- Use Visual Studio / MonoDevelop / Xamarin Studio to open the solution Grpc.sln
- Use Visual Studio 2017 (on Windows) to open the solution `Grpc.sln` or use Visual Studio Code with C# extension (on Linux and Mac). gRPC C# code has been migrated to
dotnet SDK `.csproj` projects that are much simpler to maintain, but are not yet supported by Xamarin Studio or Monodevelop (the NuGet packages still
support both `net45` and `netstandard` and can be used in all IDEs).
@ -55,9 +57,6 @@ gRPC C# is using NUnit as the testing framework.
Under Visual Studio, make sure NUnit test adapter is installed (under "Extensions and Updates").
Then you should be able to run all the tests using Test Explorer.
Under Monodevelop or Xamarin Studio, make sure you installed "NUnit support" in Add-in manager.
Then you should be able to run all the test from the Test View.
gRPC team uses a Python script to simplify facilitate running tests for