@ -869,7 +869,7 @@ |
@echo "Your system doesn't have one, and either the third_party directory"
@echo "doesn't have it, or your compiler can't build BoringSSL."
@echo "Please consult INSTALL to get more information."
@echo "Please consult BUILDING.md to get more information."
@echo "If you need information about why these tests failed, run:"
@ -883,7 +883,7 @@ |
@echo "The target you are trying to run requires protobuf 3.12.0+"
@echo "Your system doesn't have it, and neither does the third_party directory."
@echo "Please consult INSTALL to get more information."
@echo "Please consult BUILDING.md to get more information."
@echo "If you need information about why these tests failed, run:"
@ -897,7 +897,7 @@ |
@echo "The target you are trying to run requires protobuf-compiler 3.12.0+"
@echo "Your system doesn't have it, and neither does the third_party directory."
@echo "Please consult INSTALL to get more information."
@echo "Please consult BUILDING.md to get more information."
@echo "If you need information about why these tests failed, run:"
@ -912,9 +912,18 @@ |
@echo "to build requires systemtap 2.7+ (on Linux) or dtrace (on other "
@echo "platforms such as Solaris and *BSD). "
@echo "Please consult INSTALL to get more information."
@echo "Please consult BUILDING.md to get more information."
@echo "Installing via 'make' is no longer supported. Use cmake or bazel instead."
@echo "Please consult BUILDING.md to get more information."
install_not_supported_error: install_not_supported_message stop
@ -1343,125 +1352,17 @@ |
$(Q) mkdir -p `dirname $@`
$(Q) $(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -MMD -MF $(addsuffix .dep, $(basename $@)) -c -o $@ $<
install: install_c install_cxx install-plugins install-certs
install_c: install-headers_c install-static_c install-shared_c
install_cxx: install-headers_cxx install-static_cxx install-shared_cxx
install: install_not_supported_error
install_csharp: install-shared_csharp install_c
install_c: install_not_supported_error
install_grpc_csharp_ext: install_csharp
install_cxx: install_not_supported_error
install-headers: install-headers_c install-headers_cxx
install_csharp: install_not_supported_error
$(E) "[INSTALL] Installing public C headers"
$(Q) $(foreach h, $(PUBLIC_HEADERS_C), $(INSTALL) -d $(prefix)/$(dir $(h)) && ) exit 0 || exit 1
$(Q) $(foreach h, $(PUBLIC_HEADERS_C), $(INSTALL) $(h) $(prefix)/$(h) && ) exit 0 || exit 1
$(E) "[INSTALL] Installing public C++ headers"
$(Q) $(foreach h, $(PUBLIC_HEADERS_CXX), $(INSTALL) -d $(prefix)/$(dir $(h)) && ) exit 0 || exit 1
$(Q) $(foreach h, $(PUBLIC_HEADERS_CXX), $(INSTALL) $(h) $(prefix)/$(h) && ) exit 0 || exit 1
install-static: install-static_c install-static_cxx
install-static_c: static_c strip-static_c install-pkg-config_c
% for lib in libs:
% if 'Makefile' in lib.get('build_system', ['Makefile']):
% if lib.language == "c":
% if lib.build == "all":
% if not lib.get('external_deps', None):
$(E) "[INSTALL] Installing lib${lib.name}.a"
$(Q) $(INSTALL) -d $(prefix)/lib
$(Q) $(INSTALL) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/lib${lib.name}.a $(prefix)/lib/lib${lib.name}.a
% endif
% endif
% endif
% endif
% endfor
install-static_cxx: static_cxx strip-static_cxx install-pkg-config_cxx
% for lib in libs:
% if 'Makefile' in lib.get('build_system', ['Makefile']):
% if lib.language == "c++":
% if lib.build == "all":
$(E) "[INSTALL] Installing lib${lib.name}.a"
$(Q) $(INSTALL) -d $(prefix)/lib
$(Q) $(INSTALL) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/lib${lib.name}.a $(prefix)/lib/lib${lib.name}.a
% endif
% endif
% endif
% endfor
<%def name="install_shared(lang_filter)">\
% for lib in libs:
% if 'Makefile' in lib.get('build_system', ['Makefile']):
% if lib.language == lang_filter:
% if lib.build == "all":
% if not lib.get('external_deps', None):
$(E) "[INSTALL] Installing $(SHARED_PREFIX)${lib.name}$(SHARED_VERSION_${lang_to_var[lib.language]}).$(SHARED_EXT_${lang_to_var[lib.language]})"
$(Q) $(INSTALL) -d $(prefix)/lib
$(Q) $(INSTALL) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/$(SHARED_PREFIX)${lib.name}$(SHARED_VERSION_${lang_to_var[lib.language]}).$(SHARED_EXT_${lang_to_var[lib.language]}) $(prefix)/lib/$(SHARED_PREFIX)${lib.name}$(SHARED_VERSION_${lang_to_var[lib.language]}).$(SHARED_EXT_${lang_to_var[lib.language]})
ifeq ($(SYSTEM),MINGW32)
$(Q) $(INSTALL) $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/lib${lib.name}$(SHARED_VERSION_${lang_to_var[lib.language]})-dll.a $(prefix)/lib/lib${lib.name}.a
else ifneq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ln -sf $(SHARED_PREFIX)${lib.name}$(SHARED_VERSION_${lang_to_var[lib.language]}).$(SHARED_EXT_${lang_to_var[lib.language]}) $(prefix)/lib/lib${lib.name}.so.${settings.get(lang_to_var[lib.language].lower() + '_version').major}
$(Q) ln -sf $(SHARED_PREFIX)${lib.name}$(SHARED_VERSION_${lang_to_var[lib.language]}).$(SHARED_EXT_${lang_to_var[lib.language]}) $(prefix)/lib/lib${lib.name}.so
% endif
% endif
% endif
% endif
% endfor
ifneq ($(SYSTEM),MINGW32)
ifneq ($(SYSTEM),Darwin)
$(Q) ldconfig || true
install-shared_c: shared_c strip-shared_c install-pkg-config_c
install-shared_cxx: shared_cxx strip-shared_cxx install-shared_c install-pkg-config_cxx
install-shared_csharp: shared_csharp strip-shared_csharp
install-plugins: $(PROTOC_PLUGINS)
$(E) "[INSTALL] Installing grpc protoc plugins"
% for tgt in targets:
% if tgt.build == 'protoc':
$(Q) $(INSTALL) -d $(prefix)/bin
$(Q) $(INSTALL) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/${tgt.name} $(prefix)/bin/${tgt.name}
% endif
% endfor
install-static: install_not_supported_error
install-grpc-cli: grpc_cli
$(E) "[INSTALL] Installing grpc cli"
$(Q) $(INSTALL) -d $(prefix)/bin
$(Q) $(INSTALL) $(BINDIR)/$(CONFIG)/grpc_cli $(prefix)/bin/grpc_cli
install-pkg-config_c: pc_c pc_c_unsecure
$(E) "[INSTALL] Installing C pkg-config files"
$(Q) $(INSTALL) -d $(prefix)/lib/pkgconfig
$(Q) $(INSTALL) -m 0644 $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/pkgconfig/gpr.pc $(prefix)/lib/pkgconfig/gpr.pc
$(Q) $(INSTALL) -m 0644 $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/pkgconfig/grpc.pc $(prefix)/lib/pkgconfig/grpc.pc
$(Q) $(INSTALL) -m 0644 $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/pkgconfig/grpc_unsecure.pc $(prefix)/lib/pkgconfig/grpc_unsecure.pc
install-pkg-config_cxx: pc_cxx pc_cxx_unsecure
$(E) "[INSTALL] Installing C++ pkg-config files"
$(Q) $(INSTALL) -d $(prefix)/lib/pkgconfig
$(Q) $(INSTALL) -m 0644 $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/pkgconfig/grpc++.pc $(prefix)/lib/pkgconfig/grpc++.pc
$(Q) $(INSTALL) -m 0644 $(LIBDIR)/$(CONFIG)/pkgconfig/grpc++_unsecure.pc $(prefix)/lib/pkgconfig/grpc++_unsecure.pc
install-certs: etc/roots.pem
$(E) "[INSTALL] Installing root certificates"
$(Q) $(INSTALL) -d $(prefix)/share/grpc
$(Q) $(INSTALL) etc/roots.pem $(prefix)/share/grpc/roots.pem
install-certs: install_not_supported_error
$(E) "[CLEAN] Cleaning build directories."
@ -1937,10 +1838,7 @@ |
dep_error openssl_dep_error openssl_dep_message git_update stop \
buildtests buildtests_c buildtests_cxx \
test test_c test_cxx \
install install_c install_cxx \
install-headers install-headers_c install-headers_cxx \
install-shared install-shared_c install-shared_cxx \
install-static install-static_c install-static_cxx \
install install_c install_cxx install_csharp install-static install-certs \
strip strip-shared strip-static \
strip_c strip-shared_c strip-static_c \
strip_cxx strip-shared_cxx strip-static_cxx \