@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ def wakey_thread(&blk)
def load_test_certs
test_root = File . join ( File . parent ( File . dirname ( __FILE__ ) ) , 'testdata' )
test_root = File . join ( File . dirname ( File . dirname ( __FILE__ ) ) , 'testdata' )
files = [ 'ca.pem' , 'server1.key' , 'server1.pem' ]
files . map { | f | File . open ( File . join ( test_root , f ) ) . read }
@ -136,14 +136,32 @@ describe 'ClientStub' do
@sent_msg , @resp = 'a_msg' , 'a_reply'
describe 'without a call operation ' do
shared_examples 'request response ' do
it 'should send a request to/receive a_ reply from a server' do
it 'should send a request to/receive a reply from a server' do
host = new_test_host
th = run_request_response ( host , @sent_msg , @resp , @pass )
stub = GRPC :: ClientStub . new ( host , @cq )
resp = stub . request_response ( @method , @sent_msg , NOOP , NOOP )
expect ( resp ) . to eq ( @resp )
expect ( get_response ( stub ) ) . to eq ( @resp )
th . join
it 'should send metadata to the server ok' do
host = new_test_host
th = run_request_response ( host , @sent_msg , @resp , @pass , k1 : 'v1' ,
k2 : 'v2' )
stub = GRPC :: ClientStub . new ( host , @cq )
expect ( get_response ( stub ) ) . to eq ( @resp )
th . join
it 'should update the sent metadata with a provided metadata updater' do
host = new_test_host
th = run_request_response ( host , @sent_msg , @resp , @pass ,
k1 : 'updated-v1' , k2 : 'v2' )
update_md = Proc . new { | md | md [ :k1 ] = 'updated-v1' ; md }
stub = GRPC :: ClientStub . new ( host , @cq , update_metadata : update_md )
expect ( get_response ( stub ) ) . to eq ( @resp )
th . join
@ -151,10 +169,8 @@ describe 'ClientStub' do
alt_host = new_test_host
th = run_request_response ( alt_host , @sent_msg , @resp , @pass )
ch = GRPC :: Core :: Channel . new ( alt_host , nil )
stub = GRPC :: ClientStub . new ( 'ignored-host' , @cq ,
channel_override : ch )
resp = stub . request_response ( @method , @sent_msg , NOOP , NOOP )
expect ( resp ) . to eq ( @resp )
stub = GRPC :: ClientStub . new ( 'ignored-host' , @cq , channel_override : ch )
expect ( get_response ( stub ) ) . to eq ( @resp )
th . join
@ -162,89 +178,73 @@ describe 'ClientStub' do
host = new_test_host
th = run_request_response ( host , @sent_msg , @resp , @fail )
stub = GRPC :: ClientStub . new ( host , @cq )
blk = Proc . new do
stub . request_response ( @method , @sent_msg , NOOP , NOOP )
blk = Proc . new { get_response ( stub ) }
expect ( & blk ) . to raise_error ( GRPC :: BadStatus )
th . join
describe 'via a call operation' do
describe 'without a call operation' do
it 'should send a request to/receive a_reply from a server' do
host = new_test_host
th = run_request_response ( host , @sent_msg , @resp , @pass )
stub = GRPC :: ClientStub . new ( host , @cq )
op = stub . request_response ( @method , @sent_msg , NOOP , NOOP ,
return_op : true )
expect ( op ) . to be_a ( GRPC :: ActiveCall :: Operation )
resp = op . execute ( )
expect ( resp ) . to eq ( @resp )
th . join
def get_response ( stub )
stub . request_response ( @method , @sent_msg , NOOP , NOOP , k1 : 'v1' ,
k2 : 'v2' )
it 'should raise an error if the status is not OK' do
host = new_test_host
th = run_request_response ( host , @sent_msg , @resp , @fail )
stub = GRPC :: ClientStub . new ( host , @cq )
it_behaves_like 'request response'
describe 'via a call operation' do
def get_response ( stub )
op = stub . request_response ( @method , @sent_msg , NOOP , NOOP ,
return_op : true )
return_op : true , k1 : 'v1' , k2 : 'v2' )
expect ( op ) . to be_a ( GRPC :: ActiveCall :: Operation )
blk = Proc . new do
op . execute ( )
expect ( & blk ) . to raise_error ( GRPC :: BadStatus )
th . join
op . execute ( )
it_behaves_like 'request response'
describe '#client_streamer' do
before ( :each ) do
@sent_msgs = Array . new ( 3 ) { | i | 'msg_' + ( i + 1 ) . to_s }
@resp = 'a_reply'
shared_examples 'client streaming' do
describe 'without a call operation' do
before ( :each ) do
@sent_msgs = Array . new ( 3 ) { | i | 'msg_' + ( i + 1 ) . to_s }
@resp = 'a_reply'
it 'should send requests to/receive a reply from a server' do
host = new_test_host
th = run_client_streamer ( host , @sent_msgs , @resp , @pass )
stub = GRPC :: ClientStub . new ( host , @cq )
resp = stub . client_streamer ( @method , @sent_msgs , NOOP , NOOP )
expect ( resp ) . to eq ( @resp )
expect ( get_response ( stub ) ) . to eq ( @resp )
th . join
it 'should raise an error if the status is not ok' do
it 'should send metadata to the server ok' do
host = new_test_host
th = run_client_streamer ( host , @sent_msgs , @resp , @fail )
th = run_client_streamer ( host , @sent_msgs , @resp , @pass , k1 : 'v1' ,
k2 : 'v2' )
stub = GRPC :: ClientStub . new ( host , @cq )
blk = Proc . new do
stub . client_streamer ( @method , @sent_msgs , NOOP , NOOP )
expect ( & blk ) . to raise_error ( BadStatus )
expect ( get_response ( stub ) ) . to eq ( @resp )
th . join
describe 'via a call operation' do
it 'should send requests to/receive a reply from a server' do
it 'should update the sent metadata with a provided metadata updater' do
host = new_test_host
th = run_client_streamer ( host , @sent_msgs , @resp , @pass )
stub = GRPC :: ClientStub . new ( host , @cq )
op = stub . client_streamer ( @method , @sent_msgs , NOOP , NOOP ,
return_op : true )
expect ( op ) . to be_a ( GRPC :: ActiveCall :: Operation )
resp = op . execute ( )
expect ( resp ) . to eq ( @resp )
th = run_client_streamer ( host , @sent_msgs , @resp , @pass ,
k1 : 'updated-v1' , k2 : 'v2' )
update_md = Proc . new { | md | md [ :k1 ] = 'updated-v1' ; md }
stub = GRPC :: ClientStub . new ( host , @cq , update_metadata : update_md )
expect ( get_response ( stub ) ) . to eq ( @resp )
th . join
@ -252,36 +252,53 @@ describe 'ClientStub' do
host = new_test_host
th = run_client_streamer ( host , @sent_msgs , @resp , @fail )
stub = GRPC :: ClientStub . new ( host , @cq )
blk = Proc . new { get_response ( stub ) }
expect ( & blk ) . to raise_error ( GRPC :: BadStatus )
th . join
describe 'without a call operation' do
def get_response ( stub )
stub . client_streamer ( @method , @sent_msgs , NOOP , NOOP , k1 : 'v1' ,
k2 : 'v2' )
it_behaves_like 'client streaming'
describe 'via a call operation' do
def get_response ( stub )
op = stub . client_streamer ( @method , @sent_msgs , NOOP , NOOP ,
return_op : true )
return_op : true , k1 : 'v1' , k2 : 'v2' )
expect ( op ) . to be_a ( GRPC :: ActiveCall :: Operation )
blk = Proc . new do
op . execute ( )
expect ( & blk ) . to raise_error ( BadStatus )
th . join
resp = op . execute ( )
it_behaves_like 'client streaming'
describe '#server_streamer' do
before ( :each ) do
@sent_msg = 'a_msg'
@replys = Array . new ( 3 ) { | i | 'reply_' + ( i + 1 ) . to_s }
shared_examples 'server streaming' do
describe 'without a call operation' do
before ( :each ) do
@sent_msg = 'a_msg'
@replys = Array . new ( 3 ) { | i | 'reply_' + ( i + 1 ) . to_s }
it 'should send a request to/receive replies from a server' do
host = new_test_host
th = run_server_streamer ( host , @sent_msg , @replys , @pass )
stub = GRPC :: ClientStub . new ( host , @cq )
e = stub . server_streamer ( @method , @sent_msg , NOOP , NOOP )
expect ( e ) . to be_a ( Enumerator )
expect ( e . collect { | r | r } ) . to eq ( @replys )
expect ( get_responses ( stub ) . collect { | r | r } ) . to eq ( @replys )
th . join
@ -289,60 +306,79 @@ describe 'ClientStub' do
host = new_test_host
th = run_server_streamer ( host , @sent_msg , @replys , @fail )
stub = GRPC :: ClientStub . new ( host , @cq )
e = stub . server_streamer ( @method , @sent_msg , NOOP , NOOP )
expect ( e ) . to be_a ( Enumerator )
expect { e . collect { | r | r } } . to raise_error ( BadStatus )
e = get_responses ( stub )
expect { e . collect { | r | r } } . to raise_error ( GRPC :: BadStatus )
th . join
describe 'via a call operation' do
it 'should send a request to/receive replies from a server' do
it 'should send metadata to the server ok' do
host = new_test_host
th = run_server_streamer ( host , @sent_msg , @replys , @pass )
th = run_server_streamer ( host , @sent_msg , @replys , @fail , k1 : 'v1' ,
k2 : 'v2' )
stub = GRPC :: ClientStub . new ( host , @cq )
op = stub . server_streamer ( @method , @sent_msg , NOOP , NOOP ,
return_op : true )
expect ( op ) . to be_a ( GRPC :: ActiveCall :: Operation )
e = op . execute ( )
expect ( e ) . to be_a ( Enumerator )
e = get_responses ( stub )
expect { e . collect { | r | r } } . to raise_error ( GRPC :: BadStatus )
th . join
it 'should raise an error if the status is not ok ' do
it 'should update the sent metadata with a provided metadata updater ' do
host = new_test_host
th = run_server_streamer ( host , @sent_msg , @replys , @fail )
stub = GRPC :: ClientStub . new ( host , @cq )
th = run_server_streamer ( host , @sent_msg , @replys , @pass ,
k1 : 'updated-v1' , k2 : 'v2' )
update_md = Proc . new { | md | md [ :k1 ] = 'updated-v1' ; md }
stub = GRPC :: ClientStub . new ( host , @cq , update_metadata : update_md )
e = get_responses ( stub )
expect ( e . collect { | r | r } ) . to eq ( @replys )
th . join
describe 'without a call operation' do
def get_responses ( stub )
e = stub . server_streamer ( @method , @sent_msg , NOOP , NOOP , k1 : 'v1' ,
k2 : 'v2' )
expect ( e ) . to be_a ( Enumerator )
it_behaves_like 'server streaming'
describe 'via a call operation' do
def get_responses ( stub )
op = stub . server_streamer ( @method , @sent_msg , NOOP , NOOP ,
return_op : true )
return_op : true , k1 : 'v1' , k2 : 'v2' )
expect ( op ) . to be_a ( GRPC :: ActiveCall :: Operation )
e = op . execute ( )
expect ( e ) . to be_a ( Enumerator )
expect { e . collect { | r | r } } . to raise_error ( BadStatus )
th . join
it_behaves_like 'server streaming'
describe '#bidi_streamer' do
before ( :each ) do
@sent_msgs = Array . new ( 3 ) { | i | 'msg_' + ( i + 1 ) . to_s }
@replys = Array . new ( 3 ) { | i | 'reply_' + ( i + 1 ) . to_s }
describe 'without a call operation' do
shared_examples 'bidi streaming' do
before ( :each ) do
@sent_msgs = Array . new ( 3 ) { | i | 'msg_' + ( i + 1 ) . to_s }
@replys = Array . new ( 3 ) { | i | 'reply_' + ( i + 1 ) . to_s }
it 'supports sending all the requests first' , :bidi = > true do
host = new_test_host
th = run_bidi_streamer_handle_inputs_first ( host , @sent_msgs , @replys ,
@pass )
stub = GRPC :: ClientStub . new ( host , @cq )
e = stub . bidi_streamer ( @method , @sent_msgs , NOOP , NOOP )
expect ( e ) . to be_a ( Enumerator )
e = get_responses ( stub )
expect ( e . collect { | r | r } ) . to eq ( @replys )
th . join
@ -351,8 +387,7 @@ describe 'ClientStub' do
host = new_test_host
th = run_bidi_streamer_echo_ping_pong ( host , @sent_msgs , @pass , true )
stub = GRPC :: ClientStub . new ( host , @cq )
e = stub . bidi_streamer ( @method , @sent_msgs , NOOP , NOOP )
expect ( e ) . to be_a ( Enumerator )
e = get_responses ( stub )
expect ( e . collect { | r | r } ) . to eq ( @sent_msgs )
th . join
@ -367,68 +402,48 @@ describe 'ClientStub' do
host = new_test_host
th = run_bidi_streamer_echo_ping_pong ( host , @sent_msgs , @pass , false )
stub = GRPC :: ClientStub . new ( host , @cq )
e = stub . bidi_streamer ( @method , @sent_msgs , NOOP , NOOP )
expect ( e ) . to be_a ( Enumerator )
e = get_responses ( stub )
expect ( e . collect { | r | r } ) . to eq ( @sent_msgs )
th . join
describe 'via a call operation' do
describe 'without a call operation' do
it 'supports sending all the requests first' , :bidi = > true do
host = new_test_host
th = run_bidi_streamer_handle_inputs_first ( host , @sent_msgs , @replys ,
@pass )
stub = GRPC :: ClientStub . new ( host , @cq )
op = stub . bidi_streamer ( @method , @sent_msgs , NOOP , NOOP ,
return_op : true )
expect ( op ) . to be_a ( GRPC :: ActiveCall :: Operation )
e = op . execute
def get_responses ( stub )
e = stub . bidi_streamer ( @method , @sent_msgs , NOOP , NOOP )
expect ( e ) . to be_a ( Enumerator )
expect ( e . collect { | r | r } ) . to eq ( @replys )
th . join
it 'supports client-initiated ping pong' , :bidi = > true do
host = new_test_host
th = run_bidi_streamer_echo_ping_pong ( host , @sent_msgs , @pass , true )
stub = GRPC :: ClientStub . new ( host , @cq )
op = stub . bidi_streamer ( @method , @sent_msgs , NOOP , NOOP ,
return_op : true )
expect ( op ) . to be_a ( GRPC :: ActiveCall :: Operation )
e = op . execute
expect ( e ) . to be_a ( Enumerator )
expect ( e . collect { | r | r } ) . to eq ( @sent_msgs )
th . join
it_behaves_like 'bidi streaming'
# disabled because an unresolved wire-protocol implementation feature
# - servers should be able initiate messaging, however, as it stand
# servers don't know if all the client metadata has been sent until
# they receive a message from the client. Without receiving all the
# metadata, the server does not accept the call, so this test hangs.
xit 'supports server-initiated ping pong' , :bidi = > true do
th = run_bidi_streamer_echo_ping_pong ( host , @sent_msgs , @pass , false )
stub = GRPC :: ClientStub . new ( host , @cq )
op = stub . bidi_streamer ( @method , @sent_msgs , NOOP , NOOP ,
return_op : true )
describe 'via a call operation' do
def get_responses ( stub )
op = stub . bidi_streamer ( @method , @sent_msgs , NOOP , NOOP , return_op : true )
expect ( op ) . to be_a ( GRPC :: ActiveCall :: Operation )
e = op . execute
expect ( e ) . to be_a ( Enumerator )
expect ( e . collect { | r | r } ) . to eq ( @sent_msgs )
th . join
it_behaves_like 'bidi streaming'
def run_server_streamer ( hostname , expected_input , replys , status )
def run_server_streamer ( hostname , expected_input , replys , status , ** kw )
wanted_metadata = kw . clone
wakey_thread do | mtx , cnd |
c = expect_server_to_be_invoked ( hostname , mtx , cnd )
wanted_metadata . each do | k , v |
expect ( c . metadata [ k . to_s ] ) . to eq ( v )
expect ( c . remote_read ) . to eq ( expected_input )
replys . each { | r | c . remote_send ( r ) }
c . send_status ( status , status == @pass ? 'OK' : 'NOK' , true )
@ -462,19 +477,27 @@ describe 'ClientStub' do
def run_client_streamer ( hostname , expected_inputs , resp , status )
def run_client_streamer ( hostname , expected_inputs , resp , status , ** kw )
wanted_metadata = kw . clone
wakey_thread do | mtx , cnd |
c = expect_server_to_be_invoked ( hostname , mtx , cnd )
expected_inputs . each { | i | expect ( c . remote_read ) . to eq ( i ) }
wanted_metadata . each do | k , v |
expect ( c . metadata [ k . to_s ] ) . to eq ( v )
c . remote_send ( resp )
c . send_status ( status , status == @pass ? 'OK' : 'NOK' , true )
def run_request_response ( hostname , expected_input , resp , status )
def run_request_response ( hostname , expected_input , resp , status , ** kw )
wanted_metadata = kw . clone
wakey_thread do | mtx , cnd |
c = expect_server_to_be_invoked ( hostname , mtx , cnd )
expect ( c . remote_read ) . to eq ( expected_input )
wanted_metadata . each do | k , v |
expect ( c . metadata [ k . to_s ] ) . to eq ( v )
c . remote_send ( resp )
c . send_status ( status , status == @pass ? 'OK' : 'NOK' , true )
@ -496,9 +519,11 @@ describe 'ClientStub' do
test_deadline = Time . now + 10 # fail tests after 10 seconds
ev = server_queue . pluck ( @server_tag , INFINITE_FUTURE )
raise OutOfTime if ev . nil?
server_call = ev . call
server_call . metadata = ev . result . metadata
finished_tag = Object . new
ev . call . accept ( server_queue , finished_tag )
GRPC :: ActiveCall . new ( ev . call , server_queue , NOOP , NOOP , INFINITE_FUTURE ,
server_ call. accept ( server_queue , finished_tag )
GRPC :: ActiveCall . new ( server_ call, server_queue , NOOP , NOOP , INFINITE_FUTURE ,
finished_tag : finished_tag )