Back to using inf future lor LB call deadline

David Garcia Quintas 9 years ago
parent 6909922fdf
commit 5cf3c372dd
  1. 4
  2. 2
  3. 8

@ -602,9 +602,11 @@ static bool pick_subchannel(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, grpc_call_element *elem,
int r;
GRPC_LB_POLICY_REF(lb_policy, "pick_subchannel");
// TODO(dgq): use deadline for service config instead of inf_future for the
// pick's deadline.
const grpc_lb_policy_pick_args inputs = {
calld->pollent, initial_metadata, initial_metadata_flags,
&calld->lb_token_mdelem, calld->deadline};
&calld->lb_token_mdelem, gpr_inf_future(GPR_CLOCK_MONOTONIC)};
r = grpc_lb_policy_pick(exec_ctx, lb_policy, &inputs, connected_subchannel,
NULL, on_ready);
GRPC_LB_POLICY_UNREF(exec_ctx, lb_policy, "pick_subchannel");

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ typedef struct grpc_lb_policy_pick_args {
uint32_t initial_metadata_flags;
/** Storage for LB token in \a initial_metadata, or NULL if not used */
grpc_linked_mdelem *lb_token_mdelem_storage;
/** Deadline associated with the picking call. */
/** Deadline for the call to the LB server */
gpr_timespec deadline;
} grpc_lb_policy_pick_args;

@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ typedef struct glb_lb_policy {
const char *server_name;
grpc_client_channel_factory *cc_factory;
/** deadline for the original client's call */
/** deadline for the LB's call */
gpr_timespec deadline;
/** for communicating with the LB server */
@ -766,10 +766,7 @@ static int glb_pick(grpc_exec_ctx *exec_ctx, grpc_lb_policy *pol,
glb_lb_policy *glb_policy = (glb_lb_policy *)pol;
/* use the longest deadline across incoming calls for the communication with
* the LB server */
glb_policy->deadline =
gpr_time_max(pick_args->deadline, glb_policy->deadline);
glb_policy->deadline = pick_args->deadline;
bool pick_done;
if (glb_policy->rr_policy != NULL) {
@ -930,7 +927,6 @@ static lb_client_data *lb_client_data_create(glb_lb_policy *glb_policy) {
grpc_closure_init(&lb_client->close_sent, close_sent_cb, lb_client);
grpc_closure_init(&lb_client->srv_status_rcvd, srv_status_rcvd_cb, lb_client);
/* the longest deadline across incoming calls */
lb_client->deadline = glb_policy->deadline;
/* Note the following LB call progresses every time there's activity in \a
