@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ |
#include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/call.h> |
#include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/call_op_set.h> |
#include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/call_op_set_interface.h> |
#include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/channel_interface.h> |
#include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/client_context.h> |
#include <grpcpp/impl/codegen/server_context.h> |
@ -28,6 +30,10 @@ |
namespace grpc { |
// Forward declaration for use in Helper class
template <class R> |
class ClientAsyncResponseReader; |
/// An interface relevant for async client side unary RPCs (which send
/// one request message to a server and receive one response message).
template <class R> |
@ -66,8 +72,8 @@ class ClientAsyncResponseReaderInterface { |
}; |
namespace internal { |
template <class R> |
class ClientAsyncResponseReaderFactory { |
class ClientAsyncResponseReaderHelper { |
public: |
/// Start a call and write the request out if \a start is set.
/// \a tag will be notified on \a cq when the call has been started (i.e.
@ -75,17 +81,136 @@ class ClientAsyncResponseReaderFactory { |
/// If \a start is not set, the actual call must be initiated by StartCall
/// Note that \a context will be used to fill in custom initial metadata
/// used to send to the server when starting the call.
/// Optionally pass in a base class for request and response types so that the
/// internal functions and structs can be templated based on that, allowing
/// reuse across RPCs (e.g., MessageLite for protobuf). Since constructors
/// can't have an explicit template parameter, the last argument is an
/// extraneous parameter just to provide the needed type information.
template <class R, class W, class BaseR = R, class BaseW = W> |
static ClientAsyncResponseReader<R>* Create( |
::grpc::ChannelInterface* channel, ::grpc::CompletionQueue* cq, |
const ::grpc::internal::RpcMethod& method, ::grpc::ClientContext* context, |
const W& request) /* __attribute__((noinline)) */ { |
::grpc::internal::Call call = channel->CreateCall(method, context, cq); |
ClientAsyncResponseReader<R>* result = |
new (::grpc::g_core_codegen_interface->grpc_call_arena_alloc( |
call.call(), sizeof(ClientAsyncResponseReader<R>))) |
ClientAsyncResponseReader<R>(call, context); |
SetupRequest<BaseR, BaseW>( |
call.call(), &result->single_buf_, &result->read_initial_metadata_, |
&result->finish_, static_cast<const BaseW&>(request)); |
return result; |
} |
// Various helper functions to reduce templating use
template <class R, class W> |
static void SetupRequest( |
grpc_call* call, |
::grpc::internal::CallOpSendInitialMetadata** single_buf_ptr, |
std::function<void(ClientContext*, internal::Call*, |
internal::CallOpSendInitialMetadata*, void*)>* |
read_initial_metadata, |
std::function< |
void(ClientContext*, internal::Call*, bool initial_metadata_read, |
internal::CallOpSendInitialMetadata*, |
internal::CallOpSetInterface**, void*, Status*, void*)>* finish, |
const W& request) { |
using SingleBufType = |
::grpc::internal::CallOpSet<::grpc::internal::CallOpSendInitialMetadata, |
::grpc::internal::CallOpSendMessage, |
::grpc::internal::CallOpClientSendClose, |
::grpc::internal::CallOpRecvInitialMetadata, |
::grpc::internal::CallOpRecvMessage<R>, |
::grpc::internal::CallOpClientRecvStatus>; |
SingleBufType* single_buf = |
new (::grpc::g_core_codegen_interface->grpc_call_arena_alloc( |
call, sizeof(SingleBufType))) SingleBufType; |
*single_buf_ptr = single_buf; |
// TODO(ctiller): don't assert
GPR_CODEGEN_ASSERT(single_buf->SendMessage(request).ok()); |
single_buf->ClientSendClose(); |
// The purpose of the following functions is to type-erase the actual
// templated type of the CallOpSet being used by hiding that type inside the
// function definition rather than specifying it as an argument of the
// function or a member of the class. The type-erased CallOpSet will get
// static_cast'ed back to the real type so that it can be used properly.
*read_initial_metadata = |
[](ClientContext* context, internal::Call* call, |
internal::CallOpSendInitialMetadata* single_buf_view, void* tag) { |
auto* single_buf = static_cast<SingleBufType*>(single_buf_view); |
single_buf->set_output_tag(tag); |
single_buf->RecvInitialMetadata(context); |
call->PerformOps(single_buf); |
}; |
// Note that this function goes one step further than the previous one
// because it type-erases the message being written down to a void*. This
// will be static-cast'ed back to the class specified here by hiding that
// class information inside the function definition. Note that this feature
// expects the class being specified here for R to be a base-class of the
// "real" R without any multiple-inheritance (as applies in protbuf wrt
// MessageLite)
*finish = [](ClientContext* context, internal::Call* call, |
bool initial_metadata_read, |
internal::CallOpSendInitialMetadata* single_buf_view, |
internal::CallOpSetInterface** finish_buf_ptr, void* msg, |
Status* status, void* tag) { |
if (initial_metadata_read) { |
using FinishBufType = ::grpc::internal::CallOpSet< |
::grpc::internal::CallOpRecvMessage<R>, |
::grpc::internal::CallOpClientRecvStatus>; |
FinishBufType* finish_buf = |
new (::grpc::g_core_codegen_interface->grpc_call_arena_alloc( |
call->call(), sizeof(FinishBufType))) FinishBufType; |
*finish_buf_ptr = finish_buf; |
finish_buf->set_output_tag(tag); |
finish_buf->RecvMessage(static_cast<R*>(msg)); |
finish_buf->AllowNoMessage(); |
finish_buf->ClientRecvStatus(context, status); |
call->PerformOps(finish_buf); |
} else { |
auto* single_buf = static_cast<SingleBufType*>(single_buf_view); |
single_buf->set_output_tag(tag); |
single_buf->RecvInitialMetadata(context); |
single_buf->RecvMessage(static_cast<R*>(msg)); |
single_buf->AllowNoMessage(); |
single_buf->ClientRecvStatus(context, status); |
call->PerformOps(single_buf); |
} |
}; |
} |
static void StartCall( |
::grpc::ClientContext* context, |
::grpc::internal::CallOpSendInitialMetadata* single_buf) { |
single_buf->SendInitialMetadata(&context->send_initial_metadata_, |
context->initial_metadata_flags()); |
} |
}; |
// TODO(vjpai): This templated factory is deprecated and will be replaced by
//. the non-templated helper as soon as possible.
template <class R> |
class ClientAsyncResponseReaderFactory { |
public: |
template <class W> |
static ClientAsyncResponseReader<R>* Create( |
::grpc::ChannelInterface* channel, ::grpc::CompletionQueue* cq, |
const ::grpc::internal::RpcMethod& method, ::grpc::ClientContext* context, |
const W& request, bool start) { |
::grpc::internal::Call call = channel->CreateCall(method, context, cq); |
return new (::grpc::g_core_codegen_interface->grpc_call_arena_alloc( |
call.call(), sizeof(ClientAsyncResponseReader<R>))) |
ClientAsyncResponseReader<R>(call, context, request, start); |
auto* result = ClientAsyncResponseReaderHelper::Create<R>( |
channel, cq, method, context, request); |
if (start) { |
result->StartCall(); |
} |
return result; |
} |
}; |
} // namespace internal
/// Async API for client-side unary RPCs, where the message response
@ -107,9 +232,9 @@ class ClientAsyncResponseReader final |
static void operator delete(void*, void*) { GPR_CODEGEN_ASSERT(false); } |
void StartCall() override { |
GPR_CODEGEN_ASSERT(!started_); |
started_ = true; |
StartCallInternal(); |
internal::ClientAsyncResponseReaderHelper::StartCall(context_, single_buf_); |
} |
/// See \a ClientAsyncResponseReaderInterface::ReadInitialMetadata for
@ -119,12 +244,9 @@ class ClientAsyncResponseReader final |
/// - the \a ClientContext associated with this call is updated with
/// possible initial and trailing metadata sent from the server.
void ReadInitialMetadata(void* tag) override { |
GPR_CODEGEN_ASSERT(!context_->initial_metadata_received_); |
single_buf.set_output_tag(tag); |
single_buf.RecvInitialMetadata(context_); |
call_.PerformOps(&single_buf); |
GPR_CODEGEN_DEBUG_ASSERT(!context_->initial_metadata_received_); |
read_initial_metadata_(context_, &call_, single_buf_, tag); |
initial_metadata_read_ = true; |
} |
@ -134,61 +256,36 @@ class ClientAsyncResponseReader final |
/// - the \a ClientContext associated with this call is updated with
/// possible initial and trailing metadata sent from the server.
void Finish(R* msg, ::grpc::Status* status, void* tag) override { |
if (initial_metadata_read_) { |
finish_buf.set_output_tag(tag); |
finish_buf.RecvMessage(msg); |
finish_buf.AllowNoMessage(); |
finish_buf.ClientRecvStatus(context_, status); |
call_.PerformOps(&finish_buf); |
} else { |
single_buf.set_output_tag(tag); |
single_buf.RecvInitialMetadata(context_); |
single_buf.RecvMessage(msg); |
single_buf.AllowNoMessage(); |
single_buf.ClientRecvStatus(context_, status); |
call_.PerformOps(&single_buf); |
} |
finish_(context_, &call_, initial_metadata_read_, single_buf_, &finish_buf_, |
static_cast<void*>(msg), status, tag); |
} |
private: |
friend class internal::ClientAsyncResponseReaderFactory<R>; |
friend class internal::ClientAsyncResponseReaderHelper; |
::grpc::ClientContext* const context_; |
::grpc::internal::Call call_; |
bool started_; |
bool started_ = false; |
bool initial_metadata_read_ = false; |
template <class W> |
ClientAsyncResponseReader(::grpc::internal::Call call, |
::grpc::ClientContext* context, const W& request, |
bool start) |
: context_(context), call_(call), started_(start) { |
// Bind the metadata at time of StartCallInternal but set up the rest here
// TODO(ctiller): don't assert
GPR_CODEGEN_ASSERT(single_buf.SendMessage(request).ok()); |
single_buf.ClientSendClose(); |
if (start) StartCallInternal(); |
} |
void StartCallInternal() { |
single_buf.SendInitialMetadata(&context_->send_initial_metadata_, |
context_->initial_metadata_flags()); |
} |
::grpc::ClientContext* context) |
: context_(context), call_(call) {} |
// disable operator new
static void* operator new(std::size_t size); |
static void* operator new(std::size_t /*size*/, void* p) { return p; } |
::grpc::internal::CallOpSet<::grpc::internal::CallOpSendInitialMetadata, |
::grpc::internal::CallOpSendMessage, |
::grpc::internal::CallOpClientSendClose, |
::grpc::internal::CallOpRecvInitialMetadata, |
::grpc::internal::CallOpRecvMessage<R>, |
::grpc::internal::CallOpClientRecvStatus> |
single_buf; |
::grpc::internal::CallOpSet<::grpc::internal::CallOpRecvMessage<R>, |
::grpc::internal::CallOpClientRecvStatus> |
finish_buf; |
internal::CallOpSendInitialMetadata* single_buf_; |
internal::CallOpSetInterface* finish_buf_ = nullptr; |
std::function<void(ClientContext*, internal::Call*, |
internal::CallOpSendInitialMetadata*, void*)> |
read_initial_metadata_; |
std::function<void(ClientContext*, internal::Call*, |
bool initial_metadata_read, |
internal::CallOpSendInitialMetadata*, |
internal::CallOpSetInterface**, void*, Status*, void*)> |
finish_; |
}; |
/// Async server-side API for handling unary calls, where the single