@ -981,6 +981,7 @@ class ObjCLanguage(object):
def test_specs ( self ) :
out = [ ]
# TODO(jtattermusch): Remove this task since the sample is already being built as part of the grpc_objc_bazel_test job.
out . append (
self . config . job_spec (
[ ' src/objective-c/tests/build_one_example_bazel.sh ' ] ,
@ -993,6 +994,7 @@ class ObjCLanguage(object):
} ) )
# Currently not supporting compiling as frameworks in Bazel
# TODO(jtattermusch): verify the above claim is still accurate.
out . append (
self . config . job_spec (
[ ' src/objective-c/tests/build_one_example.sh ' ] ,
@ -1004,6 +1006,7 @@ class ObjCLanguage(object):
' EXAMPLE_PATH ' : ' src/objective-c/examples/Sample ' ,
} ) )
# TODO(jtattermusch): Create bazel target for the sample and remove the test task from here.
out . append (
self . config . job_spec (
[ ' src/objective-c/tests/build_one_example.sh ' ] ,
@ -1014,10 +1017,11 @@ class ObjCLanguage(object):
' SCHEME ' : ' SwiftSample ' ,
' EXAMPLE_PATH ' : ' src/objective-c/examples/SwiftSample '
} ) )
# TODO(jtattermusch): Remove this task since the sample is already being built as part of the grpc_objc_bazel_test job.
out . append (
self . config . job_spec (
[ ' src/objective-c/tests/build_one_example_bazel.sh ' ] ,
timeout_seconds = 1 0 * 60 ,
timeout_seconds = 2 0 * 60 ,
shortname = ' ios-buildtest-example-tvOS-sample ' ,
cpu_cost = 1e6 ,
environ = {
@ -1038,12 +1042,17 @@ class ObjCLanguage(object):
# 'EXAMPLE_PATH': 'src/objective-c/examples/watchOS-sample',
# }))
# TODO(jtattermusch): Create bazel target for the test and remove the test from here
out . append (
self . config . job_spec ( [ ' src/objective-c/tests/run_plugin_tests.sh ' ] ,
timeout_seconds = 60 * 60 ,
shortname = ' ios-test-plugintest ' ,
cpu_cost = 1e6 ,
# Note that this test basically tests whether the codegen plugin works correctly by running protoc and checking the contents of the generated *.pbrpc.* files.
# it doesn't really build any ObjC code.
# TODO(jtattermusch): turn this test into a bazel test or come up with a better place where to put this test.
out . append (
self . config . job_spec (
[ ' src/objective-c/tests/run_plugin_option_tests.sh ' ] ,
@ -1051,6 +1060,8 @@ class ObjCLanguage(object):
shortname = ' ios-test-plugin-option-test ' ,
cpu_cost = 1e6 ,
# TODO(jtattermusch): move the test out of the test/core/iomgr/CFStreamTests directory?
# How does one add the cfstream dependency in bazel?
out . append (
self . config . job_spec (
[ ' test/core/iomgr/ios/CFStreamTests/build_and_run_tests.sh ' ] ,
@ -1058,6 +1069,8 @@ class ObjCLanguage(object):
shortname = ' ios-test-cfstream-tests ' ,
cpu_cost = 1e6 ,
# TODO(jtattermusch): Create bazel target for the test and remove the test from here
# TODO(jtattermusch): Clarify what do these tests do?
out . append (
self . config . job_spec (
[ ' src/objective-c/tests/CoreTests/build_and_run_tests.sh ' ] ,
@ -1065,43 +1078,52 @@ class ObjCLanguage(object):
shortname = ' ios-test-core-tests ' ,
cpu_cost = 1e6 ,
# TODO: replace with run_one_test_bazel.sh when Bazel-Xcode is stable
# TODO(jtattermusch): Remove this task since the tests are already being run as part of the grpc_objc_bazel_test job.
out . append (
self . config . job_spec ( [ ' src/objective-c/tests/run_one_test.sh ' ] ,
timeout_seconds = 60 * 60 ,
shortname = ' ios-test-unittests ' ,
cpu_cost = 1e6 ,
environ = { ' SCHEME ' : ' UnitTests ' } ) )
# TODO(jtattermusch): Make sure the //src/objective-c/tests:InteropTests bazel test passes reliably and remove the test from there.
out . append (
self . config . job_spec ( [ ' src/objective-c/tests/run_one_test.sh ' ] ,
timeout_seconds = 60 * 60 ,
shortname = ' ios-test-interoptests ' ,
cpu_cost = 1e6 ,
environ = { ' SCHEME ' : ' InteropTests ' } ) )
# TODO(jtattermusch): Create bazel target for the test and remove the test from here
# (how does one add the cronet dependency in bazel?)
out . append (
self . config . job_spec ( [ ' src/objective-c/tests/run_one_test.sh ' ] ,
timeout_seconds = 60 * 60 ,
shortname = ' ios-test-cronettests ' ,
cpu_cost = 1e6 ,
environ = { ' SCHEME ' : ' CronetTests ' } ) )
# TODO(jtattermusch): Create bazel target for the test and remove the test from here.
out . append (
self . config . job_spec ( [ ' src/objective-c/tests/run_one_test.sh ' ] ,
timeout_seconds = 30 * 60 ,
shortname = ' ios-perf-test ' ,
cpu_cost = 1e6 ,
environ = { ' SCHEME ' : ' PerfTests ' } ) )
# TODO(jtattermusch): Clarify what's the difference between PerfTests and PerfTestsPosix
# TODO(jtattermusch): Create bazel target for the test and remove the test from here.
out . append (
self . config . job_spec ( [ ' src/objective-c/tests/run_one_test.sh ' ] ,
timeout_seconds = 30 * 60 ,
shortname = ' ios-perf-test-posix ' ,
cpu_cost = 1e6 ,
environ = { ' SCHEME ' : ' PerfTestsPosix ' } ) )
# TODO(jtattermusch): Create bazel target for the test (how does one add the cronet dependency in bazel?)
# TODO(jtattermusch): move the test out of the test/cpp/ios directory?
out . append (
self . config . job_spec ( [ ' test/cpp/ios/build_and_run_tests.sh ' ] ,
timeout_seconds = 60 * 60 ,
shortname = ' ios-cpp-test-cronet ' ,
cpu_cost = 1e6 ,
# TODO(jtattermusch): Remove this task since the tests are already being run as part of the grpc_objc_bazel_test job.
out . append (
self . config . job_spec ( [ ' src/objective-c/tests/run_one_test.sh ' ] ,
timeout_seconds = 60 * 60 ,
@ -1111,6 +1133,7 @@ class ObjCLanguage(object):
' SCHEME ' : ' MacTests ' ,
' PLATFORM ' : ' macos '
} ) )
# TODO(jtattermusch): Make sure the //src/objective-c/tests:TvTests bazel test passes and remove the test from here.
out . append (
self . config . job_spec ( [ ' src/objective-c/tests/run_one_test.sh ' ] ,
timeout_seconds = 30 * 60 ,