@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ |
#include "absl/memory/memory.h" |
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h" |
#include "absl/strings/str_format.h" |
#include "absl/strings/str_join.h" |
#include <grpc/grpc.h> |
#include <grpc/support/alloc.h> |
@ -1679,11 +1681,26 @@ class ClientLbPickArgsTest : public ClientLbEnd2endTest { |
static void TearDownTestCase() { grpc_shutdown(); } |
const std::vector<grpc_core::PickArgsSeen>& args_seen_list() { |
std::vector<grpc_core::PickArgsSeen> args_seen_list() { |
grpc::internal::MutexLock lock(&mu_); |
return args_seen_list_; |
} |
static std::string ArgsSeenListString( |
const std::vector<grpc_core::PickArgsSeen>& args_seen_list) { |
std::vector<std::string> entries; |
for (const auto& args_seen : args_seen_list) { |
std::vector<std::string> metadata; |
for (const auto& p : args_seen.metadata) { |
metadata.push_back(absl::StrCat(p.first, "=", p.second)); |
} |
entries.push_back(absl::StrFormat("{path=\"%s\", metadata=[%s]}", |
args_seen.path, |
absl::StrJoin(metadata, ", "))); |
} |
return absl::StrCat("[", absl::StrJoin(entries, ", "), "]"); |
} |
private: |
static void SavePickArgs(const grpc_core::PickArgsSeen& args_seen) { |
ClientLbPickArgsTest* self = current_test_instance_; |
@ -1705,29 +1722,26 @@ TEST_F(ClientLbPickArgsTest, Basic) { |
auto channel = BuildChannel("test_pick_args_lb", response_generator); |
auto stub = BuildStub(channel); |
response_generator.SetNextResolution(GetServersPorts()); |
CheckRpcSendOk(stub, DEBUG_LOCATION, /*wait_for_ready=*/true); |
// Proactively connect the channel, so that the LB policy will always
// be connected before it sees the pick. Otherwise, the test would be
// flaky because sometimes the pick would be seen twice (once in
// CONNECTING and again in READY) and other times only once (in READY).
ASSERT_TRUE(channel->WaitForConnected(gpr_inf_future(GPR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC))); |
// Check LB policy name for the channel.
EXPECT_EQ("test_pick_args_lb", channel->GetLoadBalancingPolicyName()); |
// There will be two entries, one for the pick tried in state
// CONNECTING and another for the pick tried in state READY.
EXPECT_THAT(args_seen_list(), |
::testing::ElementsAre( |
::testing::AllOf( |
::testing::Field(&grpc_core::PickArgsSeen::path, |
"/grpc.testing.EchoTestService/Echo"), |
::testing::Field(&grpc_core::PickArgsSeen::metadata, |
::testing::UnorderedElementsAre( |
::testing::Pair("foo", "1"), |
::testing::Pair("bar", "2"), |
::testing::Pair("baz", "3")))), |
::testing::AllOf( |
::testing::Field(&grpc_core::PickArgsSeen::path, |
"/grpc.testing.EchoTestService/Echo"), |
::testing::Field(&grpc_core::PickArgsSeen::metadata, |
::testing::UnorderedElementsAre( |
::testing::Pair("foo", "1"), |
::testing::Pair("bar", "2"), |
::testing::Pair("baz", "3")))))); |
// Now send an RPC and check that the picker sees the expected data.
CheckRpcSendOk(stub, DEBUG_LOCATION, /*wait_for_ready=*/true); |
auto pick_args_seen_list = args_seen_list(); |
EXPECT_THAT(pick_args_seen_list, |
::testing::ElementsAre(::testing::AllOf( |
::testing::Field(&grpc_core::PickArgsSeen::path, |
"/grpc.testing.EchoTestService/Echo"), |
::testing::Field(&grpc_core::PickArgsSeen::metadata, |
::testing::UnorderedElementsAre( |
::testing::Pair("foo", "1"), |
::testing::Pair("bar", "2"), |
::testing::Pair("baz", "3")))))) |
<< ArgsSeenListString(pick_args_seen_list); |
} |
class ClientLbInterceptTrailingMetadataTest : public ClientLbEnd2endTest { |