@ -65,21 +65,21 @@ ensure that the proto serialized to zero bytes.* |
This test verifies that gRPC requests marked as cacheable use GET verb instead |
of POST, and that server sets appropriate cache control headers for the response |
to be cached by a proxy. This interop test requires that the server is behind |
a caching proxy. It is NOT expected to pass if client is accessing the server |
directly. |
a caching proxy. Use of current timestamp in the request prevents accidental |
cache matches left over from previous tests. |
Server features: |
* [CacheableUnaryCall][] |
Procedure: |
1. Client calls CacheableUnaryCall twice, and compares the two responses. |
The server generates a unique response (timestamp) for each request. |
If the second response was delivered from cache, then both responses will |
be the same. |
1. Client calls CacheableUnaryCall with `SimpleRequest` request with payload |
set to current timestamp. |
2. Client calls CacheableUnaryCall with `SimpleRequest` request again |
immediately with the same payload as the previous request. |
Client asserts: |
* call was successful |
* responses are the same. |
* Both calls were successful |
* The payload body of both responses is the same. |
### large_unary |
@ -962,6 +962,17 @@ payload body of size `SimpleRequest.response_size` bytes and type as appropriate |
for the `SimpleRequest.response_type`. If the server does not support the |
`response_type`, then it should fail the RPC with `INVALID_ARGUMENT`. |
### CacheableUnaryCall |
Server gets the default Empty proto as the request. It returns the |
SimpleResponse proto with the payload set to current timestamp string. |
In addition it adds |
1. cache control headers such that the response can be cached by proxies in |
the response path. Server should be behind a caching proxy for this test |
to pass. |
2. adds a `x-user-ip` header with `` to the response. This is done |
since some proxys such as GFE will not cache requests from localhost. |
### CompressedResponse |
[CompressedResponse]: #compressedresponse |