@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ _TEST_GENERIC_HANDLER = '/test/TestGenericHandler'
_TEST_UNARY_STREAM = ' /test/TestUnaryStream '
_TEST_STREAM_UNARY = ' /test/TestStreamUnary '
_TEST_STREAM_STREAM = ' /test/TestStreamStream '
_TEST_INSPECT_CONTEXT = ' /test/TestInspectContext '
_REQUEST = b ' \x00 \x00 \x00 '
_RESPONSE = b ' \x01 \x01 \x01 '
@ -75,6 +76,9 @@ _INVALID_METADATA_TEST_CASES = (
) ,
_NON_OK_CODE = grpc . StatusCode . NOT_FOUND
_DETAILS = ' Test details! '
class _TestGenericHandlerForMethods ( grpc . GenericRpcHandler ) :
@ -95,6 +99,8 @@ class _TestGenericHandlerForMethods(grpc.GenericRpcHandler):
grpc . stream_unary_rpc_method_handler ( self . _test_stream_unary ) ,
grpc . stream_stream_rpc_method_handler ( self . _test_stream_stream ) ,
grpc . unary_unary_rpc_method_handler ( self . _test_inspect_context ) ,
@ -153,6 +159,19 @@ class _TestGenericHandlerForMethods(grpc.GenericRpcHandler):
context . set_trailing_metadata ( _TRAILING_METADATA )
async def _test_inspect_context ( request , context ) :
assert _REQUEST == request
context . set_code ( _NON_OK_CODE )
context . set_details ( _DETAILS )
context . set_trailing_metadata ( _TRAILING_METADATA )
# ensure that we can read back the data we set on the context
assert context . get_code ( ) == _NON_OK_CODE
assert context . get_details ( ) == _DETAILS
assert context . get_trailing_metadata ( ) == _TRAILING_METADATA
return _RESPONSE
def service ( self , handler_call_details ) :
return self . _routing_table . get ( handler_call_details . method )
@ -291,6 +310,15 @@ class TestMetadata(AioTestBase):
self . assertEqual ( expected_sum , metadata_obj + aio . Metadata (
( ' third ' , ' 3 ' ) ) )
async def test_inspect_context ( self ) :
multicallable = self . _client . unary_unary ( _TEST_INSPECT_CONTEXT )
call = multicallable ( _REQUEST )
with self . assertRaises ( grpc . RpcError ) as exc_data :
await call
err = exc_data . exception
self . assertEqual ( _NON_OK_CODE , err . code ( ) )
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
logging . basicConfig ( level = logging . DEBUG )