@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ __all__ = 'AioRpcError', 'Call', 'UnaryUnaryCall', 'UnaryStreamCall'
_LOCAL_CANCELLATION_DETAILS = ' Locally cancelled by application! '
_GC_CANCELLATION_DETAILS = ' Cancelled upon garbage collection! '
_RPC_ALREADY_FINISHED_DETAILS = ' RPC already finished. '
_RPC_HALF_CLOSED_DETAILS = ' RPC is half closed after calling " done_writing " . '
_OK_CALL_REPRESENTATION = ( ' < {} of RPC that terminated with: \n '
' \t status = {} \n '
@ -146,31 +147,48 @@ def _create_rpc_error(initial_metadata: Optional[MetadataType],
class Call ( _base_call . Call ) :
""" Base implementation of client RPC Call object.
Implements logic around final status , metadata and cancellation .
_loop : asyncio . AbstractEventLoop
_code : grpc . StatusCode
_status : Awaitable [ cygrpc . AioRpcStatus ]
_initial_metadata : Awaitable [ MetadataType ]
_locally_cancelled : bool
_cython_call : cygrpc . _AioCall
def __init__ ( self ) - > None :
def __init__ ( self , cython_call : cygrpc . _AioCall ) - > None :
self . _loop = asyncio . get_event_loop ( )
self . _code = None
self . _status = self . _loop . create_future ( )
self . _initial_metadata = self . _loop . create_future ( )
self . _locally_cancelled = False
self . _cython_call = cython_call
def cancel ( self ) - > bool :
""" Placeholder cancellation method.
The implementation of this method needs to pass the cancellation reason
into self . _cancellation , using ` set_result ` instead of
` set_exception ` .
raise NotImplementedError ( )
def __del__ ( self ) - > None :
if not self . _status . done ( ) :
self . _cancel (
cygrpc . AioRpcStatus ( cygrpc . StatusCode . cancelled ,
def cancelled ( self ) - > bool :
return self . _code == grpc . StatusCode . CANCELLED
def _cancel ( self , status : cygrpc . AioRpcStatus ) - > bool :
""" Forwards the application cancellation reasoning. """
if not self . _status . done ( ) :
self . _set_status ( status )
self . _cython_call . cancel ( status )
return True
else :
return False
def cancel ( self ) - > bool :
return self . _cancel (
cygrpc . AioRpcStatus ( cygrpc . StatusCode . cancelled ,
def done ( self ) - > bool :
return self . _status . done ( )
@ -247,6 +265,7 @@ class Call(_base_call.Call):
return self . _repr ( )
# TODO(https://github.com/grpc/grpc/issues/21623) remove this suppression
# pylint: disable=abstract-method
class UnaryUnaryCall ( Call , _base_call . UnaryUnaryCall ) :
""" Object for managing unary-unary RPC calls.
@ -254,37 +273,29 @@ class UnaryUnaryCall(Call, _base_call.UnaryUnaryCall):
Returned when an instance of ` UnaryUnaryMultiCallable ` object is called .
_request : RequestType
_channel : cygrpc . AioChannel
_request_serializer : SerializingFunction
_response_deserializer : DeserializingFunction
_call : asyncio . Task
_cython_call : cygrpc . _AioCall
def __init__ ( # pylint: disable=R0913
self , request : RequestType , deadline : Optional [ float ] ,
credentials : Optional [ grpc . CallCredentials ] ,
channel : cygrpc . AioChannel , method : bytes ,
request_serializer : SerializingFunction ,
response_deserializer : DeserializingFunction ) - > None :
super ( ) . __init__ ( )
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
def __init__ ( self , request : RequestType , deadline : Optional [ float ] ,
credentials : Optional [ grpc . CallCredentials ] ,
channel : cygrpc . AioChannel , method : bytes ,
request_serializer : SerializingFunction ,
response_deserializer : DeserializingFunction ) - > None :
channel . call ( method , deadline , credentials )
super ( ) . __init__ ( channel . call ( method , deadline , credentials ) )
self . _request = request
self . _channel = channel
self . _request_serializer = request_serializer
self . _response_deserializer = response_deserializer
if credentials is not None :
grpc_credentials = credentials . _credentials
else :
grpc_credentials = None
self . _cython_call = self . _channel . call ( method , deadline ,
grpc_credentials )
self . _call = self . _loop . create_task ( self . _invoke ( ) )
def __del__ ( self ) - > None :
if not self . _call . done ( ) :
self . _cancel (
cygrpc . AioRpcStatus ( cygrpc . StatusCode . cancelled ,
def cancel ( self ) - > bool :
if super ( ) . cancel ( ) :
self . _call . cancel ( )
return True
else :
return False
async def _invoke ( self ) - > ResponseType :
serialized_request = _common . serialize ( self . _request ,
@ -300,7 +311,7 @@ class UnaryUnaryCall(Call, _base_call.UnaryUnaryCall):
self . _set_status ,
except asyncio . CancelledError :
if self . _code != grpc . StatusCode . CANCELLED :
if not self . cancelled ( ) :
self . cancel ( )
# Raises here if RPC failed or cancelled
@ -309,21 +320,6 @@ class UnaryUnaryCall(Call, _base_call.UnaryUnaryCall):
return _common . deserialize ( serialized_response ,
self . _response_deserializer )
def _cancel ( self , status : cygrpc . AioRpcStatus ) - > bool :
""" Forwards the application cancellation reasoning. """
if not self . _status . done ( ) :
self . _set_status ( status )
self . _cython_call . cancel ( status )
self . _call . cancel ( )
return True
else :
return False
def cancel ( self ) - > bool :
return self . _cancel (
cygrpc . AioRpcStatus ( cygrpc . StatusCode . cancelled ,
def __await__ ( self ) - > ResponseType :
""" Wait till the ongoing RPC request finishes. """
try :
@ -339,6 +335,7 @@ class UnaryUnaryCall(Call, _base_call.UnaryUnaryCall):
return response
# TODO(https://github.com/grpc/grpc/issues/21623) remove this suppression
# pylint: disable=abstract-method
class UnaryStreamCall ( Call , _base_call . UnaryStreamCall ) :
""" Object for managing unary-stream RPC calls.
@ -346,107 +343,346 @@ class UnaryStreamCall(Call, _base_call.UnaryStreamCall):
Returned when an instance of ` UnaryStreamMultiCallable ` object is called .
_request : RequestType
_channel : cygrpc . AioChannel
_request_serializer : SerializingFunction
_response_deserializer : DeserializingFunction
_cython_call : cygrpc . _AioCall
_send_unary_request_task : asyncio . Task
_message_aiter : AsyncIterable [ ResponseType ]
def __init__ ( # pylint: disable=R0913
self , request : RequestType , deadline : Optional [ float ] ,
credentials : Optional [ grpc . CallCredentials ] ,
channel : cygrpc . AioChannel , method : bytes ,
request_serializer : SerializingFunction ,
response_deserializer : DeserializingFunction ) - > None :
super ( ) . __init__ ( )
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
def __init__ ( self , request : RequestType , deadline : Optional [ float ] ,
credentials : Optional [ grpc . CallCredentials ] ,
channel : cygrpc . AioChannel , method : bytes ,
request_serializer : SerializingFunction ,
response_deserializer : DeserializingFunction ) - > None :
super ( ) . __init__ ( channel . call ( method , deadline , credentials ) )
self . _request = request
self . _channel = channel
self . _request_serializer = request_serializer
self . _response_deserializer = response_deserializer
self . _send_unary_request_task = self . _loop . create_task (
self . _send_unary_request ( ) )
self . _message_aiter = self . _fetch_stream_responses ( )
self . _message_aiter = None
if credentials is not None :
grpc_credentials = credentials . _credentials
def cancel ( self ) - > bool :
if super ( ) . cancel ( ) :
self . _send_unary_request_task . cancel ( )
return True
else :
grpc_credentials = None
self . _cython_call = self . _channel . call ( method , deadline ,
grpc_credentials )
def __del__ ( self ) - > None :
if not self . _status . done ( ) :
self . _cancel (
cygrpc . AioRpcStatus ( cygrpc . StatusCode . cancelled ,
return False
async def _send_unary_request ( self ) - > ResponseType :
serialized_request = _common . serialize ( self . _request ,
self . _request_serializer )
try :
await self . _cython_call . unary_stream ( serialized_request ,
self . _set_initial_metadata ,
self . _set_status )
await self . _cython_call . initiate_unary_stream (
serialized_request , self . _set_initial_metadata ,
self . _set_status )
except asyncio . CancelledError :
if self . _code != grpc . StatusCode . CANCELLED :
if not self . cancelled ( ) :
self . cancel ( )
async def _fetch_stream_responses ( self ) - > ResponseType :
await self . _send_unary_request_task
message = await self . _read ( )
while message :
while message is not cygrpc . EOF :
yield message
message = await self . _read ( )
def _cancel ( self , status : cygrpc . AioRpcStatus ) - > bool :
""" Forwards the application cancellation reasoning.
def __aiter__ ( self ) - > AsyncIterable [ ResponseType ] :
if self . _message_aiter is None :
self . _message_aiter = self . _fetch_stream_responses ( )
return self . _message_aiter
Async generator will receive an exception . The cancellation will go
deep down into Core , and then propagates backup as the
` cygrpc . AioRpcStatus ` exception .
async def _read ( self ) - > ResponseType :
# Wait for the request being sent
await self . _send_unary_request_task
So , under race condition , e . g . the server sent out final state headers
and the client calling " cancel " at the same time , this method respects
the winner in Core .
if not self . _status . done ( ) :
self . _set_status ( status )
self . _cython_call . cancel ( status )
# Reads response message from Core
try :
raw_response = await self . _cython_call . receive_serialized_message ( )
except asyncio . CancelledError :
if not self . cancelled ( ) :
self . cancel ( )
await self . _raise_for_status ( )
if raw_response is cygrpc . EOF :
return cygrpc . EOF
else :
return _common . deserialize ( raw_response ,
self . _response_deserializer )
async def read ( self ) - > ResponseType :
if self . _status . done ( ) :
await self . _raise_for_status ( )
return cygrpc . EOF
response_message = await self . _read ( )
if response_message is cygrpc . EOF :
# If the read operation failed, Core should explain why.
await self . _raise_for_status ( )
return response_message
# TODO(https://github.com/grpc/grpc/issues/21623) remove this suppression
# pylint: disable=abstract-method
class StreamUnaryCall ( Call , _base_call . StreamUnaryCall ) :
""" Object for managing stream-unary RPC calls.
Returned when an instance of ` StreamUnaryMultiCallable ` object is called .
_metadata : MetadataType
_request_serializer : SerializingFunction
_response_deserializer : DeserializingFunction
_metadata_sent : asyncio . Event
_done_writing : bool
_call_finisher : asyncio . Task
_async_request_poller : asyncio . Task
if not self . _send_unary_request_task . done ( ) :
# Injects CancelledError to the Task. The exception will
# propagate to _fetch_stream_responses as well, if the sending
# is not done.
self . _send_unary_request_task . cancel ( )
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
def __init__ ( self ,
request_async_iterator : Optional [ AsyncIterable [ RequestType ] ] ,
deadline : Optional [ float ] ,
credentials : Optional [ grpc . CallCredentials ] ,
channel : cygrpc . AioChannel , method : bytes ,
request_serializer : SerializingFunction ,
response_deserializer : DeserializingFunction ) - > None :
super ( ) . __init__ ( channel . call ( method , deadline , credentials ) )
self . _metadata = _EMPTY_METADATA
self . _request_serializer = request_serializer
self . _response_deserializer = response_deserializer
self . _metadata_sent = asyncio . Event ( loop = self . _loop )
self . _done_writing = False
self . _call_finisher = self . _loop . create_task ( self . _conduct_rpc ( ) )
# If user passes in an async iterator, create a consumer Task.
if request_async_iterator is not None :
self . _async_request_poller = self . _loop . create_task (
self . _consume_request_iterator ( request_async_iterator ) )
else :
self . _async_request_poller = None
def cancel ( self ) - > bool :
if super ( ) . cancel ( ) :
self . _call_finisher . cancel ( )
if self . _async_request_poller is not None :
self . _async_request_poller . cancel ( )
return True
else :
return False
def _metadata_sent_observer ( self ) :
self . _metadata_sent . set ( )
async def _conduct_rpc ( self ) - > ResponseType :
try :
serialized_response = await self . _cython_call . stream_unary (
self . _metadata ,
self . _metadata_sent_observer ,
self . _set_initial_metadata ,
self . _set_status ,
except asyncio . CancelledError :
if not self . cancelled ( ) :
self . cancel ( )
# Raises RpcError if the RPC failed or cancelled
await self . _raise_for_status ( )
return _common . deserialize ( serialized_response ,
self . _response_deserializer )
async def _consume_request_iterator (
self , request_async_iterator : AsyncIterable [ RequestType ] ) - > None :
async for request in request_async_iterator :
await self . write ( request )
await self . done_writing ( )
def __await__ ( self ) - > ResponseType :
""" Wait till the ongoing RPC request finishes. """
try :
response = yield from self . _call_finisher
except asyncio . CancelledError :
if not self . cancelled ( ) :
self . cancel ( )
return response
async def write ( self , request : RequestType ) - > None :
if self . _status . done ( ) :
raise asyncio . InvalidStateError ( _RPC_ALREADY_FINISHED_DETAILS )
if self . _done_writing :
raise asyncio . InvalidStateError ( _RPC_HALF_CLOSED_DETAILS )
if not self . _metadata_sent . is_set ( ) :
await self . _metadata_sent . wait ( )
serialized_request = _common . serialize ( request ,
self . _request_serializer )
try :
await self . _cython_call . send_serialized_message ( serialized_request )
except asyncio . CancelledError :
if not self . cancelled ( ) :
self . cancel ( )
await self . _raise_for_status ( )
async def done_writing ( self ) - > None :
""" Implementation of done_writing is idempotent. """
if self . _status . done ( ) :
# If the RPC is finished, do nothing.
if not self . _done_writing :
# If the done writing is not sent before, try to send it.
self . _done_writing = True
try :
await self . _cython_call . send_receive_close ( )
except asyncio . CancelledError :
if not self . cancelled ( ) :
self . cancel ( )
await self . _raise_for_status ( )
# TODO(https://github.com/grpc/grpc/issues/21623) remove this suppression
# pylint: disable=abstract-method
class StreamStreamCall ( Call , _base_call . StreamStreamCall ) :
""" Object for managing stream-stream RPC calls.
Returned when an instance of ` StreamStreamMultiCallable ` object is called .
_metadata : MetadataType
_request_serializer : SerializingFunction
_response_deserializer : DeserializingFunction
_metadata_sent : asyncio . Event
_done_writing : bool
_initializer : asyncio . Task
_async_request_poller : asyncio . Task
_message_aiter : AsyncIterable [ ResponseType ]
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
def __init__ ( self ,
request_async_iterator : Optional [ AsyncIterable [ RequestType ] ] ,
deadline : Optional [ float ] ,
credentials : Optional [ grpc . CallCredentials ] ,
channel : cygrpc . AioChannel , method : bytes ,
request_serializer : SerializingFunction ,
response_deserializer : DeserializingFunction ) - > None :
super ( ) . __init__ ( channel . call ( method , deadline , credentials ) )
self . _metadata = _EMPTY_METADATA
self . _request_serializer = request_serializer
self . _response_deserializer = response_deserializer
self . _metadata_sent = asyncio . Event ( loop = self . _loop )
self . _done_writing = False
self . _initializer = self . _loop . create_task ( self . _prepare_rpc ( ) )
# If user passes in an async iterator, create a consumer coroutine.
if request_async_iterator is not None :
self . _async_request_poller = self . _loop . create_task (
self . _consume_request_iterator ( request_async_iterator ) )
else :
self . _async_request_poller = None
self . _message_aiter = None
def cancel ( self ) - > bool :
return self . _cancel (
cygrpc . AioRpcStatus ( cygrpc . StatusCode . cancelled ,
if super ( ) . cancel ( ) :
self . _initializer . cancel ( )
if self . _async_request_poller is not None :
self . _async_request_poller . cancel ( )
return True
else :
return False
def _metadata_sent_observer ( self ) :
self . _metadata_sent . set ( )
async def _prepare_rpc ( self ) :
""" This method prepares the RPC for receiving/sending messages.
All other operations around the stream should only happen after the
completion of this method .
try :
await self . _cython_call . initiate_stream_stream (
self . _metadata ,
self . _metadata_sent_observer ,
self . _set_initial_metadata ,
self . _set_status ,
except asyncio . CancelledError :
if not self . cancelled ( ) :
self . cancel ( )
# No need to raise RpcError here, because no one will `await` this task.
async def _consume_request_iterator (
self , request_async_iterator : Optional [ AsyncIterable [ RequestType ] ]
) - > None :
async for request in request_async_iterator :
await self . write ( request )
await self . done_writing ( )
async def write ( self , request : RequestType ) - > None :
if self . _status . done ( ) :
raise asyncio . InvalidStateError ( _RPC_ALREADY_FINISHED_DETAILS )
if self . _done_writing :
raise asyncio . InvalidStateError ( _RPC_HALF_CLOSED_DETAILS )
if not self . _metadata_sent . is_set ( ) :
await self . _metadata_sent . wait ( )
serialized_request = _common . serialize ( request ,
self . _request_serializer )
try :
await self . _cython_call . send_serialized_message ( serialized_request )
except asyncio . CancelledError :
if not self . cancelled ( ) :
self . cancel ( )
await self . _raise_for_status ( )
async def done_writing ( self ) - > None :
""" Implementation of done_writing is idempotent. """
if self . _status . done ( ) :
# If the RPC is finished, do nothing.
if not self . _done_writing :
# If the done writing is not sent before, try to send it.
self . _done_writing = True
try :
await self . _cython_call . send_receive_close ( )
except asyncio . CancelledError :
if not self . cancelled ( ) :
self . cancel ( )
await self . _raise_for_status ( )
async def _fetch_stream_responses ( self ) - > ResponseType :
""" The async generator that yields responses from peer. """
message = await self . _read ( )
while message is not cygrpc . EOF :
yield message
message = await self . _read ( )
def __aiter__ ( self ) - > AsyncIterable [ ResponseType ] :
if self . _message_aiter is None :
self . _message_aiter = self . _fetch_stream_responses ( )
return self . _message_aiter
async def _read ( self ) - > ResponseType :
# Wait for the request being sent
await self . _send_unary_request_task
# Wait for the setup
await self . _initializer
# Reads response message from Core
try :
raw_response = await self . _cython_call . receive_serialized_message ( )
except asyncio . CancelledError :
if self . _code != grpc . StatusCode . CANCELLED :
if not self . cancelled ( ) :
self . cancel ( )
await self . _ raise_for_status ( )
if raw_response is None :
return None
if raw_response is cygrpc . EOF :
return cygrpc . EOF
else :
return _common . deserialize ( raw_response ,
self . _response_deserializer )
@ -454,14 +690,11 @@ class UnaryStreamCall(Call, _base_call.UnaryStreamCall):
async def read ( self ) - > ResponseType :
if self . _status . done ( ) :
await self . _raise_for_status ( )
raise asyncio . InvalidStateError ( _RPC_ALREADY_FINISHED_DETAILS )
return cygrpc . EOF
response_message = await self . _read ( )
if response_message is None :
if response_message is cygrpc . EOF :
# If the read operation failed, Core should explain why.
await self . _raise_for_status ( )
# If no exception raised, there is something wrong internally.
assert False , ' Read operation failed with StatusCode.OK '
else :
return response_message
return response_message