Next we need to generate the gRPC client and server interfaces from our .proto service definition. We do this using the protocol buffer compiler `protoc` with a special gRPC C# plugin.
If you want to run this yourself, make sure you've installed protoc and gRPC C# plugin. The instructions vary based on your OS:
- For Windows, the `Grpc` NuGet package contains all the libraries and tools you will need. No need to do any extra steps.
- For Windows, the `Grpc.Tools` NuGet package contains the binaries you will need to generate the code.
- For Linux, make sure you've [installed gRPC C Core using Linuxbrew](
- For MacOS, make sure you've [installed gRPC C Core using Homebrew](
Once that's done, the following command can be used to generate the C# code.
To generate the code on Windows, we use `protoc.exe` and `grpc_csharp_plugin.exe` binaries that are shipped with the `Grpc` NuGet package under the `tools` directory. Following command should be run from the `csharp/route_guide` directory:
To generate the code on Windows, we use `protoc.exe` and `grpc_csharp_plugin.exe` binaries that are shipped with the `Grpc.Tools` NuGet package under the `tools` directory.
Normally you would need to add the `Grpc.Tools` package to the solution yourself, but in this tutorial it has been already done for you. Following command should be run from the `csharp/route_guide` directory: