add explainers

Jan Tattermusch 5 years ago
parent 5cc76cf450
commit 5d7787770b
  1. 135

@ -13,6 +13,15 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Script to extract build metadata from bazel BUILD.
# To avoid having two sources of truth for the build metadata (build
# targets, source files, header files etc.), this script analyzes the contents
# of bazel BUILD files and generates a YAML file (currently called
# build_autogenerated.yaml). The format and semantics of the generated YAML files
# is chosen to match the format of a "build.yaml" file, which used
# to be build the source of truth for gRPC build before bazel became
# the primary build system.
import subprocess
import yaml
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
@ -32,6 +41,7 @@ def _bazel_query_xml_tree(query):
def _rule_dict_from_xml_node(rule_xml_node):
"""Converts XML node representing a rule (obtained from "bazel query --output xml") to a dictionary that contains all the metadata we will need."""
result = {
'class': rule_xml_node.attrib.get('class'),
'name': rule_xml_node.attrib.get('name'),
@ -63,6 +73,7 @@ def _rule_dict_from_xml_node(rule_xml_node):
def _extract_rules_from_bazel_xml(xml_tree):
"""Extract bazel rules from an XML tree node obtained from "bazel query --output xml" command."""
result = {}
for child in xml_tree:
if child.tag == 'rule':
@ -133,8 +144,13 @@ def _extract_deps(bazel_rule):
def _create_target_from_bazel_rule(target_name, bazel_rules):
# extract the deps from bazel
"""Create build.yaml-like target definition from bazel metadata"""
bazel_rule = bazel_rules[_get_bazel_label(target_name)]
# Create a template for our target from the bazel rule. Initially we only
# populate some "private" fields with the original info we got from bazel
# and only later we will populate the public fields (once we do some extra
# postprocessing).
result = {
'name': target_name,
'_PUBLIC_HEADERS_BAZEL': _extract_public_headers(bazel_rule),
@ -312,22 +328,33 @@ def _expand_intermediate_deps(target_dict, public_dep_names, bazel_rules):
def _generate_build_metadata(build_extra_metadata, bazel_rules):
"""Generate build metadata in build.yaml-like format bazel build metadata and build.yaml-specific "extra metadata"."""
lib_names = build_extra_metadata.keys()
result = {}
for lib_name in lib_names:
lib_dict = _create_target_from_bazel_rule(lib_name, bazel_rules)
# Figure out the final list of headers and sources for given target.
# While this is mostly based on bazel build metadata, build.yaml does
# not necessarily expose all the targets that are present in bazel build.
# These "intermediate dependencies" might get flattened.
# TODO(jtattermusch): This is done to avoid introducing too many intermediate
# libraries into the build.yaml-based builds (which might in turn cause issues
# building language-specific artifacts). The need for elision (and expansion)
# of intermediate libraries can be re-evaluated in the future.
_expand_intermediate_deps(lib_dict, lib_names, bazel_rules)
# populate extra properties from build metadata
# populate extra properties from the build.yaml-specific "extra metadata"
lib_dict.update(build_extra_metadata.get(lib_name, {}))
# store to results
result[lib_name] = lib_dict
# rename some targets to something else
# this needs to be made after we're done with most of processing logic
# Rename targets marked with "_RENAME" extra metadata.
# This is mostly a cosmetic change to ensure that we end up with build.yaml target
# names we're used to from the past (and also to avoid too long target names).
# The rename step needs to be made after we're done with most of processing logic
# otherwise the already-renamed libraries will have different names than expected
for lib_name in lib_names:
to_name = build_extra_metadata.get(lib_name, {}).get('_RENAME', None)
@ -410,8 +437,8 @@ def _extract_cc_tests(bazel_rules):
return list(sorted(result))
def _filter_cc_tests(tests):
"""Filters out tests that we don't want or we cannot build them reasonably"""
def _exclude_unwanted_cc_tests(tests):
"""Filters out bazel tests that we don't want to run with other build systems or we cannot build them reasonably"""
# most qps tests are autogenerated, we are fine without them
tests = list(
@ -472,6 +499,7 @@ def _filter_cc_tests(tests):
def _generate_build_extra_metadata_for_tests(tests, bazel_rules):
"""For given tests, generate the "extra metadata" that we need for our "build.yaml"-like output. The extra metadata is generated from the bazel rule metadata by using a bunch of heuristics."""
test_metadata = {}
for test in tests:
test_dict = {'build': 'test', '_TYPE': 'target'}
@ -567,6 +595,16 @@ def _generate_build_extra_metadata_for_tests(tests, bazel_rules):
return test_metadata
def _detect_and_print_issues(build_yaml_like):
"""Try detecting some unusual situations and warn about them."""
for tgt in build_yaml_like['targets']:
if tgt['build'] == 'test':
for src in tgt['src']:
if src.startswith('src/') and not src.endswith('.proto'):
print('source file from under "src/" tree used in test ' +
tgt['name'] + ': ' + src)
# extra metadata that will be used to construct build.yaml
# there are mostly extra properties that we weren't able to obtain from the bazel build
# _TYPE: whether this is library, target or test
@ -937,31 +975,86 @@ _BAZEL_DEPS_QUERIES = [
# Step 1: run a bunch of "bazel query --output xml" queries to collect
# the raw build metadata from the bazel build.
# At the end of this step we will have a dictionary of bazel rules
# that are interesting to us (libraries, binaries, etc.) along
# with their most important metadata (sources, headers, dependencies)
bazel_rules = {}
for query in _BAZEL_DEPS_QUERIES:
# Step 1a: Knowing the transitive closure of dependencies will make
# the postprocessing simpler, so compute the info for all our rules.
tests = _filter_cc_tests(_extract_cc_tests(bazel_rules))
test_metadata = _generate_build_extra_metadata_for_tests(tests, bazel_rules)
all_metadata = {}
all_targets_dict = _generate_build_metadata(all_metadata, bazel_rules)
# Step 2: Extract the known bazel cc_test tests. While most tests
# will be buildable with other build systems just fine, some of these tests
# would be too difficult to build and run with other build systems,
# so we simply the ones we don't want.
tests = _exclude_unwanted_cc_tests(_extract_cc_tests(bazel_rules))
# Step 3: Generate the "extra metadata" for all our build targets.
# While the bazel rules give us most of the information we need,
# the legacy "build.yaml" format requires some additional fields that
# we cannot get just from bazel alone (we call that "extra metadata").
# In this step, we basically analyze the build metadata we have from bazel
# and use heuristics to determine (and sometimes guess) the right
# extra metadata to use for each target.
# - For some targets (such as the public libraries, helper libraries
# and executables) determining the right extra metadata is hard to do
# automatically. For these targets, the extra metadata is supplied "manually"
# in form of the _BUILD_EXTRA_METADATA dictionary. That allows us to match
# the semantics of the legacy "build.yaml" as closely as possible.
# - For test binaries, it is possible to generate the "extra metadata" mostly
# automatically using a rule-based heuristic approach because most tests
# look and behave alike from the build's perspective.
# TODO(jtattermusch): Of course neither "_BUILD_EXTRA_METADATA" or
# the heuristic approach used for tests are ideal and they cannot be made
# to cover all possible situations (and are tailored to work with the way
# the grpc build currently works), but the idea was to start with something
# reasonably simple that matches the "build.yaml"-like semantics as closely
# as possible (to avoid changing too many things at once) and gradually get
# rid of the legacy "build.yaml"-specific fields one by one. Once that is done,
# only very little "extra metadata" would be needed and/or it would be trivial
# to generate it automatically.
all_extra_metadata = {}
_generate_build_extra_metadata_for_tests(tests, bazel_rules))
# Step 4: Generate the final metadata for all the targets.
# This is done by combining the bazel build metadata and the "extra metadata"
# we obtained in the previous step.
# In this step, we also perform some interesting massaging of the target metadata
# to end up with a result that is as similar to the legacy build.yaml data
# as possible.
# - Some targets get renamed (to match the legacy build.yaml target names)
# - Some intermediate libraries get elided ("expanded") to better match the set
# of targets provided by the legacy build.yaml build
all_targets_dict = _generate_build_metadata(all_extra_metadata, bazel_rules)
# Step 5: convert the dictionary with all the targets to a dict that has
# the desired "build.yaml"-like layout.
# TODO(jtattermusch): We use the custom "build.yaml"-like layout because
# currently all other build systems use that format as their source of truth.
# In the future, we can get rid of this custom & legacy format entirely,
# but we would need to update the generators for other build systems
# at the same time.
build_yaml_like = _convert_to_build_yaml_like(all_targets_dict)
# if a test uses source files from src/ directly, it's a little bit suspicious
for tgt in build_yaml_like['targets']:
if tgt['build'] == 'test':
for src in tgt['src']:
if src.startswith('src/') and not src.endswith('.proto'):
print('source file from under "src/" tree used in test ' +
tgt['name'] + ': ' + src)
) # detect and report some suspicious situations we've seen before
# Step 6: Store the build_autogenerated.yaml in a deterministic (=sorted)
# and cleaned-up form.
# TODO(jtattermusch): The "cleanup" function is taken from the legacy
# build system (which used build.yaml) and can be eventually removed.
build_yaml_string = build_cleaner.cleaned_build_yaml_dict_as_string(
with open('build_autogenerated.yaml', 'w') as file:
