All the files for this tutorial are in the directory `grpc-common/csharp/route_guide`.
Open the solution `grpc-common/csharp/route_guide/RouteGuide.sln` from Visual Studio (or Monodevelop on Linux).
You also should have the relevant tools installed to generate the server and client interface code.
On Windows, you should not need to do anything besides opening the solution. All the needed dependencies will be restored
for you automatically by the `Grpc` NuGet package upon building the solution.
**TODO: more on how to install protoc**
On Linux (or MacOS), you will first need to install protobuf and gRPC C Core using Linuxbrew (or Homebrew) tool in order to be
able to generate the server and client interface code and run the examples. Follow the instructions for [Linux]( or [MacOS](
## Defining the service
@ -90,19 +92,24 @@ message Point {
Next we need to generate the gRPC client and server interfaces from our .proto service definition. We do this using the protocol buffer compiler `protoc` with a special gRPC C# plugin.
If you want to run this yourself, make sure you've installed protoc and followed the gRPC C# plugin [installation instructions]( first.
**TODO: more on how to install protoc and grpc_csharp_plugin**
If you want to run this yourself, make sure you've installed protoc and gRPC C# plugin. The instructions vary based on your OS:
- For Windows, the `Grpc` NuGet package contains all the libraries and tools you will need. No need to do any extra steps.
- For Linux, make sure you've [installed gRPC C Core using Linuxbrew](
- For MacOS, make sure you've [installed gRPC C Core using Homebrew](
Once that's done, the following command can be used to generate the C# code.
To generate the code on Windows, we use `protoc.exe` and `grpc_csharp_plugin.exe` binaries that are shipped with the `Grpc` NuGet package under the `tools` directory. Following command should be run from the `csharp/route_guide` directory: