Simplify the docker image update cmd

Tim Emiola 10 years ago
parent b876c68bcc
commit 58192e8c9b
  1. 164
  2. 6

@ -85,88 +85,98 @@ grpc_add_docker_user() {
gcloud compute $project_opt ssh $zone_opt $host --command "$ssh_cmd"
# Updates a docker image specified in a local dockerfile via the docker
# container GCE instance.
# the docker container GCE instance
# - should have been setup using ./new_grpc_docker_instance
# - so will have /var/local/startup_scripts/, a copy of
# ./
# grpc_update_image gs://bucket/path/to/dockerfile parent \.
# image_label path/to/docker_dir docker_gce_instance [project] [zone]
grpc_update_image() {
_grpc_ensure_gcloud_ssh || return 1;
local gs_root_uri=$1
[[ -n $gs_root_uri ]] || {
echo "$FUNCNAME: missing arg: gs_root_uri" 1>&2
return 1
_grpc_update_image_args() {
# default the host, root storage uri and docker file root
local image_label=$2
[[ -n $image_label ]] || {
echo "$FUNCNAME: missing arg: host" 1>&2
return 1
# see if -p or -z is used to override the the project or zone
local OPTIND
local OPTARG
while getopts :r:d:h name
case $name in
d) grpc_dockerfile_root=$OPTARG ;;
r) grpc_gs_root=$OPTARG ;;
s) grpc_gce_script_root=$OPTARG ;;
h) host=$OPTARG ;;
:) continue ;; # ignore -r or -d without args, just use the defaults
\?) echo "-$OPTARG: unknown flag; it's ignored" 1>&2; continue ;;
shift $((OPTIND-1))
local docker_dir=$3
[[ -n $docker_dir ]] || {
echo "$FUNCNAME: missing arg: docker_dir" 1>&2
[[ -d $grpc_dockerfile_root ]] || {
echo "Could not locate dockerfile root dir: $grpc_dockerfile_root" 1>&2
return 1
[[ -d $docker_dir ]] || {
echo "could find directory $docker_dir" 1>&2
[[ -d $grpc_gce_script_root ]] || {
echo "Could not locate gce script dir: $grpc_gce_script_root" 1>&2
return 1
local docker_parent_dir=$(dirname $docker_dir)
local gce_docker_dir="/var/local/dockerfile/$(basename $docker_dir)"
local host=$4
[[ -n $host ]] || {
echo "$FUNCNAME: missing arg: host" 1>&2
# the suffix is required and can't be defaulted
# the suffix has two roles:
# - images are labelled grpc/<label_suffix>
# - the dockerfile is for an image is dockerfile_root/grpc_<label_suffix>
[[ -n $1 ]] && {
} || {
echo "$FUNCNAME: missing arg: label_suffix (e.g cxx,base,ruby,java_base)" 1>&2
return 1
local project=$5
local project_opt=''
[[ -n $project ]] && project_opt=" --project $project"
local zone=$6
local zone_opt=''
[[ -n $zone ]] && zone_opt=" --zone $zone"
# Updates a docker image specified in a local dockerfile via the docker
# container GCE instance.
# the docker container GCE instance
# - should have been setup using ./new_grpc_docker_instance
# There are options for
# call-seq:
# grpc_update_image php_base
# grpc_update_image cxx # rebuilds the cxx image
grpc_update_image() {
_grpc_ensure_gcloud_ssh || return 1;
local func_lib="/var/local/startup_scripts/"
local ssh_cmd="source $func_lib"
# set up by _grpc_update_args
local host grpc_gs_root grpc_gce_script_root grpc_dockerfile_root label_suffix
local grpc_zone grpc_project dry_run # set by _grpc_set_project_and_zone
_grpc_set_project_and_zone -f _grpc_update_image_args "$@" || return 1
local project_opt="--project $grpc_project"
local zone_opt="--zone $grpc_zone"
local image_label="grpc/$label_suffix"
local docker_dir_basename="grpc_$label_suffix"
local gce_docker_dir="/var/local/dockerfile/${docker_dir_basename}"
# Set up and run the SSH command that builds the image
local func_lib=""
local gce_func_lib="/var/local/startup_scripts/$func_lib"
local ssh_cmd="source $gce_func_lib"
local ssh_cmd+=" && grpc_dockerfile_refresh $image_label $gce_docker_dir"
echo "will run:"
echo " $ssh_cmd"
echo "on $host"
[[ $dry_run == 1 ]] && return 0 # don't run the command on a dry run
grpc_push_dockerfiles $docker_parent_dir $gs_root_uri || return 1
gcloud compute $project_opt ssh $zone_opt $host --command "$ssh_cmd"
# gce_has_instance checks if a project contains a named instance
# gce_has_instance <project> <instance_name>
gce_has_instance() {
local project=$1
[[ -n $project ]] || { echo "$FUNCNAME: missing arg: project" 1>&2; return 1; }
local checked_instance=$2
[[ -n $checked_instance ]] || {
echo "$FUNCNAME: missing arg: checked_instance" 1>&2
return 1
# Update the remote copy of the GCE func library.
local src_func_lib="$grpc_gce_script_root/$func_lib"
local rmt_func_lib="$host:$gce_func_lib"
gcloud compute copy-files $src_func_lib $rmt_func_lib $project_opt $zone_opt || return 1
instances=$(gcloud --project $project compute instances list \
| sed -e 's/ \+/ /g' | cut -d' ' -f 1)
for i in $instances
if [[ $i == $checked_instance ]]
return 0
# Update the remote version of the docker func.
local src_docker_dir="$grpc_dockerfile_root/$docker_dir_basename"
local rmt_docker_root="$host:/var/local/dockerfile"
gcloud compute copy-files $src_docker_dir $rmt_docker_root $project_opt $zone_opt || return 1
echo "instance '$checked_instance' not found in compute project $project" 1>&2
return 1
gcloud compute $project_opt ssh $zone_opt $host --command "$ssh_cmd"
# gce_find_internal_ip finds the ip address of a instance if it is present in
@ -202,13 +212,19 @@ gce_find_internal_ip() {
# - is set to the value gcloud config value for project if that's present
# - it defaults to stoked-keyword-656 (the grpc cloud testing project)
# - it can be overridden by passing -p <other value>
grpc_set_project_and_zone() {
_grpc_set_project_and_zone() {
# can be set to 1 by passing -n in the args
# by default; grpc_zone == gcloud config value || asia-east1-a
# - can be assigned via -p<project> in the args
grpc_zone=$(gcloud config list compute/zone --format text \
| sed -e 's/ \+/ /g' | cut -d' ' -f 2)
# pick a known zone as a default
[[ $grpc_zone == 'None' ]] && grpc_zone='asia-east1-a'
# grpc_project == gcloud config value || stoked-keyword-656
# - can be assigned via -z<zone> in the args
grpc_project=$(gcloud config list project --format text \
| sed -e 's/ \+/ /g' | cut -d' ' -f 2)
# pick an known zone as a default
@ -370,12 +386,12 @@ grpc_update_docker_images() {
# declare vars local so that they don't pollute the shell environment
# where they this func is used.
local grpc_zone grpc_project dry_run # set by grpc_set_project_and_zone
local grpc_zone grpc_project dry_run # set by _grpc_set_project_and_zone
# set by grpc_update_docker_images_args
local host
# set the project zone and check that all necessary args are provided
grpc_set_project_and_zone -f grpc_update_docker_images_args "$@" || return 1
_grpc_set_project_and_zone -f grpc_update_docker_images_args "$@" || return 1
gce_has_instance $grpc_project $host || return 1;
local func_lib="/var/local/startup_scripts/"
@ -427,12 +443,12 @@ grpc_launch_server_args() {
grpc_launch_server() {
# declare vars local so that they don't pollute the shell environment
# where they this func is used.
local grpc_zone grpc_project dry_run # set by grpc_set_project_and_zone
local grpc_zone grpc_project dry_run # set by _grpc_set_project_and_zone
# set by grpc_launch_server_args
local docker_label docker_name host grpc_port
# set the project zone and check that all necessary args are provided
grpc_set_project_and_zone -f grpc_launch_server_args "$@" || return 1
_grpc_set_project_and_zone -f grpc_launch_server_args "$@" || return 1
gce_has_instance $grpc_project $host || return 1;
cmd="sudo docker run -d --name $docker_name"
@ -491,12 +507,12 @@ grpc_interop_test() {
# declare vars local so that they don't pollute the shell environment
# where they this func is used.
local grpc_zone grpc_project dry_run # set by grpc_set_project_and_zone
local grpc_zone grpc_project dry_run # set by _grpc_set_project_and_zone
# grpc_interop_test_args
local test_case host grpc_gen_test_cmd grpc_server grpc_port
# set the project zone and check that all necessary args are provided
grpc_set_project_and_zone -f grpc_interop_test_args "$@" || return 1
_grpc_set_project_and_zone -f grpc_interop_test_args "$@" || return 1
gce_has_instance $grpc_project $host || return 1;
local addr=$(gce_find_internal_ip $grpc_project $grpc_server)

@ -423,10 +423,8 @@ grpc_dockerfile_install() {
# requires: $2 is a local directory containing a Dockerfile
# requires: there is a docker registry running on 5000, e.g, grpc_docker_launch_registry was run
# invokes pull_dockerfiles to refresh them all from cloud storage, then grpc_dockerfile_install
# grpc_dockerfile_refresh "grpc/mylabel" /var/local/dockerfile/dir_containing_my_dockerfile
# call-seq:
# grpc_dockerfile_refresh "grpc/mylabel" /var/local/dockerfile/dir_containing_my_dockerfile
grpc_dockerfile_refresh() {
grpc_dockerfile_pull || return 1
grpc_dockerfile_install "$@"
