30 changed files with 960 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ |
# Autosave files |
*~ |
# build |
[Oo]bj/ |
[Bb]in/ |
packages/ |
TestResults/ |
# globs |
|||| |
*.DS_Store |
*.sln.cache |
*.suo |
*.cache |
*.pidb |
*.userprefs |
*.usertasks |
config.log |
config.make |
config.status |
aclocal.m4 |
install-sh |
autom4te.cache/ |
*.user |
*.tar.gz |
tarballs/ |
test-results/ |
Thumbs.db |
.vs/ |
# Mac bundle stuff |
*.dmg |
*.app |
# resharper |
*_Resharper.* |
*.Resharper |
# dotCover |
*.dotCover |
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ |
Any raw assets you want to be deployed with your application can be placed in |
this directory (and child directories) and given a Build Action of "AndroidAsset". |
These files will be deployed with your package and will be accessible using Android's |
AssetManager, like this: |
public class ReadAsset : Activity |
{ |
protected override void OnCreate (Bundle bundle) |
{ |
base.OnCreate (bundle); |
InputStream input = Assets.Open ("my_asset.txt"); |
} |
} |
Additionally, some Android functions will automatically load asset files: |
Typeface tf = Typeface.CreateFromAsset (Context.Assets, "fonts/samplefont.ttf"); |
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ |
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Images, layout descriptions, binary blobs and string dictionaries can be included |
in your application as resource files. Various Android APIs are designed to |
operate on the resource IDs instead of dealing with images, strings or binary blobs |
directly. |
For example, a sample Android app that contains a user interface layout (main.axml), |
an internationalization string table (strings.xml) and some icons (drawable-XXX/icon.png) |
would keep its resources in the "Resources" directory of the application: |
Resources/ |
drawable/ |
icon.png |
layout/ |
main.axml |
values/ |
strings.xml |
In order to get the build system to recognize Android resources, set the build action to |
"AndroidResource". The native Android APIs do not operate directly with filenames, but |
instead operate on resource IDs. When you compile an Android application that uses resources, |
the build system will package the resources for distribution and generate a class called "R" |
(this is an Android convention) that contains the tokens for each one of the resources |
included. For example, for the above Resources layout, this is what the R class would expose: |
public class R { |
public class drawable { |
public const int icon = 0x123; |
} |
public class layout { |
public const int main = 0x456; |
} |
public class strings { |
public const int first_string = 0xabc; |
public const int second_string = 0xbcd; |
} |
} |
You would then use R.drawable.icon to reference the drawable/icon.png file, or R.layout.main |
to reference the layout/main.axml file, or R.strings.first_string to reference the first |
string in the dictionary file values/strings.xml. |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 2.1 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.4 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 3.2 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 5.3 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 7.6 KiB |
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Reference in new issue