@ -52,12 +52,12 @@ Request-Headers are delivered as HTTP2 headers in HEADERS + CONTINUATION frames.
HTTP2 requires that reserved headers, ones starting with ":" appear before all other headers. Additionally implementations should send **Timeout** immediately after the reserved headers and they should send the **Call-Definition** headers before sending **Custom-Metadata**.
HTTP2 requires that reserved headers, ones starting with ":" appear before all other headers. Additionally implementations should send **Timeout** immediately after the reserved headers and they should send the **Call-Definition** headers before sending **Custom-Metadata**.
Some gRPC implementations may allow the **Path** format shown above
**Path** is case-sensitive. Some gRPC implementations may allow the **Path**
to be overridden, but this functionality is strongly discouraged.
format shown above to be overridden, but this functionality is strongly
gRPC does not go out of its way to break users that are using this kind
discouraged. gRPC does not go out of its way to break users that are using this
of override, but we do not actively support it, and some functionality
kind of override, but we do not actively support it, and some functionality
(e.g., service config support) will not work when the path is not of
(e.g., service config support) will not work when the path is not of the form
the form shown above. Also note that path is case-sensitive.
shown above.
If **Timeout** is omitted a server should assume an infinite timeout. Client implementations are free to send a default minimum timeout based on their deployment requirements.
If **Timeout** is omitted a server should assume an infinite timeout. Client implementations are free to send a default minimum timeout based on their deployment requirements.