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@ -0,0 +1,197 @@ |
# Transport Explainer |
@vjpai |
## Existing Transports |
[gRPC |
transports]( |
plug in below the core API (one level below the C++ or other wrapped-language |
API). You can write your transport in C or C++ though; currently (Nov 2017) all |
the transports are nominally written in C++ though they are idiomatically C. The |
existing transports are: |
* [HTTP/2]( |
* [Cronet]( |
* [In-process]( |
Among these, the in-process is likely the easiest to understand, though arguably |
also the least similar to a "real" sockets-based transport since it is only used |
in a single process. |
## Transport stream ops |
In the gRPC core implementation, a fundamental struct is the |
`grpc_transport_stream_op_batch` which represents a collection of stream |
operations sent to a transport. (Note that in gRPC, _stream_ and _RPC_ are used |
synonymously since all RPCs are actually streams internally.) The ops in a batch |
can include: |
* send\_initial\_metadata |
- Client: initate an RPC |
- Server: supply response headers |
* recv\_initial\_metadata |
- Client: get response headers |
- Server: accept an RPC |
* send\_message (zero or more) : send a data buffer |
* recv\_message (zero or more) : receive a data buffer |
* send\_trailing\_metadata |
- Client: half-close indicating that no more messages will be coming |
- Server: full-close providing final status for the RPC |
* recv\_trailing\_metadata: get final status for the RPC |
- Server extra: This op shouldn't actually be considered complete until the |
server has also sent trailing metadata to provide the other side with final |
status |
* cancel\_stream: Attempt to cancel an RPC |
* collect\_stats: Get stats |
The fundamental responsibility of the transport is to transform between this |
internal format and an actual wire format, so the processing of these operations |
is largely transport-specific. |
One or more of these ops are grouped into a batch. Applications can start all of |
a call's ops in a single batch, or they can split them up into multiple |
batches. Results of each batch are returned asynchronously via a completion |
queue. |
Internally, we use callbacks to indicate completion. The surface layer creates a |
callback when starting a new batch and sends it down the filter stack along with |
the batch. The transport must invoke this callback when the batch is complete, |
and then the surface layer returns an event to the application via the |
completion queue. Each batch can have up to 3 callbacks: |
* recv\_initial\_metadata\_ready (called by the transport when the |
recv\_initial\_metadata op is complete) |
* recv\_message\_ready (called by the transport when the recv_message op is |
complete) |
* on\_complete (called by the transport when the entire batch is complete) |
## Timelines of transport stream op batches |
The transport's job is to sequence and interpret various possible interleavings |
of the basic stream ops. For example, a sample timeline of batches would be: |
1. Client send\_initial\_metadata: Initiate an RPC with a path (method) and authority |
1. Server recv\_initial\_metadata: accept an RPC |
1. Client send\_message: Supply the input proto for the RPC |
1. Server recv\_message: Get the input proto from the RPC |
1. Client send\_trailing\_metadata: This is a half-close indicating that the |
client will not be sending any more messages |
1. Server recv\_trailing\_metadata: The server sees this from the client and |
knows that it will not get any more messages. This won't complete yet though, |
as described above. |
1. Server send\_initial\_metadata, send\_message, send\_trailing\_metadata: A |
batch can contain multiple ops, and this batch provides the RPC response |
headers, response content, and status. Note that sending the trailing |
metadata will also complete the server's receive of trailing metadata. |
1. Client recv\_initial\_metadata: The number of ops in one side of the batch |
has no relation with the number of ops on the other side of the batch. In |
this case, the client is just collecting the response headers. |
1. Client recv\_message, recv\_trailing\_metadata: Get the data response and |
status |
There are other possible sample timelines. For example, for client-side streaming, a "typical" sequence would be: |
1. Server: recv\_initial\_metadata |
- At API-level, that would be the server requesting an RPC |
1. Server: recv\_trailing\_metadata |
- This is for when the server wants to know the final completion of the RPC |
through an `AsyncNotifyWhenDone` API in C++ |
1. Client: send\_initial\_metadata, recv\_message, recv\_trailing\_metadata |
- At API-level, that's a client invoking a client-side streaming call. The |
send\_initial\_metadata is the call invocation, the recv\_message colects |
the final response from the server, and the recv\_trailing\_metadata gets |
the `grpc::Status` value that will be returned from the call |
1. Client: send\_message / Server: recv\_message |
- Repeat the above step numerous times; these correspond to a client issuing |
`Write` in a loop and a server doing `Read` in a loop until `Read` fails |
1. Client: send\_trailing\_metadata / Server: recv\_message that indicates doneness (NULL) |
- These correspond to a client issuing `WritesDone` which causes the server's |
`Read` to fail |
1. Server: send\_message, send\_trailing\_metadata |
- These correpond to the server doing `Finish` |
The sends on one side will call their own callbacks when complete, and they will |
in turn trigger actions that cause the other side's recv operations to |
complete. In some transports, a send can sometimes complete before the recv on |
the other side (e.g., in HTTP/2 if there is sufficient flow-control buffer space |
available) |
## Other transport duties |
In addition to these basic stream ops, the transport must handle cancellations |
of a stream at any time and pass their effects to the other side. For example, |
in HTTP/2, this triggers a `RST_STREAM` being sent on the wire. The transport |
must perform operations like pings and statistics that are used to shape |
transport-level characteristics like flow control (see, for example, their use |
in the HTTP/2 transport). |
## Putting things together with detail: Sending Metadata |
* API layer: `map<string, string>` that is specific to this RPC |
* Core surface layer: array of `{slice, slice}` pairs where each slice |
references an underlying string |
* [Core transport |
layer]( list |
of `{slice, slice}` pairs that includes the above plus possibly some general |
metadata (e.g., Method and Authority for initial metadata) |
* [Specific transport |
layer]( |
- Either send it to the other side using transport-specific API (e.g., Cronet) |
- Or have it sent through the [iomgr/endpoint |
layer]( (e.g., |
HTTP/2) |
- Or just manipulate pointers to get it from one side to the other (e.g., |
In-process) |
## Requirements for any transport |
Each transport implements several operations in a vtbl (may change to actual |
virtual functions as transport moves to idiomatic C++). |
The most important and common one is `perform_stream_op`. This function |
processes a single stream op batch on a specific stream that is associated with |
a specific transport: |
* Gets the 6 ops/cancel passed down from the surface |
* Pass metadata from one side to the other as described above |
* Transform messages between slice buffer structure and stream of bytes to pass |
to other side |
- May require insertion of extra bytes (e.g., per-message headers in HTTP/2) |
* React to metadata to preserve expected orderings (*) |
* Schedule invocation of completion callbacks |
There are other functions in the vtbl as well. |
* `perform_transport_op` |
- Configure the transport instance for the connectivity state change notifier |
or the server-side accept callback |
- Disconnect transport or set up a goaway for later streams |
* `init_stream` |
- Starts a stream from the client-side |
- (*) Server-side of the transport must call `accept_stream_cb` when a new |
stream is available |
* Triggers request-matcher |
* `destroy_stream`, `destroy_transport` |
- Free up data related to a stream or transport |
* `set_pollset`, `set_pollset_set`, `get_endpoint` |
- Map each specific instance of the transport to FDs being used by iomgr (for |
HTTP/2) |
- Get a pointer to the endpoint structure that actually moves the data |
(wrapper around a socket for HTTP/2) |
## Book-keeping responsibilities of the transport layer |
A given transport must keep all of its transport and streams ref-counted. This |
is essential to make sure that no struct disappears before it is done being |
used. |
A transport must also preserve relevant orders for the different categories of |
ops on a stream, as described above. A transport must also make sure that all |
relevant batch operations have completed before scheduling the `on_complete` |
closure for a batch. Further examples include the idea that the server logic |
expects to not complete recv\_trailing\_metadata until after it actually sends |
trailing metadata since it would have already found this out by seeing a NULL’ed |
recv\_message. This is considered part of the transport's duties in preserving |
orders. |
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ |
* |
* Copyright 2017 gRPC authors. |
* |
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
* You may obtain a copy of the License at |
* |
* |
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
* limitations under the License. |
* |
*/ |
// This is needed to support abstract base classes in the c core. Since gRPC
// doesn't have a c++ runtime, it will hit a linker error on delete unless
// we define a virtual operator delete. See this blog for more info:
static void operator delete(void* p) { abort(); } |
@ -1,137 +0,0 @@ |
* |
* Copyright 2015 gRPC authors. |
* |
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
* You may obtain a copy of the License at |
* |
* |
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
* limitations under the License. |
* |
*/ |
#include "src/core/lib/support/stack_lockfree.h" |
#include <stdlib.h> |
#include <string.h> |
#include <grpc/support/alloc.h> |
#include <grpc/support/atm.h> |
#include <grpc/support/log.h> |
#include <grpc/support/port_platform.h> |
/* The lockfree node structure is a single architecture-level
word that allows for an atomic CAS to set it up. */ |
struct lockfree_node_contents { |
/* next thing to look at. Actual index for head, next index otherwise */ |
uint16_t index; |
#ifdef GPR_ARCH_64 |
uint16_t pad; |
uint32_t aba_ctr; |
#else |
#ifdef GPR_ARCH_32 |
uint16_t aba_ctr; |
#else |
#error Unsupported bit width architecture |
#endif |
#endif |
}; |
/* Use a union to make sure that these are in the same bits as an atm word */ |
typedef union lockfree_node { |
gpr_atm atm; |
struct lockfree_node_contents contents; |
} lockfree_node; |
/* make sure that entries aligned to 8-bytes */ |
/* reserve this entry as invalid */ |
#define INVALID_ENTRY_INDEX ((1 << 16) - 1) |
struct gpr_stack_lockfree { |
lockfree_node* entries; |
lockfree_node head; /* An atomic entry describing curr head */ |
}; |
gpr_stack_lockfree* gpr_stack_lockfree_create(size_t entries) { |
gpr_stack_lockfree* stack; |
stack = (gpr_stack_lockfree*)gpr_malloc(sizeof(*stack)); |
/* Since we only allocate 16 bits to represent an entry number,
* make sure that we are within the desired range */ |
/* Reserve the highest entry number as a dummy */ |
stack->entries = (lockfree_node*)gpr_malloc_aligned( |
entries * sizeof(stack->entries[0]), ENTRY_ALIGNMENT_BITS); |
/* Clear out all entries */ |
memset(stack->entries, 0, entries * sizeof(stack->entries[0])); |
memset(&stack->head, 0, sizeof(stack->head)); |
GPR_ASSERT(sizeof(stack->entries->atm) == sizeof(stack->entries->contents)); |
/* Point the head at reserved dummy entry */ |
stack->head.contents.index = INVALID_ENTRY_INDEX; |
/* Fill in the pad and aba_ctr to avoid confusing memcheck tools */ |
#ifdef GPR_ARCH_64 |
stack->head.contents.pad = 0; |
#endif |
stack->head.contents.aba_ctr = 0; |
return stack; |
} |
void gpr_stack_lockfree_destroy(gpr_stack_lockfree* stack) { |
gpr_free_aligned(stack->entries); |
gpr_free(stack); |
} |
int gpr_stack_lockfree_push(gpr_stack_lockfree* stack, int entry) { |
lockfree_node head; |
lockfree_node newhead; |
lockfree_node curent; |
lockfree_node newent; |
/* First fill in the entry's index and aba ctr for new head */ |
newhead.contents.index = (uint16_t)entry; |
#ifdef GPR_ARCH_64 |
/* Fill in the pad to avoid confusing memcheck tools */ |
newhead.contents.pad = 0; |
#endif |
/* Also post-increment the aba_ctr */ |
curent.atm = gpr_atm_no_barrier_load(&stack->entries[entry].atm); |
newhead.contents.aba_ctr = ++curent.contents.aba_ctr; |
gpr_atm_no_barrier_store(&stack->entries[entry].atm, curent.atm); |
do { |
/* Atomically get the existing head value for use */ |
head.atm = gpr_atm_no_barrier_load(&(stack->head.atm)); |
/* Point to it */ |
newent.atm = gpr_atm_no_barrier_load(&stack->entries[entry].atm); |
newent.contents.index = head.contents.index; |
gpr_atm_no_barrier_store(&stack->entries[entry].atm, newent.atm); |
} while (!gpr_atm_rel_cas(&(stack->head.atm), head.atm, newhead.atm)); |
/* Use rel_cas above to make sure that entry index is set properly */ |
return head.contents.index == INVALID_ENTRY_INDEX; |
} |
int gpr_stack_lockfree_pop(gpr_stack_lockfree* stack) { |
lockfree_node head; |
lockfree_node newhead; |
do { |
head.atm = gpr_atm_acq_load(&(stack->head.atm)); |
if (head.contents.index == INVALID_ENTRY_INDEX) { |
return -1; |
} |
newhead.atm = |
gpr_atm_no_barrier_load(&(stack->entries[head.contents.index].atm)); |
} while (!gpr_atm_no_barrier_cas(&(stack->head.atm), head.atm, newhead.atm)); |
return head.contents.index; |
} |
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ |
* |
* Copyright 2015 gRPC authors. |
* |
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
* You may obtain a copy of the License at |
* |
* |
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
* limitations under the License. |
* |
*/ |
#include <stddef.h> |
#ifdef __cplusplus |
extern "C" { |
#endif |
typedef struct gpr_stack_lockfree gpr_stack_lockfree; |
/* This stack must specify the maximum number of entries to track.
The current implementation only allows up to 65534 entries */ |
gpr_stack_lockfree* gpr_stack_lockfree_create(size_t entries); |
void gpr_stack_lockfree_destroy(gpr_stack_lockfree* stack); |
/* Pass in a valid entry number for the next stack entry */ |
/* Returns 1 if this is the first element on the stack, 0 otherwise */ |
int gpr_stack_lockfree_push(gpr_stack_lockfree*, int entry); |
/* Returns -1 on empty or the actual entry number */ |
int gpr_stack_lockfree_pop(gpr_stack_lockfree* stack); |
#ifdef __cplusplus |
} |
#endif |
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ |
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<Project> |
<PropertyGroup> |
<GrpcCsharpVersion>1.7.2</GrpcCsharpVersion> |
<GrpcCsharpVersion>1.9.0-dev</GrpcCsharpVersion> |
<GoogleProtobufVersion>3.3.0</GoogleProtobufVersion> |
</PropertyGroup> |
</Project> |
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