@ -49,196 +49,190 @@ |
static void *tag(gpr_intptr t) { return (void *)t; } |
const char *hobbits[][2] = { |
{"Adaldrida", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Adamanta", "Took"}, |
{"Adalgrim", "Took"}, |
{"Adelard", "Took"}, |
{"Amaranth", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Andwise", "Roper"}, |
{"Angelica", "Baggins"}, |
{"Asphodel", "Burrows"}, |
{"Balbo", "Baggins"}, |
{"Bandobras", "Took"}, |
{"Belba", "Bolger"}, |
{"Bell", "Gamgee"}, |
{"Belladonna", "Baggins"}, |
{"Berylla", "Baggins"}, |
{"Bilbo", "Baggins"}, |
{"Bilbo", "Gardner"}, |
{"Bill", "Butcher"}, |
{"Bingo", "Baggins"}, |
{"Bodo", "Proudfoot"}, |
{"Bowman", "Cotton"}, |
{"Bungo", "Baggins"}, |
{"Camellia", "Sackville"}, |
{"Carl", "Cotton"}, |
{"Celandine", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Chica", "Baggins"}, |
{"Daddy", "Twofoot"}, |
{"Daisy", "Boffin"}, |
{"Diamond", "Took"}, |
{"Dinodas", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Doderic", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Dodinas", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Donnamira", "Boffin"}, |
{"Dora", "Baggins"}, |
{"Drogo", "Baggins"}, |
{"Dudo", "Baggins"}, |
{"Eglantine", "Took"}, |
{"Elanor", "Fairbairn"}, |
{"Elfstan", "Fairbairn"}, |
{"Esmeralda", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Estella", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Everard", "Took"}, |
{"Falco", "Chubb-Baggins"}, |
{"Faramir", "Took"}, |
{"Farmer", "Maggot"}, |
{"Fastolph", "Bolger"}, |
{"Ferdibrand", "Took"}, |
{"Ferdinand", "Took"}, |
{"Ferumbras", "Took"}, |
{"Ferumbras", "Took"}, |
{"Filibert", "Bolger"}, |
{"Firiel", "Fairbairn"}, |
{"Flambard", "Took"}, |
{"Folco", "Boffin"}, |
{"Fortinbras", "Took"}, |
{"Fortinbras", "Took"}, |
{"Fosco", "Baggins"}, |
{"Fredegar", "Bolger"}, |
{"Frodo", "Baggins"}, |
{"Frodo", "Gardner"}, |
{"Gerontius", "Took"}, |
{"Gilly", "Baggins"}, |
{"Goldilocks", "Took"}, |
{"Gorbadoc", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Gorbulas", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Gorhendad", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Gormadoc", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Griffo", "Boffin"}, |
{"Halfast", "Gamgee"}, |
{"Halfred", "Gamgee"}, |
{"Halfred", "Greenhand"}, |
{"Hanna", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Hamfast", "Gamgee"}, |
{"Hamfast", "Gardner"}, |
{"Hamson", "Gamgee"}, |
{"Harding", "Gardner"}, |
{"Hilda", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Hildibrand", "Took"}, |
{"Hildifons", "Took"}, |
{"Hildigard", "Took"}, |
{"Hildigrim", "Took"}, |
{"Hob", "Gammidge"}, |
{"Hob", "Hayward"}, |
{"Hobson", "Gamgee"}, |
{"Holfast", "Gardner"}, |
{"Holman", "Cotton"}, |
{"Holman", "Greenhand"}, |
{"Hugo", "Boffin"}, |
{"Hugo", "Bracegirdle"}, |
{"Ilberic", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Isembard", "Took"}, |
{"Isembold", "Took"}, |
{"Isengar", "Took"}, |
{"Isengrim", "Took"}, |
{"Isengrim", "Took"}, |
{"Isumbras", "Took"}, |
{"Isumbras", "Took"}, |
{"Jolly", "Cotton"}, |
{"Lalia", "Took"}, |
{"Largo", "Baggins"}, |
{"Laura", "Baggins"}, |
{"Lily", "Goodbody"}, |
{"Lily", "Cotton"}, |
{"Linda", "Proudfoot"}, |
{"Lobelia", "Sackville-Baggins"}, |
{"Longo", "Baggins"}, |
{"Lotho", "Sackville-Baggins"}, |
{"Madoc", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Malva", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Marigold", "Cotton"}, |
{"Marmadas", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Marmadoc", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Marroc", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"May", "Gamgee"}, |
{"Melilot", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Menegilda", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Mentha", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Meriadoc", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Merimac", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Merimas", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Merry", "Gardner"}, |
{"Milo", "Burrows"}, |
{"Mimosa", "Baggins"}, |
{"Minto", "Burrows"}, |
{"Mirabella", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Moro", "Burrows"}, |
{"Mosco", "Burrows"}, |
{"Mungo", "Baggins"}, |
{"Myrtle", "Burrows"}, |
{"Odo", "Proudfoot"}, |
{"Odovacar", "Bolger"}, |
{"Olo", "Proudfoot"}, |
{"Orgulas", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Otho", "Sackville-Baggins"}, |
{"Paladin", "Took"}, |
{"Pansy", "Bolger"}, |
{"Pearl", "Took"}, |
{"Peony", "Burrows"}, |
{"Peregrin", "Took"}, |
{"Pervinca", "Took"}, |
{"Pimpernel", "Took"}, |
{"Pippin", "Gardner"}, |
{"Polo", "Baggins"}, |
{"Ponto", "Baggins"}, |
{"Porto", "Baggins"}, |
{"Posco", "Baggins"}, |
{"Poppy", "Bolger"}, |
{"Primrose", "Gardner"}, |
{"Primula", "Baggins"}, |
{"Prisca", "Bolger"}, |
{"Reginard", "Took"}, |
{"Robin", "Smallburrow"}, |
{"Robin", "Gardner"}, |
{"Rorimac", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Rosa", "Took"}, |
{"Rosamunda", "Bolger"}, |
{"Rose", "Gardner"}, |
{"Ruby", "Baggins"}, |
{"Ruby", "Gardner"}, |
{"Rudigar", "Bolger"}, |
{"Rufus", "Burrows"}, |
{"Sadoc", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Salvia", "Bolger"}, |
{"Samwise", "Gamgee"}, |
{"Sancho", "Proudfoot"}, |
{"Saradas", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Saradoc", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Seredic", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Sigismond", "Took"}, |
{"Smeagol", "Gollum"}, |
{"Tanta", "Baggins"}, |
{"Ted", "Sandyman"}, |
{"Tobold", "Hornblower"}, |
{"Togo", "Goodbody"}, |
{"Tolman", "Cotton"}, |
{"Tolman", "Gardner"}, |
{"Widow", "Rumble"}, |
{"Wilcome", "Cotton"}, |
{"Wilcome", "Cotton"}, |
{"Wilibald", "Bolger"}, |
{"Will", "Whitfoot"}, |
{"Wiseman", "Gamwich"} |
}; |
const char *dragons[] = { |
"Ancalagon", |
"Glaurung", |
"Scatha", |
"Smaug the Magnificent" |
}; |
const char *hobbits[][2] = {{"Adaldrida", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Adamanta", "Took"}, |
{"Adalgrim", "Took"}, |
{"Adelard", "Took"}, |
{"Amaranth", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Andwise", "Roper"}, |
{"Angelica", "Baggins"}, |
{"Asphodel", "Burrows"}, |
{"Balbo", "Baggins"}, |
{"Bandobras", "Took"}, |
{"Belba", "Bolger"}, |
{"Bell", "Gamgee"}, |
{"Belladonna", "Baggins"}, |
{"Berylla", "Baggins"}, |
{"Bilbo", "Baggins"}, |
{"Bilbo", "Gardner"}, |
{"Bill", "Butcher"}, |
{"Bingo", "Baggins"}, |
{"Bodo", "Proudfoot"}, |
{"Bowman", "Cotton"}, |
{"Bungo", "Baggins"}, |
{"Camellia", "Sackville"}, |
{"Carl", "Cotton"}, |
{"Celandine", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Chica", "Baggins"}, |
{"Daddy", "Twofoot"}, |
{"Daisy", "Boffin"}, |
{"Diamond", "Took"}, |
{"Dinodas", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Doderic", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Dodinas", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Donnamira", "Boffin"}, |
{"Dora", "Baggins"}, |
{"Drogo", "Baggins"}, |
{"Dudo", "Baggins"}, |
{"Eglantine", "Took"}, |
{"Elanor", "Fairbairn"}, |
{"Elfstan", "Fairbairn"}, |
{"Esmeralda", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Estella", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Everard", "Took"}, |
{"Falco", "Chubb-Baggins"}, |
{"Faramir", "Took"}, |
{"Farmer", "Maggot"}, |
{"Fastolph", "Bolger"}, |
{"Ferdibrand", "Took"}, |
{"Ferdinand", "Took"}, |
{"Ferumbras", "Took"}, |
{"Ferumbras", "Took"}, |
{"Filibert", "Bolger"}, |
{"Firiel", "Fairbairn"}, |
{"Flambard", "Took"}, |
{"Folco", "Boffin"}, |
{"Fortinbras", "Took"}, |
{"Fortinbras", "Took"}, |
{"Fosco", "Baggins"}, |
{"Fredegar", "Bolger"}, |
{"Frodo", "Baggins"}, |
{"Frodo", "Gardner"}, |
{"Gerontius", "Took"}, |
{"Gilly", "Baggins"}, |
{"Goldilocks", "Took"}, |
{"Gorbadoc", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Gorbulas", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Gorhendad", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Gormadoc", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Griffo", "Boffin"}, |
{"Halfast", "Gamgee"}, |
{"Halfred", "Gamgee"}, |
{"Halfred", "Greenhand"}, |
{"Hanna", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Hamfast", "Gamgee"}, |
{"Hamfast", "Gardner"}, |
{"Hamson", "Gamgee"}, |
{"Harding", "Gardner"}, |
{"Hilda", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Hildibrand", "Took"}, |
{"Hildifons", "Took"}, |
{"Hildigard", "Took"}, |
{"Hildigrim", "Took"}, |
{"Hob", "Gammidge"}, |
{"Hob", "Hayward"}, |
{"Hobson", "Gamgee"}, |
{"Holfast", "Gardner"}, |
{"Holman", "Cotton"}, |
{"Holman", "Greenhand"}, |
{"Hugo", "Boffin"}, |
{"Hugo", "Bracegirdle"}, |
{"Ilberic", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Isembard", "Took"}, |
{"Isembold", "Took"}, |
{"Isengar", "Took"}, |
{"Isengrim", "Took"}, |
{"Isengrim", "Took"}, |
{"Isumbras", "Took"}, |
{"Isumbras", "Took"}, |
{"Jolly", "Cotton"}, |
{"Lalia", "Took"}, |
{"Largo", "Baggins"}, |
{"Laura", "Baggins"}, |
{"Lily", "Goodbody"}, |
{"Lily", "Cotton"}, |
{"Linda", "Proudfoot"}, |
{"Lobelia", "Sackville-Baggins"}, |
{"Longo", "Baggins"}, |
{"Lotho", "Sackville-Baggins"}, |
{"Madoc", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Malva", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Marigold", "Cotton"}, |
{"Marmadas", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Marmadoc", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Marroc", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"May", "Gamgee"}, |
{"Melilot", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Menegilda", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Mentha", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Meriadoc", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Merimac", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Merimas", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Merry", "Gardner"}, |
{"Milo", "Burrows"}, |
{"Mimosa", "Baggins"}, |
{"Minto", "Burrows"}, |
{"Mirabella", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Moro", "Burrows"}, |
{"Mosco", "Burrows"}, |
{"Mungo", "Baggins"}, |
{"Myrtle", "Burrows"}, |
{"Odo", "Proudfoot"}, |
{"Odovacar", "Bolger"}, |
{"Olo", "Proudfoot"}, |
{"Orgulas", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Otho", "Sackville-Baggins"}, |
{"Paladin", "Took"}, |
{"Pansy", "Bolger"}, |
{"Pearl", "Took"}, |
{"Peony", "Burrows"}, |
{"Peregrin", "Took"}, |
{"Pervinca", "Took"}, |
{"Pimpernel", "Took"}, |
{"Pippin", "Gardner"}, |
{"Polo", "Baggins"}, |
{"Ponto", "Baggins"}, |
{"Porto", "Baggins"}, |
{"Posco", "Baggins"}, |
{"Poppy", "Bolger"}, |
{"Primrose", "Gardner"}, |
{"Primula", "Baggins"}, |
{"Prisca", "Bolger"}, |
{"Reginard", "Took"}, |
{"Robin", "Smallburrow"}, |
{"Robin", "Gardner"}, |
{"Rorimac", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Rosa", "Took"}, |
{"Rosamunda", "Bolger"}, |
{"Rose", "Gardner"}, |
{"Ruby", "Baggins"}, |
{"Ruby", "Gardner"}, |
{"Rudigar", "Bolger"}, |
{"Rufus", "Burrows"}, |
{"Sadoc", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Salvia", "Bolger"}, |
{"Samwise", "Gamgee"}, |
{"Sancho", "Proudfoot"}, |
{"Saradas", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Saradoc", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Seredic", "Brandybuck"}, |
{"Sigismond", "Took"}, |
{"Smeagol", "Gollum"}, |
{"Tanta", "Baggins"}, |
{"Ted", "Sandyman"}, |
{"Tobold", "Hornblower"}, |
{"Togo", "Goodbody"}, |
{"Tolman", "Cotton"}, |
{"Tolman", "Gardner"}, |
{"Widow", "Rumble"}, |
{"Wilcome", "Cotton"}, |
{"Wilcome", "Cotton"}, |
{"Wilibald", "Bolger"}, |
{"Will", "Whitfoot"}, |
{"Wiseman", "Gamwich"}}; |
const char *dragons[] = {"Ancalagon", "Glaurung", "Scatha", |
"Smaug the Magnificent"}; |
static grpc_end2end_test_fixture begin_test(grpc_end2end_test_config config, |
const char *test_name, |
@ -406,7 +400,8 @@ static void simple_request_body(grpc_end2end_test_fixture f, size_t index) { |
cq_verifier_destroy(cqv); |
} |
static void test_size(grpc_end2end_test_config config, int encode_size, int decode_size) { |
static void test_size(grpc_end2end_test_config config, int encode_size, |
int decode_size) { |
size_t i; |
grpc_end2end_test_fixture f; |
grpc_arg server_arg; |
@ -428,7 +423,8 @@ static void test_size(grpc_end2end_test_config config, int encode_size, int deco |
client_args.args = &client_arg; |
gpr_asprintf(&name, "test_size:e=%d:d=%d", encode_size, decode_size); |
f = begin_test(config, name, encode_size != 4096 ? &client_args : NULL, decode_size != 4096 ? &server_args : NULL); |
f = begin_test(config, name, encode_size != 4096 ? &client_args : NULL, |
decode_size != 4096 ? &server_args : NULL); |
for (i = 0; i < 4 * GPR_ARRAY_SIZE(hobbits); i++) { |
simple_request_body(f, i); |
} |
@ -439,24 +435,9 @@ static void test_size(grpc_end2end_test_config config, int encode_size, int deco |
void grpc_end2end_tests(grpc_end2end_test_config config) { |
static const int interesting_sizes[] = { |
4096, |
0, |
1, |
32, |
100, |
1000, |
4095, |
4097, |
8192, |
16384, |
32768, |
1024*1024-1, |
1024*1024, |
1024*1024+1, |
2*1024*1024, |
3*1024*1024, |
4*1024*1024 |
}; |
4096, 0, 1, 32, 100, 1000, 4095, 4097, 8192, 16384, 32768, |
1024 * 1024 - 1, 1024 * 1024, 1024 * 1024 + 1, 2 * 1024 * 1024, |
3 * 1024 * 1024, 4 * 1024 * 1024}; |
size_t i, j; |
for (i = 0; i < GPR_ARRAY_SIZE(interesting_sizes); i++) { |