@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ DEFINE_int32(local_workers, 0, "Number of local workers to start"); |
// Server config
DEFINE_int32(async_server_threads, 1, "Number of threads for async servers"); |
DEFINE_string(server_type, "SYNC_SERVER", "Server type"); |
// TODO (vpai): Automatically generate the core list to avoid breakage
DEFINE_string(server_core_list, "", "Comma-separated list of cores for server"); |
// Client config
@ -74,6 +75,7 @@ DEFINE_double(determ_load, -1.0, "Deterministic offered load (qps)"); |
DEFINE_double(pareto_base, -1.0, "Pareto base interarrival time (us)"); |
DEFINE_double(pareto_alpha, -1.0, "Pareto alpha value"); |
// TODO (vpai): Automatically generate the core list to avoid breakage
DEFINE_string(client_core_list, "", "Comma-separated list of cores for client"); |
DEFINE_bool(secure_test, false, "Run a secure test"); |