Improved some Ruby inline documentation

murgatroid99 9 years ago
parent 76c929606e
commit 580a64af24
  1. 2
  2. 24
  3. 12

@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ module GRPC
# block that can be invoked with each response.
# @param requests the Enumerable of requests to send
# @op_notifier a Notifier used to signal completion
# @param op_notifier a Notifier used to signal completion
# @return an Enumerator of requests to yield
def run_on_client(requests, op_notifier, &blk)
@op_notifier = op_notifier

@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ require_relative '../version'
module GRPC
# rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists
# ClientStub represents an endpoint used to send requests to GRPC servers.
# ClientStub represents a client connection to a gRPC server, and can be used
# to send requests.
class ClientStub
include Core::StatusCodes
include Core::TimeConsts
@ -75,8 +76,9 @@ module GRPC
# my_stub =,
# :this_channel_is_insecure)
# Any arbitrary keyword arguments are treated as channel arguments used to
# configure the RPC connection to the host.
# If a channel_override argument is passed, it will be used as the
# underlying channel. Otherwise, the channel_args argument will be used
# to construct a new underlying channel.
# There are some specific keyword args that are not used to configure the
# channel:
@ -91,10 +93,17 @@ module GRPC
# @param host [String] the host the stub connects to
# @param creds [Core::ChannelCredentials|Symbol] the channel credentials, or
# :this_channel_is_insecure
# :this_channel_is_insecure, which explicitly indicates that the client
# should be created with an insecure connection. Note: this argument is
# ignored if the channel_override argument is provided.
# @param channel_override [Core::Channel] a pre-created channel
# @param timeout [Number] the default timeout to use in requests
# @param channel_args [Hash] the channel arguments
# @param propagate_mask [Number] A bitwise combination of flags in
# GRPC::Core::PropagateMasks. Indicates how data should be propagated
# from parent server calls to child client calls if this client is being
# used within a gRPC server.
# @param channel_args [Hash] the channel arguments. Note: this argument is
# ignored if the channel_override argument is provided.
def initialize(host, creds,
channel_override: nil,
timeout: nil,
@ -389,11 +398,11 @@ module GRPC
# @param marshal [Function] f(obj)->string that marshals requests
# @param unmarshal [Function] f(string)->obj that unmarshals responses
# @param deadline [Time] (optional) the time the request should complete
# @param return_op [true|false] return an Operation if true
# @param parent [Core::Call] a prior call whose reserved metadata
# will be propagated by this one.
# @param credentials [Core::CallCredentials] credentials to use when making
# the call
# @param return_op [true|false] return an Operation if true
# @param metadata [Hash] metadata to be sent to the server
# @param blk [Block] when provided, is executed for each response
# @return [Enumerator|nil|Operation] as discussed above
@ -430,7 +439,8 @@ module GRPC
# @param unmarshal [Function] f(string)->obj that unmarshals responses
# @param parent [Grpc::Call] a parent call, available when calls are
# made from server
# @param timeout [TimeConst]
# @param credentials [Core::CallCredentials] credentials to use when making
# the call
def new_active_call(method, marshal, unmarshal,
deadline: nil,
parent: nil,

@ -172,22 +172,18 @@ module GRPC
# The RPC server is configured using keyword arguments.
# There are some specific keyword args used to configure the RpcServer
# instance, however other arbitrary are allowed and when present are used
# to configure the listeninng connection set up by the RpcServer.
# * poll_period: when present, the server polls for new events with this
# period
# instance.
# * pool_size: the size of the thread pool the server uses to run its
# threads
# * creds: [GRPC::Core::ServerCredentials]
# the credentials used to secure the server
# * max_waiting_requests: the maximum number of requests that are not
# being handled to allow. When this limit is exceeded, the server responds
# with not available to new requests
# * poll_period: when present, the server polls for new events with this
# period
# * connect_md_proc:
# when non-nil is a proc for determining metadata to to send back the client
# on receiving an invocation req. The proc signature is:
