUG_LOCATION, 1, RpcOptions().set_timeout_ms(5000)); |
} |
TEST_P(RingHashTest, |
AggregateClusterFallBackFromRingHashToLogicalDnsAtStartupNoFailedRpcs) { |
CreateAndStartBackends(1); |
const char* kEdsClusterName = "eds_cluster"; |
const char* kLogicalDNSClusterName = "logical_dns_cluster"; |
// Populate EDS resource.
EdsResourceArgs args({ |
{"locality0", |
{MakeNonExistantEndpoint(), MakeNonExistantEndpoint()}, |
kDefaultLocalityWeight, |
0}, |
{"locality1", |
{MakeNonExistantEndpoint(), MakeNonExistantEndpoint()}, |
kDefaultLocalityWeight, |
1}, |
}); |
balancer_->ads_service()->SetEdsResource(BuildEdsResource(args)); |
// Populate new CDS resources.
Cluster eds_cluster = default_cluster_; |
eds_cluster.set_name(kEdsClusterName); |
balancer_->ads_service()->SetCdsResource(eds_cluster); |
// Populate LOGICAL_DNS cluster.
auto logical_dns_cluster = default_cluster_; |
logical_dns_cluster.set_name(kLogicalDNSClusterName); |
logical_dns_cluster.set_type(Cluster::LOGICAL_DNS); |
auto* address = logical_dns_cluster.mutable_load_assignment() |
->add_endpoints() |
->add_lb_endpoints() |
->mutable_endpoint() |
->mutable_address() |
->mutable_socket_address(); |
address->set_address(kServerName); |
address->set_port_value(443); |
balancer_->ads_service()->SetCdsResource(logical_dns_cluster); |
// Create Aggregate Cluster
auto cluster = default_cluster_; |
cluster.set_lb_policy(Cluster::RING_HASH); |
CustomClusterType* custom_cluster = cluster.mutable_cluster_type(); |
custom_cluster->set_name("envoy.clusters.aggregate"); |
ClusterConfig cluster_config; |
cluster_config.add_clusters(kEdsClusterName); |
cluster_config.add_clusters(kLogicalDNSClusterName); |
custom_cluster->mutable_typed_config()->PackFrom(cluster_config); |
balancer_->ads_service()->SetCdsResource(cluster); |
// Set up route with channel id hashing
auto new_route_config = default_route_config_; |
auto* route = new_route_config.mutable_virtual_hosts(0)->mutable_routes(0); |
auto* hash_policy = route->mutable_route()->add_hash_policy(); |
hash_policy->mutable_filter_state()->set_key("io.grpc.channel_id"); |
SetListenerAndRouteConfiguration(balancer_.get(), default_listener_, |
new_route_config); |
// Set Logical DNS result
{ |
grpc_core::ExecCtx exec_ctx; |
grpc_core::Resolver::Result result; |
result.addresses = CreateAddressListFromPortList(GetBackendPorts()); |
logical_dns_cluster_resolver_response_generator_->SetResponse( |
std::move(result)); |
} |
// Set up connection attempt injector.
ConnectionHoldInjector injector; |
injector.Start(); |
auto hold = injector.AddHold(backends_[0]->port()); |
// Increase subchannel backoff time, so that subchannels stay in
// TRANSIENT_FAILURE for long enough to trigger potential problems.
ChannelArguments channel_args; |
channel_args.SetInt(GRPC_ARG_INITIAL_RECONNECT_BACKOFF_MS, 10000); |
SetUpChannel(&channel_args); |
// Start an RPC in the background.
LongRunningRpc rpc; |
rpc.StartRpc(stub_.get(), RpcOptions()); |
// Wait for connection attempt to the backend.
hold->Wait(); |
// Channel should report CONNECTING here, and any RPC should be queued.
EXPECT_EQ(channel_->GetState(false), GRPC_CHANNEL_CONNECTING); |
// Start a second RPC at this point, which should be queued as well.
// This will fail if the priority policy fails to update the picker to
// point to the LOGICAL_DNS child; if it leaves it pointing to the EDS
// priority 1, then the RPC will fail, because all subchannels are in
// Note that sending only the first RPC does not catch this case,
// because if the priority policy fails to update the picker, then the
// pick for the first RPC will not be retried.
LongRunningRpc rpc2; |
rpc2.StartRpc(stub_.get(), RpcOptions()); |
// Allow the connection attempt to complete.
hold->Resume(); |
// Now the RPCs should complete successfully.
Status status = rpc.GetStatus(); |
gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "=== FIRST RPC FINISHED ==="); |
EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << "code=" << status.error_code() |
<< " message=" << status.error_message(); |
status = rpc2.GetStatus(); |
gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "=== SECOND RPC FINISHED ==="); |
EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << "code=" << status.error_code() |
<< " message=" << status.error_message(); |
} |
// Tests that ring hash policy that hashes using channel id ensures all RPCs
// to go 1 particular backend.
TEST_P(RingHashTest, ChannelIdHashing) { |