@ -122,8 +122,8 @@ class CompletionQueue : private GrpcLibraryCodegen { |
/// Read from the queue, blocking until an event is available or the queue is
/// shutting down.
/// \param tag[out] Updated to point to the read event's tag.
/// \param ok[out] true if read a successful event, false otherwise.
/// \param tag [out] Updated to point to the read event's tag.
/// \param ok [out] true if read a successful event, false otherwise.
/// Note that each tag sent to the completion queue (through RPC operations
/// or alarms) will be delivered out of the completion queue by a call to
@ -178,10 +178,10 @@ class CompletionQueue : private GrpcLibraryCodegen { |
/// within the \a deadline). A \a tag points to an arbitrary location usually
/// employed to uniquely identify an event.
/// \param tag[out] Upon sucess, updated to point to the event's tag.
/// \param ok[out] Upon sucess, true if a successful event, false otherwise
/// \param tag [out] Upon sucess, updated to point to the event's tag.
/// \param ok [out] Upon sucess, true if a successful event, false otherwise
/// See documentation for CompletionQueue::Next for explanation of ok
/// \param deadline[in] How long to block in wait for an event.
/// \param deadline [in] How long to block in wait for an event.
/// \return The type of event read.
template <typename T> |
@ -197,10 +197,10 @@ class CompletionQueue : private GrpcLibraryCodegen { |
/// within the \a deadline). A \a tag points to an arbitrary location usually
/// employed to uniquely identify an event.
/// \param F[in] Function to execute before calling AsyncNext on this queue.
/// \param tag[out] Upon sucess, updated to point to the event's tag.
/// \param ok[out] Upon sucess, true if read a regular event, false otherwise.
/// \param deadline[in] How long to block in wait for an event.
/// \param f [in] Function to execute before calling AsyncNext on this queue.
/// \param tag [out] Upon sucess, updated to point to the event's tag.
/// \param ok [out] Upon sucess, true if read a regular event, false otherwise.
/// \param deadline [in] How long to block in wait for an event.
/// \return The type of event read.
template <typename T, typename F> |
@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ class ServerCompletionQueue : public CompletionQueue { |
ServerCompletionQueue() : polling_type_(GRPC_CQ_DEFAULT_POLLING) {} |
private: |
/// \param is_frequently_polled Informs the GRPC library about whether the
/// \param polling_type Informs the GRPC library about whether the
/// server completion queue would be actively polled (by calling Next() or
/// AsyncNext()). By default all server completion queues are assumed to be
/// frequently polled.