@ -26,42 +26,49 @@ |
namespace grpc_core { |
// Interface for a tracer that records activities on a particular call attempt.
// (A single RPC can have multiple attempts due to retry/hedging policies or as
// transparent retry attempts.)
class CallAttemptTracer { |
public: |
// Please refer to `grpc_transport_stream_op_batch_payload` for details on
// arguments.
virtual void RecordSendInitialMetadata( |
grpc_metadata_batch* send_initial_metadata, uint32_t flags) = 0; |
virtual void RecordOnDoneSendInitialMetadata(gpr_atm* peer_string) = 0; |
virtual void RecordSendTrailingMetadata( |
grpc_metadata_batch* send_trailing_metadata) = 0; |
virtual void RecordSendMessage( |
grpc_core::OrphanablePtr<grpc_core::ByteStream> send_message) = 0; |
virtual void RecordReceivedInitialMetadata( |
grpc_metadata_batch* recv_initial_metadata, uint32_t* flags, |
gpr_atm* peer_string) = 0; |
virtual void RecordReceivedMessage( |
grpc_core::OrphanablePtr<grpc_core::ByteStream>* recv_message) = 0; |
virtual void RecordReceivedTrailingMetadata( |
grpc_metadata_batch* recv_trailing_metadata) = 0; |
virtual void RecordCancel(grpc_error_handle cancel_error) = 0; |
virtual void RecordAnnotation(absl::string_view annotation) = 0; |
virtual void RecordEnd(const grpc_call_final_info* final_info) = 0; |
}; |
// Interface for a tracer that records activities on a call. Actual attempts for
// this call are traced with CallAttemptTracer after invoking RecordNewAttempt()
// on the CallTracer object.
class CallTracer { |
public: |
// Interface for a tracer that records activities on a particular call
// attempt.
// (A single RPC can have multiple attempts due to retry/hedging policies or
// as transparent retry attempts.)
class CallAttemptTracer { |
public: |
virtual ~CallAttemptTracer() {} |
// Please refer to `grpc_transport_stream_op_batch_payload` for details on
// arguments.
virtual void RecordSendInitialMetadata( |
const grpc_metadata_batch& send_initial_metadata, uint32_t flags) = 0; |
virtual void RecordOnDoneSendInitialMetadata(gpr_atm* peer_string) = 0; |
virtual void RecordSendTrailingMetadata( |
const grpc_metadata_batch& send_trailing_metadata) = 0; |
virtual void RecordSendMessage(const ByteStream& send_message) = 0; |
virtual void RecordReceivedInitialMetadata( |
const grpc_metadata_batch& recv_initial_metadata, uint32_t* flags, |
gpr_atm* peer_string) = 0; |
virtual void RecordReceivedMessage(const ByteStream& recv_message) = 0; |
virtual void RecordReceivedTrailingMetadata( |
const grpc_metadata_batch& recv_trailing_metadata) = 0; |
virtual void RecordCancel(grpc_error_handle cancel_error) = 0; |
// Records annotations if supported by the attached tracer library, no-op
// otherwise.
virtual void RecordAnnotation(absl::string_view annotation) = 0; |
// Should be the last API call to the object. Once invoked, the tracer
// library is free to destroy the object.
virtual void RecordEnd(const grpc_call_final_info& final_info) = 0; |
}; |
virtual ~CallTracer() {} |
// Records a new attempt for the associated call. \a transparent denotes
// whether the attempt is being made as a transparent retry or as a
// non-transparent retry/heding attempt.
virtual CallAttemptTracer* RecordNewAttempt(bool transparent) = 0; |
virtual CallAttemptTracer* RecordNewAttempt(bool is_transparent_retry) = 0; |
// Records annotations if supported by the attached tracer library, no-op
// otherwise.
virtual void RecordAnnotation(absl::string_view annotation) = 0; |
}; |